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The ship gently sailed atop the clouds that stretched across the horizon. Dusk was approaching, painting the horizon in orange and pink. Hidden formations kept most of the wind at bay, and the only clear sign of their great velocity were the gaps in the clouds that occasionally flashed by. They provided a welcome change to the monotone view by showcasing an untamed expanse untouched by human hands.

The Void Herald had called it the edge of the Thousand Beasts Ridge. It was a region full of opportunities, according to the other passengers. Immense Dragon Veins and blessed lands gave birth to endless treasures, and many had discovered ruins full of hidden knowledge and paths to hidden realms.

Despite the riches, few cultivators dared travel beyond the outer perimeter. Even Void Heralds feared the beasts who had made the mountain ranges their domain. There were also plenty of death traps formed naturally by the Heavens. As such, a region surpassing the Blue Spring Sect's domain by thousands of times remained unclaimed for millions of years.

Even the Hur'Vaz Empire, the home of their old sect, couldn't be compared to the Thousand Beasts Ridge's size. Eight factions bordered the region, each so vast their homeland wouldn't be considered more than a remote province.

Karz had always been acutely aware of his humble origins, but he'd still underestimated how high the peaks could go. Reading the incomplete and mostly made-up missives back in the sect had left him ignorant of the fact that the Hur'Vaz Empire was just a small force on a satellite planet of a far-grander continent.

The only reason the Hur'Vaz Dynasty could claim themselves ruler of their little fiefdom was a tenuous connection to a real sect on the Grand Expanse Continent—The Serene Sea Sect they were currently headed for. It was the second-smallest of the factions bordering the Thousand Beasts Ridge, yet it represented a huge opportunity for himself and his 'young master.'

Another gap in the clouds whizzed by. Karz barely spared it a glance, having long lost his interest in observing the wilderness. His heart had been moved by the stories during their first weeks of travel, and he'd half-expected to encounter something amazing during their journey.

But how could there be unclaimed treasures on one of the public, regularly trafficked routes? The only break from the monotony was meeting the occasional vessel. Even that had grown boring. The vessels controlled by subsidiary factions kept a wide berth because of the overbearing sigil on the sides of their ship, and boarding the mercantile vessels usually left a sour taste in Karz's mouth.

The greatest commotion came when they encountered a young woman standing on the clouds with a spear in her hand. A Peak Void Herald, and such a young one, at that. There was apparently not a single one in the Serene Sea Sect, though there were rumors their elusive Sect Master might have reached that stage.

She must have come from an even loftier faction to wield such power at her age. The others believed she was out gaining experience. Luckily, her goal had been the ridge rather than their vessel. Their lofty guide hadn't even dared breathe as he provided direction, bowing deeply enough to touch the ground until she was out of sight.

There was always a greater mountain. It was comforting, in a way, since it meant he could keep climbing without causing any waves.

"Hey, what do you think about the old man's question?"

Karz turned over, finding Laondio sitting in his self-made chaos of messy notes and medicinal dregs. It was almost impressive how he managed to maintain the unkempt and dazed appearance of a scholar who had stayed too long within the archives during their journey.

"The greater purpose of cultivation?" Karz said as he began tidying up. "Who cares? Even if there is one, what does it have to do with me?"

"Junior Brother, you were a lot more likable when you pretended to be meek," Laondio laughed. "Then again, you wouldn't have accumulated the necessary resources without your feigned arrogance."

It was true. Collecting alchemical dregs and garbage eventually proved insufficient for his cultivation. As his affinities improved, they grew more discerning. But where would a rat born in a pile of refuse get their hands on expensive treasures? Completing Sect Tasks and trading with merit was just a way for the sect to secure cheap labor. You wouldn't amount to much even if you continuously risked your life. The good things were kept in the hands of the silver spoons while the have-nots fought over the scraps.

Karz found it more effective to orchestrate a series of enmities with the young masters of the sect, manufacturing justification to lift the treasures from bodies. It wasn't hard. Cultivators were the same everywhere, be it the Blue Spring Sect or the Grand Expanse Continent. Arrogant, bored, and trapped by convention. It was no wonder most factions were stagnant.

Some fools sought trouble simply because of his origin or unflattering nickname. Others could be made to lose all reason with a smile and a few words directed at the right girl. Playing with fire had almost cost Karz his life more than once, but it allowed him to gather enough materials to pursue power through other venues.

"There's nothing?" Laondio pressed.

"Not everyone is like you," Karz shrugged. "What's wrong with searching for power for power's sake?"

"Power for power's sake," Laondio sighed as he looked up at the stars. "Raindrops falling through the desolate, unknowing of their origin. The status quo isn't enough."

Karz had no idea what his companion was talking about, but he had long gotten used to the inscrutable comments and lofty ideals.

"You'll figure something out," Karz grunted as he got to his feet. "This won't work, though."

Karz was talking about the pile of notes he'd stacked and ordered. As always, he'd taken a peek to see if there was anything useful for his cultivation. This time, Laondio was researching a purification formation where you'd install a pillar in your backyard.

As for the medicinal dregs, they were already tucked away in his Cosmos Sack. They wouldn't help much, but it was better than nothing. Besides, Laondio didn't let propriety limit his experiments, and the Void Herald's inner world was seemingly bottomless when it came to Laondio's needs. These scraps were much better than what he used back then.

"Oh? You've finally read the books I lent you?" Laondio said with interest.

"Just enough to not get myself killed around you," Karz grunted. "This thing is much more effective than normal purification arrays, but that's because it's just pushing the taint away. Whoever dares put that thing in their courtyard would have their throats slit in the middle of the night. Unless it's the Sect Master, I guess."

Laondio looked taken aback at the conclusion. "Ah, you're right. I got too caught up in the theory, forgetting to consider the application. Perhaps if I strengthened it to cover the whole sect."

"That'll start a war," Karz laughed. "Even if it didn't, wouldn't you just surround your home with corruption, destroying your cultivation grounds and polluting the Earth? Maybe if you built one large enough to cover the Cosmos."

"Maybe you're onto something," Laondio grinned.

"Whatever," Karz said. "I'm going to cultivate."

"Junior brother, I hope you one day can find a real answer. Even if it's one in conflict with my vision," Laondio said. "Until then, I'm happy to have you by my side."

"What if I'm just using you for power's sake?"

Laondio just laughed. "What if I'm just using you?"

Karz scoffed before emptying his glass and walking away. It was simple, really. If their ambitions ever put them against each other, they'd have to see who had the bigger fist. Of course, Karz refused to believe the cosmos wasn't big enough for the two of them. At least, he hoped it wasn't because he'd rather go against a whole sect than that outwardly harmless scholar.

It was clear that Laondio carried great secrets, secrets possibly surpassing his bloodline. Laondio maintained his lead no matter how much Karz improved his cultivation speed despite spending most of his time on various projects. There was also that uncanny way that reality bent to Laondio's will. Everything just worked out, like he was being swept forth by predestination.

Could a man really be that beloved by the Heavens?

Karz sometimes felt like he was living a dream, one where he wasn't even the protagonist. It was Laondio, who repeatedly overturned convention without anyone asking why and how. How could he invent pill formulas that awed even the Serene Sea Sect with their ancient history? Why did his detractors disappear one after another? How could he see through almost any item, method, or technique?

It seemed as though only Karz could see these discrepancies while the rest of the world just went with the flow. And Laondio didn't even seem to care about his bubble of immutability being exposed. If anything, he seemed happy to have a confidant, though it was a topic they never broached. Just like they never discussed why Karz's Heavenly Root had improved by two grades between his admission to the Blue Spring Sect and their visit to the Hur'Vaz Academy.

The world was cold, and Laondio's warm treatment sometimes made Karz feel like a pig being raised for the slaughter. Still, it was undeniable that Laondio had been instrumental in his rise. He would have died a few times over if not for Laondio helping him from the shadows. And how many times had Laondio just so happened to mention he'd heard rumors of a promising treasure ground, or that he'd found some scribbles that invariably led Karz to treasures he needed to advance?

Even the rare opportunity to leave their homeworld for greater heights was largely thanks to Laondio. Karz's official strength wasn't enough to contend for a real slot when the Serene Emissary visited the Hur'Vaz Academy. The only way he'd gain the Void Herald's attention was if he exposed some of his bloodline.

Karz knew he'd reached an impasse and had seriously considered taking the risk. Laondio effortlessly side-stepped the issue by passing a special trial, directly becoming the Sect Master's direct disciple. From there, he'd appointed Karz as his Sword Attendant, allowing him to tag along to the Grand Expanse Continent.

The role didn't come with any benefits, but what did that matter? He could make his own fortune so long as he had the right stage. The same held for Laondio's intentions. The garbage piles atop the incineration platforms would always be part of him, reminding him that one couldn't be picky where the food came from. What mattered was that it'd let you survive and fight another day.

It was a fool's dream to hope for any semblance of control. Civilization and the rule of law were made from thin, brittle lacquer. The slightest shock to the system would turn gentlemen into beasts and sages into devils. He'd keep going, keep surviving, until the day he was the king of the jungle. At that point, he could consider matters like the 'greater purpose of cultivation.'

Karz sealed his room before taking out the wooden gourd he'd bought for a pittance the other day. He wondered what the trader would think if he knew the old thing hid a natal seed bursting with Nature's Dao. It had eluded even the appraiser's discerning gaze, but nothing could escape the limitless hunger of his blood.

Green wisps were slowly extracted, each providing greater benefits than the circle of medicinal dregs he drew around himself. It took only two hours for his body to reach satiety. He'd ideally continue with a different element, but Karz was running woefully short of fuel despite his best efforts to supplement his reserves along the way. He occasionally struck gold, but few merchants would sell wares of unknown providence and value.

He turned his gaze inward, finding the nine sigils silently floating within the mysterious mist. Most were ethereal, barely casting a shadow. Only one stood out from the others, a five-colored rune resembling a lotus flower. It was the first sigil to form after he reached Golden Core, and the only to undergo an evolution in the thirty years since.

It wasn't a coincidence. The Blue Spring Sect's most famous arts were the Tidal Resurgence Mantra and the Steelstar Compendium. As such, most treasures that entered their gates contained the spirit of the Grand Materia. Adding the alchemical flames left inside wooden alchemical dregs, and you had four out of the five elements.

The only one that came close was Nature's Sigil. Not because of the gourd, but because it was an inescapable part of medicinal herbs.

Karz observed the sigils a few minutes before summoning the strongest. A surge of searing heat spread through his body as patches of skin reddened. A ferocious aura joined the searing heat, and dark patterns resembling scales gave texture to the angry red. Karz glanced into a mirror, seeing the unique pattern on his forehead.

It was a mix of the two sigils forming something beyond the sum of its parts. It was only one of a vast number of possible combinations, though the one he most often used when facing danger. Part of it was because the manuals he cultivated meshed well with his transformation. However, it was mostly a natural consequence of Nature and Grand Materia being the strongest sigils in his collection.

He could maintain this state for ten minutes if needed, but Karz wasn't planning on working on his control today. A third sigil was called, and white markings appeared upon the scale-like formations as the patterns grew more orderly. Karz felt his body move toward a state of equilibrium where his will aligned with the Era.

The transformation only got halfway before disorder appeared among the scales. A bulbous growth appeared on his arm, and Karz quickly retracted his will from the runes. A small pop painted the nearby wall with blood and pus. Soon after, Karz's skin was back to normal, and the rune on his forehead had retreated into his mind.

Karz shook his head and spread ointment on his wound before taking out his worn-out notebook. He drew the final state of the rune with pinpoint precision, along with the resulting fault line on his arm. Finally, Karz jotted down his thoughts and new theories. Altogether, they only made up a few lines, far from the pages of insights he gleefully scribbled in the beginning.

Progress with his third integration was woefully slow, but there was no point in getting impatient. They'd reach their destination in a few months, where resources and knowledge overflowed. He'd absorb it all, taking him closer to his goal. He might even manage to form a few new seals, depending on what resources he could get his hands on.

During one of his lectures, the Void Herald had explained that the Heavens were split into Seventeen Kingdoms, and Karz suspected each sigil represented one. The Kingdom of Order stood at its center. And while it wasn't necessarily the strongest, it acted as the lynchpin of the Heavens. That was why Karz staunchly tried to integrate the corresponding sigil into all his experiments, despite it being his least-condensed rune.

He could already see the road leading to the very end. The day he reached seventeen integrations to form the Ultimate Truth, he'd truly become limitless and break the shackles of mortality and fate. Until then, he was happy being just Karz, the humble sword attendant none would spare a second thought.

The experiment ended early, leaving him with most of the energy in his Heavenly Reservoir intact. His head throbbed after forcing the third integration, yet he still took out a bundle of cheap herbs. Karz drew upon the runes again, though this time only the rune of the Grand Materia. And instead of evolving his body, he poured meaning into the dry stalks.

The process was tedious and time-consuming but necessary for his goals. Thirty infusions could turn a worthless stalk into a 500-year-old herb, while one hundred infusions birthed a true millennial herb. He'd been forced to sell a few to the traveling merchants they encountered, and those blackhearted profiteers took advantage of their remote location to rob him blind.

Most were stowed away. They could be sold for at least ten times the price when they arrived, and would set him up without relying on Laondio or anyone else. Ultimately, cultivation was a solitary path where you were locked in an eternal struggle against fate and the Heavens. You were bound to be disappointed if you put your trust in someone else.

Karz eventually reached his limits, with his Heavenly Reservoir as dry as a desert. One millennial herb with a fiery aura and a 500-year stalk with a steely sheen was added to the pile. Karz got to his feet and took an unsteady step toward the crude gathering formation in the inner chamber. It would take a few days to recover and replenish his reserves.

It was the Heavenly Cycle, an equal exchange where he benefitted without adding to the innate sin of cultivation. The Heavens themselves were assisting him on his road to the peak. He sat down on the mat, hearing a few haunting notes from the deck above. Laondio had taken out his self-invented instrument again.

Karz enjoyed the unfamiliar melody for a few minutes, feeling it resonated with something deeper.

"Why does it matter if the raindrop doesn't know its origin?" Karz muttered as he sealed his ears. "What matters is whether it can grow into a boundless ocean."





Thanks! I'm sad it didn't include Zac or the details of the breakthroughs on his status sheet, but thanks for the chapter

Alexander Dupree

Thanks for the chapter. So Zac is going to have to build 17 cores?

Stefan Muntean

"The world was cold, and Laondio's warm treatment sometimes made Karz feel like a pig being raised for the slaughter" I seriously hope not, in the last chapter Zac though he heard the emperor and he called him old friend....I do hope we don't find out he used Karz as some cultivation resource:(

Michael Fannon

So if Void Herald's have inner worlds, does that make them the equivalent to a monarch? Also, this chapter definitely feels like it feeds my theory that Karz was made into the system by Laondio.

Palmer Evans

I guess we at least know that he made it to “Void Emperor” if/before that happened

Palmer Evans

Interesting that we get titles like “Void Herald” knowing Karz eventually becomes the “Void Emperor”. Seems he becomes top dog in this society

Michael Fannon

I still say Laondio made Karz into the System. I feel like the original plan was to use Karz as a blueprint after he completed his seals, but something happened and Karz was made into the system like how love's bond was made. It would explain why the System isn't complete, why it malfunctioned and continuous to do so, and why 8 pillars were needed to support the system in the beginning since Karz might have completed the other 9.

Gabriel F

So what the inverse of that ability will be for Zac? Perhaps extraction of spirituality from treasures.


Something fishy is going on with Laondio. Maybe he has the bloodline opposite of Karz? Like if Karz has Void Emperor bloodline, he has Heaven Emperor? Maybe his main talent is faith? Like what he believes actually happens, plus the more people believe in him and his abilities more powerful he becomes. Pretty much true opposite of Karz, while Karz takes from world and makes it his. Laondio is given by world. This also explains why he was able to contend with Selvari, most likely he was able to use faith of his people and use it to empower his soldiers, like improving their bodies, affinities and stuff like that

Palmer Evans

Would the System’s obsession with Chaos be related to Karz trying to escape his fate? I’m prob reaching here but there definitely seems to be some Easter Egg crumbs in the chapter

Lucas Gulick

Loved the Karz chapter!

Michael Fannon

I think is more like how Brazla is obsessed with getting people to take the inheritances. The system is designed and programed to complete the heavens, which means repairing the broken peaks. It'd flimsy evidence, but remember when Zac formed his core and got a title for helping repairing a broken peak? Well, it mentioned broken peaks in general not chaos specifically. It's also why Kenzie is now cultivating a broken peak: the system is programed to repair those as a top priority even above preventing the machine god from being born.

Lucas Gulick

That wad for an older Era, I think this age works differently. I am super curious about the idea of pushing corruption out of the cosmos, I think that's what happened to the void based crafting faction Zac got the Inheritance from

Lex Luther S

Interesting. The biggest look so far at Karz and the future limitless emperor; seems they had a relationship similar to zacs and ogras, with varied differences. Can't wait for tomorrow's chapter, given how this one ended, that's likely the end of the bloodline visions.

Palmer Evans

Yeah that seems to make more sense. How about the “Beware the Terminus” messages? Basically, do you think (if Karz was turned into the System) he has any agency at this point or is Karz the person totally gone?

Jack Trowell

Did you forget the vkid inheritance he found? He already got ways to extract and infuse spirituality. It's surprising however to see Karz having a similar infusing ability

Lucas Gulick

This break through seems like it might be a mixed bag, yselio did lot of damage to Zac before the deus ex machina

Stefan Muntean

@Michael you might be right, draining the heaven to empower it self was the system start, it not wanting Zac to know to much...but why it keeps trying to kill Zac? Just remembered the joke Ogras made once "Are you the Son of Heaven?" LOL

Michael Fannon

I think Karz does still have some agency and awarenessbut is limited by both programming and how the system is incomplete. Mostly because of the attention he has gizen Zac. From the very beginning, the System has responded to Zac, which seems absolutely absurd with what we know now. My guess is Karz views Zac as a found bastard son and has been testing and training him as much as possible while also helping when he could.

C Smith

Not older Era. Just pre system. It's still the same Era as when Kraz and Laonido lived.


That’s a lot of unpacking there… looking forward to see what ability he unlocks… thanks fir the chap🙏🏾

R. Maxwell Steele

He also seems to have some kind of power of discernment. If that's also from faith, I don't know. But it's like he can perceive the paths of others. He knows Kars is also on a path to the top and puts himself in place to be his friend and guide that journey. Maybe his bloodline is based on understanding everything he is exposed to. And then just understands how to transform knowledge into power via faith. Kars connects to the Void to pull essence and improve his affinity to the dao/heavens. Zac absorbs essence to improve his affinity to the void of dao/or inverted heavens. The thing I keep coming back to is the scope of mountains compared to the pillars of the dao, the void mountain was so much bigger than the dao. Which makes me wonder if the void mountain contains the void of all the possible versions of the dao. What other reason would there be for it to be so vast? I'm really hoping that he gets void branches from his evolution. Right now it's looking like he will get something along the lines of Kars's seals from the heavens... but for Zac's inverted void version of that. If the void is really that much "bigger" than the dao, could be insane.

Luke Scheffe

If Karz was made into the system, it was likely willingly, assuming that the voice was Laondio. I get the feeling he wouldn’t call him old friend if he has betrayed him.


I think this chapter shines a new light on why the System needed so much energy to start up. The system had to purify all the energy in the universe.

Luke Scheffe

If karz was turned into the system, it was at least willingly, as I don’t think even Laondio would have the audacity to call him "old friend " after betraying him.

Michael Fannon

Maybe, but I still think it was more of a desperate attempt of Laondio trying to save his oldest friend like how Zac turned Alea into a tool spirit to save her.


wrong story, we got a full blown xianxia here :p imho Laondio is an isekai protag.


Not quite, remember Zac vision of the Abyssal shores, all Dao's where described through Death even the Void. That's still something he's far from reaching (Zac is still early Hegemon while Vision Karz is a Monarch). It is however a lesson for him to start contemplating other Dao's with his own and find a way to integrate them into his path.


I think Laondio was VOID emperor. Karz is VOID emperor (corrupted)?

Darnell Maxwell

So Karz could absorb treasure to give himself an attuned constitution for each dao and make treasures with their energy? Fuck this bloodline is strong as hell. Also I love the carefree dynamic between Karz and Laondio.

Darnell Maxwell

Zac better steal that technique the brat in the last chapter used. The one where one attack hit his opponents dao heart, soul and body. That sounds like an attack perfect for Zac since he's training those anyway. Might even be able to have the attack powered by his multiple forms of cultivation.


Well technically everything has some kind of faith + karmic connection, so Laondio might perceive how things are connected and after a little bit of study everything just clicks into place. As for Void, so far what we have seen, void is some sort of equal entity of all daos which takes opposite form if it. If daos are gone void still exists as an separate thing. Kind of like fundament of all that existed and will exist. I won't be surprised if reason for heavens cyclical nature is void. It constantly erodes heavens till it's destroyed and than void becomes "weakened" which gives new heavens ability to reform again.


Oh and I believe that the true reason why Laondio befriended Karz is because he is the only one he can't discern :d (Iz vibes not gonna lie)


I bet he will get third body :d Okay maybe not exactly physical one, more like spiritual body for conflict. Holy trinity of Wargod, life, death and spirit of conflict


This chapter reminds me of other Xianxia novels Protagonist. Han li's Moonlight Flask in Record of a Mortal Journey Through Immortality, or Meng Hao's Herb grafting in I Shall Seal the Heavens where useful for maturing and growing herbs with special properties. Zac on the other hand is a smith of sorts. Which has proven itself useful given his condition. Karz could use a normal cultivation manual while Zac has to hammer himself into shape given his corrupted bloodline. I wonder what kind of revelation Zac will get form contrasting both situations.

Henry Wartemberg

Little does Yselio realise his Fate is only pulling him to Ultom to show Zac a glimpse of the possibilities in his near Future. Oh and FateHew is Physical, Targets Dao Heart, and attacks Mental Energy/ soul.

Henry Wartemberg

Early guess he seems to have some Super powered Analytical ability. Almost like Jeeves…

Darnell Maxwell

Ima be honest. I was so tired when that chapter came out I didn't even try to decipher the flowery language. I still don't know what the upgrade Gorehew and Abyssal Drive do. Thanks for that.

Darnell Maxwell

Does anybody else wonder why Zac isn't looking into some void of conflict dao?


Zac's entire path, experience and world view is centered around how conflict is heaven's true mandate. why bother looking into the void of conflict. How would that aspect of the Void be able to push his path or the era forward?

Palmer Evans

I wish there was a DotF theory podcast or something to help organize all my thoughts on the big picture mysteries in this series


Zac understood void of life and death due to the contrast so he would need a dao of peace to get some insights.


There is so must out of context info, it feels like a different book. Liando clearly is some kinda isekai. Who invents a musical instrument!?


I got a Heavenly Root for Karz

Austin Richins

Damn, full tank of theory-fuel dumped in that one!


Wouldn’t he want something like the void of peace instead? Cause that would boost conflict


I'm guessing the "purification formation" is a proto System? I think I read that before the System, cultivators would get a lot of impurities from just cultivating, but now with the System present, it's not so. The question rises of what happens with the impure matter, if there is such a thing, maybe this is the reason the system, designs worlds with specific alignments, I mean for a human cultivator miasma would be impure, and for a draugr cosmic energy would be impure, etc. many interesting questions and possibilities about the world raise up...

Michael Fannon

That would line up with how pre-system there were far fewer death attuned worlds.


So what are these sigils inside of Karz

Michael Fannon

I want there to be a replica of that instrument for Zac to find just for him to learn to play it. Sort of a Picard's flute moment.

Michael Fannon

He's too busy looking into the voids of life and death, soul cultivating, body tempering, researching ways to improve his core, taking his fighting stances to the next level, and fighting a war at the moment. Only so many hours in the day.

Michael Fannon

Well, if it is the inverse then wouldn't it be instead of a dao constitution, Zac would generate a void constitution? It would pair nicely both with the void mountain he absorbed and his fighting stances, plus his core does have void elements as a key component.


That’s a definite possibility the other option is that maybe the system has found a way to recycle it


Is it just me or does Zac feel like Laondio (as in everything works out in the end and the heavens seem to be on his side) and Ogras feels like Karz (as in riding his accomplishment until he can stand on his own)

Michael Fannon

@Stefan it isn't trying to kill him exactly. More of treat him like a son of a powerhouse that needs training. Remember how Iz's training involved throwing her into certain death trials with her memory sealed or how Pretty Peak was fighting when she was still too young to cultivate? Same sort of thing. Zac has been thrown into seemly catered trials more than once.

Michael Fannon

Not quite. Karz was trying to form 17 different seals based the various Dao peaks then combine them all to reach the true peak. Zac's bloodline is inverted, so I think his seals will be based on the void. Instead of Dao constitutions, Zac will have Void constitutions he can summon. It does seem the natural next step after his body tempering method, the void mountain being absorbed, his fighting stances, and his core with void as a key component.


I would disagree with the assertion that order stands as the lynchpin. In truth stability does and order is but one tool of it. There's nothing stronger than just having more time than everyone else.


Hmm what if karz isn't the limitless emperor or one of the peak being appart of the limitless empire but what if he is the basis for the system itself since it seems he can slowly gain affinity for all of the 17 peaks with those sigil, he might be the living core or spirit of the system. That would make sense since Zacs mom said he carried the original sin and since his bloodline is corrupted it could be the reason he has a affinity for the void rather then the dao.


Maybe not isekai, but he sounds like a regressor. All the things he knows and does seemingly falls into place. Knowing things he'd have no way of knowing. If the technocrats can send knowledge through eras, it should theoretically be possible to send someone's identity/memories through eras. Letting them get a redo each time an era contracts and expands. They even say the system only managed to work because it was early in the era. But maybe that's a bit too out there.

Michael Fannon

Been my theory for sometime that Karz was turned into the system by Laondio, probably as a desperate measure to save him that same as Alea was turned into love's bond. I get the feeling Karz will have connections with technocrats too.


Yea, the concept of the taint is what's curious to me. And if the system is just a massive purification formation, is the war with the technocrats really because of the Selvari connection. Or is it because the system is pushing all those impurities at them, which as Karz says, would be war. Lot of interesting theories to be had. The biggest is, as you say, what exactly are those impurities.


Well yes kinda, I think you could argue Laondio is pretty much Iz with some grand ambitions. He sees Karz as an interesting phenomna just like Iz. The difference is Iz doesn't live near Zac otherwise I bet they might have same dinamic as here :d

Michael Fannon

I'm hoping Zac gets the inversion of that ability, were he gets void sigils and void constitutions.


Wait but laondio had that sphere of immutibilty didn't he that sounds quite abit like void zone so what if it's a mix of the bloodlines in some way?

Gabriel F

This chapter demonstrate that the era was already Order oriented before the system, the System just overclock it with the Order apostate.

Gabriel F

A wild hypothesis: Landio is the first defier that somehow travel back in time to create the system. This energy purification array sounds like a early concept of the System. In case the System main objective was to provide pure cosmic energy for cultivation.

Gabriel F

Could be that the ability to use some parts of the void was more accessible before the system. As the chance to stumble into the void aspect of cultivation was greater when there was no template to follow as it's now with the system.


That is essentially what the Primordial working with the Starbeast Alliance did


Honestly I believe there is no such thing as impurity. Is most likely forms of matter that are not usable for a specific cultivator. In a previous vision Karz was taking the dregs because he could actually use them for his bloodline, while for Leondio was unusable. I believe that Leondio might be studying Karz abilities and applying them to the System. There are plenty of hints. The ability to create treasures like Karz did at the end is on par with how the system does the same, but in a much larger scale. Also Karz ability to use unusable parts of the natural treasures, is reminiscent of the System creating and aligning. I don’t know if I buy into the theory that Karz is actually the system tho. Not enough to evidence.


I'm leaning in this direction as well. I'm just bamboozled trying to fit the scale of the void races before the Dao was established in to Karz's story.


I guess in the next Chapter Zac will be alone. That would be the perfect moment for some fortress tool spirit to show up. Like the administrator or the realm spirit of twilight harbor. He would tell about the "project" and make some deal to bring something to Ultom.


I can see that happening but I think that instead is would have propelled Zac forward at the very beginning allowing him to gain power and after that his absurd luck and fate would have made him at least on par with her if not even slightly ahead


That sphere sounded more like real life plot armor rather than void zone


Landio and karz are both pre system. One of them is the void emperor who made the system. The first defier was an apostate who was also a mortal. Not quite the same, also in the future compared to karz and landio


It sounds more to me like Leondio, the Limitless Emperor, was ruthless; he groomed his "friend," and "inherited" his friend's Void bloodline through some alchemical shenanigans. This may, or may not be the "Original sin" we keep hearing about. It's interesting that all his enemies some how "disappear." This is not a nice guy. He is a pragmatic fellow. And the more I think about it, I begin to suspect that the Void Bloodline was initially engineered by the Technocrats; They placed it in a boy and cut him loose within their enemies with the hopes of linking up with him later; Leondio beat them to the punch. That would explain some things about the various factions within the Technocrat's interest in that bloodline. Also, why they had it to give to Zac / were able to intergrate it into Zac. Especially as Zac's mother's other body is known as the Void Priestest and rules over the Void Gate.


More, it implies the System is dumping waste somewhere.


*sigh* literally out at this point. Like 25 chapters to execute, what 2 days of nothing? Idk it feels like I could unsub and come back in 3 months and miss absolutely nothing. Not like it's a bad story but I'd like to see progression pointing at something less than 5000 chapters


5000 chapters? I am expecting at least 10K, maybe more. But that'll be OK too as long as the story continues to be interesting, I won't mind.

Stefan Muntean

Hey I was unsubscribed for like 4 months, just returned, is a tactic, still love the story


I didn’t care for the god in the machine. That is twice in a short period of time that Zac was saved at the last moment by it.

Rushin Lad

I mean, do you want a story or the summary of a story? So many things have happened; it may feel slow cause we're waiting on daily releases


She called Zac her son (After Zac came back from the Void Gate - That was when she told Zac- and us - the true name of Emperor Limitless). It makes sense as we now know of Technocrats pioneering getting 2 bodies @ D-Rank. One body is Mechanical. The other body is biological.


No I remember that conversation, she called someone else her child not Zac, she even said that Zac might be the key to something. My theory is that Leyera is her secret child, not just personal disciple


I am probably mis-remembering then. That will mean my conclusions are quite off. Thanks for pointing that out.


Funny how Karz has every fukin right to be protagonist. Low beginning -> Check Mysterious powerful bloodline -> Check Looked down by others? -> Check Ability to improve fundamental affinities -> Check Ability to get power from things others simply can't -> Check But then comes Laondio and screws him over :d

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.

Christian Sauer

That's exactly the point. It's frustrating to read in this webserial form? Yes. It's totally fine as a thorough read as a book though. And I refuse to get a weaker story just because I am impatient . Please take time to write a great story

Lex Luther S

You disagreeing is moot. The current Era is literally built on the foundations of the Dao of order and balance. Just like one era was built around the 4 elements, every era is built around a specific Dao upon its recovery.


So here is how it is: Karz IS the system - He is the lynchpin so to speak. His ability matches many of those of the system. He is a purifier for the taint that slowly expands over reality. The taint that is being pushed back and purified is the endless storm. Karz agreed to be this so he could complete all the peaks. He is interested in Zac because he is restoring a peak the system otherwise can't access. It wants the MOTES OF CHAOS, or the dregs of a glimpse of chaos. It lines up with Karz M.O. Other things of note are: The technocrats seem to live mostly in the endless storm with all the taint. Technocrats seek to reverse the system, and Zac has the reverse of Karz abilities. Zac and Karz are similar when you reverse the names. Caz and Zark. Both of them are just a letter of.. one has an extra.. one needs one more. (Pointless but interesting) Zac seems to be basically the closest thing the system has to a descendant. So Zac is literally like heavens son like Ogras says. Maybe Zac also has some connection to Leondio.. or even is Leondio before he got isekaied back in time haha.

Lex Luther S

Hmmm, been a while since we've gotten one of Iz so I wouldn't mind that. As for ogras, we likely won't see him till he either gets picked back up by that assassin Supremacy or is being sent back to the zecia sector.


Damn just imagined Zac becoming bros with his own father :D


The theory that Karz becoming the system is crazy but could be true. it just brings back Ogras' question to Zac after getting the quest to add seals for the quest... "Are you the son of the heavens?" ... maybe that's why the system talks to Zac way more than anyone. If this is the case... who then is that guy sitting on the meteor that we've seen during other bloodline awakening?


I agree but I thought the lynchpin of the current system was order...


This is one of the most interesting lore segments we’ve had in 1200 chapters. I’m not sure I get why you’d be mad after reading this


So what exactly is the “corruption” is it lingering void from the time of the first people? Seems possible since they considered the dao to be a poison. It could be why Zacs bloodline is labeled “corrupted”. It’s not that it’s broken it’s that it uses the old term for the void and that his bloodline is the opposite of Karz


I meant more as an actual physical construct. Like he is the core of an item. The batteries.. something absolutely required for it to function kind of thing. I am not certain.. but much of what we know could be false information even. It's no guarantee the people who have spoken about this to Zac even have the whole truth or the reality of it themselves.


F5 is gathering..

Lex Luther S

What corruption are you talking of? The corruption in zacs bloodline? If it's that, then that's because of his mothers family; this would make it to where he could embark on any path with jarvs aid, forging an unmatched strength. Also seems his bloodline would hide jarvs, though how is beyond me.


When they are talking about the purification arrays Karz called the taint a corruption

Lex Luther S

He's talking about the impurities. Compared to before the system, impurities from pills, wounds and other things wasn't the only worry. There was also impurities in the energy that would eventually build up, why that tribulation throne was such a boon, being able to get rid of impurities. As for why it's called corruption, it's probably because to much impurities can corrupt one's core and even soul, especially if it's built atop treasures, meaning one would have to take even more time purifying themselves of it.


Yeah my question is what are those impurities really? This chapter seemed to imply that they are related to the void. Before the system and karz (potentially) being used to “purify” the cosmos with his bloodline maybe void was more common as a “taint” He was unique in being able to use the taint/void to improve his cultivation. Zac is the opposite in being able to use the dao to increase his void affinity. Sort of implies there never was any true corruption or taint, just that the early people of the era didn’t understand the void and it tainted their dao

Hakeem Gordon

I'd prefer a peek at what Ogras, or Kruta are doin tbh. Maybe even a bit of Catheya.


The Void is not encompassed in the Dao of Death through the Abyss. It's been shown again and again that the Void and the Dao are incompatible except through Zac's bloodline. The Abyss encompasses all other Dao in the Dao of Death, so all 17 Peaks under a piece of another; but in my opinion it's heavily implied that it only seems that way through Zac's limited understanding of the Dao.

Han Pol

How likely is it that the young void Herald with the spear is indra?

Thaabit Rivertree

I'm a. It confused, came back to the story after like a year off. Which one of Karz and Laondio could suck up energy from trash materials without any of the impurities accumulating. We got a chapter a while back a out one of them taking care of the sects trash but secretly using it to cultivate. That was Laondio, right?


Could have been Karz during the reign of Limitless, but before the system. He probably remained his right hand for millennia and was then forced into the system.

Lex Luther S

No, that was Karz. Laondio is the alchemist that gave karz the wasted materials and a pill if memory serves right while karz is the one with the void emperor bloodline.


These two are the definition of OP.