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It's gotta be nerve-wracking to always be expected to make the first move from the introduction to dates to marriage and beyond. That's really daunting. Especially when girls are so used to being approached that half the time they don't respond anyway so it's doubly anxiety-inducing.

I don't know why it's somehow become just only the dudes' job to approach in dating.

I don't think enough guys get a courting experience. It's often courtship for girls. But why wouldn't guys like it too? I mean picking them up at their place, taking them out to a nice dinner, grabbing the check, basically just making them the dude version of the belle of the ball.

It doesnt even need to be a big deal either tho, most dudes arent high maintenance, you don't gotta take em out to fancy places or anything just for status' sake, take em to their favorite BBQ joint, let them go ham and pick up the tab.

Head over w/ pizza, soda, and snacks, and just play games all night.

We need to take the initiative more so we get to see our men all cute, beaming, and flustered~ ♥




As someone who's not the best at making the first move it feels stressful, but hell if a girl asked me to get fast food and watch a movie I'd start stuttering unfortunately 😅.


not high maintenance pretty much defines me, I would be happy with eating a pizza while watch a movie and relaxing, no fancy restaurant or even going outside, that is if anyone would have me


I personally can say that this would go mileage to show any man two important things 1. That you are interested and 2. That you know what he's into. It honestly blows my mind how so many women don't get this, but hey it just goes to show how fundamentally different men and women are.

Cup Of Earl Grey Tea

Women have no idea just how happy having this experience would make a man! Most men are actually really...depressed isn't quite the right word but it's close. Having something unexpected and axcotikg like this would be most men's dream come true!

Michael Sullivan

Being a guy, I wouldn't mind if a girl made the first move. Of course, being the shy person that I can be when meeting new people, I'll be totally tongue-tied. But once I get to starting to flirt back, I think I can handle myself.


I've been working overnights for most of my adult life so my social skills are not the best. Honestly I can't even imagine any lady approaching me with how much of a mess I am. But I will say the idea of someone wanting to talk to be simply because they like something about me alone is a nice dream. Doubt it'll happen but it's a nice dream none the less.


If a lady did half of the above to me, I'd be a bright red pile of flustered gibberish.

Lost Puppy



Reading that… if a girl did even one of those things for me, I had butterflies In my stomach. Like a girl called me ‘sweet’ the other day and I blushed way too hard

Cole Tobin

A man would talk to a fucking tree if it approached him first.

Andrew Nelson

maybe material for a future asmr?


I was in a long term relationship where I ALWAYS had to initiate. Everything. Once that happened, everything was great. But it was so completely exhausting, not to mention made me feel insecure as hell because all I could think was "Am I the only one that wants this?" So, yes. Starting relationships or established relationships, it will rock your dude's world.

Bad Wolf

As a guy I can say I always liked it when a woman/ girl and the 1st move it was very rare, but you can relax be cause she wants to be with you not just have a night out.


Can confirm. I do this for my boyfriend and it's fun. I'm even the one who first asked him out. :3

Richard Hardslab

I actually grew up expecting this kind of thing to happen. Sadly, it's not been a habit in my life because I'm a guy that needs 5 days before I wonder if someone had been flirting with me.

Jayden Kotylak

As a guy I’d actually prefer that someone would approach me at this point because with the culture shift I’m not sure if I should even ask or look their way anymore.

Jake C (that1otherJake)

I have been lucky enough to have been asked out a few times in my life. And yeah, overall, it was a great feeling. It would be nice to live in a world where it was a little more even. That being said, I absolutely empathize with women in these situations, because while men are running around trying to get attention, a lot of women are being swarmed by suitors they have no interest in and you have to deal with all that drama. Like I said above, overall it was a nice feeling to be pursued because they were women I found appealing, but there were several times where I wasn't interested in the lady in question, and it was a terrible feeling, me trying to be gentle about rejecting them and knowing from experience how much that might be hurting them.

Xavier Geib

As a still very young adult at 19, I have zero experience in this field firsthand, but I have noticed a stereotype that involves the male making the first move. I do agree that it would be a nice change of pace if things switched up a bit and the male wasn’t expected to always make the first move. But then again what the hell do I know with my lack of experience lol.

Die einkeksige Eule

This just sounds like a total dream. I really can't make a first step. Alone making the first step to me, would probably make me totally hers. If she then also shares or at least somewhat likes my hobbys (like gaming, drawing and crossdressing), i would probably never want to leave her. I really hope i will find someone like that. I want headpats =w=