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The weekly update has been released!
This update is available to ALL Patrons, with the public build being released in a few days.

This week it's a new love event for Lyx, a new Power and a new naughty scene! Also a number of bugs squashed, including a particularly nasty one. Also, a minor rewrite to a previous scene, for reasons of silliness mostly.  I hope you enjoy! :)


  • Lyx: New LOVE event!
  • New Power: HIDDEN VOICES can now be learned! (Currently limited to the college, but will be expanded in each update. Let me know whose mind you'd like to read the most!)
  • Magic Training: Level FIVE training available!
  • Cheats: Updated the laptop cheat with the latest Gallery unlocks
  • Misc: Slightly rewrote the previous magic training event to address some criticisms and also because I felt like being silly
  • Bug: Fixed a bug when using Aura on the basketball girls that was preventing rollback and causing save games to revert back to the point just before you used Aura. Thank you to Cursed for helping to track the issue down!
  • Bug: You couldn't complete the latest Magic training if you hadn't advanced the Fey lead. Fixed now!
  • Bug: Fixed a graphical issue with a render in the previous Magic training event
  • Bug: Fixed the wrong church background showing up when you were in Act One
  • Bug: Fixed being able to use Aura on the basketball girls before your authority was high enough

I hope you enjoy this week's update! Next Patron update will be next Monday, 10th of January.



PC/LINUX: MEGA - Workupload
MAC:  MEGA - Workupload
ANDROID:  MEGA - Workupload




Read Gwen's mind... and her thoughts change the crazier she gets.


Read Alice's mind so we can see just what she thinks of mc.


love the new update and power.keep up the good work

Anthony Docimo

I read Lyx's mind (FUN!) and then Annie's mind...and they're both wondering about combining potions - which is how both of them lost a cottage. (does the Lyx Love Event occur after the mindreading?)


I want to know how Lilly feels about the MC harem


Can we read Jessica's mind and maybe learn more about mc's mother?


Be great to read the minds of Chloe, Laura, Renée, Julie and Lucille. Not only for what they think of mc. But other things like personal info. Maybe something embarrassing they've done or had happen to them to make us laugh.


Gotta know what gramps is thinking


Lyx time, eh? XD


Still missing one mind reading and i already did everyone in the school


Have not played new update, just wanted to say that Pixie beats baby yoda, grogu, for most adorable fucking character ever. lol


The mind-reading counter doesn't reset when loading a previous save. You also can't rollback the text while mind-reading. There appears to be a blue movement arrow on the ground in the Lyx love event. Looks as though the XYZ arrows got rendered somehow.


i'd like to know more about what cloe realy thinks and seing some of lily and veronica's thought's about the weirdnes there caught up in would be interesting


Plzzzzz give us more authority in the school, and if possible add more students sometime in the future <3


That was due to a limitation in my initial coding - all fixed for the next update! :)


That's because you're not actually having sex with her - it's all in your minds! :)


That's a very high bar of adorability to clear! I'll let her know - she'll be very happy ;)


The counter not resetting is due to a limitation in Ren'py coding - same with the lack of rollback. Blue arrow has been edited out for the next update :)


Money seems to work properly between saves. Could the mind-read attempts be made into a faux currency? (Maybe could show the counter while on the quest, then it gets hidden when finished? 🤷‍♂️ )


All variables pass correctly between saves, with the exception of the mind read counter, as mind reading (like all posers) uses call_in_new_context to prevent game-breaking issues caused by attempting to inject labels into undefined points of code within the same context. Effectively, I have to make a new "layer" of coding when using Powers, as using the same layer creates a myriad of issues, but standard variables cannot be passed between layers. Only persistent variables. The counter only applies during that particular section of Lyx's quest in any case, and then it's deleted, so I don't consider it too problematic.


Makes sense. Yeah, there's no need to risk breaking saves or causing other issues for such a small thing if you don't have to.

Frank Fernandez

As for mind reading the quiet ninja who knows what goes on in her head.

John Hall

I have to admit that for a moment I wondered which of the basketball girls was called Aura and how I was supposed to use her, before light dawned!