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Hey yall, someone just let me know that one of the audios got reposted twice. Sorry about that. It can be hard to keep track when making audios so far in advance so they are sitting in queue for early access, as they usually sit around before even making it to early access, whether its waiting on the thumbnail artwork, a collab's other parts, etc.  

With that said, I appreciate yall for not being hard on me about it, but please don't hesitate to let me know in the comments or DMs if you see that. I will not notice I've done it because it was 5 months ago and all of these audios blend together for me after almost half a year so if you see repeats, or really, anything amiss, please let me know.   

I am not joking about the blending, I had a friend proof listen an audio a few weeks ago. I put it aside since the thumbnail wasn't ready yet. He said it was fine, good to go.

Fast forward to this week, I sit down and don't remember editing so I re-edit the ENTIRE thing and give it to my friend AGAIN, who mentions he heard this before so @_@ you know I'm derpy, just let me know when I've fucked up so I can fix it! ^^

It's never my intention to scam yall or give you shit content so if something is wrong, please know it isnt intentional and I *would very much* like to be informed if something is amiss so I can fix it. I was sick for 2 weeks this month, working through what I could so there's even more chance I'll need to fix some mistakes so please let me know in the future. Thank you ♥

Also, thank you so much to Huntsman of Atlas for bringing this one to my attention ♥



Jake C (that1otherJake)

No worries, Moon, we all still think you're amazing, and we'll keep telling you that every time you forget that we feel that way. Lol


First, it's perfectly understandable as you more than likely have way more going on then we'll ever know. Just do what you can and remember to take care of yourself as best you can. Second but not that important, when I read this I imagined you reading this in a Southern accent... not sure why but very cute.