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1. Rough Sketch

Just like the usual, I start with very loose and rough sketch to determine the pose, proportion, and flow of the drawing.

2. Lineart

And then I clean the rough sketch into a more visible the figure in lineart, but sometimes the flow are way too off while doing lineart, in favor to cleaner sketch, it often doesn't look similar and looks messy.

I admit I'm taking a lot of time just for sketching, its very hard to visualize a 3D form by using lines, that's why I often skip making details when doing lineart.

3. Silhouette

Next step is to draw a silhouette out from the previous sketches, I fixed the general flow to make it as initially desired. I do this to save time.


4, Sculpting 

Here is the most important part: sculpting the form out of silhouette & previous sketches, using very low luminosity and low contrast, using grey and dark grey.

This way I can focus on the general shape that I desired, and having a clear vision of the form that I want to paint. Basically I'm sketching right now, but with different approach, rather than using lines from lineart, I'm using values.

5. Details in Black & White

Once I have a clear vision of every bits of the drawing, getting clear vision of the shape and the form from previous step, I use a stronger brush to basically details out everything.

6. Adjustments & Polish

Lastly, I adjust the colors and put more details, this time I'm doing masked & non-masked version of the character.

I paint the head & the furs manually from the scratch, i repeat the same method earlier; sketch > silhouette > low contrast shading > details

7. Finalizing 

I adjust a bit more, adding more colors, organize the layer so its easy to toggle to make alternative versions of a drawing.

I hide the non-masked head and leave some parts visible, by using layer mask.


There you have it, that's the method I use when I do my artwork. There still has a tons of flaws on it, but after years I'm more than comfortable having a workflow like this, it has different methods and different steps from other artist.


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