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The weekly update has been released!
This update is available to ALL Patrons, with the public build being released in a few days.

Due to three solid days of thunderstorms (yes, I'm still in Thailand!) I didn't manage to get too much done this week - sorry! So it's mostly bugfixes and setting up fun things for next week's update. I hope you enjoy! :)


  • Go Outside: You can now "Go Outside" demesnes of girls who are at Love level 4 or above. Due to time constraints there's nothing to do outside the demesnes right now, but more content will be added next week!
  • Asteria: You can now "Go Outside" Asteria's demesne!
  • Qarinah: You can now "Go Outside" Qarinah's demesne!
  • Roxy: You can now "Go Outside" Roxy's demesne!
  • Bug: Courtyard girls were reverting back to their uniforms when you hit Authority level 3. Now they're keeping it casual!
  • Bug: Restored a missing "Go Outside" link in Qarinah's demesne
  • Bug: Couple of little typos dealt with

I hope you enjoy this week's update! Next Patron update will be next Monday, 13th of December.



PC/LINUX: MEGA - Workupload
MAC:  MEGA - Workupload
ANDROID:  MEGA - Workupload



Wild Bill

Wow, I've been waiting for the 'Go Outside' option forever.

Chris Pollan

Just the fact that you consistently put out an update every week is amazing. It makes donating every month completely worth it.


Damn impressive with you doing this every week, my dude. ^^

Zyvorg C

i was always pretty confused why even though i was at the current max i couldnt go outside never ocurred to me it wasnt implemented lol

Wild Bill

Thinking about what might be out there. Asteria: Will we meet some of the minotaurs we've met before again? New ones? A bit of both? Luna: Look at all the Rinkos! I want to breed them, *all* of them! 'One child per girl'? Mwahahahaha! I want to fill the place with daughters. Qarinah: I'm curious what we will find out there, wonder if there are many more of Quarinah's aspects that we haven't met yet? Do the ones we have have homes out there somewhere? Roxy: No idea *what* might be out there in her world. I wonder if the places will get their own maps like the mountains? Will the bunker be moved to that in a future rework?


I've played a couple of the Koikatsu engine games before and yours is by far the best I've played, I wasn't expecting much besides titties and a cringey story but the story is rather good and the dialogue isn't entirely cringeworthy like a lot of Koikatsu engine games, alot of the Koikatsu games suffer from a lack of believable dialogue and skip over the whole "getting to know eachother" phase in girls routes but it's definitely alot more satisfying when the characters are actually fleshed out. Keep up the good work man!


Patreons wouldn't let me renew my membeship but i'm finally back... I can't wait to see what's can be done by "Going Outside" in the future updates !


Still waiting main story :v