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Hello, everyone!

Whether it's untangling the mysteries of the Factions, spending time with your favourite waifu, or being surprised by wholesome (and not-so-wholesome) scenes, everyone has their favourite. What's yours? Let me know what you'd like to see more of in the upcoming months!

Vote below and decide what lies in store for the world of CK!

(Oh, and you can vote for as many options as you like!)



Wholesome or we riot


I want to see main girl events yes but I want to see the story leads worked on most of all.

Dark Lord

A few more Events for the Council girl would be great


While I want basically all of the above, I think my 2 main ones would be story and college events. I'm not sure if or how minigames would work. The game is really good as is, so I'm curious as to what ideas you had for minigames.


Yes would love to confront Dhena after all this time.

Lance Zehnder

More scenes of pixie watching you with other girls


One thing I would really like to see more of is some more content with the children. Now that we have the children and daycare and a rather fleshed out list of kids with no doubt more to come I would like to see that supported with more than one playdate and a few group dates for each kid. Especially more mother and child content and other full family content possibly with multiple kids & mother like the family trip style content with kana and her daughter's festival trip or pixie and lil' pixie's bike ride.


Above post and won't lie. Would love to see more pregnancy related things


*Christopher Walken voice* "it needs.. more... Cowbell" I'd be cool with more events at the farm 🙃


It would somewhat depend on player demand... If they wanted something that affected the game mechanics, then I could do something for Explore or currency gathering or something like that. Alternatively, if they just wanted something silly and fun, then a simple card game you could play with Alice would be an option. Honestly, though, it'd be a LOT of work either way so I'm not sorry it's way down in the voting ;)


Well great, now I'm going to be thinking in Christopher Walken's voice all day... ;)


So how does arc normally decide his polls? He just implements all of them or the top voted answers. Like the current top three of this poll.


Some alice content possibly with an ageing potion


Maybe more repeatable events for all girls.


i want to see more to do with chosen partner my case Kana id like to see more options to do with her and the kiddo like going on other trips with just the two of them or taking a bath together i love Wholesome scenes like that id like it for the future when you marry said chosen partner that she and kiddo live with in the manor possible a main room upgrade so you can sleep with both of them at night all cuddled up together as a loving family that would be amazing!. Until then id like to see more play dates with kids and parents they say (i want to visit all the time!) but we sadly haven't seen them once visit once yet! i don't know about you but id say that's just bad parenting, maybe have a different parent come to visit the day care once each a week switching off to play with the kid/kids, so you can have some dialogue with them talk with or about the kid, and or possibly have multiple show up as like a group event or like once a month thing that be cool, plus id like to see Kana's mom show some interest in her grand daughter, maybe see more event involving her and Kana's sisters in the tribe


I don't think nsfw would be possible with her even with an ageing potion. Cos her mind would still be that of a child.


more beach scenes with the side and other main girls that dont have a beach scene yet please possibly with or with out kid if had yet

Bladed arms

I would really like to see more "strange and mysterious objects offered by the mysterious merchant" that maybe change the people they're given to with a permanently or temporarily. Maybe make them grow an extra appendage or causing them to lactate or something like that.


having them lactate would be great id love to see that too i also would like to see more to interact with mysterious merchant girl she seems to know more then we realize


I want more hilarious events with pixie. The food and bathtub war was absolutely hilarious


College all the way, they need some Attention . . . Knowledge

Sower of Systems

Anything explicit really. I'm here for the story and characters for sure, but so long as there's some mature shit to top it off


I'd like to expand on things in the Dungeon.

Cameron Mueller

Honestly, I think fleshing out side characters would be healthier overall. I REALLY wanna know more about the factions/main story, but if you power through the main story updates too fast, then we'll know the ending before the other side stuff is fleshed out properly, yknow?


I must say I've been here for many polls and it was always clear what the top answers were. I dont remember ever seeing a poll like this where two answers were always in a dead heat. The main story events versus college content.


Only thing I want in the college is to finish things with the twins. After that, I am game for main story everything.


Why think that small? After getting authority up, have it so we don't even need to keep using aura or other powers on them. Just have them happy and willing to take their clothes off whenever, want to have sex with us whenever and help us corrupt their female family members and female friends. But yes of all the current college girls I most want to see the twins maxed out in their content.


The college content could be its own separate game and I'd play it.