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Woke up this morning to find a sudden cold snap had covered the countryside in ice and snow... It's pretty bitter outside, but Pixie refused to be daunted!

She decided we needed help, though, so we went and got my parents' dog. Everyone say hi to Sooty! (You may have noticed him in the background of a previous photo, actually). I was watching a documentary on Huskies with Pixie the other night so she keeps shouting "Mush! Mush!" at him.

He's very confused, but good-natured enough not to try and shake her off. You're a better man than I, Sooty.




I bet Pixie could use the Hairy Coo right about now. (I have been corrected by the smaller version of myself on the PROPER name for Highland Cattle.)


In the fungi picture, right? Well, depending on how often they interacted before, he may have just written her noises off as something she regularly does. Still quite nice of him to tolerate the noise though! Just make sure to thank Sooty for the ride afterwards Pixie!


She definitely could! It's FREEZING right now. I suggested clipping some of its fur to make her a little coat but she was SHOCKED and wouldn't talk to me for an hour.


Yes, indeed - good eye! And Sooty's very good-natured (and long-suffering). Pixie thanked him, and he gave her the biggest lick. I'm not sure if she was happy about that or not, though...


That's epic bro