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The weekly update has been released!
This update is available to ALL Patrons, with the public build being released in a few days.

In this update Madison and Veronica get their level four love event, and both can be impregnated during it! With them both reaching love level 4, that means next week's update will finally have the long-awaited college-purchasing content! Also I fixed a bunch of bugs. I hope you enjoy! :)


  • Madison: New Love Event!
  • Madison: Madison can now reach Love level 4!
  • Madison: Madison can now become pregnant!
  • Veronica: New Love Event!
  • Veronica: Veronica can now reach Love level 4!
  • Veronica: Veronica can now become pregnant!
  • Cheat: The Gallery cheat has been updated to include Lucille's second scene
  • Misc: Tidied up a bunch of older renders and animations
  • Bug: Jessica can no longer be summoned to the dungeon while heavily pregnant. Disciplining the kid rather early, dontcha think?
  • Bug: Jessica will no longer make you breakfast whilst heavily pregnant. Give the poor woman a break!
  • Bug: Couple of minor typos

I hope you enjoy this week's update! Next Patron update will be next Sunday, 9th of May.



PC/LINUX: MEGA - Workupload
MAC:  MEGA - Workupload
ANDROID:  MEGA - Workupload




Something is rising... Yes. It's my hand to throw you money in the face. Thank you for the quality content !


Veronica and madison??? Ohhh thats unexpected!


Thx for the update, didn't expect that it will turn that way. :) Now I'm curious how the Veronica route will turn out...


Well I did promise that they'd be next in the poll from last week :) Hope it's a nice surprise though!


Maybe badly! Maybe super well! Only one way to find out... stay tuned! ;)


Hm I'm getting an installation error on Android. Any ideas on a fix?


I won't be able to play it until later, but I'm very excited to play this update.


Ren'py and Android sometimes don't play well together. The following should fix your installation issues (and they shouldn't happen again): 1. Backup the existing game files using File Manager or similar. 2. Delete CK completely from your phone. 3. Download and install the new CK update 4. Move the save files from your backed-up copy into the new CK folder (Remember the "persistent" file if you want to keep your gallery unlocks) 5. Play! NOTE: If you're running Android 11+ then Google has hidden your data folder. To access it you need to connect your phone to your PC with a USB cable or use an app like X-Plore to give you access to the folder again. Your saves are located at: Android/data/com.domain.corruptedkingdoms/saves Hope that helps!


So just a quick question about the kids. I know that the girls can give birth to boys and girls but is the gender fixed? Like girl x will only give birth to girls and girl y will only give birth to boys? Or is there a random chance that they will give birth to a boy or a girl?


Ah, superb. XD


Genders are fixed - the way CK works doesn't allow for randomised genders (at least, not without creating MASSIVE file bloat due to render variations). Sorry! But on the plus side, this allows for "canon" children to appear in sequels :)

Sower of Systems

Hey, I'm new but just want to say, love the rapid updates! Most people do monthly or sparser updates but I prefer these smaller weekly ones


Bwahahaha. Veronica's Son really takes after his mother or at least he is trying to live up to her. hahaha


Hey, thanks for the kind words - and for the support! Both are greatly appreciated :)


He's such a widdle despot! I have a couple of mini event ideas for him that I'm looking forward to writing ;)

Briggs Bro Co

First off i love this game great work so far second I too like the idea of the fast updates great job on that keep up the great work (ok yes alot of great going on lol)


Hey, thanks! That really means a lot :) And thanks so much for your support!

Briggs Bro Co

I got one problem i cant unlock the manor upgrade did i mess up or something ?


Manor or Mansion? The Manor upgrades (East Wing and Dungeon) can both be purchased once you've bought the Manor. The Mansion can't be bought at all. And the college can be purchased in next Sunday's update :)

John Hall

I discovered this game about a week ago, and have found it very enjoyable so joined the Patreon. I downloaded the new build today, and couldn't understand why I couldn't get it to run. Then I realised that it lacked the 32-bit .exe, which I need as I'm running under 32-bit Windows. Will I have to wait for the public release for that? ETA: Ah, now I see that the timestamp on the 64-bit .exe hasn't changed since the last build. Hopefully that means it - and hence the 32-bit .exe - are unchanged in this build, and so I can just copy the 0.9.7 32-bit .exe across.


I just checked and the 32 bit .exe is there for me: "CorruptedKingdoms-32.exe" at the end of the file list, so I'm not sure why it's not appearing for you! Regardless, yes, you should be able to copy the exe file over as it just calls the various scripts and doesn't change (as far as I know) unless the Ren'py version itself changes :)

Donald Brumm

Can't wait to see when we get to take annie and knock her up, as well as the House moms we got to move into the mansion. Also was curious if well be taking the girls from within the college at some point


I am wondering will there be a way to turn off the pregnacy mode please? Its just not my thing.

Wild Bill

Out of all Jessica's scenes that are locked when she's pregnant (I'm pretty sure she has more than any of the previous girls with pregnancy, even Pixie) the one I'd most like to see a pregnant version of rather than it being locked would probably be the naked apron in the kitchen, though visiting her in the the shower and the beach are also things that would be cool to do with pregnant Jessica.


so....how can we get madison and her daughter pregnant again?


That will be in this Sunday's update (I ran out of time for this one!) :)


So...I'm sure you've heard this before, but I can't seem to install your game anymore


Ren'py and Android sometimes don't play well together. The following steps should fix the problem: 1. Backup the existing game files using File Manager or similar. 2. Delete CK completely from your phone. 3. Download and install the new CK update 4. Move the save files from your backed-up copy into the new CK folder (Remember the "persistent" file if you want to keep your gallery unlocks) 5. Play! NOTE: If you're running Android 11+ then Google has hidden your data folder. To access it you need to connect your phone to your PC with a USB cable or use an app like X-Plore to give you access to the folder again. Your saves are located at: Android/data/com.domain.corruptedkingdoms/saves Also, bear in mind that the way Android works you usually need between two to three times as much storage space as the game requires to install it, so if the above doesn't work it may be a storage issue! Hope that helps :)