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I had the displeasure of seeing my ex-girlfriend's father try to kick her out while she was still in high school after she turned 18. Just literally wanted to put her on the streets while finishing her senior year. I've spoken with a few listeners who either experienced something similar or are afraid of doing so. 

It's a shame and my heart goes out to folks whose parents would do stuff like that. 

Anyway, please enjoy. ♥


Taka Brute

I would have legit fought that man holy shit

Nicholas Turner

Closed mindedness like that kills me. When I told my mom that I was bisexual it was pretty terrifying. I live in the deep South where people tend to be deeply religious. She was fine with and I consider myself deeply lucky even though I still can't say it openly aroud others. Still get condemned or they judge my mothers parenting skills. But even so, I know some people don't even have that and my heart goes out to them.


Aww I'm sorry to hear it about the south. It's so unfair they'd judge you and your mom like that. It's such an innocent thing, and honestly really no one's dang business. I'll never understand the obsession. You're so lucky though, your mom seems nice! :3

Nicholas Turner

I appreciate it. In all fairness, I can't claim that everyone in the south is like that. It's just a fairly common sentiment, unfortunately. Honestly, it boils down to the south having a deeply religious background. Id never say that everyone who is religious is like that. It's just that the vocal minority tend to get the spotlight. But then, I can't really be mad at them for being vocal about what they believe. At least they're truthful to the ones around them while I'm forced to hide how I feel. I'm not defending their prejudices. I just envy their freedom.


Yeah that's true, my ex's dad was super religious too. Like the type to go to church 3x a week, more if there's a holiday. It really put me off religion for a while. But I slowly learned not all are like that. I'm sorry you have to hide it too. I'm saddened by how much "easier" it is to show pda, like holding hands, with my husband than it was with my ex gf. There were often threats, rude comments, or people fetishizing us and trying to get us to "perform" and other stuff. I hope in a few generations, it will be more accepted and those generations will be able to enjoy the freedom we can only hope for. <3 oh wow, sorry this is so long xD

Nicholas Turner

Being told to "perform" is kinda the apex of being a creep. What gets on my nerves is the constant "I'm not gay so stay away" comments and jokes. Like I'm suddenly attracted to every guy in the general vicinity. I'm just attracted to people who are good to me. People over complicate it. I'm not super flamboyant or anything. Bahh, I don't get people. Thanks for taking the time to talk, I'm sure you're super busy! I'm a big fan and this has definitely been a positive on a rather negative week. Thanks for being a friend! I love your content and keep up the good work. Work hard but take breaks when you need to. Stay safe and stay healthy! Thanks for being awesome! P.S big fan of anything Girl XGirl, fandom, and Futanari lol. Hey, just softballing idea's out here ;p

Nicholas Turner

Femdom* damn auto correct not knowing common terms lol

MoonSilk (edited)

Comment edits

2022-03-06 19:34:56 Lmao our phones are out to get us,I swear. And sure, no problem! I always like connecting with listeners 💜 and oh! Please enjoy Luna and Seventy Eight next month. There's also a futa girl in the mix but I gotta get her script put down on paper first. >.< anyway, I'm glad to make yer week a little brighter,I hope next week goes better! Much love, hun 💜💓💜
2020-04-21 11:03:12 Lmao our phones are out to get us,I swear. And sure, no problem! I always like connecting with listeners 💜 and oh! Please enjoy Luna and Seventy Eight next month. There's also a futa girl in the mix but I gotta get her script put down on paper first. >.< anyway, I'm glad to make yer week a little brighter,I hope next week goes better! Much love, hun 💜💓💜

Lmao our phones are out to get us,I swear. And sure, no problem! I always like connecting with listeners 💜 and oh! Please enjoy Luna and Seventy Eight next month. There's also a futa girl in the mix but I gotta get her script put down on paper first. >.< anyway, I'm glad to make yer week a little brighter,I hope next week goes better! Much love, hun 💜💓💜