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The weekly update has been released!

This week it's a huge upgrade to the Rehabilitation Centre! Now you must lead the girl's therapy session and complete a unique event to get them to join your side! For reasons of filesize and workload, all one-shot girls (such as the Boss Girls) are assigned a "speech style" rather than individual dialogue, but there are elements of individuality in each one so I hope everyone can still have fun with it! Also, you can now choose what recruits will call you, engage in practice squad battles and AUTO-WIN ALL YOUR FIGHTS (if you want)! I hope you enjoy! :)

NOTE:  I will be taking my once-every-two-or-three-months break next week so there will be no update until the 12th of June, at which point weekly updates will start up again!

Due to the necessity of changing the User Interface some screens (such as the skill, inventory, fighter and crafting screens) haven't had a UI pass and look kinda janky. All this will be fixed in the next few updates, so please bear with me until then. Thank you!


  • Rehabilitation Centre: Rehabilitation system has been upgraded! Now instead of merely waiting the one week, you must interact with the girl and lead her therapy session. At the end, you will have to visit her home district for a unique event, after which she will be recruitable and given the "rehabilitated" mental state!
  • Rehabilitation Centre: You can now send girls that you broke in the dungeon to therapy! (changes their mental state from "broken" to "rehabilitated"). NOTE: the "broken" mental state isn't applied retroactively due to coding limitations. Only girls you break from this update onwards will have the "broken" or "shattered" mental state. Sorry! You can still send everyone to therapy, though!
  • Rehabilitation Centre: You can now admit girls directly into therapy from the rehab centre. No need to go via the dungeon!
  • Rehabilitation Centre: You can now choose what recruits (such as the Boss Girls) will call you (default: "Master")!
  • War Room: New "Battle options" choice under "Prepare for battle": allows you to auto-win all your battles! For people who just want to enjoy the story and not have to engage with the combat system
  • War Room: New "Squad Fight" under the "practice battle" option, for people who want to try out morale-affecting skills or see what new squads look like
  • Speech System: A new speech system has been coded and makes its debut with this release! This is all "under the hood" stuff, but it should make introducing new characters significantly faster AND allow them to be summoned for conversation and naughtiness ANYWHERE (in future updates)!
  • Misc: Went through the paperdoll code and massively streamlined it. This will make creating and displaying paperdoll variants (including nudes!) much easier going forward!
  • Misc: New "under the hood" system for storing individual character data (such as their mental state) that will allow for a lot more nuanced interactions going forward!
  • Misc: Testing out a system that will allow paperdolls to remain on-screen even when someone else is talking. Only used in therapy sessions right now, but if it works I'll spread it to the other events too.
  • Bug: Left the TEST FIGHT option from dev testing in the war room... whoops!
  • Bug: You could send Goons to the rehabilitation centre before it was built. Now they actually have to wait for construction to be done, first!
  • Bug: You could re-recruit Boss Girls when roleplaying in the dungeon with them. No more cloning! It ruined Spider-man...
  • Bug: The blade plunges deep into Typo Hero's chest and the world... cracks... falling away in green shards which shatter against the cold marble floor... of the Dread Arc's tower!

I hope you enjoy this week's update! Next Early Access update will be Monday, 12th of June.



PC/LINUX: ARC - WorkUpload
MAC:  ARC - WorkUpload
ANDROID:  ARC - WorkUpload



John Hall

I tried twice to download from ARC, but each time I got a "Failed - Network error" part-way through. So I switched to WorkUpload and had no trouble. I might just have been very unlucky, or it could be that there's a network issue at the ARC end.


the ARC download works for me. maybe its a personal connection issue on your end?


We’ll arc enjoy your break

John Hall

It's certainly possible. Ideally I'd do0wnload it say 5 times from each site to get some more robust stats, but I don't have the patience for that.

John Hall

First thoughts are that the rehab seems awfully grindy. I sent all the bosses that I'd captured so far to rehab, which may have been as a mistake, as it means an awful lot of clicking.


- When you check on Noelle's home, there's a line at the end that says "Hazel" instead. - There's a bug that doubles all the "boss" Fighters, except Chelsea, when you've put them through rehab. (My list: MC, Chloe, Hazel D., Noelle, Terri, Ophelia, Rachel, Chelsea H., Hazel D., Noelle, Ophelia, Rachel, Terri.) - Might be because the [Broken] tag isn't retro-active, but the girls act hostile towards you when you send them to rehab as though you'd sent them directly after beating them in battle. I'm guessing that with the [Broken] tag, they'll act "broken" instead?


I haven't had any server outage reports, the links are all working and nobody else has mentioned them failing, so it does seem that it was a temporary instability in your connection.


I can't win... I make the system simple and people complain that it's too barren. I add complexity and now it's too grindy! ;_; It's slightly longer to rehab the girls than to break them - which is on purpose, being nice always comes at a cost - but only by a couple of days, and the amount of text is roughly the same. Also, you can use the "skip" quick menu button or hit TAB to flash through pre-read text.


Thanks! Not taking a break this week (need to get the update ready for the day I get back) but I'm looking forward to the time off next week! :)


1. Whoops! Thanks, fixed now! 2. Ah, shoot... I put safeguards in place for Chelsea but forgot to extend them to the other girls. Fixed now! 3. Yeah, that will only happen for people who had already broken the girls. Unfortunately there was no way to retroactively apply the state as the system didn't record their mental state previously (it wasn't necessary until now). Newer players will get the proper "broken" responses, and all future Boss Girls will work fine for current players. Thanks for the bug reports! :)

Wild Bill

It's better than just doing nothing, but the whole "therapy" thing like there's something *wrong* with them as opposed to them just being on the other side is too fucking weird. Our guy is not a therapist, and persuading them to switch sides is not therapy. And it's a little bit weird that there just happens to be something going on whenever we go check out their homes; I would have expected those events to mostly be things that aren't time-critical like delivering a message for her or fetching something for her. This was introduced in a pretty terrible way; it should have been here from the beginning, not after *already* having half a dozen girls converted. Also where exactly do we see the "mental state" that it talks about? It doesn't show up anywhere that I can see. I can't tell for sure, but it does sound like there should be some form of debug where for girls already recruited but without one of these states; the game asking us whether they should be broken or shattered, probably? ...Oh, and an unrelated technical thing, using a *label* for the variableReset is a bad way of doing it, that should clearly be a python function instead. I can show you how to do it properly if you message me.

John Hall

I was probably being a bit unfair. It was putting six girls through rehab at once that made it so time-consuming (two or three weeks in game time). In future I'll only be doing one girlat a time, I imagine, so it will be much more manageable.


Bruh if you don't like the game just keep it to yourself, what are you expecting? Sounds to me that your just impatient and think your line of thinking is superior to the creators, let him do his thing and if you don't like it, so what, your still getting something aren't you? Be grateful instead of complaining all day

Jason Nichols

small bug, during the glades event, the background switches to hillside development for the whole boar bit. also does it on the back half of the riverside bit


Ah, yeah, that'd certainly feel like a drag! Hopefully it'll feel a lot better from now on when you'll be capturing Boss Girls at the standard rate.


this is a terrible take we're basically paying to be beta testers we should be pointing out bugs and things we "don't feel fit". the "shut up if don't like thing is only going to hurt the game in the long run because criticism is a part of how people grow.