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I have decided to extend my break through September. As such, I've paused the Patreon charge for another month. Next chapter will be October 2, instead of September 11. 

I'm sorry about the short warning, but I wanted to wait until I was certain this was the right call. I've been struggling to keep up with the schedule this whole year, and it has taken its toll. I'm planning to take September to rest up a bit longer and slowly build up my private stock of chapters again.



Before I read DotF, I could never have imagined a mortal being could produce such consistently incredible quality at such a pace. Honestly, I am glad you are taking some time to yourself. I was starting to think think you were a being beyond supremacy.

Vinay S

Ruthless Heavens indeed.... I caught up to all chapter in july just to be handed this fate. Jokes aside, take you rest and comeback with more chapter. Thanks.


Ugh I was so looking forward to chappys again another long month ahead


How are you alive? 5ch a week how?

Matt Spratte

i miss my F5 gang lol but i am glad TFD is getting a good break


Rest up. Can't wait to see where you take us next!

Lucas Gulick

Alright F5 spammers, best get warmed up. 13 short day till the next chapter!!!

Lex Luther S

Ahhhhhhh, benefactors. It is good to see you all again. I bring great tidings; the heavens are stirring, a tide of fate shall be rising soon to meet their awakening and the Dao shall become more abundant than ever. This poor monk can not wait to see where the heavens take us over the coming year. So yeah ONE WEEK FROM AND CHS ARE BACK.

Mike Naka

Been so long I forgot what was going on with the story! 5 days left. Never thought I'd be looking forward to a MONDAY!

Will Mill

4 days and a wake-up.