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It almost felt like a dream when Zac stepped out from his teleportation room and stepped into his compound. Six years. It had been over six years since he left Earth with not a single update on the state of things, except for the notification that his followers had somehow accepted an incursion in his name.

Thankfully, there were no smoldering ruins or screams of battle greeting his return, indicating that things should be under control. It was something that had constantly worried him for the past month as he lay low at a remote corner of the Zecia sector.

He should have guessed that infusing a tool with Chaos would make its functionality unreliable.

Still, having appeared in a desolate spot at the edge of the Sector after weeks of being hurtled through some subdimension was far better than he could have hoped for from an item that would normally only work inside the sector itself. Unfortunately, large chaos-laden cracks had appeared all over the bangle, making Zac leery about using the thing again.

However, he didn't have much choice as he had been dropped off in the middle of space, and with air running out he had used the Teleportation Array on his back to teleport to a remote trading hub he had frequented before. He hadn’t dared immediately return to Earth out of fear that the Orom, the golem, or Iz herself would show up at his doorstep.

Zac couldn’t bring those monsters back to Earth, so he had rented a top-tier cultivation cave, once more reminded how amazingly cheap things were in this remote corner of the Multiverse. Every day he had spent cleansing himself of karma and looking for marks left in his body, trying to recover his broken and chaos-addled pathways as much as he could while keeping an eye on the sky.

When a month had passed, Zac figured people either wouldn’t or couldn’t come after him, and he had finally returned home. Zac immediately wanted to find someone, but a clap of thunder above his head made him look up with solemnity.

It had come, just as he expected. The gathering clouds didn’t contain the vast indifference of the System, but rather the fury of the Boundless Heavens. Zac knew it hadn’t come for him though, but rather for someone else; Alea. He had noticed something brewing over the past week as Zac gradually whittled down the Orom’s seal on his Tool Spirit.

Perhaps by design, it was quite easy to deal with after having left the Orom World. After all, most of those who left were either scions with powerful backing or powerhouses who had confirmed their Daos in the limited environment of the Orom World. There was no point in angering these kinds of people.

However, as the layers of restrictions were removed one by one, Zac had felt that sense of premonition that fate was gathering on his location. He could somehow tell it was related to [Love’s Bond], so he had eventually left the last layer of restrictions and hurried back home. As expected, she was breaking through.

For almost five years she had been digesting the enormous ball of blood and Oblivion, joined by Temporal Energy and continuously bolstered by the Ambient Energy inside the Orom World. And this was as a Peak F-grade Spirit Tool. Her accumulations were shocking, and this step was long overdue. However, Zac hadn’t expected a minor Lightning Tribulation to arrive because of this.

Then again, it was undeniable that [Love’s Bond] was an unorthodox weapon, no matter if you talked about its origins or what it had fed on. Zac wondered if the same would happen to Verun in the future, considering the axe had been marked by pure life inside the Twilight Chasm.

A wave of hunger filled Zac’s mind, and he didn't hesitate as he started emptying his Spatial Rings of anything he could think of. There were mountains of rare materials, from things he had found in the Spatial Rings in the Void to the supreme treasures he had found in the Twilight Ocean and Qi’Sar’s treasury.

The piles kept growing as Zac took out one thing after another, just like when Alea's coffin was turned into a Spirit Tool the first time. Altogether, the value of the mounds surrounding the coffin was probably inching toward three million D-grade Nexus Coins, a ludicrous sum for an F-grade Spirit Tool.

However, Alea didn’t take too many of the treasures. First, she picked up the [Blackearth Steel] from Qi’Sar’s treasury, the chains barely able to drag them toward the lid, along with the supreme-quality death-attuned wood Catheya had identified for him. Next, she picked up five other unnamed Death-attuned metals Zac had found in the Twilight Ocean, along with a few dozen Death-attuned natural treasures.

She did, however, leave Uona's corpse behind, though Zac did feel the axe on his waist perking up when he took the body out.

Seeing the decidedly one-sided nature of the materials, Zac was a bit surprised considering how she had feasted on Twilight Fruits for years. He had expected her to want at least some life-attuned materials to balance all that death, but it looked like he was wrong. Or had her needs changed after first being marked by Pure Death, and then swallowing Oblivion?

And if so, how would that impact her soul?

By the time Alea had finished gathering everything she needed, the sky was dark with tribulation clouds while purple clouds crackled. However, Zac was inwardly relieved when he sensed the clouds were decidedly weaker compared to the punishments he had endured to evolve his two Dao Branches.

The familiar rattle of chains moving echoed out through the area, but it was followed by a groaning sound Zac had only heard a few times; the opening of the thick coffin lid. Zac’s heart beat an additional time as the lid swung almost completely wide open, but he couldn’t see Alea’s body at all. Instead, there was only vast darkness that almost reminded him of the Abyssal Lake.

For now, the darkness was only a shadow of the real thing, but was [Love’s Bond]moving in that direction, toward the Abyssal Death of the Draugr? Was it he who had influenced her path that way? Or was it the System who had implanted the Spirit Tool with this path upon its creation, to make the coffin better match Zac’s Draugr persona?

Zac didn’t know what the truth was, and he didn’t even know how to feel about it. So he could only look on with mixed emotions as tendrils of Darkness quickly consumed all the materials, dragging them into the coffin like a hungry vortex. The lid quickly closed after that, but a dark shroud covered the Coffin as it rose into the air.

Alea had finished her preparations just in time, and the first bolt of purple lightning slammed into the coffin a moment later, instantly dispersing the darkness. The whole coffin shuddered as Zac felt a pang of pain in his mind, but he could sense that both Alea and the Spirit Tool itself had endured the first strike just fine. There was just a scorched spot on the lid and some small cracks across its surface.

The lid opened slightly again, releasing a second puff of darkness, this one even more condensed compared to the last. Unfortunately, just like Alea's defenses grew stronger, so did the bolts of lightning, and the second tribulation left deep cracks across the whole lid. Luckily, there should only be one more to go, and Zac was relieved to see the lid open a third time.

However, relief turned into confusion and fear as the ten-meter avatar of Alea’s torso appeared, her black eyes staring up at the sky as she stretched her arms out in a familiar gesture.

“Are you crazy?!” Zac shouted with horror, but he didn’t dare go closer. Doing so would just infuriate the Tribulation Cloud, making things harder for Alea. “Don't copy me! Absorbing that thing is extremely dangerous!”

However, Alea didn’t seem to listen, and Zac could only pray she knew what she was doing. He looked on with worry as the final bolt of lightning descended, drenching the avatar in a sea of purple death. The demoness held on for a moment, but Zac was horrified to see that she eventually cracked and broke apart, absolutely incapable of containing the punishment with [Death's Embrace].

Zac felt like he was back on that mountaintop again, helplessly watching Alea’s soul fall apart. The only thing keeping him from going crazy was his connection with the demoness. It was weakened, but her consciousness was still there, so he stayed his hand as he saw the coffin drag the fragmented pieces of the spirit back inside.

Along with a mote of lightning.

The Tribulation Lightning seemed infuriated, and it showered the whole coffin in lightning, completely obscuring Zac's vision. Thankfully, it only had so much energy to expend, and Zac sensed reluctance as the bolt dissipated. Left behind, was a pitch-black obelisk of condensed darkness, reminding Zac of the times [Verun's Bite] had enclosed itself in a bloody crystal.

'Soon,' Zac heard in his mind before the connection was cut.

“You just woke up and you’re already going into seclusion again?” Zac helplessly muttered as he looked at the black cocoon, but he was inwardly awash with relief.

It looked like she had broken through successfully, and judging by the materials she had consumed, it was bound to be a big leap in power.

“Who goes there?!” a ferocious shout broke the calm just as it settled, and Zac looked over with bemusement to see a spectral apparition float over with furious momentum.

Or rather hide behind two hulking puppets that emitted the power of an average Middle D-grade cultivator.

“My Lord! Your back!” a surprised voice exclaimed as the ghost peered over the shoulder of one of its bodyguards.

“It’s been a while, Triv,” Zac smiled. “How are you?”

“Nothing to complain about, now that young master is back,” Triv said as he hurriedly flew over. “Your aura is like the radiant sun, and your return is like the parting of the clouds, a great-"

“Alright, alright,” Zac snorted. “What is it?”

“Incidentally, I was wondering if the young master has joined the Undead Empire? I was shocked to hear you once more met up with the noble Draugr mistress who visited our province a decade ago,” Triv said. “It truly is fated.”

“Well, she’s putting in a good word for me,” Zac smiled as he started carrying the black cocoon toward his courtyard. “I am not sure how things stand though. Things spiraled out of control a bit in Twilight Harbor, and I’ve been stuck in an isolated world for the past four years. How is the situation on Earth? You guys actually started an Incursion?”

“There have been some problems among the dreamers, from what I’ve heard,” Triv slowly said. “Unrest on the main continent of this world. Infighting, seizing territory. Of course, no one has dared make any big moves even with master gone and much of our forces being occupied on the other world. But I hear there are rumors of you succumbing off-world, and there is just a matter of time the elites of this world start fighting for your supposedly empty throne.”

“Well, as long as nothing has happened, it’s fine,” Zac nodded before he stopped and looked at his butler with a frown. "Wait, the elites are still offworld? What’s going on?”

Zac had always assumed that the Incursion would be over by now. Over four years had passed since it started, far longer than the situation on Earth to reach a critical point. If his people still hadn’t returned, it usually meant one of two things; either, they had been eradicated by the natives or competing factions.

If not, they had been dragged into a drawn-out battle, which also indicated the situation had turned thorny.

“They are still there, though the situation is mostly stable from what I hear,” Triv sighed. “The Invasion Gate has long since stabilized, and the elites spend most of their time on the other side. The level restriction has been increased all the way to level 150 already, but it is still very expensive to go back and forth. So most stay there permanently since the environment over there is still far superior as there is still some lingering Origin Dao."

Zac wasn't surprised. Even he had felt just how much worse the environment became after Earth lost its last specks of Origin Dao, and the situation was far more palpable to cultivators who depended on their affinities and meditation to seize Dao Seeds.

For example, among the demons who joined the Azh'Rezak incursion, only a handful had Dao Seeds by the time they arrived, but after a few years on Earth, almost seventy percent had formed their first Dao Seed, and a few had formed multiple. And that was despite the Dimensional Seed siphoning off a good chunk of the Origin Dao the System awarded Earth.

If he was a cultivator, he wouldn't want to spend any time on Earth either as long as there were Origin Dao to be had somewhere else.

"Is young master interested in heading over?” Triv asked.

“Soon, but not right now,” Zac slowly said after some thought.

Zac wanted to meet everyone, but now that he had finally returned, he suddenly felt extremely exhausted like he had been carrying a heavy load for years. He needed to settle down a bit first and stabilize his mental state. Besides, while he had managed to repair most of his broken pathways the month he stayed off-world, he had reopened some internal wounds during the teleportation just now.

“For now, I need to recuperate for a while,” Zac continued. “It took some effort escaping the place where I was trapped. Can you compile a report of all major events of changes since I left? Oh, and don’t tell anyone I am back, except Abby and Adran. Come back in three hours.”

“Certainly,” The Triv hurriedly nodded, and he was gone in a flash a moment later.

Seeing the ghost disappear while the two guardian golems, who clearly had been upgraded somehow, lumbered off, Zac turned toward his courtyard. As he walked through the large compound, he was filled with a mix of emotions. At a secluded spot between two trees, Zac spotted an antique telephone booth painted pink, left behind by Thea during the time she lived in this place.

The whole compound was filled with these kinds of things, especially the area around his living quarters. Seeing the installment made Zac stop for a while with a sigh. Close to seven years had passed since Leandra returned, her appearance an even deadlier calamity than the Tribulation Lightning.

The hurt had slowly faded over the past years, but the guilt remained. Zac still wondered if Thea would have been caught in the crosshairs if he had been more forthright about the secrets he kept. He should have realized that Thea would have noticed the large research labs and factories underground, no matter how ingenious Kenzie’s means to hide them were.

Zac hesitated a bit, but he ultimately chose to keep the telephone booth and the other items where they were as he returned to his courtyard. The walled-in mansion was exactly as he had left it, except for two additions. The Ambient Energy had increased by a noticeable margin, no doubt the result of Triv’s hard work. Zac couldn’t exactly put his finger on it, but he was reasonably certain that the trees in the whole inner area of Port Atwood had been rearranged to become a massive formation.

And his courtyard was in the eye of the formation, the hotspot for ambient energy.

The second change was that the courtyard had more than doubled in size, adding a second building drenched in Miasma. However, this half was shrouded in high-powered arrays, and it looked like a hedged-off garden from the outside. Zac guessed that Triv was afraid Zac would forget or discard his undead side, so it added this place.

The encased coffin wasn't absorbing any energy at the moment, but he still chose to leave it at the heart of the miasmic zone of his courtyard just in case. After that, he took out one of the folding chairs from his old camper and sat down, taking a deep breath as he took in the moment.

He really was back. Finally.

The road had been far bumpier than he had expected, no matter if you looked at the Twilight Ascent or what came next. In return, the gains were almost unfathomable for a trip that was initially just meant as a shopping spree to look for skills and some way to upgrade his undead side to D-grade race.

He had already looked at his screen dozens of times the past month now that it wasn't restricted any longer, but he still couldn't resist taking another look. Sometimes it almost felt like a delirious fever-dream thinking back on what he had been through over the past years, but numbers don't lie.

Name Zachary Atwood

Level 145

Class [E-Epic]  Edge of Arcadia

Race [D] Human - Void Emperor (Corrupted)

Alignment [Earth] Port Atwood - Planetary Lord


Titles Born for Carnage, Ultimate Reaper, Luck of the Draw, Giantsbane, Disciple of David, Overpowered, Slayer of Leviathans, Adventurer, Demon Slayer I, Full of Class, Rarified Being, Trailblazer, Child of Dao, The Big 500, Planetary Aegis, One Against Many, Butcher, Progenitor Noblesse, Duplicity Core, Apex Hunter, Heaven's Chosen, Scion of Dao, Omnidextrous, Eastern Trigram Hunt - 1st, Tyrannic Force, Achievement Hunter, The First Step, Promising Specialist, Tower of Eternity - 8th Floor, Heaven's Triumvirate, Fated, Peak Power, Sovereign-Select, Frontrunner, Apex Progenitor, Pathstrider, Runebinder, Runic Erudition, Grand Fate

Limited Titles Tower of Eternity Sector All-Star - 14th, The Final Twilight, Equanimity, Heart of Fire, Big Axe Gladiator

Dao Branch of the War Axe - Early,  Branch of the Kalpataru - Early, Branch of the Pale Seal - Early

Core [E] Duplicity


Strength 18177 [Increase: 123%. Efficiency: 287%]

Dexterity 7526 [Increase: 88%. Efficiency: 206%]

Endurance 14540 [Increase: 124%. Efficiency: 287%]

Vitality 12512 [Increase: 112%. Efficiency: 273%]

Intelligence 3058 [Increase: 82%. Efficiency: 206%]

Wisdom 5995 [Increase: 89%. Efficiency: 216%]

Luck 632 [Increase: 106%. Efficiency: 229%]


Free Points 0

Nexus Coins [D] 933 662 

As Zac looked at the numbers, a smile slowly spread across his face like it had many times before. He knew he was just an ant compared to the old monsters littering the Multiverse, but he had to admit - he was getting kind of stacked.



I know this is an old comment but knowing Triv and considering the tribulation lightning I suspect he would grab the most powerful golem's

Adam Boshcoff

He’s back! And we finally get a stat page for all his gains in the Orom World


oh yeah


Woooo! Finally back on Earth! Hopefully we get a decent amount of chapters with him catching up on everything he's missed on Earth. And hopefully sets up a team to travel with him to the next place he plans (doesnt plan) to go to.

Random Information

So he's just in time to end the Incursion.

hercule pyro

Haha that bracer was such a crappy reward for s-grading the integration. Uses the emergency teleport once then it breaks (and the system could have just sent him straight back anyway)

Thomas Todd

To be fair, he used it to escape 2 b grades whilst using primordial chaos. I think there are c grade treasures that would struggle with that

Lex Luther S

Jesus its been si long since weve seen a stat screen this was LONG LONG over due, and given how much strength hes got, man oh man being a hegemon and monarch will be crazy for this fucker. Can't wait for him to go back to yriel and to see the ghosts reaction to zacs insane strength, afterall I doubt even he imagined zac would fumble along the path of Supremacy so well.


It would be nice to see the status page (or at least stats) for some of these elites or higher grades look like (hegemon/monarch). I feel like there's not a lot of context for what it means.


I'm not bothered that he's back on earth, but hopefully it's only for a short time. There is little for him to gain there, I hope he visits Yrial, the Shipyard creators, and then leaves by himself again. I'm enjoying zach's story separate from the old characters, please do not bring them back in a major way


why would he have a team with him? He's so far beyond everyone else on earth there is nearly nothing for him to gain in that sense


So it sounds like some of Zacs folks *might* be higher level'd than him (the incursion cap of lvl 150 is released) than him - though likely still significantly weaker without the same Titles and Dao advances Zac has gotten these last 6 years - maybe he can finally stop stumbling across danger alone?


Incursion cap was 100, it's raised to 150 if I am reading this right.

Alexander Dupree

Nice to be back. Thanks for not ending on a cliff.

Han Pol

I would have kind of expected him to run to the traders place and have them purchase something quickly to reach the worldcore.


6 years seem too short to anyone else?


Can he visit Yrial yet? Has it been 10 years?

L Pedersen

I thought it was closer to 7. 3 years in the twilight harbor arc and 4ish inside Orom. I got the feeling it was closer to 4 years and then maybe 4-5 months in Orom.


So Zac's To-Do list for this trip home: -Make sure everyone knows the planet is still his -Get the realm spirits to the World Core, for both their sake and the world's -Get status updates about his territories, his people, and the Einherjar(he has not had an update on the Einherjar since before the Twilight Ocean trial, and he sent back materials and bodies) -Visit Yrial, time-permitting. -Check on the incursion Anything else he needs to get taken care of?

Justin van mele

It sounds like it already ended but they are staying there for the origin Dao. Now Zac needs to go over there and take a big bite and make a breakthrough.


Nice! Can't wait for him to flex on earth a little before going to the incursion. I'm sure he's not dense enough to think he actually escaped...because how the hell did they find him in Orom! Better to be on an incursion when I finds him....Yan Yan Baby


I really hope he goes to the world core and deals with the twined spirits next chapter. I for one have been anxious about the baby spirits.

Random Information

[“My Lord! Your back!” a surprised voice ...] Teleportation is obviously difficult on the vertebrae. Or maybe that should be "You're back" :-)

seth dauer

Get his money from his merchant minions. 9 years if profit unaccounted for. See if they've made any progress on his list of wants/needs

L Pedersen

Seems like a lot of people can't wait for him to leave earth again, I agree that he can't really grow there but Earth was the setting for a significant part of the story, it's the seat of his power. There's still plenty of interesting stuff to go over here and I've been curious about it for a while. Can't wait to get updates on how his force has grown, how the political situation outside of Port Atwood has developed, what's happened to all the characters left behind, how the incursion went, giving earth its world spirit and probably more I can't think of atm. Earth has 4 different races, what have they been up to in Zac's absence? I figure the bugs are still united did their change of government go off without a hitch? Did they splinter into factions? Did the Ishiate get their shit together or are they still a non entity, politically speaking? Is the undergrown still okay or did shit happen there? Did the rest of humanity on the surface fall in line behind Port Atwood? Accept the throne so to speak? Have Sects started appearing yet? :P Sooooo much I'm curious about.

L Pedersen

To be fair, they could have tracked Orom instead of him. Pretty sure that's what Reyna did.


Anyone else think new Earth is going to be weaker than a typical D grade planet because the dimensional core thing was stealing a good chunk of the origin dao?

gray matter

Yeah we used to get a look at Ogras’s stats every now and then for reference. It’s been awhile.


Ok, he's back. I can breathe...


For the stats we see, its the base before they're multiplied by the percentages or the final multiplied stats

Han Pol

Normally they would likely be weaker after 100 years as many of the normal cultivators would have a slower start with the origin dao running out. Maybe the heaven would step in and provide an additional opportunity ((for balance, maybe the chance to have an incursion is part of that.) and maybe the fact that earth has what is likely an ultra rare attunement would have helped them to catch up anyway. Also zac was able to buy them a mountain of treasure and pills so I think it's more likely that they will be ahead of the curve. If we include Zac then new earth will likly be amongst the strongest newly integrated planets the sector has ever seen.


Great chapter lol bit of a letdown though. Was wondering though, I thought earth was locked off for 100 years so the stalker chick should be blocked from the planet shouldn't she? And who is stronger ? Mommy dearest or izs living mountain baby sitter? Gradewise not Stat wise.


I would be fine with an earth arc, to catch up with all the different characters and world. Personally, the world core alignment would be a large undertaking and "hop to previous battlefield and what happened" johnny appleseed world array the consequence of conflict. Earth was over 500 chapters, even if he's out grown it, Zac path is also creation, not just war and death.


When Zac meets with Yrial again I wonder how he’ll view him this time. Last time Yrial was the strongest person he’d ever met. Since then Zac has stood before Divine Monarchs, witnessed the birth of an Autarch, and stood in the presence of mid to high grade Autarchs. Yrial will pale in comparison. Tho I’m curious what he can offer Zac during the second meeting to give him a boost. Maybe he’ll get Zac to push his Brach of thebWar Axe to Middle.

L Pedersen

Well. Leandra is supposed to be an Autarch. Maybe. Zac isn't quite sure and she's also wounded so she can't express her true strength. So was she a fresh first step autarch at hear peak or even stronger? Maybe she's only as strong as a middle grade monarch atm? Maybe she was well onto the ladder and she's back at the level of a fresh autarch? No way to know.


The unique and irreplaceable realm spirit is still dying, while Zac chills in his courtyard. I hope he'll address that problem before going showing his face around

Will Mill

Would someone please help me understand the increase % and Efficiency? I think I understand but am not sure. What is his strength really? Strength 18177 [Increase: 123%. Efficiency: 287%]


So Zac just makes the level 150 cut off to go play in another incursion


The increase is already in the number the efficiency is not. So his actual strength is 18177 times 2.87 so about 52000

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.

Henry Wartemberg

Could be a feint. And the plan is it dies, turns into a treasure that helps him form his impossible core with other stuff


He's been back for like less than an hour, and he was immediately beset with a minor tribulation for Alea. Might see that next chapter, but there just wasn't enough time in this one.


Now that he is back on earth and barely under level cap of the incursion. He gets to take over another planet


“My Lord! Your back!” WHAT'S ON ZAC'S BACK???

Justin van mele

I hope that the twinned life and death realm spirit can upgrade the atmosphere of earth, at least to the level of the space fish. Orom didn't have a World with origin Dao but it was simply better, closer to the Dao. I think Zac compared it to what he imagined a C-grade world would be like and I hope the spirits can form something like that on a mid D-grade world, I'm assuming they will be able to upgrade it to that right away.


Since Earth won the Incursion, wouldn't his title increase from Planetary Lord to something more grandiose. Planetary Baron or something.


I keep wondering what happens when he goes to the Undead Empire and he is the only Druegar of his lineage. Maybe it would be advantageous if the incursion planet had another bloodline of the Undead on it.

Random Information

On thinking it over, the Incursion has probably not been resolved. If Port Atwood had won, then there would be no level limit on the Invasion Gate - what would be the point? Also I wonder if there is an Undead Empire Incursion still active. Plot-wise it will be difficult for Zac and Catheya to meet up if there isn't.


Ah back to earth already, I was hoping the crazy girl would catchup to him


This chapter pissed me off because of the nostalgia for Thea: the worst character this novel has imagined. She was 100% a parasite. She spied on him gold digging to the very end yet this moron couldn't even tell. His first girlfriend was a psychopath and tried to kill him. His mom an alpha to his beta who would prefer to abort him if he wasn't useful. Alea treated him like trash while he acted like a simp. Thea stole from him constantly and lied to him yet he kept giving like the simp he is. Then Iz smacks the shit out of him like a little bitch. The only character that treats him like a human is Cathaya, ironically . She's the only tolerable non-toxic woman in this novel is she's dead.

Ivo Wißen

are the two puppets the leader or normal soldier? if he has 1000 middel D Grade puppets, one can say he has ah low D Grade force or im wrong?