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Just making sure no one can possibly miss this :) 

Book 4 of Defiance of the Fall is now out on Amazon, Kindle Unlimited, and as an Audiobook over at Audible. 

Proofed, edited, and generally fixed up. So if you're in the mood for a re-read/listen, be sure to check it out! As usual, this also means the older books are on sale for the next few days (US only, I think), where you can pick them up for just 0.99 apiece!

Book 4 covers the Underworld, the Base Town, and the first half of the Tower of Eternity, so plenty of fights and progress to be had. 

Book 4 on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09M8TFHM7

Books 1-3 on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0916H6FBX

Series on Audible: https://www.audible.com/series/Defiance-of-the-Fall-Audiobooks/B09B4CQQBT



Like we didn't already buy the copy as soon as our audible turned the day over. Great content as always keep it coming!

The Lost Pages

Thanks for another great book. Already have it on audible.


Is there a reason the cover for book 5 is blurred out? I don't remember that happening for any of the other pre-orders.


I have bought it on both. 🤓


It's still being touched up a bit. I posted a sneak-peak in the #heaven's-chosen channel on Discord in case you're curious


Wow it's weird to go back and see where book 4 ended. Not even out of the tower of eternity yet?? Bizarre!


Oh! No! My finger slipped and I some how bought the first 3 books.


I always do this with authors that i've enjoyed for a very long time. Even though i've already read it all, i buy it just because. It adds to the bookshelf as well :)

Kevin McGuire

Just curious how many books ahead are we if we're up-to-date with the chapters here

Lucas Gulick

I think we are on book 8 or 9


Thanks for the announcement. ;p Congrats on the book release!

Stefan Muntean

Already listening to it, dont like Cat voice :( in rest is great! Now were is my daily chapter?😋


Its crazy to think that book 4 only covers the underworld, the base town, the first part of the tower of eternity. That seems like such a long time ago at this point

Dave Richards

Congratulations on getting another book in the series out.


Just finished books 1-4 back to back and can’t wait for the audios haha. What chapter does book 5 start?