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Okay, this one was actually really difficult. After lots of retakes and re-edits, I think there's still a lot of room for improvement but I don't think its horrible for my first horror audio.

Hopefully, I'll get better with practice ^^; That said, if any of you have horror scripts for me, I would be happy to give them a go, for practice's sake xD ♥

Edited by Zonda ♥

Scripted by Jaffa ♥


Grant Mathieson

Great stuff, you both worked so hard to make it happen.


>w< Aww thanks, I do need the practice tho so if you ever feel like writing more horror, lemme know ♥


This kinda reminds of the horror comedy burying the ex


Wow! Now that is spooky.


Ex Wife comes back for you when she realized you haven't paid her any alimony.

John Wick

my budget is becoming tight...but i hope to continue with my subscription keep up the good work


Aww hey, I totally understand, these are crazy times and I don't want anyone to have to go without on account of me. I really appreciate your support and if you need to drop, don't worry, I'll keep the lewds warm fer ya til ya come back :3 <3 Cheers hun and hope you have a great week!

Vincent Goodin

I wonder if this will be continued? Only time will tell cause well... Hehehe dead men tell no tale.


Hehe thankfully, Jaffa has agreed to try to write a part 2 so I can get more practice in xD


This was FANTASTIC. The sound effects, too - incredible atmosphere. Just, really well done! Super creepy vibes and I love it.


I'm so glad you liked it! Please look forward to part two sometime >w< <3


Crazy moon silk? Moonkilp me like :>


Hehe <3 I hope yall like part two whenever I get around to recording it then! >w<


Seems like its spooky season ;]


God that ending gave me chills great asmr tho ❤️


>w< Aww yay! Im so glad, I was really nervous about this one so thank you <3