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This is just a small update to say the next SFW audio might be a bit late (though the NSFW stuff is made a month early so no worries there.)

Texas is experiencing single-digit temperatures and the electricity grid can't handle the load and so they've started rolling blackouts since 1:30AM Monday and this is expected to continue into Tuesday here.

Unfortunately and apparently, rolling blackouts means being without power and internet for 7-14 hours at a shot, with no warning or update on how long it will be until power is switched back on, which makes it a bit difficult to record, edit, or hunt for SFX.

But as you can see, power is up right now so Im gonna get to work. Stay safe and warm, everyone. I hope to be back soon with something for everyone to listen to! ♥


Brandon Shadowfae

Hope you're safe and everything smooths out **hugs**. In my part of Oregon we're having the same problem but its because of the ice


No problem Moon, stay warm, stay safe.

Travis Teague

I feel your pain, my water pipes have been frozen for going on 3 days now. Stay warm as best you can, just cause we aren't used to it doesn't mean this crazy cold is gonna beat us Texans 🤙


I thought it didn't get that cold in Texas


Take care of you and everyone near and dear to you, Moon! Stay warm and safe, that's all that matters, the rest can come later!


Rolling blackouts? That is some third world stuff right there. I am in no position to mock the US though. Here in Germany we shut down public train transportation due to ice on the overhead electric cables with temperatures barely below freezing.


Damn thats terrible, stay safe and stay warm moon x.x


Watch out for your family! Stay safe and healthy ❤️