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The weekly update has been released!
This update is available to EVERYONE. Patrons who downloaded Monday's update don't need to download this one.

Bit of a smaller update this week as I gear up for a big push on the remaining Side Content before the next big story update! Alice finally gets to meet everyone at the farm and daycare, and no more education decreases once you've hit maximum authority! I hope you enjoy! :)


  • Alice: You can now invite Alice to the farm to meet Annie, Kana and the daycare kids!
  • College: If you have maxed out your Authority then Education will no longer decrease! (Just enter the college for the scene)
  • Bug: Second Mother's scene was playing no matter what you selected. She wasn't taking no for an answer!
  • Bug: As the light fades to a single pinprick, Typo Hero let's out a solitary gasp... "hlep!"

I hope you enjoy this week's update! Next Patron update will be Monday, 29th of August.


PC/LINUX: ARC - Workupload
MAC:  ARC - Workupload
ANDROID:  ARC - Workupload



Razor Sharp

How do I have Alice visit the day care?


Go to the farm , there will be an option to call and have Alice join at the farm

Razor Sharp

Ok thanks I started over so I'm guessing it's after I have all the kids


No, it's after Alice becomes aware that Fey exist (during the Organisation questline) :)

Razor Sharp

Thanks can't wait for the next update like I said before love the game


I think we all do lol. The next update day can't get here quick enough!