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Hello, everyone!

It's that time again - time to choose which Main Girl you'd like to see get pregnancy content next! Who will receive the bun in their oven? The bundle of joy? The living cure to narcolepsy? Vote below and let your voice be heard!

(Some Main Girls, such as Chloe, Gwen and Morgana, aren't on the list because their "level four love" requirement is different to the other Main Girls. Rest assured that they'll have pregnancy content in time, just not right now!)

Also, just out of curiosity, would you like your chosen girl to have a son or a daughter? Let me know!


Maurice Groves

Like how all i see is 0% XD


That's cause no matter how many vote everyone else gets, 100% goes to side girl Molly. XD


Chastity needs some love finally


I think a daughter with Asteria would be cool. With a mini event where you go to buy her little weights that she can use.


My 2nd would be Chastity son or daughter, doesn't matter.


I think Luna would be fun to write, because she's been keeping her species alive by herself for so long, she would be so happy!


It doesn’t really matter to me, but if I could choose, I would not go for Chastity. Anyone but her. She gives me Serenity and Kiyohime vibes while still be different. And since many seems to go for Asteria, guess I’ll go for someone else XD.


It cool you made it so some have sons but personally I just want daughters


Voting for sweet Emma, but Gwen pls.


Daughter for sure.

Bladed arms

Daughter for Luna

Joe Moe

Can it be both??? Or is it guaranteed?

Joe Moe

Also also can we not give Gwen a kid? Lol just out of fear for the MC


Voting for my sweet Emma. Time to give her a son to remind her of MC.


I think Emma should have a daughter.

Mobian Arnadi

Wtb Gwen events! Nothing's better than crazy

Anthony Docimo

at first, I thought "wait, most of these ladies have issues that need to be worked out"...but then I thought "wait, what if the issues - such as Asteria's - are rooted in them not having had a child?"

Anthony Docimo

I nearly voted for Roxy...but we've already got a little!Roxy, and this might get confusing?


If the minotaur race here is anything like the gerudos from "Ocarina of time" I think it would be most fitting for Asteria to have a son. Not a daughter.


To be honest there is a hard choice for me... ( I personally) wanna save Luna from her created missery by "giving" her a child and ( maybe ) giving a spark to save her... and maybe her ppl ( if theres any remained somhow ) OR givin a heir to our kindhearted muscle +... yeah... cause i can imagine scenes where the mc is "playing" with the kid of Asteria's and they do squats or push ups or whatever... meanwhile Asteria givin them instructions and water... and maybe a loving hug in the end from Asteria thanking the mc for the child but only for like a second cause we know her... :D but in the other hand, Luna finally not alone maybe her motherly instincs comin out and changing toward a better self... She finally start to act like a true ruler (and mother in the other hand) and maybe (((maybe som story tips heeeere))) some of her ppl are reappear cause they were aware of the machine but after knowing Luna's change they decided to stop hiding in the shadows... yada yada... a bit cliché but works for me... ..... So in short: Character development ( maybe... but i wanna see that ) VS Workout times with a heir (and maybe som blushing Asteria yaaay) Ye... I prefer to try to be the "good guy" in the story... .-. Thanks for reading :)


Daughter for Asteria

Ben Wilder

More Daughters


Son for Asteria


Roxy with a daughter. For time shenanigans, that way Lil' Roxy IS the MC's daughter. Unless that would take it to a Patreon "bad place", in which case she would have a sister(?). Maybe. I dunno. Artifact stuff gets weird. They would grow up as sisters, regardless of actual relationship, so whatever. If little Roxy is the younger actual Roxy, would not Roxy remember the MC? My brain hurts. Glad this is your job to figure out, Arc.


The kid's gender depends mainly on whether we'll be doing anything with/as them. A son or daughter could make an interesting PC in a future game... especially a not-quite-human son or daughter.

Wild Bill

I generally prefer daughters because then in fifteen years we have another girl rather than a son trying to claim our position for his own. But it doesn't really matter that much since nothing is going to happen in the timespan of the game anyway.

Fred Campbell

My sexy Asteria with a daughter, how I long to see a bun in that saucy redhead's oven. Lol. Plus I think it would be quite interesting to see her pregnant and get pregnant sex from her. :D


I would definitely prefer a daughter I think.


How about twins? She has a strong womb.


Evil, making me pick between Asteria and Roxy...

Martin Hinck

id like to see asteria have a son


break chastity's chastity


Asteria With a Daughter :D


Asteria With a Daughter


i think chastity would be the most interesting story wise... fetish-wise I'm ok with all of these choices :)

Eric Woodard

Let's help re-populate Luna's realm.


all the above with twins or more


Looking at all the comments, I agree, I'd love to see some of these girls have twins or more, though doesn't exactly work with the whole "only one child allowed in a place" thing going on.....