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The weekly update has been released!
This update is available to EVERYONE. Patrons who downloaded Sunday's update don't need to download this one.

This week it's ANNIE'S UPDATE, in which she gets her level four love event, a little calf-kid of her very own, and some naughty options! Also, some new features in the day care, some bugfixes, and a release over on Itch.io! I hope you enjoy! :)


  • Annie: New Love Event!
  • Annie: Annie can now reach Love level 4!
  • Annie: Annie can now become pregnant!
  • Annie: Annie now has a "Let's be naughty" option!
  • Day Care: There is now a DAY CARE REGISTRY which will display the names of every kid you've had (in the day care AND in the Nexus). It's a little ugly at the moment - I'll tidy it up later. The coding was a nightmare!
  • Day Care: You can now rename your kids whenever you like! Just talk to your kid and select "Change NAME'S name"!
  • Cheat: Gallery cheat (on Manor laptop) has been updated for all current Gallery scenes
  • Itch.io: CK is now available on Itch.io! (https://thearcadean.itch.io/corrupted-kingdoms)
  • Misc: Android presplash screen should now display correctly
  • Bug: Fixed a bug that prevented players from getting their weekly income if they met Artifact for the first time on a Sunday evening
  • Bug: Fixed a slight graphical issue with the normal classes
  • Bug: Fixed a minor issue with an old Kana love event

I hope you enjoy this week's update! Next Patron update will be next Sunday, 20th of June.



PC/LINUX: MEGA - Workupload
MAC:  MEGA - Workupload
ANDROID:  MEGA - Workupload




Outta curiosity, are there any problems with transferring savefiles from older versions to newer? I'm pretty sure some characters should have more content, or some places should be unlocked, that I don't have access to, at least that's the vibe I get from these updates..


No, there's no issue with transferring older savefiles into newer versions (the only issue that might occur is if you saved months ago in the middle of a scene, in which case you might get a big grey "ERROR!" screen on load). There are some hidden scenes, but for the most part you should be able to see around 95% of the game's content just by following leads and heart menu hints.


Cool cool, then I assume the last few updates has had little progress with the main characters and main story (last thing I can say for sure I remember for 'progress' was awakening Veronica and Madison for serious). I didn't notice any possible progress from 9.8 to 10.1, though that might be because there wasn't any


Well 0.10.2 had three main girl storyline events and 0.10.3 had Annie's major love level four storyline event. 0.9.9 to 0.10.1 was college content updates and overdue polish/QoL fixes.


I wanted to take a break from the game for a few weeks to have more new stuff at once, but decided to break it when I saw Annie's relationship events had crossed the (current) finish line - and I'm sure glad I did! Very sweet and well done overall - only thing, it seems a little weird for Annie to just have the exact same default lines she has for every little one when you come check up on their baby. Just a small little extra line would've been nice. I also checked out the newest developments with the council girls while I was at it, and most especially liked the revelations about Luna. Unexpected, promising and fitting! Your ability to take things into directions I didn't see coming at all is actually one of the things I enjoy the most about CK - usually, I can predict most of the developments in games I play at least somewhat - but you repeatedly managed to blindside me. My perfectionist self has only one little issue with the new information about Luna: That's not how cloning works. Contrary to a unfortunately still widespread belief an Y chromosome is NOT a reduced X chromosome - it's a distinct and wholly unique thing, and without its genes - the SRY gene first and foremost - a person can't even develop the outward appearance of a male, let alone become an actual one capable of reproduction. So while it's theoretically possible to generate a female from a male genom via artifical pseudo-meiosis and the recombination of two "female" halves of the male's DNA (althought technically, the resulting organism wouldn't be a clone of the person itself, but rather of said person's mother), it's completely impossible to create a male from the DNA of a person with XX chromosomes. Of course, there's also magic beyond known science at work in this world, but if whatever magic mechanism is at work here can generate completely new genetic material, the MC's claim about "no genetic diversity" no longer applies - it should be a piece of cake to randomize the generated genes in such a way that it's virtually no different from an ordinary society. Speaking of which, the absence (or rather smaller range) of genetic diversity in and on itself doesn't mean procreation can't go on indefinitely - it just raises the chances of being born with genetic diseases and/or faults. And that's only if those were present in the original gene pool. So unless Luna is actually a male with CAIS (which until further notice I'll assume she isn't), she never could have done what the MC described. I know that not everything needs to make sense, and it doesn't really bother me all that much - but still, just putting this out there. Constructive criticism and all that. So ...let's see if I can actually go through with my abstinence this time. You sure aren't making it easy for me arc... -_- P.S.: I hope things are well on the jaw front. Did you recover well from the removal of your wisdom teeth?


You're making the assumption that Fay biology works the same way we do.


What are the cheat codes?


There are no "codes". You can cheat in currency and things using the laptop in Act Two :)