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(I'm spending the next two weeks with my family, but I didn't want to leave all you lovely Patrons with nothing, so... welcome to Pixie's Christmas Adventure! A little diary of sorts on what Pixie is getting up to each day. These will be posted every weekday that I'm away, and I hope you enjoy!)

So... I may have made a mistake. I bought Pixie a little Santa outfit this year since she's been getting into costumes recently and it turns out she didn't actually know who Santa is. So I told her... and then she asked what sort of gifts Santa gives to the animals and... well, you can see where this is going.

Yeah, she's decided to be "Animal Santa".

So tomorrow we're going to start putting together a little "Santa's Sack" of goodies for the local wildlife before trekking out into the countryside to distribute the "gifts".  So much for a lazy vacation!




Have fun, both of you ❤️


I hope you'll have a nice time with your family Merry Christmas


merry cgristmas Arc


Enjoy your vacation and be careful of Pixie shenanigans. :P


May you Christmas be amazing and joyful


Thank you! It's nice to be able to spend some real time with them :) I hope you get to spend time with your own family, too. Merry Christmas!


Haha, thank you! There's just so many cookies and cakes around for her to get into... ;)


Thank you! And the same to you. I hope that you and your loved ones have a very happy, and safe, Christmas.


Christmas alone isn't bad haha less stress. I make any Christmas as best i can no matter the situation


Really nice of you to think of us over your holidays. I hope you'll enjoy it!


Haha, I'd have felt guilty just running off for two weeks and not leaving you guys with something :P Hope you enjoy your own holidays too! Merry Christmas!


This adventure should be made into a mini event


Can't wait for that. ^^ Have a good break my dude!


Haha, well... maybe! Who knows? I just wanted everyone to have something a little fun while I was away, but if there's enough demand I could probably put it into the game.


Merry Christmas to you too, Arc! 😁


Merry Christmas Arc, hope you have the happiest of holidays!


Thank you! I hope you and your loved ones have a great holiday season, too. Merry Christmas! :)