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weekly update has been released!
This update is available to all Subscribers! Everyone else will get it later on in the week.

Yes, after long weeks of waiting, it's finally here! The Command... er, that is, the Combat and Conquer systems! Plus crafting, dungeon, supplies, skills... well, the list goes on! I'm really sorry it took so long, and I'm back to weekly updates now. I hope you enjoy! :)


Due to the necessity of changing the User Interface, there will be quite a bit of jank (Hana looks like she's been cut in half, for example) and some screens (such as the skill, inventory, fighter and crafting screens) haven't had a UI pass and look kinda janky. All this will be fixed in the next few updates, so please bear with me until then. Thank you!


  • COMBAT: It's here! It's finally here! You can now engage in combat in CK! Woo! Details below:
  • COMBAT:  Currently you can only attack CRESCENT HILLS on the War Map!
  • COMBAT: You can choose to FIGHT, SEDUCE, use your POWERS, ITEMS or RUN (provided you're not fighting a boss-type character)
  • COMBAT: Multiple FIGHT and SEDUCE skills to choose from, each with their own damage and special effect!
  • COMBAT: Gather new skills and equip up to fifteen (six physical skills, six seduction skills and three powers)!
  • COMBAT: Start with only one POWER slot and train to unlock more!
  • COMBAT: POWERS are extremely powerful skills, but you can only assign up to three and only use them once per battle! So strategize wisely!
  • COMBAT: You can fight SOLO, with SUPPORT or with a SQUAD!
  • COMBAT: Squads will fight in the background, gaining or losing you morale which will give you buffs or debuffs!
  • COMBAT: Choose which of the girls (or yourself!) you want to be a FRONTLINE or SUPPORT fighter!
  • COMBAT: LEARN new skills by setting MC as SUPPORT and using unique skills with the FRONTLINE girls!
  • COMBAT: Combat victory outcome will change depending on if you got a FIGHT VICTORY or a SEDUCTION VICTORY!
  • COMBAT: ITEMs will drop after combat! Use them in battle or for certain events!
  • COMBAT: Each enemy has their own AI "type" (Tank, Chemist, Seductress, etc.) and will behave differently to other AI types!
  • COMBAT: Added a very basic battle tutorial. I'll likely refine this as time goes on, but it should be enough to get everyone up to speed
  • CRAFTING: You can now order SUPPLIES! Talk to Hana, or use the notebook in the kitchen after training with Jessica
  • CRAFTING: You can now CRAFT supplies! Use them in battle or for certain events!
  • DUNGEON: The dungeon is back! You must have bought the DUNGEON upgrade in Act Two!
  • DUNGEON: You can now "break" Boss Girls you capture (takes six attempts at most) to recruit them!
  • DUNGEON: You can "roleplay" the "breaking" process with any Boss Girl you have recruited!
  • WARDROBE: "Change Hairstyles" was removed and will be replaced with "Change Accessories" in a later update
  • UI: Changed a bunch of UI elements, partially to accommodate changes to this version and partially to prepare for future update plans. These changes are not universal or necessarily permanent! They will shift constantly over the coming weeks
  • UI: Trying a "deployable" thing with the top nav bar. Partially to regain some screen real estate and partially so that people can see the entire image when they click the "hide UI" hotkey. Not sure it works, so it might be reverted. We'll see
  • UI: Moved the quick menu on Android to the left of the screen. Gotta free up that right hand, gentlemen!
  • CHEAT: Added an "Add Dungeon to Manor" cheat to the laptop
  • Bug: War erupts, but Gwen & Ami: Kid Detectives know that it's just a cover for the jam thief! I mean, look at this battlefield... jam everywhere!

I hope you enjoy this week's update! Next Early Access update will be Monday, 6th of March.


PC/LINUX: ARC - WorkUpload
MAC:  ARC - WorkUpload
ANDROID:  ARC - WorkUpload




Is there a way to unlock the Recruit option? It has a padlock on it.


in the menu where choose who you take into combat and what position they fit think it might be a idea to show what exactly they can do in each position and how it effects things like what attacks they do or buffs/debuffs etc they can provide, also maybe a training type that does give EXP perhaps just so can train up characters who may have fallen behind but will be useful in a certain fight also where is chloe in the mansion don't think she appeared before this

Least Devotee

You have to have used the shatter power during the fight to be able to do that from what I can tell.

Least Devotee

Can't seem to find how to access items during a fight.

Helen Dingo


Least Devotee

A lot of the previously recruited residents of the manor don't currently show up in act 3. And of the one's who do only Hana/Ard, Gwen, Molly, Ami, Jessica, and Lucille are interactable outside of cutscenes. Even then most of that list have very minimalistic interactions. Jessica and Hana have the most interaction, Gwen and Ami are in the middle, and Molly and Lucille have the least with only one repeatable action. To be fair act 3 is fairly new and a lot of focus has been on getting things set up for future content. Personally I figure the next few weeks will be mostly about refining the combat system and then after that will be a mix of backfilling interactions with the manor residents and expanded actions outside the manor. I for one would love to give Molly her reward for excellent service.


The change to the in game options position on android makes it hard to see the players stats during the combat mini game, and when selecting skills


how do you find the boss once they're in the dungeon?


Least Devotee is correct. You only get access to the Instant Recruit option if you use Shatter successfully. Otherwise you have to break the Boss Girl in the dungeon.


It does tell you what each character does - the tooltip is on the bottom of the screen when you select the character :) No EXP-gaining practice fights as it's too easy to abuse, but I WILL be making random encounters available in a future update so people can train without having to fight the Boss Girls. Chloe doesn't appear in the Manor right now - haven't coded her paperdoll in yet :P


You need to actually have a battle item in your supplies first. Go to the kitchen and learn how to craft supplies. Once you have either pizza, ramen or salad in your supplies the ITEM menu will appear in combat :)


Thanks for the feedback - I've moved the quick menu further to the left, and I'm looking into replacing the whole thing with more easily-manageable icons.


If you threw the Boss Girl in the dungeon, but can't find her, it's because you conquered the district before you did the battle tutorial. Go to the Manor garden and talk to Jessica and the Boss Girl will appear :) (This is a bug that is fixed in the new patched version)

Russell Brandon

hey arc did you remove the link for the pc download?? It wont let me go to the page it says it doesn't exist.

Citric Thoughts Games

This definitely broke any save I had post-end of act. Jessica doesn't appear in the garden, loading a save during the end of act throws up an error. It might work if I go back prior to that. The most annoying thing is really just the text box not disappearing, but hey, you said jank.


I removed the old links and replaced them with the patched links. Make sure to click on the links within this post and not the ones in the email :)


All reported bugs are fixed now with the patched update that was just uploaded - sorry for the inconvenience! EDIT: Also, you can find Jessica in the bathroom on WEDNESDAY MORNING and at the front door on SUNDAY AFTERNOON :)

Citric Thoughts Games

Because it halts the quest entirely that should probably be an automatic encounter. It's really easy to miss where she is and get stuck there. Also, I'd send you a screenshot but I can't. Jessica is not at the front door on Sunday. After completing the scouting quests she does not show up at the front door at all. She did show up in the bathroom however, so I was able to complete the quest. Also, no worries. Bugs happen.


I was wondering if after you make Chelsea a part of your team, can you take over more parts of the map? If so, I'm not able to, and when I go back to Chelsea's old area there is no option but to leave.


As mentioned at the top of the changelog, you can only attack Crescent Hills currently :)


The hide/skip/save/etc. buttons are on the left side of the screen on android you can't acces the outskirts, it keeps bringing me to the save menu. EDIT: Well it was hard but somehow I did it, still this is really a struggle to do every time you want to go do the outskirts

Least Devotee

Ah, my apologies. Was a little distracted when writing that. I'd meant to say I couldn't find the item menu in combat after having crafted several ramen.


i am a little confused. Is there only thee single boss girl fight?


Unfortunately, no matter where I put that annoying menu it causes problems. Next update will have the quick menu at the top of the screen, hidden when you hide the top bar. HOPEFULLY this fixes the issue, though I'm going to assume there will still be problems, because it's Android and Android is my coding nemesis :P


As mentioned at the top of the changelog, yes, you can only fight Crescent Hills right now. Sorry!

Michael Hawk

I'm stuck at the Mystery lead: Strategise with Jessica after scouting the town's exits after the time skip. I believe I have clicked every. single. f---ing thing. Perhaps not. Jessica isn't appearing anywhere. Is this a bug? Have I missed anything? Edit: So, after basically the equivalent of face rolling for 20 minutes Jessica finally appeared again at the Front Door. That was not fun. Without explanation, it just feels arbitrary. Does she only appear on Sunday afternoons?


Jessica is playing hide and seek right now. You can find her in the bathroom on WEDNESDAY MORNING and at the front door on SUNDAY AFTERNOON. The next update (in three days) will allow you to summon her to the living room any time you like so she can't hide any more. Sorry for the inconvenience!