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The weekly update has been released!
This update is available to ALL Patrons, with the public build being released in a few days.

This week there's more Qarinah content, which will lead into her final event next week! Also, you can now get naughty with Ami and Hana... but not Ard. Poor Ard, nobody loves him. Also a whole bunch of QoL and bug fix changes! I hope you enjoy! :)


  • Qarinah: New Story Event!
  • Ami: You can now give Ami headpats in her Manor room!
  • Ami: You can now be naughty with Ami in her Manor room!
  • Hana: You can now be naughty with Hana in her Manor room! (No love for Ard, though. Any interest in Ard femboy?)
  • Misc: Tidied up the girls' stats in the Heart Menu (Thanks, Cursed!)
  • Misc: Changed "get any farther" to "go any further" in the Heart menu hints. Grammar!
  • Misc: Animations have been converted from VP9 to VP8, which should mean better stability and less fps drops (Thanks, Cursed!)
  • Bug: Fixed an issue where looking around Morgana's Crystal room would return an old, no-longer-applicable description
  • Bug: Fixed an issue where you could ask Artifact for help with something that was already resolved
  • Bug: Fixed a glitch where you could trigger Annie's barn scenes while she's heavily pregnant (that's not good for the baby!)
  • Bug: Fixed a glitch where you could miss Annie's Sunday afternoon easter egg hunt if you advanced her storyline too quickly
  • Bug: Fixed some glitchy audio files. All sound effects should be working properly at last!
  • Bug: A few minor typos fixed

I hope you enjoy this week's update! Next Patron update will be next Sunday, 25th of July.



PC/LINUX: MEGA - Workupload
MAC:  MEGA - Workupload
ANDROID:  MEGA - Workupload




Yes to femboy Ard!


Femboy would be absolutely hype


No harm in femboy Ard. He's at a point where it's completely optional if someone ain't about it.


Barely a minute since the update went live and already a vote for femboy Ard! I'm sure he'll be flattered... or infuriated. Either one ;)


Two votes for femboy Ard within a minute of the update going live! Gonna be honest, I expected a wave of "Noooooo!" so this might be fun... ;)


If it got voted in, I'd also make it toggle-able in the game's preferences, too. I'm aware that it's a turn-off for a lot of people :)


> You can now give Ami headpats in her Manor room! < eeeeee!


I have no interest in femboy Ard, but so long as it's not shoved down my through (giggity), I don't mind having that optional for folks who are into that.


Don't worry, I know that kind of thing can be a pain in the ass for some people (yes, it's a pun war!) ;)


I would like some femboy content


Since it looks like it'll be optional, lets go with femboy ard


Combined the femboy with gender swap MC

Ray U

A vote for the optional femboy Ard. I like that the game could grow new options like that.

Dark Lord

If there should be a femboy there should be a tomboy too xD

Wild Bill

Not sure if Ard is pretty enough to be a proper femboy. You might have to put him in a dress to find out.


Given that I adore tomboys, it's honestly surprising I haven't already crammed CK full of them... what's wrong with me!?


Oh fuck yeah. Team we need an event (maybe even shopping for the cosplay/outfit with Hana) for femboy Ard! That would be fucking great


All for having a little fun with femboy Ard, being they are two sides of the same body. Feels wrong to only give one side the D and the other side the whip.


Quick question for you, Arc. What are you thinking the game ending will be looking like? Like how much more content are you planning on putting in the game? Are we in the mid game? Are we close to the end game? Where are we at?

Wild Bill

If you choose 'search for the aspect' in the evening, it bugs out and gives Qarinah's 'Have you come to play with me' dialog after telling you it's too late.


Ard femboy? yes please

Donald Brumm

I'm kinda curious as to if hana and ami will be given the option for impreg, But also when the option to preg the other females in the mansion as well as all the added kids and maybe the ability to "School" or educate them at some point. And i was curious to know if we will get the options to get more Kids for the Girls we already had them with? But also what about all the girls in the school and the one we know of at the faction HQ?

Dark Lord

Still waiting for more scenes with Asteria and Roxy xD

Fred Campbell

I'm really enjoying the story and I'm so glad that poor Quarinah will finally be whole again. I felt so sorry for poor Ami when she was under Morgana's employ. Now she finally gets someone love and care for her. She's such a sweet thing. I love it that you can give Hana some love. Ard....I'm not to sure about the Femboy thing, so a toggleable option would be killer. Me, I'm hoping to make a palace of hotness at the Manor so yeah.....lol. I'm already well under way to make that happen.


Hana and Ami will have impreg options, yes, as will the vast majority of the girls in the game. Only one kid per girl, though (unless you yeet one of them off to Artifact, in which case you can have another).


They're definitely coming! Just got to get Qarinah all wrapped up first, which should be next Sunday :)


I'm glad you're enjoying it! And yeah, poor Qarinah's been in a bad way for a long time... I feel a little guilty about it! :P


"Ard femboy" We makin moves now? i'm all for it


Ohhhh I like. ^^

Helen Dingo

Tsundere Femboy Ard ;)


Zero interest in Ard.

Helen Dingo

I just had a galaxy brain idea for a future update: Ami at the Fae School

Anthony Docimo

ARC, I have a teensy question: Morgana knows how to count, right? and she created her servants individually, right? (if either of those is a No, then I've misread & misunderstood a large block of in-game info, which is my bad)

Anthony Docimo

for Ard - split him off and set him to work!...or return him to Morgana. for Hana and Ami - excellence is all i can see here, bravo!!


Slight typo in naughty time with Hana, "little sercving girl"

musky and moist Mike

my degenerates instinct forces me to show interest in some Femboi love


I want love for Ard


She doesn't deal with the recycling personally - Dhena does that. And she cycles and recycles her staff quite often, sometimes creating new creatures (like Pixie) on a whim or for an experiment. So she's not 100% certain at any given time how many creations she has "active", and really doesn't care enough to check :P


Splitting Ard and Hana is easier said than done, unfortunately! But you never know, it may become possible later.


Headpats are always a yes for me.


I would like to see something with Ard


Hey you know I love Ard


no ard or at least have it optional


I think having Ard as an option would be cool!


Is there any other android users that are having trouble installing the update


When i go to install all i get is app not installed i have moved my save files and delted ck and i still get the same message


i for one would love to see femboy ard


Solid update, when can we expect to be able to get more authority at the college?


College is what I am interested in right now. Also, no to Ard.


I'm on the train of more college content. Also not personally interested in Ard that much, but if others want to see it, why not?


It may be a lack of space issue - Android apps often require two to three times as much free space to install as the app itself requires to run. So if you don't have 3-4GB storage space free that may account for it.


I don't set timetables for specific content, because something usually comes up to disrupt them and I don't want to disappoint people. There SHOULD be more college content soon, though, so fingers crossed nothing derails that plan ;P


Kudos for what you are doing with the Qarinah story arc, it's giving me some nice "Neil Gaiman - The Sandman" vibes. Much appreciated.


High praise indeed! Thanks you! :) And I'm glad you're enjoying it. The last stage, and wrap-up, will be this Sunday, so I hope you like it!


Wouldn't mind a femboy Ard


Feel like the last 2 "love" scenes were kinda rushed. I don't mind it just think it flows better if you need to use your powers to cause the corruption. And Ard makes no mention after you screw his female version. Love the game.


What am I missing. Spoke to all the Fey during ami murder investigation, and confronted dheana. Cant confront anyone else. I dont know what to do :(


Well for me my problem is that if I use the code tp to grandpa's house and get the ability to go there via nexus immediately after getting into act 2 I get locked out of the ninja girls or should I say kunoichis and can't level physical(or whatever stat the kunoichis level) as a result I've been kinda stuck. So please fix.


Ard femboy please!


You can't use the "Think about Gramps" Nexus Key immediately after getting to Act Two. First you have to unlock the "Use Key" option via the Eldritch storyline, which requires you to have met and spoken to Gramps already, which unlocks the Kunoichis. So either your variables have been edited, either by yourself or someone else, or there is an extremely obscure bug happening in your case that I need to track down. If you're absolutely certain that neither you nor anyone else has edited your variables then you may need to send me your affected save file so I can take a look at it.


Confronting a person will sometimes open new avenues for you to confront someone else. If you pay attention to everyone's statements, and read the leads carefully, you should notice contradictions - confront people with those contradictions to advance.


Has there been any thought of adding more characters to the show-off/poledancing thing in the bar? I'd love having some other characters going up and dancing! Maybe helping Emma become braver by doing it (as she looks normal, unless you've added something that makes her more unusual than the rock elemental traits), maybe big Pixie, and advertise her wings as part of her costume (or if there's a way to hide visible/visual fae traits). Of course Chastity could do it (have been waiting for more of her ever since the scene with her and the doll). As for Ard, I don't really get the femboy vibes from him, unless you break him (and maybe the pole for him too?). Not really my thing, but I'm sure that'd be right up other players' alleys.


There's definitely at least one more person who will be added to the pole-dancing event, but no spoilers on who it'll be ;) After that, it's really just a question of player demand and how much time I have!


when will there be Chastity event + h-event? was looking forward to her since i started the game but up until now theres not much event for her :(


Chastity (like Morgana) is a "special case" as she's a Faction Leader. However, recent events in her storyline having shaken up the status quo, it may not be too long before her first naughty event! ;)