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After wiping out the bandits, Amelia and you are put on guard duty for a rather strange old fellow who rambles on about protecting a magical item while he goes out on a blind date.     

Protecting an old coot's silly knickknacks seems like a simple task considering the money involved and so Amelia turns her sights back to you, determined to reward you for your heroic deeds back in the jungle. 


Grant Mathieson

Im trying to picture what type of rifle/weapons Aims would use.


I'll fill you up really well ❤❤


Hmm I always figured I'd commission her with a sniper rifle but I don't know O_<

Holden Gladden

NGL, this one is may have left me catatonic for a few moments.


"Dakka" is a term from the warhammer 40k universe, used by the race known as the Orks. It means "guns" or also refers to fire power in general, and the saying goes that there's no such thing as enough dakka.