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"Well…" Ogras said, his voice trailing off as his perfect plan suddenly felt in need of revision.

Zac's voice had an unmistakable mix of disbelief and mirth, and Ogras couldn't blame him. The description of the Shifting Dreamgeist hadn't painted a vivid picture, but it paled to the real thing.

The Dreamgeist was only one meter tall, looking like an incredibly fat floating baby. A baby born from the unholy union of an ogre and a de-feathered rooster, having three tentacles instead of stubby little legs. The thing had thin purple eyes whose pupils moved independently of each other as it took in the surroundings and a wide, flat beak that seemed perpetually locked in a brainless smile.

It had no feathers or scales. It rather seemed to be born from the clouds that made up most of the Dream Shift. But the clouds were more condensed, like they had been crammed into a container too small a size. Its whole body shuddered and rippled like it would erupt at any moment. Altogether, it looked one part ugly and two parts stupid—a far cry from the intimidating creatures Ogras had first considered for the next layer of the [Spiritlock Physique].

"Won't you turn into that thing if you fight?" Zac said, looking at him askance.

"Not necessarily," Ogras coughed. "I can choose which aspects I use when activating the lock. Besides, I don't want this thing for its appearance. I want it for its affinities and Bloodline Talent. I walk the path of the Illusory Shade, but my affinity to the Peak of Fantasy will hold me back unless something changes.

"The two beasts provided by master drastically improved my affinity to Shadows, and the Dreamgeist's bloodline is far greater than both of them. Its Bloodline Talent is also a perfect match to my flag. Who cares what it looks like?"

Ogras normally wasn't one to share the details of his path, but what could he do? This odd bastard would ruin his good name if he didn't clarify things. A little bit of pillow talk and that obsidian-eyed vixen would have ammunition for the next couple of years.

"If you say so," Zac said, clearly holding back a laugh.

"Whatever," Ogras spat. "Just help me deal with its minions, and I'll do the rest. Be careful not to harm it."

That bastard Rez obviously had a plan with his soul-grafting experiment, even if his execution had been laughably crude. The Umbra had been an assassin, and he'd picked creatures useful for his own craft. The planeswalker was a shadow elemental who excelled at moving unseen. Its enemies were dead before they had a chance to realize someone was targeting them from the shadows.

The Umbric Recluse was a silent hunter, using shadows to bind and weaken their enemies. The moment its prey stepped out of the sun's protective rays, they were already doomed. Its unique shadow manipulation would allow an assassin to force an opening without so much as a Cosmic Energy ripple that could be exposed.

Both were useful, and things had worked out well in the end. Of course, that was no thanks to his dear master, who had never intended to leave a true inheritance. To do so would potentially have exposed his techniques, and a paid dagger couldn't have that. So, the Towers of Myriad Dao was just filled with random things he'd picked up, along with a few mad ideas he had never dared try on himself.

But Ogras had no plans to come knocking at that bastard's door again. Rez had nothing of use, and Ogras wasn't interested in his teachings. If Ogras ever stepped into the Umbra's domain, it would be to snuff out the soul remnant for the same reason there was no true inheritance. Couldn't have some unreliable soul remnant know his secrets.

Either way, it was time for him to pave his own path.

He'd already acquired a new Cultivation Manual to replace the [Grey World Mudra] in exchange for 2 C-grade Nexus Coins and a supreme material he got with the numerology book. It could take him much further, and it better accommodated his new broader path. There were only two problems with it, apart from not having been fully tuned to his path just yet.

The first was its exceedingly high requirements when it came to affinity. He had passed the mark when it came to the Dao of Shadows, but his illusory affinity was not yet up to par. This Dreamgeist should solve that problem in one fell swoop.

The other problem was trickier; altering the method to suit his unique constitution. But he had already made good headway in that department. The manual should already be workable, providing greater cultivation speeds, multipliers, and energy circulation than [Grey World Mudra]. Any kinks he failed to work out could just be fixed with the final piece of his seal. Ogras could see his path widening, and the Shifting Dreamgeist was the key.

Suddenly, it didn't seem so ugly. It was almost a bit cute.

"Come here, you little rascal," Ogras grinned as a pulse shook the proverbial spirit lock hidden in his chest.

Pain wracked Ogras's body as it was remolded into an avatar based on his Ka'Zur Planeswalker and the Umbric Recluse. He hated this part, but it was hard to say no to the extra attributes that the transformation provided.

The Dreamgeist shrieked upon spotting the intruders, and a powerful purple glow radiated from its previously unfocused eyes. Its body faded, but the world suddenly turned black. A deathly swirl closed off the region while a pillar that elicited a primal dread rose from the ground. It was a good reminder. Most of the time, Zac seemed like an above-board and straightforward guy. Then he went and created something twisted like this. The guy had range.

The cage slowed down the Dreamgeist's shift but failed to cancel it. It was enough time for two shadowy tendrils to slap it away, leaving binding marks on its body. That was enough to tether the beast to the region, and the Dreamgeist seemed to have realized that fact. The whole cage flickered as hundreds of beasts appeared, each with a Hegemon's strength.

Ogras didn't bother with those things. The pillar behind him was already sending out a net of chains. The captured minions could shift in and out of reality after having been reforged by the Dreamgeist, but it was enough to keep them busy. Zac was already in the thick of it, chains and blades dancing around him as he contained the beast tide.

Leaving the Dreamgeist exposed. Its ability to capture beasts and turn them into illusory dreams under its control was terrifying, but its own combat ability wasn't anything special. With his buddy paving the path, the beast was ripe for the plucking.

"You can only blame yourself for being too talented. Who asked you to toy with a whole coalition on your own?"


"I give," Thea panted, her heart full of reluctance.

"Don't look so glum. You're making great strides on your technique," Amanthi said as he removed his staff from her shoulder.

"Not enough to even leave a cut on your kasaya," Thea muttered as the two flew down to the ground.

"You're just a kid, and it takes time to build a temple that can withstand the test of the ages," Amanthi smiled. "Besides, your variegated background left you with some gaps that needed to be mended. You will improve even quicker now that you've found a more cohesive plan and some proper techniques."

Thea nodded. She had to admit the Sangha was treating her exceedingly well in her position as a 'guide.' The amount of resources provided for her cultivation was nothing short of shocking, and she was allowed to peruse the enormous repository in the spacefaring pagoda freely. Body Tempering, Soul Strengthening, Intent Molding, all kinds of magical methods and skills she didn't know existed.

All hers for the taking, should she desire them.

It had felt generous to the point it was beyond suspicious, and she hadn't dared touch anything for over a month. Thea still felt the whole situation surreal, but she had long since caved when it came to helping herself to the various amenities. There was obviously something weird going on, but she was just Thea Marshall, a random Early Hegemon with decent talent.

If the Buddhist Sangha wanted to deal with her, they easily could have. She'd seen them turn an unrepentant Monarch into a devout nun. What resistance could she possibly put up? And there wasn't much else to do on the ship than cultivate. Her 'job' barely took up any of her time, and if she had to listen to another debate on the Dharma between those insufferable monks, she'd go mad.

She couldn't believe these people could spend weeks discussing things like the Karmic relationship between a stalk of grass and a raindrop. Amanthi was one of the few people not driving her up the walls. As a Dharmic Guardian, his role seemed more like that of an elite soldier than a spiritual cultivator.

A bell suddenly tolled, and Thea looked up with a frown. So it was time.

"Just get it over with," Amanthi said.

"Why not just tell me what that thing is?" Thea frowned.

"It's out of my hands," Amanthi said. "I'm just here to swing my staff around. You'll have to convince the little arhats."

Thea grumbled as the two walked to the top level of the multistoried pagoda. It was fifty meters across, and the myriad stars of the cosmos were on full display above. Sixteen young monks and nuns were already sitting around the golden array in the middle. A few looked over with kind smiles, but most ignored her existence. They seemed fully consumed by intoning one scripture or another, having closed off their surroundings.

"Benefactor, we hope you can light up the path once more," a nun said as Thea walked over.

Thea looked at the golden array that hummed with vigor. It exuded mysterious ripples, like it held the universe within. Thea couldn't stop a pang of desire as she looked at the intricate patterns. That feeling of stepping onto the array was indescribable. Of suddenly feeling connected to all creation, being one with the cosmos. But it was a false sensation, and she was filled with greater reluctance every time she was brought back to reality.

She didn't know why, but today was the day. Years had passed, and she'd finally reached her limit.

"No," Thea slowly said.

Her volume was low, but it felt like her rejection shook the whole hall. The silent chanting stopped, and sixteen pairs of eyes locked onto her.

"No?" the nun repeated, looking up at her with confusion.

"No, I won't," Thea said, taking a step back. "I'm not stepping into that thing again until you tell me what's going on. This weird cult shit has gone on long enough."

"I assure you the array is perfectly safe," Amanthi said from the side with a troubled look.

"I don't care. You people are way too suspicious. Why me? I know I'm not anyone special. I'm weaker than everyone here," Thea said, glaring at her sparring partner. "The only thing I can come up with is my background. My home planet, my—"

Thea stopped in her tracks. She couldn't call him her partner anymore. Over a decade had passed, and he thought she was dead.

"My loved ones," Thea continued. "I'm not stepping onto this goddamned thing again until I get some answers!"

"Benefactor's train of thought has merit," an unfamiliar voice echoed through the halls. "But it is but a part of the tapestry."

"You!" Thea said, her eyes wide with shock as she saw the new arrival.

"This poor monk didn't expect fate to bring him back to this region so soon," Abbot Everlasting Peace smiled.

"Well, it's safe to return now that Zac ran himself ragged to deal with the mess you left behind," Thea glared.

The abbot gave no rebuttal and only turned to the youthful monk sitting at the central position. His name was Crystallized Enlightenment, and the de-facto leader of his group as far as Thea could tell. She didn't know much about him, though. He never joined the debates or made any move to converse with her. But his aura felt as vast as an ocean, bottomless and unfathomable. Just the thought of fighting him filled Thea with despair.

"This is not what we agreed upon," Crystallized Enlightenment said, his voice seemingly coming from both the future and the past.

A small frown of displeasure had appeared on his usually impassive face, and she felt a weak pull like reality was being twisted. The feeling filled her with dread, but a calming wind swept away the sensation of doom. It had only lasted a moment, but Thea's back was already slick with sweat.

"You said you wouldn't impede the search."

"This poor monk believes he is aiding it. Forcing fate will only steer us toward a sea of regret," Everlasting Peace said.

"Your attachment to your past life is an anchor," Crystallized Enlightenment muttered. "Karma binds you, clouds your judgment. The Dharma will forever elude you unless you free yourself."

"If this poor monk had severed Karma, he wouldn't be standing here," Everlasting Peace smiled. "That is not my path. Whatever Karma I create, be it good or evil, I shall bear to the end."

"Eh, why not just tell her?" Amanthi added from behind, his calm voice cutting through the tension. "Might even improve the outcome."

Crystallized Enlightenment said nothing. He only looked at Thea for a few seconds before closing his eyes. But Thea's heart beat in excitement. It felt like acquiescence.

"Benefactor, follow me," Everlasting Peace smiled.

"What's going on?" Thea asked after they entered a side chamber. "You're back? Why?"

"This poor monk was truly supposed to cut ties with Zecia. But great events are taking place, and fate brought me back," Abbot Everlasting Peace said. "Our mission is one piece of the puzzle."

"That doesn't explain anything."

The monk smiled and formed a mudra. A golden sigil appeared before him, and Thea gasped as hundreds of threads sprung from her body. Some were thick, others were so thin they were barely visible. A few filled her with dread and hatred, others warmth and longing. The latter mostly pointed in the same direction, stretching impossibly far.

It didn't take long to figure out they were her karmic threads, the intangible links to those who'd crossed her path over the years.

"Just as benefactor guessed, this all relates to that young man," Abbot Everlasting Peace nodded. "The Super Brother Man. Zachary Atwood, the ruler of the Atwood Empire."

"Atwood Empire?" Thea muttered with disbelief, a small smile spreading across her lips.

She could almost picture Zac's reluctant and anxious expression as he was pushed higher and higher on the Multiversal hierarchy. Was he still grumbling about all the missives that kept appearing on his doorsteps? Did he still sneak into the wilderness just to swing his axe around for a few days?

"How is he doing?" Thea asked. "Is he okay?"

"That man is a shining beacon of providence," Abbott Everlasting Peace said. "He has advanced by leaps and bounds, surviving great tribulations. He's ushered in an era of prosperity for Earth while steadily advancing on his path."

Thea took a steadying breath. So he was okay. Her thoughts were a confused mess. Earth had seemed so distant since she stepped foot on the Goldblade Continent. Now, it all came crashing back, and she suddenly found herself overwhelmed by longing.

"That young man triggered the whole chain of events that brought us together," Abbott Everlasting Peace continued, shaking his head like he still couldn't believe it. "That's what brought us to you."

Just like she thought.

"So those monks appearing before me on the Goldblade Continent wasn't a coincidence, huh?" Thea said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Few things are coincidence. Fate and Karma binds us all," Everlasting Peace smiled. "In fact, my master had met benefactor Atwood shortly before meeting yourself."

"Your master?" Thea said, remembering Zac's description of Lord 84th. "I don't think I've met him?"

"This poor Monk is referring to His Eminence Three Virtues," the monk explained.

Thea's heart shuddered at the name. The scene of that chubby little monk dominating the Hallowed Mother still lived on in her mind. He could have squashed her like a bug if he'd wanted to. Yet, her most vivid memory was Three Virtues' shifty expression as he stole her treasures, all while talking about fate bringing them together. So that weirdo was Everlasting Peace's new master.

"Benefactor Atwood is like a stone dropped in a tranquil pond," the abbot continued. "His actions have created ripples of fate. For most, they are just that. Ripples. But with the right tools, with the right people, they can become a map."

"A map to what?" Thea asked.

"It is a long story."

"I have nothing but time."

The abbot smiled and slowly began unraveling the truth of the meandering journey she'd been on for years. She knew these monks weren't so free as to simply gallivant around in space for fun, but the truth far exceeded even her wildest dreams. Eight pillars of the System and Eternal Heritages from previous realities.

The Left Imperial Palace, nine outer courts. A trial for the younger generation, where the winner would be able to help their faction seize the main prize.

"And Zac triggered all that?" Thea asked with disbelief.

"His fate is like a mighty river," Abbot Everlasting Peace nodded.

"And how do I fit into all that?"

"You have an immensely powerful Karmic Link to him," Everlasting Peace said. "And there's Karmic Debt."

"He doesn't owe me anything," Thea frowned. "What happened between us was out of his hands."

"He doesn't feel that way," the abbot said. "Karma is a tricky thing. Perception can greatly affect its nature. He believes he is responsible for your fate, and thus Karma is sown."

Thea sighed. She could guess the thoughts running through his mind. Seeing his mother do something like that… It had to mess with your head. To carry that on your shoulders for years… she still couldn't believe Leandra Atwood could be so callous. Poor Kenzie, being stuck with that lunatic.

"The Boundless Sea Array allows you to use that link to harmonize with his fate. Benefactor Atwood is the originator of the event. Thus, he has some fate with every seal released into the Cosmos. We use that fact to pick up some pieces before they're dragged toward Zecia."

"So you're using my Karmic Link to steal Zac's opportunities?" Thea frowned.

"Not at all," Abbot Everlasting Peace rejected. "Hundreds of seals have been released, and our young friend is only fated for a fraction. Any more would do more harm than good. How many from our old home can withstand an event like this?"

That was obviously not the full truth. The monks weren't doing this out of benevolence. They wanted the Eternal Heritage, so they were doing everything possible to snatch as many tickets as possible. But she had to admit the monk was right. What could some earthlings accomplish if ancient factions were entering the fray, sending their most powerful centennials?

Even if Zac managed to provide the best opportunities and resources, so what? How could the Frontier compare to the Heartlands? She'd seen how vastly superior the Goldblade Continent was, and that was just a C-grade continent outside the System's purview.

The people of Earth hadn't even cultivated for two decades and were supposed to compete with people who had cultivated for over eighty? Going against people like Crystallized Insight? Even Zac would be in trouble, let alone everyone else. The thought alone made her sick with worry, and her thoughts rapidly spun.

"You're talking like you're trying to help, but you're just trying to sneak in the backdoor. Using me as the key," Thea concluded, looking at the abbot with an even stare. "Looks like nothing has changed. You guys really are a shameless bunch."

"We assure you, we have no designs on Benefactor Atwood. If anything, we have a good relationship. Furthermore, using the Boundless Fate Array leaves us with great Karmic debt to benefactor Atwood. To even out Karma, the Sanga will do its utmost in protecting him and his people inside," Everlasting Peace said. "The more people miss can guide into the trial, the better his position will be."

Thea tried to discern what was true and false on the abbot's face, but it was just as inscrutable as with all the other monks. Minutes passed, and Thea slowly reached a conclusion.

"I can continue to help you. But I will not step into that array until you agree with two of my conditions," Thea said. "One, every single one of you will swear a Dharmic oath in front of me that you will not target Zac or his followers."

"It will be done," Everlasting Peace said, and Thea felt he even looked quite happy with the proclamation.

"Secondly, I am getting one of those seals."


Adam Culli

Thanks for the chapter 🙏




Wonder if kenzie will be getting in on the left seal business too

Stefan Muntean

Wow I loved Thea part of this chapter! Very interesting

Stefan Muntean

Yeah, nope, not curious, plus that might eliminate his reason to travel in to the Eternal Storm and I find that prospect much more interesting then even Ultom

Sam Williams

It does seem like the Technocrats would really want an Eternal Heritage.

James Faulkner

Blehhhh, I wish she’d just fade into obscurity. One of the least compelling characters

seth dauer

Pretty sure her even asking for them to not target zac makes her indebted to the monks. Super shady


Okay I miss something somewhere how much money do they have now that Ogras can drop two C grade coins on something


Good chapter but damn even Thea is D-grade. I hope Zac gets a crazy good core after all this. So he can fast track his way to peak D-grade without worrying about redoing his core


I think it is safe to assume that Ogras has been spends as much time as possible acquiring as many treasures as he can (using the numerology book) and selling them to get more money. As well as selling any information about Zac that he can get away with.

Darnell Maxwell

Thanks to Zac getting all those teasures from thd Orom world and dead cultivators in the twilight forest the thayer consortium was able to make rapid growths. Then he started selling cosmic vessels so now his wealth can be measured in c grade nexus coins. Ogras own like 20% of the consotium so he's wealthy enough to have c grade coins as well. Plus he was unable to spend money while trapped in the dimensional seed so his money was able to accumulate over that decade.


Nice! I was wondering what Thea was up to. Really well written chapter. Excellent foreshadowing. Thanks!


I like Thea, really waiting for her return!


Harem wife 2 is on her comeback tour. Smh

Darnell Maxwell

Oh a chapter with Thea. Skip. I have never liked this character. This woman has more luck than Zac of she somehow managed to get to D-grade. Either that or it's just Zac's ability to boost the rate of anyone within breathing distance of him.


I thought Thea was still E grade in her last POV chapter.

Andrew Miller

I'm pretty sure the elements of a high grade core are already there.


Sigh - Thea :(

Timothy Dana

I can’t wait to see Thea’s reaction when she finds out he is Draugr!

Luke Scheffe

Zac came with about 40, and he got another 10 just for the oversupreme seed thing from the quarry. Ogras was scamming people for them even before that, and this entire place is an unbelievable concentration of wealh for their grade. Even if two c grade coins was his life savings, that’s just how important a suitable cultivation manual is for cultivators.

Ben Waschuk

I think its a combination of being on a C-Grade world this whole time and her foundatios not being that strong. She is probably quite a bit weaker then Ogras, and he's average strong/lucky. So she would be one of the weakest people in the planative vastness..(w/e area Zac is in , I forget the name). At least I hope so, if not, it'll make the others progress feel cheap..


She already knew since the treasure hunt when he died in front of her.


I'm excited for Thea's return. Not sure wht so many people don't like her very much. Interrupting a Zac chappy can be a bit annoying, but it is still fun to see what previous characters have been up to. Plus I love the confirmation that we will be getting a reunion here soon

Ben Waschuk

Kinda hoping she's at most equal with that spear captain lady that Zac saved. I could swallow that with the C-Grade world and all.


I had forgotten about Thea. I really hope TFD doesn't try bringing that dead 'ship back to life.

Darnell Maxwell

1) She's always been weaker than Ogras. That's nothing new. 2) The planet definitely played a factor. However Thea has this annoying habit of thinking the gap between her strength and Zac's is like 10 levels. So she will try to fight enemies or go into dangerous situations as if she were Zac. Her surviving situations because she's surrounded by stronger people who can save her doesn't help. Even when she went to the tower of eternity she jad a bunch of treasures thanks to Zac which helped protect her.


I think she found that out during the treasure hunt trial in book 3. I could be wrong.

Lex Luther S

Hmmmm, interesting. I will say after going back and re reading the old arcs I find thea far less annoying than memory serves but I still feel her romance with zac was heavily forced and I do hope that upon her return she doesn't take up as a romance option again. Iz and catheya get those limited spots. On another note, they gain karmic debt every time they use the array huh? Seems zac will make off with some great rewards to balance that out; very very interesting and can't wait to see how it goes; on a side note side note, she's a hegemon huh? Maybe a big time skip in PV is hitting soon. Also glad ogras is truly paving his own way


I don’t think so since it’s a condition for her help. They need her to get as many as they can into the left imperial palace. Gotta be worth a lot of karmic debt to her already


In chapter 976, Zac's character sheet shows him as having over 9 million d grade coins on his person. Then, a few paragraphs later, it gives a bit more breakdown and says flat out his total worth is about 30C, with thousands of D grade pouring in every week. That was almost two or three years ago. Ogras has a stake in the Thayer consortium plus his own adventures. So i figure he has somewhere between a quater and half what Zac does. Ogras says he is now worth more than his entire clan he came from at one point.


Thea is likely equivalent to fodder for Zac at this point and he’s still in E grade

Ben Waschuk

I think most people are upset that she is in D grade and her reunion will probably set Zac on a big ol annoying quest arc to make Thea strong despite her shallow foundations. Thea always felt like a leech, (intentional or not) either by taking his gifts or his fate. You might say the same about Ogras but Ogras has brought Zac good unique treasures on a few occasions along with genuinely being useful among other things. Ogras owns up to being a leech, he just feels more genuine then Thea. They live in a different world then us, its impossible for her to be close friends with Zac, never mind a lover when she is natually weak and doesn't have strong enough fate.


Oh ok I see the frustration now. Yeah I agree in some aspects now that you mention it. I don't want a multi-chapter long catchup montage either haha

Nick Pincus

The Sangha already kind of have a huge debt to zac... And that debt has been tried to be repayed with steeling his body. The undead empire is kind of in the same boat. This makes the sangha's debt more and the thing about the eternal inheritance makes the undead's more. Funny how both of them are on the path of order and Zac the path of chaos. This is going to be very interesting.


So when Zac managed to get a one up on the Sangha casino, it turns out that they had been stealing from his bank account.


Hopefully these alternate POVs mean hegemony is coming up soon


Yeah I gotta agree. D-grade isnt really a good metric for strength. There are a lot of cheaper d-grades that cant even come close to comparing with the stronger e-grades like zac. I cant remember but I think ogras has killed something that was at least a low d-grade equivalent so he's probably stronger. Assuming she wasn't just handed a lot of excess power^


Getting to D grade isn't surprising at all. she's moderately talented, she entered the E grade before zac, has a much "lighter" foundation than him, AND had access to the resources and environments of a C-grade world close to the mainlands.


Thea knows Zack’s secret from the treasure hunt. He transformed in front of her when they were on the peak fighting off the wraiths.


I wouldn’t be surprised if they have some sort of falling out kinda like Hannah (Zach’s pre-integration girlfriend). Probably not to the same degree but I’m guessing she’ll either be pushed aside in favor of Iz and Catheya or she’ll be pushed to live up to them.


I'm definitely ready to see D-grade zac. It should be a significant enough to at the very least not insta die from early stage monarchs if he gets into late d right? Or am I way off? Right now it feels like he could probably 1v1 a late d


I always found Thea boring. I don't see a way for her to just disappear. I hope she dosen't die again because that whould fuck up Zack and a mopy Zack is not fun. I much more enjoy Zack being happy with his Drauger wife. Only solution I can see is a potential harem situation, but I don't see Zack being ok with that.

Adam Fellon

Everyone always talks about how weak Thea must be but she got one of the highest rank titles available to cultivators during the start of Earth’s integration. She has survived this whole time on a C rank continent, was invested with sword intent during her trial and has multiple Daos. She might not be a monster like Zac but to assume she is weak is wild…

Ryan Ulrich

Zac will have 3 main harem girls for each of Dao, Thea, Iz, and Catheya

seth dauer

Reasonable people would agree. But they've never asked her. She has done that on her own and could 'refuse' the whole time. As they said, it's as much what the person believes.


Think 2 cycles was already a foregone conclusion with all the duplicates connected with Zac. Originally thought it would be made up of the leftovers and the undead empire with Iz as a possible flame bearer if she couldn't get a full cycle. Now with the monks and Thea involved I'm curious if they will fill the gaps in Zac's current second cycle with Thea possibly being part of Indomitable Court and Kruta joining Iz's cycle instead. Only question is who will be the flame bearer for the second cycle? Maybe Average who we havent heard anything from?


Nah I can see Thea being a general of his, or some other sort of administrator in the Atwood Empire? Moved into the inner circle but no romantic connection any more. She just doesn’t have the range to reach the upper echelons of power that Zac is gonna reach; and as any good relationship is built on equality…. Zac will end up with Iz! 😂


and now she's being trained up by a peak faction!


That whould be great. Just a nice and easy hey it's been over a decade and both of us have moved on we are still friends but the romance is dead. Hopefully it can be that clean and easy no bulshit drama


I also agree that Iz is the only character that can keep up with Zack.

Stefan Muntean

@Moo she did not enter E grade before Zac, but after, he was first on Earth. Her lower foundation explained it, even Zac once though if he is only Draugar he can be D grade in a month as mortal, she as a cultivator pretty easy


Iz isn't in a relationship with him though. Technically, he's bonded with Alea while dating Thea and Catheya at the same time. He has other prospects but those three are the only ones he's romantically related to.


Everyone forgets about Alea, the only girl that’s been with him from the beginning.


I really hope we don't get a harem. I agree with @Tom C on this one. I do think tho that the Iz thing is still up in the air because his relationship with orgas, although not romantic, is still relatively equal and healthy. If Catheya keeps up with his fate I dont think there will be any problems in the power differential regard. Plus I have a feeling Iz might get passed eventually too lmao


Yeah I would not be surprised, either. Although, I think that is kinda something I am down for. We have been told over and over the pathbreaking aspects of the buddist sangha and I think it would be interesting for Thea to be a proponent of that conflict we see in Zac/the world. Like maybe we see Thea finally reunite with Zac after her head is shaved and she has gotten more powerful, but at what cost? I honestly don't think that is an unrealistic scenario.

Stefan Muntean

Exactly, everyone compares her to Zac, when it was clearly stated she is a talent of the frontier, seriously the pore girl is mistreated by Zac fate hard


Well, each flamebearer can form multiple circles. That's the same with the UE. If they won't find their own flamebearer, they gonna form circles behind Zac. For them it's just about their objective. Obviously better for them to act indenpendent, yet if necessary they gonna follow Zac.


Don't get me rong I don't want a harem and I dont think any of the involved characters whould except a harem ( except for Catheya maybe) i just don't expext Zack to see Thea and not get conflicted. And I really don't want some love triangle with the two girls competing and Zack in the middle. Zack has had all the bad luck in love so far he doesn't need any more, plus I am really enjoying the Catheya situation right now. I just proposed harem to sidestep drama bs


I’m fairly sure there won’t be a harem? It’d be a complete shift in tone for the story! and harem stories are just total cringefests anyway 🤮 yeah if cath keeps up no worries, and Zac is gonna prob realise that he’s a monster who no one can keep up with eventually…. Apart from his bromance Ogras of course


Ooooo I just realized what I actually want. Thea comes back and Zack feels like he has a responsibility to get back with her because he is a good dude but all these years have turned Thea in to a cultivation maniac that has no time for relationships so she is happy to just be friends and Zack can stay with Catheya with absolutely no lingering regrets


Wasn't the romance really short? Basically after the mystic realm we got a time skip and they were living together, before that was just some vague flirting type stuff back in the Eastern Trigram Hunt. So we saw they were a couple for a few chapter before Leandra used her as a lightning rod.

Charles handgis

I honestly would not be upset at this point if Zach ends up with multiple love interests. Even right now he has both Catheya and alea and I don’t think that has made it cringe at all. Plus like other people said it would kind of make since for him to have different woman for different halves, undead v human, life v death, and then Conflict.


Thea’s foundation is not heavy like Zac thats why its easier for weaker people to break through. Thats why even in middle E grade zac can 1 hit early hedgemons


Not fodder, but I doubt she’d be able to take out both his sides.


Thea’s family also knew of the system before integration. Her foundations are actually fairly strong IMO. She’s just not Zac. Everyone always gives her shit, but she’s a legit badass. She would have been the strongest or second strongest on the planet if not for Super Brother Man. Thea, Billy and Everlasting Peace were the strongest people on the planet who weren’t fucked with by the Technocrats


Considering that the System has an open bounty on ANY Technocrat and considers them Unorthodox? Yeah no. (The one working for Zac is a special case since he has converted back to the Systems ways).


I don’t think average can be a flame bearer. We know of three flame bearers so far and they are all very very strong for their level. I actually wouldn’t be surprised if Zac is currently the weakest flame bearer. I believe they have to be strong enough to defend their seal against any centennial and there is no way average can compete with a heavens chosen from even a B grade empire let alone A grade.

Ethan Alexander

He had by far the best and closest relationship with her. Even though it never got very far I remember them, emotionally, being very close. And they've been together the longest, even if she's a tool spirit right now


I like her and want more of her in story.

Ethan Alexander

The harem thing is so common in the multiverse that if it does happen, it won't be treated as a big deal. Ogras would still laugh his ass off.


I thought the idea behind Thea was that she was a natural talent. Anywhere else she would be on iz level. But because of earth her potential got snuffed and that’s why Zac’s mom took her. So she could keep up with him. We don’t know her current power levels. I have a feeling she’s going to be on Ogras level. Also don’t think she’s going to be interested in him. I think it’ll be like yeah we had something but we’ve moved on.


Never interpreted it that way. Assumed each cycle would need a flamebearer but it would make sense he could just form multiple on his own based on the wording. Having the Monks, Undead and both girlfriends as part of his cycles would be entertaining.


I agree. Isn’t one of her titles about just how ridiculously talented she is? It was earth keeping her back because from what I’ve understood. If she had good back she’s be on iz level from pure talent. But Zac being a monster also forced her to not only the shadows, but to never really for her to be pushed. It wasn’t up to her to save earth. It was up to Zac. Being sent to another world I believe fixed that. Now she’s going to be on or above Ogras level.


I’m so over this sangaha however it’s spelled. I see Thea’s name and just skip the whole second half maybe I’ll get a surprise when she gets a seal.(I read the last sentence) and then all about ogras, I thought this was wrapping up zacs core. I love the writing I think I’m more frustrated having to wait longer so thank you for the chapter I do appreciate what you e created.

Aaron Schwartz

I do not trust the Sangha at all. That said, I do very much trust Everlasting Peace, and even though I guessed he would meet up with Thea, I am still over the moon that he’s back.


I don't understand why everyone thinks she's a leech. She was legitimately one of the strongest on earth before ever even meeting Zac, and it was a while after that before she spent any real time with him. Yes, she has family backing and has gotten good things from various places, including Zac; but... Zac has also had ridiculously good luck getting things he didn't really earn. A lot more than her, frankly. Yes, he's strong, yes, he's been through a lot of pain and hard work. But so has she. She's got less than him in all categories. She's not gone through as much, not given as much, and is less powerful. Her no longer being a good romantic fit, I get. But she's not any more a leech then Zac is. All cultivators in the story use every opportunity they have, whether earned or lucked into.

Tyler S.

Im not entirely sure how accurate the Pixy Achievement would be. But in terms of power we have her level in the ToE. Her survival on the GB continent and now being spoon feed resources to try to boost her to at least mid D with the help of the monks and possibly light of Ultom. Her set path has the possibility to reach Ogras lvls.


Thea is much stronger than you guys think, it seems like the people saying she's weak are not even reading her chapters, or just don't understand the world building. She was given an insane foundation when she was enslaved. Experimented on for years, becoming more powerful than any E grade cultivator should ever be. Yet she saved her path with sheer will power alone. Something thousands of other elite cultivators couldn't do after getting hooked on the drug. Now she has the monks totally indebted to her giving her Supreme techniques and resources. She is way stronger than catheya probably will be after D grade. And I wouldn't be surprised if she has surpassed Ogras too


Would Catheya remember she has a thing with Zac, after the perennial vastness?

Luke Scheffe

Heavy doubt. She’s good-for earth. She was the best earth native- which means she is probably second seed for an established force. She got nurturing from an incredibly weak monarch, which allowed her to perhaps reach low first seed. Ogras and catheya are both heavens chosen. Zac is so far ahead they can’t really compete with him. Iz is even farther ahead, and geared up to be even farther ahead in D grade.


Thea was one of the strongest on earth, and she has been in a realm a whole grade higher than any other character has for over a decade. Has access to both the system and the natural heavens. Something considered a huge advantage. Been experimented on by a monarch and survived with huge gains... this is all on par with what other characters have been through, if not much crazier. She is going to be right there with everyone, if not stronger than everyone except for Zac when she comes back


I think most people who don't like Thea coming back are just afraid she will end up with Zac again. But I really really don't see that happening. She will most likely just be a friend. It's only thing that makes sense. The relationship was awkward to begin with, leandra saw right through them


It's crazy, it's like they aren't even reading her chapters, and have no clue what she's been up too.

Luke Scheffe

Being the best on a planet puts you at perhaps second seed in a B grade force. And that’s if you’re lucky. A B grade force can be expected to control thousands to millions of planets.


Seriously, how much longer will this arc last? It began end October/start November. I enjoy pov chapters as much as the next person, however the filler/side story has me stuffed fit to bursting. What's left. Complete Omnitool quest. Top off mana. Fight late-stage beast king in upper portion of Calamity and grab those remnants. Form core. So, what are we looking at? Will PV drag into May? I was so excited for core formation & Hegemony. Still am. Just ready to move on.


On the contrary Leandra did what she did to give their relationship a 1 in a million chance of success, because as things were, Zack would have outpaced Thea in no time. Only by pushing Thea in to the deap end did she have a hope of keeping up. But I do agree that she will probably end up being a friend in the end. At least that is what I hope. And I also hope that it is quickly taken care of.


LOL the thing didn't start in PV they're just more free to put it up on display there and also happen to be close together as per where they live...No creepy old people to influence the direction of the relationship too...


Yeah, but what if they held the keys to the System. It would no longer work against them, but FOR them. They absolutely are going to infiltrate and compete for the grand prize, but probably disguised as cultivators.


I can’t remember Zac describing Lord 84th to Thea. In fact I believe he wasn’t to mention him coming to pick up the abbot to anyone. Am I wrong?


I forget, but isn't the strongest person from his Clan only D Grade? Maybe barely C Grade? Either way, gonna be awesome when they finally diplomatically reach out to his old Clan.

Malcolm Tent

As far as I know the PV only wipes out memories relating to its secrets. The time they spent together alone and the things they learned about it each other shouldn't count, with the exception of the odd trip to some potentially secret location.


All of Zac’s girlfriends are going to be in one place 😱!


Why? This is the best arc so far. When your rereading this in ten years you'll wish it was longer. Just enjoy the story D grade will happen soon enough

James Faulkner

All the power in the multiverse won’t make her a compelling character. I didn’t care when she “died” and I don’t care now. Iz and Catheya are both really compelling and well fleshed-out characters, let Thea die

James Faulkner

“Anywhere else she would be on Iz level” tf are you smoking? You think some random chick from a freshly integrated world is remotely close to the scion of one of the thrones? When even Zac isn’t?? Stop kidding yourself


100% agree. She couldn't even keep up with Zack during the start of the integration. To be fair Zack did get a lot of advantages and lucky breaks but still she was way behind him from the start, and never showed any promise of catching up. Now things may have changed she is D grade after all but we have no idea how strong of a D grade she is. My guess is that she will actually be very strong because she will need to be to stay relevant to the story.


he told Ogras and probably a few others of what happened to Everlasting Peace when he vanished from the karma leaderboard, he was warned not to mention the Lord 84th to avoid drawing his enemies to earth, so I'm pretty sure he didn't tell them Lord 84ths name.


I don't understand why everyone says she has a weak foundation. Besides Zac she was stated to be the strongest on Earth. And she has had way less help getting to where she is compared to Catheya or Iz. The only time Zac has given her anything was the hunt as far as I remember.

Zachary Blevins

They were a couple for more than a year, even though it was a one chapter Time jump for us So yeah, I’m sure he told her And notice how she started to say they were couple steal and then stop her self

Zachary Blevins

I think he has the stats of a low D And the skills to take on a middle D And a couple of tricks that would let him one shot a hi D but would need a few minutes to set it up and it’s kind of a poke my eye out to poke their out. He definitely loses life, Spand and potential if he does it.

Zachary Blevins

Am I the only one thinking he’s going to end up with a third form I mean, he is an edge walker which is life death But he’s not just life death. He’s also conflict. I’m a go isn’t the path of life and death the goal is oblivion and creation bound together through conflict he only really wants to keep branch of the war acts Life and death he’s going to trade in soon as he figures out how

Zachary Blevins

Yeah, a real love triangle with him in the middle and everybody else just looking at him and thinking the same thing such a deviant Ha ha ha !

Zachary Blevins

Completely agree with you. She was one of my favorite characters in the first few books. Don’t understand all the hate for the character. I thought she was awesome. Billy too


I think it would be interesting if his life/undead form fused. Eventually.


I don't think that he will get a Conflict-related form. His eventual Dao of Conflict is just meant to be a binder between Life/Creation and Death/Oblivion, which his path keeps separate. But I do think he will eventually obtain a fusion between his forms to represent Chaos. I wouldn't have thought it to be the case, except I remember the Creator foreman briefly mentioning Chaos engines, which I feel was a Seed of Foreshadowing.


The fact that so many of you guys hate Thea Marshall let's me know that she is a good character. To the people that just want every arc to end so they can get to the next one please stfu. I think alot of us are here because we like the fact that the world is well fleshed out and not every chapter is a fight scene. If it ends up being superfluous then he can edit it out later. TFD tyftc I'm so glad you put out the quality content that you bring us 5 days a week


He won't even notice. He will be too focused on his cultivation and likely tell them to figure it out amongst themselves lol.

Jah Army

I was so happy when she died. I dont know why she didn’t really die.

Aaron Weingrad

Zach should have three Dao partners. One life. One death. One conflict. Catheya is obvious. Iz seems like life. Thea with her sword is close to Axe. It is at least another bladed melee weapon. Just my two cents


The three Dao partner thing is likely to happen, but Alea currently makes it four. Also I don't think Zac and Iz are going to become entangled. No romance has sparked between them yet and she is part of a different set of cycles. It is still open ended though, so things can change still.


Gotta be honest here. To believe a character is relevant simply because others do not seems a bit shallow. Also, I'm not sure adding the obligatory please before telling everyone to "stfu" for only having an opinion is the classiest of moves. At any rate, most would consider it healthy to descend from the soap box from time to time. Try it. You may find the experience enjoyable.

Logan Loophole

Story is paced too fast right now, if anything. We took a thousand chapters to get here, why ruin that steady foundation by sprinting at the end?


Given how embarrased Ogras was in the last chapter I thought he had summoned a monster that looked like a nude Kenzie


I don’t think that Thea is weak at all. After all, she was comparing herself in this chapter to the elites of the Sangha that are looking for seals. I bet even Zac would have trouble when comparing himself to them. Come on.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.

Joshua Little

It came across as more of a seal against sharing with outsiders than a full wipe to me.


Yeah TFD fucked Thea's arc pretty hard. Difficult to care about her now


Same I wish we could time skip to core formation. I’m ready for the war prep of the Atwood Empire and team Zac. And finally D-grade. I mean how many chapters have we spent in E-grade?

Luke Scheffe

Does trouble mean stomp them effortlessly all of a sudden? Because Zack has not had any trouble fighting any seal bearers. Only the Flamebearers are any danger.

The Grand Moose

I think we will actually see 4 total. Void, Life, Death, War. I think Iz is actually the void, but because shes the opposite. (Near perfect affinity versus his total absence). Life might be Thea, perhaps the monks she traveling with alter her path. Catheya is Death. And Alea is War, she is a weapon afterall.

James Faulkner

“You guys don’t like this character which proves she’s good” tf kind of logic is that lmao 🤡


Man, so much salt in these comments…

Dave Richards

I was expecting some weird naked womanlike creature at the least. The featherless tentacle chicken was amusing though.

Dave Richards

I agree Kyfe. Looking forward to his old clan eventually meeting up with Ogras, and maybe Zac too lol. They'll be angry at first, and maybe throw accusations at Ogras, then suddenly realize how far they've gotten lol.

Dave Richards

JoshCalmick, I was actually thinking the same lol. Imagine if they are reunited, but she's had her path broken and became a monk lol. I doubt it will happen though after how much she struggled to hold onto herself when being drugged by that C-grade for years.

Dave Richards

I think what you said about Thea being a bit boring is the main problem with her. She just isn't as interesting some of the the other characters, including the other potential love interests. She's not a bad character and I was happy when she wasn't just killed by Zac's crazy mom, but yeah, there are more interesting characters I would rather see more of.


4 flame bearers; Zac, Iz, the primordial, the 7th Heaven brat.


The opposite of love/like is apathy(not caring) not hate/dislike. The guy means she's "good" because she invokes passion and the author can use her to drive the plot(I think)


I don't think Thea are should come back as a romantic partner. It doesn't make sense to me. If my ex's in-laws kidnapped me I would stay the fuck away from them


We keep hearing about how the sangha hide traps to drag people into their faction so I hope after seeing that Thea has been with them for a while and they’re letting her use sangha skills we see them drag her to their path a little. The main way we see them effect people’s paths is zac while maybe hearing others mentioned every now and then but that’s not really that impactful we know zac will basically never fall for they’re traps and hearing about others isn’t as impactful as seeing it actually happen. This is a perfect opportunity to see it happen since Thea has no real reason to know about the sangha traps. While I'm not a fan of Thea (think she’s really boring and annoying) I think that could be a great story beat for her.


I don't know, if my ex had the MC halo I think I'd stick even closer. What's a little kidnapping compared to the benefits of zacs fate

Andrew Kluttz

Really happy to see everlasting peace back.


She worded her request badly. The Sangha would feel converting Zach and his followers would be to their benefit, not harming them. She should have included in the Oath to not act against Zac's Agenda/what Zac viewed as his interests, and to not even attempt to convert her or anyone from the Attwood Empire to the Sangha ever whether the Empire exists or not, all previous members are exempt.

hayden jack cowell

People hate Thea because she "replaced" Alea (she didn't) and never got over the temper tantrum(or would rather double down than admit they overreacted). then it became trendy and people hate her because other people do, and come up with stuff like "she's not plot relevant". Thea has always been a plot relevant character, she was a powerhouse of an allied faction who helped save the world and give Zac time to establish himself. If your not complaining about getting to the next fight and stop with all "filler" chapters, Thea is a good Interesting Character that most people like.