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A small settlement had formed at the breach, with dozens of grand palaces of varied origins floating in space. The settlement had an air of expectancy and youthful vigor, with dozens of heated duels taking place on specifically erected platforms. Others sat right at the edge, silently searching for Karma.

True Destiny took in the weak swirls of fate. Some carried seeds of potential, yet none came close to the display his Eminence relayed four weeks ago. The Arhat stopped before the invisible boundary, the trail's terminus obscured by the Boundless Heavens.

His six brothers emerged from golden portals soon after, exposing their presence to the onlookers. Youthful vigor was replaced by crushing power as the young cultivators rushed to the sides of the entities observing them from the palace depths. True Destiny paid it no heed, and his brothers formed an impassable wall separating him from the mundane world. For seven days and seven nights, he listened for fate's muted whispers.

"The young benefactor is directly connected to the Pillars of Tīrthika."

True Merit and his other brothers took the news in stride. "Shall we contact the acolytes beyond the curtain? They are sent under his Eminence's order."

"Their trajectories are fraught with uncertainty. Involving them in the investigation of the obscured Candidate might do more harm than good," True Destiny slowly said. "We'll only involve them if left no choice."

"Forceful interference before the path has been decided may similarly cause a Karmic backlash, harming the Sangha's fate," True Benevolence said.

"We still have time. The Cosmos will provide a path, even if we have to wait for the curtain to fall," True Destiny said, glancing at the thousands of young elites peering at them from within protective barriers. "Until then, we can minimize the number of variables."

The seven chose a spot overlooking the divider, and True Destiny led his brothers through the opening chants. Lotus flowers radiating immeasurable merit bloomed beneath their seated positions, and a golden temple echoing the true path materialized.

Horrified shouts came from the group of misguided travelers hoping to form Karma with the fifth pillar. Buddha's Love was Heaven's path. How could physical barriers hold it back? It was regrettable that the young mistook benevolence for malice, but they'd eventually understand the gift.

"You got some guts, you bald bastards, trying to influence the children!"

Space shattered like a mirror, exposing two malevolent eyes staring down at them. The temple shook, and red veins appeared on the lotus leaves. True Destiny shook his head with regret, seeing falsehoods had obscured the eyes of the wayward.

"Every being holds the potential for Buddha's love, benefactor," True Destiny calmly responded. "One simply has to open their heart to grasp it."

"Warison of the Seven Severance Grotto greets the Esteemed Arhats of the Boundless Ocean," a deep voice seemingly coming from the depths of the Cosmos spread through the region as a cave mouth formed. "According to our understanding, the Sangha doesn't use these pathways into the sector, and I see no acolytes among your ranks."

"This humble one has no design on the emerging threads of Karma," True Destiny confirmed.

"Then could the lords give us some face and proselytize further to the side? Your hymns will make it impossible for our young to search for their opportunities," the voice said as two more presences joined.

"Regrettably, this one cannot comply," True Fate calmly said despite the immense pressure on the temple. "We exist to safeguard the balance, and fate led us here."

"So you're just here to cause trouble because your young has already found a way into the trial?" a third Autarch interjected with anger.

"Enough nonsense! Your actions are breaking the agreement! Do you think the Sangha can cover the sky? Dozens of factions have divided the pathways, and more people are arriving by the day!" the first Autarch growled as a roiling sea of wrath seeped out of the hidden dimension.

"Amitabha," True Destiny said. "Benefactor should remain focused on the inconstancy of all fabrications. Only then can ignorance be abandoned, giving rise to clear knowing."

"Then you leave us no choice!"

The mundane plane couldn't withstand the pressure and collapsed. Boundless darkness spread across the horizon, only illuminated by the protective spheres surrounding the young. True Destiny calmly took in the scene, his hands clasped in a mudra.

A world was born from his heart, bringing the gift of Akaniṣṭha to the void. Mountains rose to meet the descending apparitions; rivers poured into the roiling ocean. Reality stabilized, yet the violence threatened to disrupt the fraught balance.

"The sea of regret is endless," True Destiny sighed as four of his silently stood up.

Twenty days later, darkness gave way to light. The flickering stars returned as the dimension healed under Dharmic blessings. Palaces, domains, and platforms were gone. Instead, the small temple floated above an ocean of blood containing the broken ruins of a world. A shattered sword floated in the distance, its sharp edges bleeding Heavenly Dao. Like the ocean, the sword was gradually giving back to the Cosmos what had been borrowed.

The air was awash with truth, and the region was full of promise. Yet the few remaining supplicants didn't dare search for opportunities within, nor did they dare so much as glance in the direction of the Boundless Heaven's barrier. The unrepentant had been purified, and the observers hiding in the dark had retreated like shadows put under the light.

Weeks turned to months as tranquil chants reverberated through the frontier. Each sutra delved into the river of fate in search of

"Hm?" True Destiny said, opening his eyes.

He'd finally caught onto the thread of potential and turned his attention to one of the supplicants abandoned months before. Like the others, he'd been trapped by indecision, neither advancing nor retreating.

"Young benefactor, I can see that fate connects us. Tell me your name."

"I—" the golem stuttered, his aura and Heart unstable. "Please, great Lord. I don't—"

True Destiny traced the golem's Karma to a different sector of the frontier, vaguely sensing the possibilities hidden within. "Fate has brought us together, and we'll have to rely on each other to navigate these troubled waters."


The boiling seas strained under the mighty auras exuded by the floating palaces. The metallic waves were tamed and turned into passable ground for the engineering corps of the Chapter of Noble Pursuits. Of course, most of the sprawling army below was made up of guardian slaves tasked with protecting the church's greatest minds. Ker'Ero felt like an esteemed Chapter Master as he stood atop the walls, looking up at his creation being guarded by thousands of stalwart warriors.

"The increase in activity is not random. They know we're here," Jezho muttered as she scanned the sky for incoming threats.

"So?" Ker'Ero grunted. "We should be happy these fools are willing to become live targets for a live experiment."

"Don't let our recent victories blind you," Perl frowned. "Our enemies are faltering, but they still have more than enough firepower to wipe out our unit from the map. Worse, they have been targeting our locations as of late."

"Because they understand we pose the greatest threat," Ker'Ero grinned, his heart surging with pride. "We've already begun unraveling the secrets of their most recent toys. Without those toys, they'll be like sheep for the slaughter."

Certainly, their individual strength fell short of most of the other chapters, and they hadn't been able to take out as many high-tier targets as Tripartite Truth or Warborn. But who could claim the honor of reaping the most lives but Noble Pursuits? Most of the War Machines and Cosmic Vessels were either crafted in their workshops or derived from their designs.

Hell, even the Gateways leading to the Zecia sector was their creation. Noble Pursuits were the ones who'd break through the final resistance, and he was one of the esteemed Grand Mechaneers making it possible. What were some Remoulded before the steel and blood beneath his feet?

"That's what I'm saying," Jezho said. "They know our research is bearing fruit and are adamant on stopping our progress. Worse, they are somehow sniffing out our hidden locations. We might have a breach, or they've gained access to powerful scanners that can pierce our shrouds. Maybe another Variable-signal Vessel?"

"Speaking of, I heard that one of those bastards might be in the area," Ker'Ero said. "The bounty on their heads…"

"Ignore it. Our task is to scout for threats and nothing else. Our research is finally bearing fruit after the immense investment. We'll deal with the Atwood Empire through our inventions rather than fists," Perl said. "Not to mention, the information is most likely false. How many times have our people tried to track down the armies of the Atwood Empire only to find Monarch waiting for us?"

"I supposed. Still, I'd like to see that maniac come to our neck of the woods," Ker'Ero grinned. "There wouldn't be anything left for the brutes below after my inventions are done with him."

"Then I shall oblige."

Ker'Ero's heart lurched when the abyssal voice appeared out of nowhere.

"Defend!" Perl roared as the sky was swallowed by desolation.

The arrays came alive, shifting the passive defenses into an alert state. And yet, a lance of utter Death passed right through the powerful barriers. Ker'Ero's eyes bulged at the sight, and he felt his worldview come crashing down along with a dozen Array Towers. The Seafarer was his greatest accomplishment and proof of his expertise. He knew every bolt and array like the back of his hand.

What had just happened was supposed to be impossible. It was as though the ironclad laws of energy and Dao had become a joke before the towering murderous intent of their attacker. Ker'Ero's confidence was long gone after coming face to face with their attacker. Emperor Arcaz Umbri'Zi of the Atwood Empire. The nightmare of the Remoulded, slayer of not one but six Reincarnators.

Why had he insisted on joining the maiden voyage? He was just a researcher—Ker'Ero was supposed to wreak havoc from the safety of his laboratory. It was too late for regret and too early to dissect the impossible breach. A deathly shroud fell down the slopes of the pyramidical fortress, and the neural feedback indicated damage was rapidly accumulating within the haze.

Meanwhile, a deafening explosion created huge squalls as the subsidiary fortresses found themselves under a crossfire. A full armada had eluded their scanners, raining hellfire from above. Their side fought back, but a shimmering barrier blocked the barrage.

"Shit, they have an Aegis, no two!" Jezho swore as dozens of screens appeared around her. "It's a full Starswallow Armada! Only the Seafarer is equipped to deal with them!"

"What are you fools doing? Fire the disruptors!" Ker'Ero roared into a communicator, but only screams answered his order.

"They're already inside!" Jezho inhaled, looking with horror and confusion as another deep grove was carved into the Seafarer. "He's completely disrupted the energy flow already! Most weapon systems are crippled. How does he know which sections to target?!"

"Defensive formation!" Perl growled as a pitch-black hammer appeared in his hand. "We'll win if we can drag this out for ten minutes. Don't let the target escape!"

Perl was right. The unliving maniac had appeared out of nowhere and breached their defenses, hoping to wreak havoc in a blitz before they could mount a resistance. Then, he'd escape under the cover of the protective bombardment. However, his inventions weren't so easily overcome.

Thousands of gargoyles came alive, shrieking with malice as they glared at the intruder. Some took flight to block the Draugr's descent while the rest unleashed a storm of ranged attacks. All the while, Jezho rapidly reconfigured the arrays to circumvent the damage.

It wasn't enough. Pitch-black chains indiscriminately ripped apart guardians and engineers en masse. Their controller was a blur of unfettered violence, ripping apart Ker'Ero's creation piece by piece. His heart bled, but the Mechaneer knew there was no backing down now.

"Bastard," Ker'Ero growled as he adjusted a set of arrays.


An earthshattering explosion drowned out Jezho's warning. A whole section of the Seafarer blew up thanks to Ker'Ero's changes, yet he only felt vigor as he saw their attacker being swallowed by the conflagration. His sense of victory was short-lived. The cursed creature emerged from the mayhem unscathed.

Four skeletal minions reeking of danger had appeared behind his back, one of them holding a coffin covered in scorch marks. Perl was already on the move, unleashing a wailing storm of spirits with a herculean swing of his hammer. The attack ripped apart anything that stood in its path, from gargoyles to axe-wielding specters. And yet, Arcaz Umbri'Zi didn't spare it a second glance as he resumed his dismantling of their experimental fortress.

Ker'Ero couldn't believe his eyes when the all-out attack of their Late D-grade captain was covered in a swirl of darkness and disappeared.

"No!" Perl screeched, stumbling backward like he'd taken a hit, just as Ker'Ero felt a whole section of arrays going dark.

It was at that point dozens of powerful auras burst through the shroud, destroying the axe-wielding specters that had formed. Ker'Ero breathed out in relief, seeing that the first batch of reinforcements had arrived ahead of schedule.

"Go!" Perl roared, his skin wriggling from activating his Heart Curse. "Take him down!"

"It looks like we're all here," Arcaz said, his voice filled with an eerie calm despite being attacked from every direction by their elites.

And for good reason. Ker'Ero was beset by mortal dread as a sacrilegious eye formed atop the Seafarer. It was over fifty meters across and made from utter darkness. Just being drowned in its darkness chipped away at Ker'Ero's fraying sanity, erasing his thoughts and future. Those unlucky enough to be caught in its vicinity were simply erased.

Surrounding the darkness were two thick bands of carved bone, depicting countless anguished victims caught in the eye's orbit. It seemed as though the chained sculptures tried to break away yet were forever trapped by the gravitational pull. Others sought release, looking longingly at the ball of nothingness as they revolved around it. Release that would never come.

The whole fortress seemed to have been swallowed by the darkness. The sounds of pitched fighting outside were gone, and Ker'Ero's connection to the numerous control units was severed. It felt like they'd been dragged to the depths of hell, and none of Ker'Ero's scans could pinpoint a weakness. Neither could he spot its controller.

Both the Draugr and Perl were gone, leaving Ker'Ero utterly alone. Screams of despair echoed through the fortress as thousands of warriors found themselves caught by unbreakable chains. Ker'Ero considered hiding and waiting things out, but a stabbing pain quashed that train of thought. He gritted his teeth, attention returning to the sculptures. They were the ones wreaking havoc on his men and the only obvious target.

Ker'Ero unhesitantly detonated another energy purifier, unleashing a powerful wave of destruction on the closest band. Cracks appeared across the sculptures, and the Grand Mechaneer grinned with a manic gleam in his eyes.

That's right, they weren't dealing with a Monarch. The young Emperor was only a Middle Hegemon. How could his skills possibly withstand the stockpiled energies within the Seafararer?

However, Ker'Ero lost his train of thought before he could trigger another explosion and shatter the band. His eyes were drawn to one particular sculpture chained to the cycle of suffering by a band of thorns. Time seemed to have stopped for everything except the statue, which slowly turned to meet Ker'Ero's gaze.

Ker'Ero mind was overwhelmed by existential dread as his twisted doppelganger grinned, the scene only made more horrifying by the cracks covering the statue. It was only later the Grand Mechaneer vaguely realized a chain had penetrated his chest, impaling his curse and shattering his core.

Then, nothing mattered as he entered Oblivion's embrace.


Berry McCockiner

Booya!! A POV of Zac’s powers has me stoked! TFTC


Its always delightful to hear about zac being an absolute menace from the pov of his enemies


Dunno what was going on with the Buddhists, but Zac’s attack was impressive! He upgraded Pillar of Desolation!! Good job, Zac, awesome!!!


Zac the unstoppable train

Sebin Paul

Nice entrance! Can’t wait to see him clapping some Sangha cheeks


Thank you!


I've been re-listening to the audiobooks recently and can't help saying over and over again, "Don't fuck with the Sangha" every time a character interacts with a monk. Its chapters like these reinforce my belief that no one in DoTF should EVER fuck with the Sangha. Also, that second POV was AWESOME!!! I can't wait to see Arcaz in action again! ESPECIALLY post-breakthrough.

Darnell Maxwell

I know that's probably not what it's called. But Oblivion's Embrace would be a great fucking name for the upgrade version of pillar of desolation. Especially since desolation seems to be the only thing that has stayed the same with the skill. Not a complaint though. No point in making a cage when ur opponents can jog to the otherside of the planet in a few minutes. So insteadtake inspiration from people like Vilari and the lipless cultivator. Why make a cage when you can be one?


Damn the new version of pillar of desolation is awesome.

Bilal Williams

Yooooo... I need that! The second half of this chapter dope AF

Blayne Allsen

I loved hearing about Arcaz/Zac showing up and bringing desolation! Especially to someone who wanted to fight him, and the comedic timing was amazing!


I like the outside pov of the fight.

Russell Widger

Is that one of Arcaz's newly evolved skills? Wicked


This war might end with new wars popping up after. The Sangha just made half a dozen enemies in their little quest and they might get more. If they try to stop Iz from entering they will burn.


I love the outside perspective looking at what a monster Zac is in his Draugr form, especially because the next chapter will 100% be him complaining to himself about some mild inconvenience that the skill fractal upgrade didn’t do everything he wanted it to


Can anyone translate what that whole first section was about? Would have liked some cultivation level exposition there to make sense of what any of that meant.


The Sangha monks as well as at least three other factions go to the edge of the barrier set up around Zecia sector. They are at one entrance out of many. Everyone else is there because of the pillar's ascent. The Monks are there for Zac. The Monks already have "an in" (Thea) so they are up to their normal shady-ness like singing annoying songs, meddling with fate, pathbreaking, etc. the other factions are scrambling because they do not have “an in”. They are pissed at the monks because their juniors are not able to find seals while the Monks are around. The Autarchs from the other factions take objection to the Monks and make their move, yet they are unsuccessful at killing the monks, they merely kill (almost) everyone else. The monks win. One of the survivors (a golem, do we know who this is?) attracts the attention of the strongest monk, then the scene ends.


Middle hegemony lets gooo

Jonas Lemke

It's nice to hear that Arcaz is also getting a reputation among the enemy. This dude was talking mad game about Zac but lost it as soon as Arcaz showed up

Lex Luther S

True destiny is worrisome. Is that the fucker blessed fate sent to go after zac? Well, he'll be in for a world of hurt targeting that walking calamity. My only worry is that golem found; just what fate links him to the frontier sector. As for these little fellows pissing their pants despite their bold arrogant claims😂😂 Arcaz descended on them like a god of death, wrecking havoc and destruction wherever he went, only for the upgraded pillar of desolation to shred any remaining semblance of resistance they could deign to give. And to slay 6 reincarnators. Seems arcaz has been busy

Henry Wartemberg

Sangha were at the system shrouded entrance to Zecia. Hints it was one of the sangha that noticed Zac’s strangely fate heavy heavenly punishment and tried to snoop. They decided to basically reduce the number of variables they would have to deal with in the trial. Fought a pretty full scale battle and seemingly won to put that opening completely under their control and stop anyone else from entering. It seems to have been a battle of between Autarchs. We don’t know if that is the only system enterance though. Also that Baldy is about to have a very bad day if it is the only entrance. ThousandFlame is on her way to try and get her cute little Neice in.

Luke Scheffe

I hope they do. Do you think they’ll squeak when thousandflames squeezes them?


Thanks. That clears up what all of that was about. Not sure why the sections involving the Buddhists come off like an abstract piece of art so often. Its an interesting contrast to the level of detail given to the cultivation chapters.


Well, the story has to go somewhere after the Ultom arc concludes. ‘The Sangha vs Everyone’ sounds fun, but it’s basically just a dumbed-down version of our current arc, despite sounding completely on-brand for the System. Somewhere along the line, Zac needs to go get that stuff for Leandra, which should be a fun break from Ultom! That might even lead to the Perennial Vastness gang meeting up again!

Luke Scheffe

No, these monks are unrelated to Ultom. They’re the hit squad after Zac, and are interfering for something to do while waiting for the barrier around Zecia to fall so they can enter. It’s never a bad time in their eyes to recruit followers for the Sangha.

Austin Richins

Ohhhh man, that shivered me timbers! Love the nightmare fueling skill upgrade. Looks like his Void shenanigans have also been promoted to a bonafide problem.

Lex Luther S

The issue is we don't know who True destiny is but I think he's that fucker that blessed fate sent out to hunt down the one that encountered the Void mountain, so zac. As for why there are supplicants and what that golem leading them to another sector is, we'll find out eventually. Honestly no telling with these Sangha guys and there love of fuckin with fate.


Ultimate Flex!


True Destiny and friends were the 7 Arhats summoned by Blessed Fate to go after Zac, yeah. It seems incredibly likely that they will successfully kidnap Zac but oh boy am I looking forward to them trying to path break Zac and instead watching him extract immense benefits from the Sangha holy land.

Darryl Williams

So the Kantanu had some arrays that were significant to the war effort, Galau countered those arrays, part of Ventus’ predictions/map/guidance puts Zac ahead of the game by leading him to where they’ll be, and Zac can easily handle late hegemons now? Oh yes!! Sounds like we’re time skipping that 403 days, hopefully that fast tracks middle d grade and we’re breaking through to late d grade in the short time in between the ‘Foreign Gods’ thing and Ultom …also, ‘then I shall oblige’ was hard as fuck!!

Lucas Gulick

It's a commonly represented sentiment, but I truly enjoy the chapters where Zac is seen by 'common' cultivators. It's a great way to demonstrate his gains, aside from Zac showing up and winning with a casual swing of his axe (although that is also cool lol)


Who is the golem?

Lucas Gulick

Also late chapters are low key my favorite since I wind up expecting that much more from them


The golem is the one, or is related to, that escorted iz to and in the void star. I think that's the only golem. Besides Izs uncle that has a connection.


This seemed to have autarch. I think the golem was Iz’s guardian who was also a leak autarch who had just got punted by thousand flame. He found humility fast. But just a wild guess.


They hinted its not the only entrance. When the second autarch said they didn't think the Sangha.was using this particular breach.


The golem is likely the one the escorted iz in the void star. Her uncle called him up because he could not breach the zecia barrier


The seven Arhats were the beings summoned by Blessed Fate to go after Zac when he first had the vision with Void Mountain. They don't know who he is or what his advancement is, so they have to follow a weak karma thread to where he is on the frontier. Their orders are to capture or kill their quarry, depending on how advanced Zac is when they find him. So they are extremely strong, considering at minimum they had to be able to kill a Divine Monarch. They roll up to a settlement built around one of the paths through the barrier around Zecia and plop themselves down in prime real-estate, trying to trace the thread of karma and discussing options for influencing events within the barrier. Sacred Insight is indirectly mentioned as an option of last resort because they don't want to interfere with his mission. The local leaders representing the factions who already have a stake in the settlement (including at least three Autarchs) try to get them to at least move because the Arhats' aura is so powerful and distracting it basically blocks the senses of all the Hegemons currently trying to find fate with Ultom. They refuse to move, a fight ensues in a pocket dimension, and everyone who challenged them ends up dead with the settlement largely destroyed. Only 5 of the 7 Arhats participate in the battle. Eventually, the leader Arhat notices that an unnamed golem who stuck around after the battle will be useful to them and begins to enlist their cooperation. (It's phrased like a request but the golem totally doesn't have a choice in the matter.) End scene.


I think a Buddhist fanatic genocided some people because they were in the way and someone complained about being mind raped. Seemed like they had seen some destined future for Zac too, and their plan was to kill anyone likely to cause complications.


The only thing worse than fucking with the Shangha is accepting anything from them. Mild antipathy from aa distance seems safest.


Foreign Gods VS Blessed Fates Hit Squad?


I want to see them bait him into a karmic trap. And making him consume some mana.


‘Mild antipathy from a distance’ So basically Zac’s approach😂😂


Is this sort of 'our way or the highway' attitude present in any strains of real-life Buddhism? I know very little about the religion, but I'd always got the impression that they preferred to go with the flow.


Everyone is talking about Sangha traps, but isn’t the plan to roll up to Zac with Thea in tow, and basically go “Hi, trust us, we saved Thea, look how she’s grown!”?

Darryl Williams

I feel like they, in that aspect, are meant to represent religion in a more general sense

Matthew Hay

If that golem was the monarch near the frontier that Uncle Tayn coerced to escort Iz inside the barrier, then it seems like Thousandflame is due for a battle against the Sangha hitsquad. Uncle Tayn promised him he would personally defend his dao when reaching for autarchy, which seems like significant karmic debt

Darryl Williams

Idk man, I think the Sangha are one of the few factions we’ve met that wouldn’t have to worry about the Tayns


Some of my favorite chapters to read are when Zac is annihilating a group and it’s written from the victim’s perspective

James Faulkner

There are definitely Buddhist extremists, and there are holier-than-thou assholes in every culture/religion

James Faulkner

lol, if those idiots fucked with the servant of Mohzius Tayn then the oceans will burn

James Faulkner

Goddamn that entrance was STONE COLD. The holier-than-thou attitude of the Sangha is super irritating, I can’t wait for Zac to feed them to the outer gods

Lex Luther S

No, Izs' uncle said he'd personally help it defend its dao should it succeed in its mission escorting Iz and he did so, so it would make no sense for it to be discarded like that, and given it was chosen to protect Iz in the Zecia sector, the golem most certainly had the strength backing it up so its fate has to have at least some potential.

Lex Luther S

Honestly that sounds dreadfully boring. If zac is kidnapped, there's literally no escape against such absurd beings. I'd much rather Zac gets dragged along by The thousand flames to the heartlands than that. Besides, someone mentioned the foreign gods being unleashed on them and wouldn't that be funny that after those beings have ransacked the Zubor sector, they find and kill all the monks through a thread of fate they thought that would have worked on zac but the gods intervention makes it a threaded noose like what Sendor mentioned about fates thread.

Lex Luther S

It took zac 10 months to reach middle D grade and the energy requirements increases 10 times after reaching Middle D grade, so it's safe to assume it'd at least take 2 or so yrs to reach the peak of Middle D grade. And even none stop slaughter won't help bridge that with his insane foundations. As for zac easily handling Late D grades, well I wouldn't say easily but any late D grade without something unique to fallback on will find themselves eventually dead to the executioners blade. And yes, "Then I shall oblige" is probably the most metal line zac has Said in a long long time. Showing how he's a literal calamity to anyone not late stage hegemony😂

Lex Luther S

By also showing a different viewpoint, we see just what a monster zac is to those not on at least the lvl of Kator. It also feels like zac undervalues himself at times, though that might have just been an issue with him being such a fresh hegemon.

Lex Luther S

Wouldn't make sense for Iz uncle to not bring him back as well. I truly doubt it's that golem as he did his duty and even escorted Iz back safely, so that would mean he'd be up for the reward her uncle promised, no?


I believe this is a Golem we've never heard of before. It stated that the Golems origin was from another FRONTIER sector. The Tayns golem would be from the heartlands.


This golem was from another frontier sector. The Tayns Golem would be from the heartlands.


Started a little slow but dam that entrance was 🔥 🔥🔥…. Now i regret reading it before the remaining chapters for the week, no worries will just re read from September 😅


No it was a younger decendant of her uncle that was with her "in" the void star


Another sector of the frontier. Same frontier different sector.


Two different plans. Even the big boss of the Sangha himself doesn't know who he sent the Arhats to hunt.

Matthew Hay

I don't know, they definitely weren't in the heartlands when the Uncle called on a local to take Iz from there. I'm fairly certain they were just outside the barrier when he called on him, because he personally inspected the barrier and then sealed the golem's cultivation to make it through. If I have the time I'll go re-read and come back. I think the key point would be if he specifically referred to him as someone from a local faction or just a friendly who happened to be in the area.


I think they can stack the deck with traps but their cultivation wouldn't allow them to just steamroll him with path breaking. I also think it would be poetic justice for Zac to keep leveraging Void Vajra Sublimation (a profit from one of their traps) and profit from more of their traps. But yeah it's definitely possible that their interference during the trial could end up putting them on a collision course with some unknown entity like the foreign gods that defeats them.


Very cool Big bald evil guy scene! I wonder if killing intent becomes “Buddha’s love” for these guys… ‘see you in hell!’ Become ‘see you in heaven!’ In a really messed up way. Everyone is saying it’s a tayn elemental. I think Udo from Orom world(life elemental) is possible, or maybe the lava elemental that left the underworld could have left something on earth to find it later, unfinished business with Zac. Finally, the guy said Zac killed 6 reincarnators; we know if that means monarchs or home bases? We talking about the spear?

Matthew Hay

Ok, went back to check. Kvalk was a Peak Monarch and was offered help in Confirming his doa by Uncle Valderak (step to become a Divine Monarch). He arrived within 2 minutes of Valderak and Gpa Mohzius discussing how to get to Zac after Zac teleported away from the Orom w/ chaos. There is no reference for where they are, or where Kvalk originates. This happens in the last part of the epilogue in book 9. However, we know the Orom was moving all throughout the frontier for millenia in search of Ultom on behalf of the Starbeast alliance. We also know monarchs can't move intersector super fast otherwise the current war would look significantly different. So he would've had to be near where the Orom happened to be in the frontier to arrive within 2 minutes. Also, Valderak returned home after the Orom and it was Mohzius possessing Kvalk (across the multiverse) outside the Zecia barrier who sealed his cultivation in order to bypass the power restriction. Forgot he did that


I think everyone worries about the Tayns. The Sangha probably pretends not to. But they are also probably one of the few that could get away with kidnapping one of their monarchs

Darryl Williams

Ker'Ero couldn't believe his eyes when the all-out attack of their Late D-grade captain was covered in a swirl of darkness and disappeared. I’d agree with you, but this line makes me feel like he can easily handle late d grade. Maybe I’ve misinterpreted, but if I haven’t, he must’ve gained a bunch of levels already in this few week time skip. Maybe he gets proportionately more cosmic energy because he’s killing more powerful enemies, like the reincarnators, and likely in higher numbers. And early d grade is probably fodder for him now. I don’t actually think he’ll get to late d grade that early, but I really hope so, and I think it’s at least reasonable. The timeline I set is still over a year, and it has an even that’ll be even bigger than the lighthouse.


Btw is it just me or anyone else just as lost as I am. I have no idea what’s going on tbh


KanTanu Ranks: - Untested - Remoulded - Sole survivor of a slaughterfest of one thousand Untested. - Reincarnator - Sole survivor of a second slaughterfest of one thousand Remoulded.

Ty Cooper

So is this how he gets his darkside badass to catch up in contribution points? He found a secret weapons base and went ham?


Ambiguous wording. TLDR: Zac’s ‘path of the void’ trial was noticed by an A rank Baldie. This is his vassals “killing” 3 B rank and lesser beings that are outside the barrier to Zecia. They found some golem that could lead to their target, namely Zac. Next scene, Zac used the upgraded pillars of desolation on a kan’tanu space dock.

Jay Fowler

I really thought he was setting us up for a Catheya chapter as he checked in with Ogras and Kruta. I also wonder if Billy will be back and how he’s changed with the titans


Right, so it’s more like ‘heaven’s chosen” statement rather than a system rank, thx. Was hoping we were gonna get info on how much damage the spear did a couple chapters back.


So I really wanna talk about this line summing up the battlefield. The sword was not decaying but, “giving back to the Cosmos what had been borrowed.” When Zac is going through the ensolus trial, he mentions the peaks are influenced by the supreme ranks, that Alvod’s path would alter things for Zac. So is the Sangha pushing too much order? creation and annihilation sound like reincarnation to Buddhists.


It was ten thousand for the Black Heart Sect but it's 1000 for the Kan'Tanu

Random Information

The presence gazing in his direction across the river of fate was neither the System nor Heavens. It was a cultivator, a very powerful one. His Duplicity Core's anti-karma protections had almost been overwhelmed despite the immense distance between them. (Chapter 1184) Are these monks the culprit?


Or Oblivions Gaze, since it took the form of an eye

Observer Whimsy

It’s a cool idea, but oblivion is a core part of Zac’s path and i think that’s the true death for anyone

Observer Whimsy

If religion could give actual power, you’d bet there would be monks doing this to people. Buda bala sena would be terrifying

Stefan Muntean

My interpretation of the first part is that Zac should run for the eternal storm ASP after Ultom, once the Boundless Heavens lifts the boundary he is f....

Stefan Muntean

the million dollar question, i am certain is not the gollem with Iz (Kvalk) he was a peak C grader, has 0 need or reason to sit around being some abandon supplicant. I presume is some one who Zac meet in Orom and who manage to escape or been save some how, or some one from Twilight Harbor. But we never herd of because was a passing acquaintance off screen of Zac.


Zac will have to fight those bhuddists one way or other. Those baldies messed with him too much already


Was there a golem in the orom world? At least I remember someone that wasn't completely "human like".

Lex Luther S

I wouldn't be surprised if we get a ch where the kan'tanu mention a particularly large bounty on zacs head for his actions with the Centurion spear. Well, we know of those 2 in hiding and let's assume the one guarding that world fort died as well, and let's just say 3 more monarchs passed intercepting the spear in the millions gate territory. So I'm betting at least 6 monarchs died by the spear

Lex Luther S

Doubtful Billy will be seen for a while. Not only did statue man want him to avoid Ultom at any costs, but he went to some titan training ground likely in or near the heartlands of the multiverse soooo unless a ch specifically shows billy, I rather doubt we'll see him again. Though I hope I'm wrong, Billy is a favorite of mine and it would suck not to see a ch on how he's doing at least.


Wow. Zac vs spacemarines techno chapter


Well yes and no. The foreign gods quest is the only thing on his plate right now that could catch Arcaz up with Zac, but right now he’s in the process of following the semi precognitive war plan to lead him to exactly that. This is just a stepping stone.

Michael Fannon

So I have a theory who the golem is, or at least which faction he belongs to. I think he is one of the creators. I doubt even the buddists would mess with the Tayns, and the shipyard did install the monitoring thing into Zac's ship. Makes sense that they would have someone just outside the sector to monitor the feed. Also would explain why the monk is interested if there is such a direct connection to Zac.


The Arhat’s fight lasted for 20 days and then “weeks turned to months” as they waited. So the time skip was maybe 2 months absolute minimum but certainly less than a year.

Lex Luther S

Yeah but no creators have left zacs planet and I highly doubt any other frontier faction would have creator shipyards as well.


Yeah my first thought when I read "golem" was the shipbuilders as well. So the golem mentioned is probably loosely linked to Zac through that. Baldie is looking for Zac, the "obscured Candidate" (who they can't find because of his anti-karmic link thing) when he feels that golem's thread vaguely connecting to what should be their target.

Lex Luther S

Doubtful as lovla distributed the newly formed being into a realm where its fate lies, and with the sheer size of the Sendors domain, the chances of that realm being outside sendors domain is basically nil.

Lex Luther S

Let's hope today's ch won't come so late. I'm eager to see how much time has passed. Honestly, I hope it's to when Iz and ogras are about to arrive. Iz especially will liven up the plot.

Darryl Williams

That fight happened after a small 4 week time skip too, but that’s not my point. The timeline I’m talking about is the one where 403 days passes.

Jason Bradford

Here’s a question…can Zac head into the Endless Storm safely? This last breakthrough required the System to step up and tank the Heavenly Tribulations. What happens if he ascends in the Endless Storm? Granted, maybe mom and dad have some techno-tricks for him, but that last one was entirely out of proportion to what was expected for what is considered a minor upgrade

Lex Luther S

Zac asked himself that very question and he was already gonna start looking for ways to survive that should it happen. Though I highly doubt leandra has anything for him let alone his unknown father, one that doesn't even know zac is alive, now he might find what he needs at their hidden base but that'll be quite a while from now. Also, it's the endless storm; a solar storm that can rip Supremacies apart can appear there so tribulation lightning is far from his most prominent worry when venturing there.


They had better arrive already, damn. Breakthroughs are nice and all, but we haven't even seen the middle D ladder yet

Jason Bradford

You know he’s meeting daddy after that interlude! 😂. And if a Technocrat can ascend to Supremacy and ward off the tribulations, I’m betting they can handle peak hegemony and Monarchy…I’m just curious if he goes that route, or if when he reaches Atavism it perhaps changes the Heavenly perception and begins to rebuild the Peak of Chaos, making the tribulations less of an ass kicker. Hell, maybe Eoz steps in as well - or Laondio. Is Karz actually dead? Did he merge with the System? All these lovely questions to answer over these next years…


Doubt Eoz will show up anytime soon. That storyline payoff was just massive. Gave me chills. The series is amazing in that it gives the reader so much love for a Zombie race, and I doubt TFD will cheapen a big Undead boss like Eoz. It would be huge if we only see glimpses of Eoz through bloodline evolution, but no more prrking through time until Zac is at least B grade.

Han Pol

I doubt that as well, but I could see that obelisk from one of his bloodline visions being quite close in the endless storm, after all the Corpse that gave him the bloodline appeared there.

Lex Luther S

That obelisk was located in the very depths of the Abyssal lake and Eoz mentioned it wouldn't awaken anytime soon, as there was only one shot at assaulting the terminus and timing was highly important. As for that corpse, it was found in a frozen poket realm, where it had been perfectly preserveed . Even took the corpse lord that fell into it a century or so to escape.

Lex Luther S

There's no way Eoz will be able to do that again. When he did it, it was very close to when the dark ages arrived and as zacs mother mentioned, the dark ages has kept some dangerous existences trapped in the past. Besides, reaching through the river of time like that must come at great cost, probably equal or beyond bringing someone back from the dead and even Supremacies can only do that a handful of times.


Options I can come up with are: 1. A junior of the Illeux Shipyard Golems 2. A junior Faruq Golem Banker 3. Ubo from the Orum 4. The Administrator from the Technocrats base 5. Someone from Twilight Harbor. Shouldn't be Kalkaska as he went home to the Emperyean Quadrant in the Heartlands.

Austin Barton

I think the golem is referring to the bloodline golems from the research facility

Christopher Svehla

This story telling is very manic, I’m so lost! I’m not even sure if I go back and read the last two books will I feel “in the know”

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


Wasn’t there a golem during one of the tower of eternity floors?

Pascal Kwizera

I thought it could be one of those commanders of the three mini incursions back in book 2. They were the final quest in the quest chain for the lord title. If memory serves, it was the second in command of the black golems who lead the retreat while the leader stayed back to fight Zac and Aleya.


My god that last battle of the chapter was hard to visualise. Is it a space fortress or on a planet? Bands of sculptures and the eye of the pillars of desolation? Can't visualise any of it.