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The weekly update has been released!
This update is available to EVERYONE. Patrons who downloaded Monday's update don't need to download this one.

A very small update this week as most of the work done was on backend stuff like redesigning maps, outfits, character models and getting the new PAPERDOLL system in place! There's one mini-event with Jessica showing it off, and next week the game world begins to open up and you can leave the Manor! I hope you enjoy! :)


  • System: New PAPERDOLL system! This should allow you to dress up the girls however you want. Currently only working on Jessica while I work out the kinks!
  • Jessica: New mini event (go to the front door and "Check the Door")!
  • Misc: Tidied up a couple minor points to make it more clear on what you have to do
  • Bug: Gwen would still text you as her old self if she was in Yandere mode. Now the poor girl gets a break... ooh, sorry, bad choice of words...
  • Bug: Chloe and Jessica were sinking into the ground in one scene. The concrete quicksand has been filled in and they're safe now
  • Bug: After seeing Emma's event in the kitchen at night, the nav bar was still hiding. It has now been coaxed back to its rightful place
  • Bug: The nav bar was showing the wrong location as active after Emma's evening kitchen event. The shaking moved the icons around!
  • Bug: Suddenly, there on the horizon! An oasis! And where there's oases there's water... or, if you're the Typo Hero, a waiter

I hope you enjoy this week's update! Next Patron update will be Monday, 28th of November.


PC/LINUX: ARC - WorkUpload
MAC:  ARC - WorkUpload
ANDROID:  ARC - WorkUpload




That sounds good! A small update but quite exciting one. Well, keep making progress!


Thank you! As I create more and more paperdolls the updates should start getting larger and larger :)