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The weekly update has been released!
This update is available to EVERYONE. Patrons who downloaded Monday's update don't need to download this one.

I'm back! Woo! Yay! ... What do you mean, "crickets"? Oh well, fine! Anyway, in this update it's a lot of little things to help flesh out the world, set up future events, and a few little changes by request. I hope you enjoy! :)


  • Lily: If you have the Bar's third upgrade, Lily will now have a "Lost and Found" box you can rummage through. Only one item in it for now, but more to come!
  • Roxy: New mini event with Roxy (get the item from Lily's Lost and Found and then talk to Roxy)!
  • Madison: You can now choose her "Fancy" outfit for her "Let's be Naughty" scene!
  • Claire: Claire can now be found on the beach on Wednesday mornings!
  • Pixie: You can now kiss Pixie in her big form during the "Let's be Naughty" foreplay - kiss scene! (By request)
  • Dream: Tweaked dreams so they now have a 10% chance of occurring when you sleep (down from 13%). Dreams contain hints about events past and future, and will be where I throw in a few fun "I'm thinking about doing this" ideas, too
  • Dream: Added another dream (Chastity in a nurse's outfit)!
  • Misc: Tweaked talking to Lily so the transitions are smoother
  • Bug: Fixed the Beast dream happening every night (it should only be a 10% chance!)
  • Bug: Fixed a graphical error when looking around Morgana's Crystal room
  • Bug: Couple little typos fixed!

I hope you enjoy this week's update! Next Patron update will be next Monday, 16th of August.



PC/LINUX: MEGA - Workupload
MAC:  MEGA - Workupload
ANDROID:  MEGA - Workupload




That's cute! Pixie deserves kisses too!


Interested to see how things further develop with Chloe. She is probably favorite girl