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It’s no secret that the life of a lone empath is difficult, especially if you lack the support structure to help you hone your psychic abilities. Being privy to the minds of others is often overwhelming, even painful, and having a big heart sometimes just makes it an easier target.

No stranger to being burned for wearing that heart on his sleeve, our empath has spent many a year trying but failing to understand why he’s different, why he feels and sees things others don’t, and why these things make him an outsider when all he wants is someone to understand him, to love him.

The path to happiness has been uphill but after struggling to find a place among his own kind, this empath has stumbled upon a woman who appears perfect for him, who seems almost enthralled by his unique nature. 

What’s more, her mind isn’t inundating him with an onslaught of emotions and thoughts. She’s a breath of fresh air and despite his cautious nature, she’s stayed by his side, patiently moving at his own pace – until tonight.

Finally in his apartment together, things seem to be progressing smoothly until she gets too close to him, triggering an unbidden reaction from his uninhibited psychic abilities. 

Something is off about her and although she tries to smooth things over, his premonitions have never been wrong yet. Deciding honesty is the best policy, the woman reveals she’s no human at all but a succubus who was drawn to his talents, wild and uncontained as they are. 

Unsurprisingly, this doesn’t go over well for the empath who immediately flees from the demoness, but she’s not ready to give up on him just yet. 

Sure, she’s different but so is he. Perhaps that connection alone is enough to give our empath a glimpse of what it means to be truly loved. But will he take the risk needed to finally grasp happiness – even if it’s natural form has revealed itself to have curled horns, fangs and a wide, leathery wingspan?


The Cautious Empath Meets A Sweet Succubus.mp3



Wow. I’m in disbelief that I found something like this, from someone I’m subscribed to no less. 100% genuine, no hyperbole, this had me in tears; I can’t overstate how close to home this hits. I’ve lived this every day of my life. It’s not something I ever talk about, because it’ll just come off as “look at me, I’m special.”, so I never get to say anything like this. I never get to vent about it, and even if I could, I can’t explain it with words. It’s just... nice, to be recognized. So yeah, thank you. This really made my night.


Aww Im so happy to hear this really hit home for you hun! It's always my pleasure :3