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The weekly update has been released!
This update is available to ALL Patrons, with the public build being released in a few days.

Had a couple medical scares in the family this week which proved... distracting (everyone's fine or in recovery now, thank goodness!) so this week is kind of a "set up" week, getting things ready for the next big main storyline events. Also, you can now get naughty with Annie in the milking shed! I hope you enjoy! :)


  • MAIN STORY: New Main Story event! (Follow your ORGANISATION lead!)
  • MAIN STORY: New Main Story event! (Follow your ELDRITCH lead!)
  • ANNIE: You can now get naughty with Annie during her milking event in the barn!
  • Misc: Game will now prompt you to check out the Goblin Witch's hat in your inventory when you find it
  • Misc: In Act One, Pixie's "What should I do now?" dialogue will now prompt you to check on Emma if you haven't completed that investigation (some people were forgetting to do it and getting stuck)
  • Bug: Fixed a bug where Annie's milking scene activated even when she was pregnant
  • Bug: The game no longer assumes you know the strange nun's name when you don't

I hope you enjoy this week's update! Next Patron update will be next Sunday, 4th of July.



PC/LINUX: MEGA - Workupload
MAC:  MEGA - Workupload
ANDROID:  MEGA - Workupload




Thx for the update!

Sower of Systems

My Annie related prayers have been answered!

John Hall

An excellent update. "Bug: The game no longer assumes you know the strange nun's name when you don't." In fixing that bug, you may have introduced another - very minor - one. If, after learning Lilith's name, you visit the church again in the daytime, you are offered options both to talk to the strange nun and also to talk to Lilith, who of course are one and the same.


Well dang it! Thanks for letting me know - fixed for next update :)


Yeah boi been dying for all week


The story's really picking up now. Great writing btw


Loving this, Arc! ^^


I'm glad your family is ok mang

Wild Bill

It's great to fuck Annie while she's milking. In the story though, I hate how hands-on he is. Like dude, you have mind control powers. Why on earth are you going into these places yourself rather than using Jessica, Gwen and Chloe's knowledge to identify another member of the Organisation to grab and convert?


I believe it's to keep a low profile while still learning the extent of all of his powers. I believe it was stated earlier (either in the game or by Arc) that if he just went around using his abilities carelessly, he'd wind up with a ton of Organization people after him. Pretty sure he can't do mass shatter/awaken (not counting the 2 bunnies, as that was still focused directly towards them) against people coming at him from all directions with weapons. He might also have to wait some time between uses, and it might be more difficult if some of them were men.

Andrei Bucur

Just got the game, joined and got trough most of it already. I have to say: This game has unlimited possibilities because of the Nexus. Like, you could have each dimension planed with its own story plot (self contained story plot) and keep adding more of them. No complaints whatsoever about the game... Plenty of good, intriguing and at times funny stories, vr

Andrei Bucur

.....Messed up again. ---....Very well designed artwork and very well polished game overall. One Request tho: PLEASE release full chapter stories! Like,... when you create/introduce a character, and implement them into the game, Please have the character have it's own story done and polished upon release! ..... PLEASE!


Hey, I'm glad you're enjoying the game! Thanks for the kind words :) As for your request to have a character released with their entire story completed and polished.... I'm a solo dev who releases weekly, and that would be impossible even for a AAA team :P


Great update and thanks for the steady communication! It really makes you stand out!


I have been playing various games and have patreoned many over the year's...Some how this one totally slipped through and I just got it a couple weeks back...My first thought was awesome visual with lots of flexibility like Mystic Manors or Harem Hotel or WVM ..I loved all three so actually just that would be a compliment.. After playing a while I figured out that it actually is so much more with true management content..a true sandbox feel and unlimited directions (Nexus, kids, 3 starting regions) ...My new favorite excellent work...


Well thank you! Mystic Manor, Harem Hotel and WVM are all really amazing games (and huge inspirations to me!) so to be compared to those three and come out first is extremely high praise indeed! :)


Hey! I am the patron of CK and have been on your Discord. I was recently hacked and started mailing, when I noticed it was already too late. I was blocked on the CK server. it's not my fault, I took action to change the password on Discord. take me back (Unban me pls). Thank you.(name in discord is "iceranger#7552")


There's no record of that username in the server banlist, so it may have been a temporary ban that has since been lifted? Either way, you should be able to login to the CK server. If you still can't then something may have happened to your username/account when you were hacked and you may have to get in touch with Discord support.