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The latest update has been released!

The reappearance of Kana! Where has she been all this time, and why didn't she return to the farm!? These questions will be answered along with the reappearance of a certain person from Kana's past! And also there's a bunch of minions there. This update also features a new location to conquer, a fix for the Reinforce Goon tactic and a bunch of bug fixes! I hope you enjoy! :)

NOTE:  I'll be taking my once-every-two-months break at the end of the month, so the next supporter update will be on the 6th of November. Thank you!


  • KANA: The return of Kana! Discover the FOREST and search it to find her!
  • NAUGHTY: Four new naughty scenes! Complete the Forest Boss Girl fight to access them!
  • BOSS GIRL: New Boss Girl! A certain cruel wolf matron makes her reappearance...
  • MINION FIGHT: New combat style: Minion Fights! These are very simple fights which consist of a single ATTACK round. Players will roll three dice and choose the largest number (or smallest, if you like pain. I don't judge) which will determine if they take any damage during the fight. Minion fights are used by certain bosses to soften up the player before they fight the main Boss Girl herself!
  • MINIONS: Three new minions! Wolf girls devoted to a certain cruel wolf matron...
  • LOCATION: New location appears! The FOREST is now accessible from the Outskirts map in Act Three!
  • Bug: Gwen's Act Three paperdoll was showing up when using Hidden Voices, even before Act Three, which was a very depressing bit of clairvoyance on the MC's part!
  • Bug: Reinforce Tactics wasn't always upgrading the lowest dice. Now it will!
  • Bug: Some dialogue lines with Lily and Gwen were appearing under the paperdolls
  • Bug: The world shifts... and settles... and all is black. Time passes, minutes or aeons, it's impossible to tell, until, finally... a voice... "I found a clue!"

I hope you enjoy this update! Next Early Access update will be Monday, 6th of November.



PC/LINUX: ARC  -  GoFile
MAC:  ARC  -  GoFile
ANDROID:  ARC  -  GoFile




doing public releases on Mondays now? you usually do them on Wednesdays ;P


It was announced in the last public update :) Since I'm on a biweekly release schedule now, it didn't seem fair to Patrons to have the public release be just a couple days after the early access. Public release will still happen every two weeks as before, but Mondays instead of Wednesday/Thursday now.

Chase Martin

FIrst update since being subbed to the patreon, super stoked for more versions and other projects!


Hey, thanks so much for the support! :) I hope my future efforts don't disappoint!

Aaron Smale

Hey, um, just putting this out there but my computer crashed the other day and as a result all my files went bye-bye. Does anyone happen to have a save file I could use to get back on track? Preferably one from the previous update so I can still play through this one.


Oof, sorry that happened to you! Unfortunately I can't pass you any of my saves, as they're all riddled with devcode, but if you head to the Discord ( https://discord.gg/bSBeR2X ) there's a start-of-Act-Three save pinned in the #game-chat channel, and people will be happy to pass you their own if you ask in #game-help :)

Kuro' Shi

hey no rush but just curious is there an expected time frame for the next release?


It's at the bottom of the post :) 6th of November (in roughly ten hours from now) for Patrons. One week later for everyone else. I've been on my once-every-two-or-three-months week-long break this week, so everything goes back to normal starting tomorrow!