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Furious roars shook the dojo, and the oppressive aura of its combatants made the observers lining the walls strain to remain upright. The murderous intent pounced on Tavza as she stepped inside. It was swallowed by the Abyss before it could come close, leaving her mind unaffected.

"What's this?" Tavza icily said, ignoring the onlookers while holding up the communication token.

There was no response except deep thuds of fists crashing into leathery skin and claws grinding against bone and stone. Three circles of utter darkness appeared without a sound, forming an array around the struggling Beast King. Three flashes disintegrated the head of the Peak D-grade simian before it could react, ending the battle prematurely.

"Poor guy," a muffled voice said from beneath the headless carcass before it was flung out of the way. "I promised it could live if it managed to pin me down."

"What is the meaning of this?" Tavza repeated.

"Isn't it self-evident?" Kator said. "I've reorganized our group."

"You've removed me from the mission, replacing me with one of your sycophants."

"Right-hand man, but yes," Kator said as he applied some paste to remove the shallow marks on his armor. "You've been sealed in your crypt so long I didn't know if you'd emerge in time."

"I was training for our mission."

"And I appreciate your dedication. Nevertheless, I realized that having both of us aboard that brat's ship was a bad idea. What would happen to our mission if something went wrong? This way, there's still hope for our undertaking in case I should fall in the line of duty."

"You might be in charge, but this is a joint operation. Removing me is breaking the agreement. Remember, you are still on Draugr land."

"Relocating. Someone needs to lead our sealbearers and remaining candidates into the graveyard. You have ample experience in that regard—your experience in the Million Gates territory makes you perfect for the assignment. Of course, you're welcome to stay behind if you feel the task beneath you."

"If only one of us can stay with Arcaz Umbri'Zi, it should be me. Your strained relationship with the asset is well-documented."

"We don't need to get along to work together. Rather, it's you who's too close to him. How can I be sure you don't try to run off with the little bastard?" Kator laughed. "I'm not convinced your allegiance with the Empire supersedes that of your lake, so I'll be the one to make sure he finishes his quest and completes his seal."

"You have the audacity to talk about allegiance at this time? It's you who—"

"You shouldn't believe every rumor you hear," Kator said with a shake of his head. "Either case, my decision is final."

"I will—"

"Oh, I've imposed a seal on Kavista. This mission is of extreme importance to our cause. We cannot have any information fall into our enemies' hands."

"So that's it?" Tavza said, the Abyss in her eyes growing darker.

"That's it, Draugr," Kator rumbled as patterns formed across his Warbones.

"I hope you don't choke on your appetite."

Tavza turned around and left, unwilling to stay with the insufferable Reaver for another second. Giving in to the desire to rip him apart would do her no good. Her chances of victory were slim, and it would accomplish nothing. Despite her best efforts, there still hadn't been any word from the Heart. Kator was still in charge of the mission, which had been created by Lord Primo and ratified by the four races.

Lashing out was no different than breaking the cardinal laws of the empire, so long as his orders were within reason. They were out of options. Tavza soon reached her study, where Laz was already waiting.

"He's not budging."

"I guessed as much. That daredevil used the Primo's writ to create a blockade, so he must be ready to face the fallout. He's digging himself deeper if they're truly planning something."

"It's a small price to pay for the White Sky Phalanx if it means furthering their goals. There is no way around the seal?"

"Not by anyone bound by the commandments."

"Still no word from home?" Tavza asked.

"The Lake remains sealed per the last report, and we've received no word of any big changes on the outside. Garrisons close to our empires are still seeing a constant influx of common-race soldiers."

"The lower races would never dare act out on their own," Tavza said.

"True. And yet, such movements cannot be faulted under any law or regulation."

"Do you think they'd actually dare attack?"

"If they see an opportunity? Absolutely," Laz said. "For now, they should only be exerting pressure. Rattling their spears and attacking are two very different things. They want us to join their camp or remain neutral at the very least."

"Have the others made their will known?"

"No. The Serpentine Sea Phalanx is still ignoring the actions of their race. If anything, they've escalated their war with the Primal Council. The Blood Progenitor remains silent, and the Eternal Court appears to be split down the middle. Who knows what the Eidolon are thinking?"

"They move as one," Tavza sighed. "The Hiveminds must have given some form of assurance if two Phalanxes and half the Sanguine aristocrats dare raise their weapons."

"It might not necessarily come to war," Laz said. "This is not the first time this has happened. Even the Abyssal Shores have participated in similar activities in the past."

Laz's words were meant to comfort. Unfortunately, they both knew this time was different. The Primo had been seen less and less frequently over the past generations. His true body didn't even appear to officiate when the Imperial Supremacies left on their final journey.

The once-unmentionable rumors were now openly discussed among the common populace. That true Death had finally caught up with the Primo. That his Dao Heart could no longer take the eternity it had been forced to endure. That the Heart of the Empire had finally bested him and that it was time for the next chapter of the Undead Empire. No emperors, no futile wars, and an era of prosperity.

Even now, the Primo remained quiet, adding oil to the fire. His reticence had left the Abyssal Shores in a difficult position. This was the worst possible time for a civil war. Her ancestor was approaching his limits, with none being ready to pick up his mantle. Worse, discovering the missing branch was a glaring weakness until it had the chance to mature.

A single order from the Primo could have pulled the Abyssal Shores to his side—to let her bring back the son of Eoz and complete their bloodline. Even handing her back command of the mission would have sufficed. The Primo had done neither. Was his position truly so weakened he didn't dare push back against the Reaver's grab for control? Was he unable to communicate with the outside world, as some suspected?

Tavza felt the crushing burden of command weighing on her. As much as she hated to admit it, she wasn't as skilled as Kator in leadership. Her path was another. She prayed that would be the key to avoiding disaster.

"We have no choice. I'm going to perform the ritual."

"You've managed to finish it?" Laz exclaimed with shock.

"I believe so."

"You believe? Death looks completely different compared to the Limitless Empire's era. Just the slightest error in your calculations, and—"

"We are out of options. We cannot sit idly by while the world moves forward," Tavza said with determination. "I have to speak with the lord."

"Let me or Sepravo do it."

"Impossible. You lack the required affinity with the Dao of Death and the precise knowledge to channel it. There might only be ten people in the Shores who have a chance of getting a message through," Tavza said. "Please help hide my actions."

"Of course."

Tavza made her final preparations before activating a hidden array that displaced her into another room. A series of transfers using complex and everchanging patterns and her bloodline took her into a hidden chamber in the depths of Kavista, a place not even Tassar Kavriel knew of. It teemed with Miasma, far surpassing what the local holy lands could provide.

Part of it came from Tavza's efforts over the past years, another from the fact it was a hidden vein drawing from the continent's very essence. In the middle of the cave was an enormous sphere made from an intricate mesh of thousands of strings. It was one of the most incomprehensible arrays she'd ever encountered and the culmination of her efforts.

Being stripped of command had awoken her from her comfortable dream of superiority. She knew there would be little chance of her reclaiming command during the war—she was a historian and Array Master, while Kator was a skilled general and fierce fighter. She'd still believed she could have achieved her goals as a vice-commander, keeping the seed of Vanguard safe from the backlines.

That was before she fully understood the storm Arcaz had stirred. Seeing the Abyssal Pond explode was like a slap to her face that had shattered any lingering notion of safety or surety. Not even the Abyssal Shores were safe when facing the coming storm. Since then, she'd worked herself the bones, fighting, cultivating, and scouring the depths of the Million Gates Territory for anything that could help. Then she found it.

An array created by the Primo himself in an era preceding the System's birth. A gift left to a benefactor who had extended a helping hand at his lowest. Tavza didn't know the details, and she hadn't dared prod too deep, fearful of triggering a hidden safeguard in the commandments. Still, the array had become a beacon of hope when the Heart grew increasingly distant.

'When all options are exhausted, and all you see is darkness, light the pyre. Death will bring life.'

The message was not an empty promise. A year of research had deduced it was Law infused into the array. Activating it without the prerequisites in place would cause a powerful backlash that would rip even Monarchs to shreds. Tavza believed she'd checked all the boxes, yet her hands shook as she ignited the logs of ancient wood.

Black flames were sucked into the labyrinthian mesh, and millions of archaic runes lit up. The Miasma around her twisted and transformed, regressing into a primal state. Past and present connected through the tapestry of Death, forming an illusory gate. Tavza took a steadying breath and stepped through.

The river of time tried to rip her apart. She staunchly held on, her personal Abyss holding off the backlash of the paradox she'd formed. Space stabilized, and madness was unleashed. She stood on a desolate expanse under an utterly foreign sky. Decay and madness had taken up all reality, twisting her senses and perception. It didn't accept anything else, and Tavza would have been instantly remolded by foreign Death if not for the small, black flame in her hands.

'Child of Azol, you should not have come.'

The wasteland shook as it spoke. The ground rose, forming a sphere made of bedrock. One eye after another opened on the dusty stone until a million gazes were trained upon her. Not two were alike, except for the profound Death their pupils were made from. It was a different darkness than the comforting blackness of the Abyss and not any weaker.

Eyes opened and closed, forming a pattern that encompassed all life's terminus. Dimensions lost their meaning as the eyes bent and expanded into dimensions where Tavza's mind couldn't follow. The undivided attention was just as fatal as the Fallen Death, which was still whispering in Tavza's ears. It was completely different from the Founders, the homunculi carved in their lord's mortal image.

She was facing one of the true facets of the Primo—Galgallim.

"My Lord, I was out of options, and all I can see is Death in our future," Tavza groaned, struggling to keep herself from eroding.

'You are traversing on ancient Karma. What befell the original owner?'

"Their descendants succumbed early in the Dark Ages. They died before they could finish the sphere."

'Fate inherited… and accepted. Speak'

"There is unrest on the outside, and we could not contact you. We feared something had gone wrong."

'The Heart has been sealed.'


Just who was powerful enough to trap the Primo inside the Heart of the Empire?

'No matter. Heart and empire is one. Kingdoms crumble, civilizations fall. Death reigns eternal.'

Tavza held back a gasp. Was the Primo happy to stay in his cage, depriving the empire of its lifeline to fight back? Their population had grown far too great to survive without the Eternal Heritage's constant infusion of Miasma. Even the colonies couldn't survive without its gift.

It would lead to calamity, especially so for Draugr. The Abyssal Lake was the empire's second-greatest source of Miasma. The other races couldn't enter its depths, but the shores could provide sanctuary. The longer the Heart remained closed, the more danger they would face.

"Lord, the Abyssal Shores has not moved against you! However, the son of Eoz is being targeted by the other races. His fate is tied to our race. If lord could extend a helping hand, the Abyssal Shores will stand with—"

'I cannot help you.'

Tavza's heart sank even further.

'His fate is not yours to control, nor anyone else's. He is gathering Chaos; the tapestry has already been corroded. I can only sense he will face mortal danger.'

"Is there anything I can do?"

'Perhaps. Perhaps not. Child of Azol, are you willing to face the unknowable? In Chaos, seize life.'

"I'm willing!"

'Very well. Thus, Karma dies.'

Pitch-black runes poured out of the myriad eyes, forming a web that expanded space toward infinity. The madness was swept away, replaced by the pure bliss of the Grand Tapestry of Death. Tavza only got a brief moment to take it in before she felt a tug, pulling her across further into the tapestry until she reached a writhing knot.

It was a small gathering of Chaos, causing unpredictable changes that spread through the tapestry. Tavza felt she could accomplish anything if she grasped that power. Correct the past, save the future. She shook her head, remembering her goal. The key to her predicament should be inside. She'd seize it, no matter what.

'Remember, fate is not set, and what is dead may rise anew.'

A gap opened, and Tavza entered the broken peak.



Boom Shaka Laka




Groovy baby


Thank you!



Lex Luther S

Interesting. So zac is liable to die on this outing but tavza is trying to find a path to salvation and she must delve into chaos to grasp that thread of hope. What it is is unknown but it must be something that can help change zacs fate and even tavza and the shores fate, especially if it's from the broken peak of chaos.

Justin van mele

Hay look a new war for Zac to fight!!! I bet that will make Zac happy.

Darnell Maxwell

Oooh a new chapter this'll be fun. *gets to the civil war* Wait what? When did the Civil war start? What are all these factions? Did I miss a chapter? *they start talking about the doa of death* Aaaaaaaand I have no idea what's going on. Oh well I'll probably figure it out when the audiobooks get here.

Henry Wartemberg

Tftc. Though god that chapter was dense with Dao/ tapestry talk. It’s like trying to interpret a new language. Whilst being hearing impaired

Immutably Empty

He was wondering how he could level as a monarch since there weren't enough enemies in a whole sector. This will provide enemies from hundreds of sectors 😄

Palmer Evans

Haha can’t wait for Kator’s smug attitude to crumble in the face of Zac’s fate. Selfish pride always leads to the sweetest comeuppance


Review the fallen gods?

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


Wasn’t expecting a Tavza chapter and I especially wasn’t expecting to meet the Primo! Also I’m glad to finally understand what’s going on with the Founders. Tftc chapter as always!

Ryan Pepp

Thank you for the chapter!


The Primo having a facet of an angel makes sense after Zac having a Branch of the Pale Seal, a Christian slant to death

Tyler S.

So It is confirmed That with the Added authority Zac is actually causing Chaos paterns in at least the Grand death pattern likely the Life pattern as well. and now the Primo giving Tavza a pass to study this Chaos; with her and Zacs powerups i cant wait for the Kator beatdown

Timothy Dana

Is Tavza in the Peak of Life or the in Peak of Death at the end of the chapter?


The Reaver, the Eidolon and the Eternal Clan (vampires) want to change the way the Empire is run. They want to reduce the quotas of death that demand the eternal war against the living, they want to create alliances with some living races (like how the Draugr can have trading post like the twilight harbor) but they are unable to do so because of the commandments. To do that they intend to steal the Item the Primo left in the Hollow Court of Ultom and force the Primo to negotiate. The Draugr are a little better because their abyssal shores are a powerful source of death and synergize with the Hearth of the Empire so their quotas are lower that the other 3 and they have more autonomy in their relation with the living (they still go at war against most of them though) so they aren't keen to join this rebelion.


This might actually be a great idea on the Primo's part, if he can change the way the Dao of Death interacts with the Dao of Life he might change the way the Undead Empire works as a whole and avoid the civil war altogether. Zac won't be able to do it by himself he's only an hegemon but maybe with Tavza that strange array, the Authority Zac was given and the Item in the Ultom Courts he might have a chance.

Darnell Maxwell

And this is why I'm glad so many people on the Patreon put free poonts into intelligence. Thank you very much for that explanation.


A rather dark chapter


But tavza will probably reappear in zac bathhouse with a single eye and three titties, thx to chaos.


Reread chapter 1102 a Chance to rise it's the chapter you miss


So the Primo and the progenitors are biblical accurate angels of death, good to know. It also explain why Zac Branch of death is called the Pale Seal. Will we see angels of the other courts helping the Undead Empire or maybe other empires?


Yeah so miasma generation is the key here. The heart of the empire makes new undead worlds possible, and to a lesser extent the abyssal shores. The primo sacrifices members of every undead race to grow and maintain the empire; eats their fate to bring forth new opportunities. The draugr are not sacrificing at the same rate, thus a civil war has been brewing. Zac is an independent, so he’s gotta die before restoring the Eoz bloodline. A lot of Kator scenes have him planing. The duel was always about pushing to reveal Zac’s hidden aces, for example. The fact the pattern of death is marked with chaos is probably the biggest wtf, as the primo is seeking the concept of rebirth, not annihilation. Also the heart being sealed, means the undead will go into a new dark age without it, thus Zac getting primo authority.

Jeffrey Worrall

Any ideas on what this means "Very well. Thus, Karma dies"


Did this chapter just escalate from the already daunting task of changing the fate of a whole sector, to him having to change the fate of one of the most powerful factions in the whole system/multiverse? Got damn, like i know he wont die probably, because then the series would be over so to say, but this cant come without him having to pay some sort of price at the very least.


‘he will face mortal danger.' + ‘Remember, fate is not set, and what is dead may rise anew.' = one half of zac will probably be destroyed, but he will survive 🖖 tfd is laying it a bit thick.


Did she go back in time? It sounded like she'd go back in time but then Past Primo explained the present and instructed her to meddle with things that are recent...


With this he got even with the one he gave this method to.

austin kutz

He has power over all things death. If he wants to do something he has to kill something even if that something is a concept. I expect that he killed the karma that brought her to him, thus sending her back

austin kutz

This is the final chapter that, to me, proves that Zac is both destined to be the first defier, is already the first defier, and is owed a debt of karma by the Primo, which is why he has no trouble cultivating death. It's a completely illogical paradox, but that's true chaos for you


In chaos, size life... Makes sense. Chaos, I think, represents the duality of existence and non-existence. The heavens and the void. All daos have a terminus, all at the pinnacle of existence, but are they all equal? The eternal struggle to claim the one destiny, elevate reality, and break cease chaos to enter the eternal era.

Scott Mingo

Thanks for the chapter! If I were to cultivate a Dao related to investing. . . Would that be the Dao of the Dow?


A being covered in eyes is a fairly accurate description of an ophanim (Galgallim), or Throne, seen in the bible. It also is a hallmark of Azrael, the angel of death in the abrahamic faiths.

Jeff McCulley

“…she'd worked herself the bones” Worked herself to the bone.

Jeff McCulley

“Mortal danger” doesn’t mean that any of Zac will die, just that he faces that risk. Par for the course.

Jeff McCulley

It means that the karma that was owed to the original owner, which Tavza inherited, is now complete.

Jeffrey Worrall

I was hoping that it was something bad for the Sangha but your idea makes more sense.

Jason Hatter

She bridged time. She reached back to the ancient Era and spoke to the Primo, who apparently knew what was going on (because all times death exists in he's aware of events, maybe? Or maybe he scanned her as she approached, and determined what was going on).


Omiso & Salvo thanks for the explanations. You definitely helped with some of my WTF questions. Some of us don’t have many points in intelligence 😂

Jeff McCulley

No, it’s merely a borrowed name and physical description of a relatively obscure reference which is not actually in the Bible. “Biblically accurate” would require leaps and bounds more than an otherwise random talking head. More importantly, biblically accurate angels don’t believe in—or even refer to—karma.

Luke Scheffe

Just wait for the crafter supremacy, with a Grand Tapestry of the Grand Tapestry


Great chapter, Tavza really risked a lot in the last scene, dao heart and path at a minimum. Her and Vilari are really selfless undead, which is a huge variation with how the rest of the universe sees their faction. We also see the reason Be-Zi left the primo, his death tapestry is different from the peak of Oblivion which, hello there… He’s lucid and some elditch eyeball storm or and Old Testament angel. Here I was thinking 1 of the 108 saints.


Saying severing karma like everyone else is too passé for the Death Supremacy when you can be thematic instead

Lex Luther S

Likely the karma that connected then through that ancient wood. Though it's pretty cryptic given the scale we're dealing with.

Lex Luther S

Just because the heart is sealed doesn't mean the primos authority is up for grabs. I imagine until a supremacy is killed off and their latent will gone, is when authorities will be up for grabs or else that ancient godkings hold on a piece of authority from Iz grandma's throne would have been solved long before Iz grandma claimed that throne. Though the heart being sealed is undoubtedly a big L for the undead empire as their natural generation of miasma isn't enough without it.


I wonder if the Primo's tapestry is marked with Chaos because of events that have already happened or if it's an acausal effect of what Zac's going to summon against the bell. Because if our (or my at least) wildest dreams come true and Zac gets Creation and Oblivion impartments right after surviving Atavism, the glimpse of Chaos that comes after will be fundamentally his in a way that the others have not.


So you don’t support the defiers merge with the system to change the rules theory? Why does the system hold so many seats of authority and yet Zac is going for Chaos when the system when the peaks are broken at the same time. Was the system less broken in the past? Personally, I think it’s a dao of Order construct and the law of balance is making an opposing force.

Mike Naka

I can see Arcaz getting killed over the Hollow Court prize only for him to transfer it to Zac in the nick of time. Kator or his 2nd hand stooge will lie about getting kill energy. Zac won't be able to take revenge b/c he'll have to save Iz. The civil war will start. As Kator offers the preserved body of the Eoz descendant to Catheya on the Abyssal Shores for their support against the Primo, Arcaz will show up with the Hollow Court prize, and Arcaz and Kator will have their re-match.

Mike Naka

The System may be using Zac to corrupt daos/seals/thrones to make them harder to defend so the System can step in and take over those positions.

Jason Bradford

Tavza’s involvement threw all my expectations and predictions out save one - Kator dies, and soon.

Jason Bradford

Previous heavens have been based on Void and Chaos - it’s only the current iteration that holds Chaos as a broken peak

Jason Bradford

Zac will enter Monarchy within 20 Chapters

Ryan Ulrich

I kinda hope Kator lives. He sucks, but the dude knows he is between a rock and a hard place and doing his best to survive

Kevin Albers

So Primo seems like a potential bro?


we are in D grade for what? 200 chapters or something I belive it will take another 200 to 300 chapters

Jethro Frank

I think 20 chaps is a bit of a stretch, but certainly I think he will enter Monarchy as part of the resolution to the whole flamebearers/Zecia Invasion arc.


I think she is going to be a Dao impartment, like Yrial did for Zac when he accepted him as a student. As a Monarch, she can see the tapestry of Dao. She could share the insights of the grand Dao of chaos and death to Zac. Something tells me she’s gonna have to wrap out the chaos from her mind and soul.


I feel Tavza might be more like a sister to Arcaz, I don’t see the two main bloodline household plotting against Eoz. That just makes the chances of them getting their true strength zero

Lex Luther S

No, every peak is broken at the start of the era, it's only through the effort of cultivators and the march of time that sees the peaks mended and repaired. When every era is reborn, it's rebuilt on the building blocks of one of the peaks, this current era being the era of unification and order. It's why the peak of chaos is considered a paradox in this era, because it's a dao that shouldn't exist and under the limitations of the current heavens, it's impossible to cultivate the path of chaos. Until zac showed up.

Lex Luther S

It's why there's even a chance to save everything going wrong. Chaos is needed and the lifeline Tavza, zac and the primo need is within that broken peak and saving zac and arcaz is only the start. In turn zac and arcaz will aquire the item the primo wants which will see him restored to his peak and likely have full control over the heart of death which in turn will be a lifeline to the shores in this perilous time with the civil war brewing.

Lex Luther S

The first defier existed billions of years ago so it's impossible for Zac to be the first defier as the first defiers throne/seal is in the systems hands.

Lex Luther S

Well, they need the 3 upper bloodlines to release that seal in the depths of the lake and zac will likely need to be an autarch at the least for that to happen and with what the two abyssal princes have sacrificed so far, it's obvious they won't target zac no matter what. It's more the other divine races they need to be in guard against.

Thomas Shaw

I have no idea what’s going on with this chapter. Too many subtle hints


The lake closed when Zac went into the lake. News to me that the heart is also sealed. But I think something happened to the lake when Zac went into it. Again I’ll bring up my theory that the Eoz bloodline has returned due to Eoz being brought back by Zac temporarily. It closing had to do with Zac since it closed and never reopened when he went into the depths.


The sealing of the Abyssal Shores doesn't refer to the Lake itself but the Draugr faction closing its borders to contain the news of Eoz actions and its fallout (the storm of fate).

Jason Bradford

Ok…I may have undershot this a bit, but am I alone in feeling that things are accelerating for Zac? He’s being hammered on all sides and he’s already to Middle Hegemony…he’s about to get squeezed by the Graveyard, Kator, the other Flamebearers, and he’s entering prime technocrat territory…I don’t think he’s going to have a choice. Peak Hegemony is probably a better bet, but Monarchy is accelerating towards him and his entire coterie. Releasing the Foreign Gods will be another massive boost prior to Ultom. Think about what he’ll get for winning the war in Zecia by lighting that beacon


Yes! They sealed the Abyssal shores when Zac went into the lake. that's why it says, "The Lake remains sealed per the last report". the border was closed to seal off the news that Eoz appeared and that the prince used up some of his lifespans to help Zac.


'His fate is not yours to control, nor anyone else's. He is gathering Chaos; the tapestry has already been corroded. I can only sense he will face mortal danger.' I think due to Zac creating Chaos when he gets all 5 remnants of life and Death bringing a big Chaos pattern greater than the one in the tower of Eternity. this will make all future seeing skills to become useless. (i think they are useless now since no one can see what will happen, since the Chaos he made in the future has already corroded the future with Chaos) the primo can only tell that Zac will face mortal danger.


So was Zac actually marked by the Primo, or did his Chaos ‘steal’ a portion of the Dao of death? This chaos fragment in the pattern kind of implies Zac is forcibly encroaching on the authority through chaos?


For the Draugr Zac is basically a prince. I’m pretty sure protecting him is priority one for the shores as a whole. He can save their race from extinction, which the other undead races want to stop from happening. So yeah, I think the Draugr will treat him like an eonic seed and make sure he is protected at all cost

Chase C

I think so too. He's trying to avoid being a disposable pawn in this whole situation with the Ultom Courts and Zac's Eoz heritage. I could see him and Zac striking up a comradery if they both make it out the other side Then again, maybe he isn't fated *shrug*


Tavza x ventus ?

David Giles

The Primo may cultivate True Life as well it seems if he can summon Chaos.


To understand death one has to naturally have and equal understanding of life so it think its safe to say the primo is pretty proficient in both he just specializes in death since he’s undead, we assume… what if he’s not…


Interesting idea, though I would imagine that would bring him in direct conflict with Zac