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It's time for another poll - this time, it's on the gender of your kids!

Incidentally, do you have any idea how difficult it is to title a poll like this without sounding creepy and weird? Anyway...

The voting this time is to determine whether you want all the kids you have to be girls, boys, or a mixture of the two. I'd love to make the system random, and have different genders, appearances, etc. but unfortunately that just isn't feasible for an optional system in a game created by a solo dev. So... vote away and let your voices be heard!

NOTE:  Just to avoid confusion, "mixed" doesn't mean "each girl has a chance to have either a boy or a girl". It means that some girls will have boys and some will have girls.



Mixture wil be Awesome imo 😎👌


I know its difficult being a solo dev but if you could add more interaction with the children I would appreciate it. It hurts my heart when they ask you to play and your like...hmm should I send them to the artifact....instead of playing with them...... even more so for the children you have sent to the artifact.


There should be a pleasant surprise for you in this Sunday's update... ;)


I believe you are doing a excellent job, and randomly generated gender would be great but please tell me there will only be 2


Thanks for the kind words! :) There will only be two genders, yes, but they won't be randomly generated I'm afraid. Limitations of the system. Next game will have fully randomised children, so... something to look forward to? ;)


Though I agree with a mix gender kids, I think some should be gender locked cause of either lore or your story.


At @Arc in my opinion if u can make a random system work that every new playthrough we get different outcomes you will honestly make ppl more intrigue for the game in my opinion to see what we get in each playthrough also give the kids different dialogues depending if they boy or girl would make up for this random encounter based on personality if u like i write small story for D&D backstory of character also sorry for my english i am from puerto rico


That's not possible in the current system, unfortunately - it would require me to completely re-write the way the game works from the ground up. My next game will have more randomisation with the kids' genders, appearance and dialogue, but for this one things need to be set a lot more in stone. On the plus side, that allows me to create a lot more story-based events for the kids in future updates. So it's not all bad :)


Tbh, I don't think the kids gender matters much. Either can be cute. Unless you are planning to let the PC or someone/thing else get more.. intimate with them. Are you?


Absolutely not - there will be ZERO adult content associated with the kids. Tea parties is as risqué as it gets!