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At first, there was just a thin green line, but they were able to make out the landscape soon enough. Zac breathed out in relief when he saw that it was a pretty normal coast with some leafy growth and grasslands.

It wasn’t the sandblasted desert of the scorched continent, as the only greenery there was the strip of palms along the coast. Zac still couldn’t see any massive Array in the sky though, which meant they were still quite far from the Dead Zone.

“We’ll have to keep going until we find a settlement,” Zac said as he put away his Miasma Crystals. “We will need to make another jump.”

“Finally,” Emily muttered. “It’s so uncomfortable to sit next to you while you absorb that stuff. Feels like I am both cold and feverish at the same time.”

“Sorry about that,” Zac smiled as he turned back to his human form. “I needed to get some levels for my second Class as well.”

Zac opened his screen again and couldn’t help but marvel at the progress over the past day. Rushing levels in the E-Grade was just putting himself further and further apart from the rest of the humans of Earth.

Name Zachary Atwood

Level 80

Class [E-Epic]  Edge of Arcadia

Race [E] Human

Alignment [Earth] Port Atwood - Lord


Titles Born for Carnage, Ultimate Reaper, Luck of the Draw, Giantsbane, Disciple of David, Overpowered, Slayer of Leviathans, Adventurer, Demon Slayer I, Full of Class, Rarified Being, Trailblazer, Child of Dao, The Big 500, Planetary Aegis, One Against Many, Butcher, Progenitor Hegemon, Duplicity Core, Apex Hunter, Heaven's Chosen, Scion of Dao, Omnidextrous, Eastern Trigram Hunt - 1st, Tyrannic Force, Achievement Hunter, The First Step, Promising Specialist, Tower of Eternity - 8th Floor, Heaven's Triumvirate, Fated, Peak Power, Monarch-Select

Limited Titles Frontrunner, Tower of Eternity Sector All-Star - 14th

Dao Fragment of the Axe - Middle,  Fragment of the Coffin - Middle, Fragment of the Bodhi - Early

Core [E] Duplicity


Strength 1988 [Increase: 91%. Efficiency: 199%]

Dexterity 766 [Increase: 65%. Efficiency: 170%]

Endurance 2004 [Increase: 99%. Efficiency: 199%]

Vitality 1278 [Increase: 89%. Efficiency: 189%]

Intelligence 492 [Increase: 65%. Efficiency: 170%]

Wisdom 814 [Increase: 70%. Efficiency: 170%]

Luck 321 [Increase: 91%. Efficiency: 179%]


Free Points 90

Nexus Coins [F] 6 896 098 998 

Zac’s Strength had already passed his Endurance by this point, though [Forester’s Constitution] was barely keeping it ahead in his human form. It was no surprise though, as his class choices heavily leaned toward Strength.

It was crazy to think that his Strength wasn’t even 1000 just two days ago, and it was a clear justification why so many he met believed that choosing low-rarity classes was the way to go.

It made sense. He felt he had pushed the F-Grade to a point that was almost unprecedented in his whole Sector thanks to his combination of having two classes and snatching up almost all progenitor titles of Earth. He had then risked his life multiple times inside the Tower of Eternity to push himself even further.

Yet he had gained just as many attributes by simply gaining a couple of levels in the E-Grade.

He also knew it would be an extremely taxing challenge to form a Cultivation Core that was high-quality enough to be able to support someone like him, whereas a genius who chose an Uncommon E-Grade class would barely meet a bottleneck at all.

Zac’s eyes turned to the 90 Free Points next, but there wasn’t really a question of what he needed to do for now. He threw it all into his Dexterity, pushing it to 914. The flat points from the class had skewed his ratio, but the allocation had righted the ship once more.

However, he wasn’t sure whether he could keep putting all his free points into Dexterity as he had done during most of the F-Grade. His fighting style didn’t only rely on his massive strength, but also his nigh-invulnerability. The latter would take a hit during the E-Grade, as he only got 8 points in Endurance per level from his Fetters of Desolation class.

Meanwhile, he would get more than three times that in Strength if you counted the Strength coming from both his classes. Perhaps putting part of his Free attributes into Endurance to help it stay up was his best shot at keeping himself sturdy enough. That combined with the Boosts from his Daos would probably be enough to stay an unkillable juggernaut.

Zac put the matter aside for now as he wouldn't gain any more easy levels in the short run. However, he was still a bit leery about the attribute cap, and he ate one of his basic Race Evolving Pills to push his attribute cap forward a bit. It was obviously not enough to completely evolve his race to D-Grade, but he could still improve his attribute cap from 2500 by at least a few hundred this way.

That was all that Zac needed for the moment, as it was enough to avoid any issues in case he had some Dao Epiphany during the battle with the Undead. An exuberant energy entered his stomach, and an intense warmth spread throughout his whole body. Streams of the power entered every single pore, filling them with power.

His cells were like a bottomless abyss, and they greedily swallowed everything he could give them. Unfortunately, the pill only contained so much energy, and the warmth quickly abated as his body absorbed the last of the energies. He hadn't made any breakthrough or, but his body felt extremely good, like he had just had a full-body massage.

Zac took a deep breath to enjoy the fresh air, but an abominable smell hit his nostrils and immediately dragged him out of his reverie, only to be met with ten appalled stares. He quickly looked down at his body, only to find his skin covered in an oily brown substance.

"You stink," the demon said with a disgusted snarl. "Why are you improving your Race in this cramped space?"

Kenzie didn't even speak up before she blasted him with cascading waves of water with the help of one of her skills, utterly drenching him and almost throwing him off the leaf. The torrent of water continued for a few seconds, but all the gunk was blasted clean when it abated.

"Uh, thanks," Zac said as he spat out a mouthful of water. "I'd forgotten that would happen."

It almost felt like he had made a social faux pas akin to releasing a fart in a cramped elevator, and he turned his gaze toward the horizon to hide his embarrassment, instead focusing on finding a town. Thankfully he had the perfect item for an occasion just like this, and he took out the [Automatic Map] from his Spatial Ring.

The area it showed was a bit limited, but it was still twice what they could see with their naked eyes, and there were even markings of Nexus Nodes on it. It didn’t take them long to find a settlement with the help of the map. It was a walled-off enclave with about 200 houses hidden in the shadow of a mountain, with no roads leading to and from the place. Zac didn’t bother announcing their presence they landed in the middle of the square.

Unfortunately, it looked like the place was one of the weakest settlements that hadn’t even bought a Teleportation Array so far.

They were a small community completely cut-off from the world, and seeing the flying treasure and the weird retinue was a huge shock to them. However, Zac had no time for an orientation with these people, and they simply found the leader, a nondescript middle-aged man who had reached level 32.

There was a small exploit he had found while traveling before. Zac essentially explained who he was and exposed his level, and the mayor was more than willing to join his banner as a subordinate. Judging by how gaunt everyone looked they had a hard time even getting enough Nexus Coins for food, and joining the strongest man in the world was no doubt a godsent opportunity.

A small hovel like this would never have unlocked the ability to buy a Teleportation Array normally, but now that they were part of Port Atwood the mayor suddenly had a large increase in available purchases, including a slew of arrays. There were limits to how many places Zac could “boost” like this, but he was still well within his limits as he only had a dozen towns or so under his command.

Zac then donated enough money for him to buy the array, and he breathed out in relief when he saw that almost all of his connections were still there when checking out the Array Menu. The advance forts belonging to the Marshal Clan weren’t available though, meaning that anything inside or even too close to the Dead Zone was blocked out by jammers or the death-attuned energies.

They were gone from the remote village a few seconds later, having teleported over to one of the strongholds closest to the Dead Zone. It was a base controlled by the Underworld Council, and Zac felt it was their best bet at getting updated intelligence from the front-lines.

“Halt!” a man mounting a massive machine-gun shouted upon their appearance, but he quickly realized who they were and stood down.

“I need to speak with the Council,” Zac said, and he was immediately led out of the building housing the Teleportation Array.

However, Zac stopped in his tracks the moment he exited the building, and he couldn’t help but gawk at how the whole world was tinted in azure. The blue sky of Earth had been completely supplanted by the chilly light-blue tint of death attuned energies. If it wasn’t for the normal Cosmic Energy in the area he would have thought the world was already realigned.

However, there was an unmistakable hint of death in the ambient energies even though this camp wasn’t inside the Dead Zone, proving that the alignment was already in progress.

The azure hue was unexpected, but the most shocking scene was the gargantuan lines crisscrossing the sky, forming fractals whose size beggared comprehension. Just how much energy had been siphoned out of their planet to form this array? Zac started to worry that Earth would end up crippled even if they managed to deal with the undead somehow.

He hated to say it, but was this world even worth staying on if that happened?

Death Defiance (Unique, Limited): The war between life and death is as old as time. Stop the realignment of your world. Reward: World Core Upgrade. Individual rewards based on contribution. (0/1).

“Did you guys just get a quest?” Zac asked with confusion as he looked at the screen that had suddenly appeared in front of him. “To deal with the undead?”

“Yep!” Emily said with excitement shining in her eyes, and the Valkyries nodded their heads as well. "My first real quest!"

Zac frowned in confusion as he looked away from the ominous skies. Why was the System giving out a quest like this? It hadn't done that when he fought any of the other Incursions. Did the system perhaps feel that people weren't struggling enough against the Undead Empire, and wanted to push for a final cataclysmic battle?

They soon walked into a command tent, where six of the Underworld Councillors were already waiting.

“Thank god you’re here. We were starting to get a bit worried,” Gregor said, and it almost looked like he wanted to run over and touch Zac to make sure he was actually real. “We were even contemplating paying the fee to enter the Ark World. But seeing you shoot up in levels the past hours felt like a stay of execution.”

Zac nodded at the human Councillor with a smile before frowned in confusion at the unfamiliar word.

“The what? Ark World?” Zac asked with confusion, almost forgetting about the quest he just got.

“The New World Government approached us two days ago, shortly after we lost connection with Port Atwood. They said that they have discovered a spatial tunnel leading to a safe Mystic Realm. They call it the Ark World. They are currently shaking down the elites of the Earth to allow them to join the exodus,” Gregor explained.

“So they’re abandoning Earth?” Zac asked with a frown.

“Well, honestly I can understand them. There’s not much we can do. We can barely hold the lines against these undying bastards. Reaching the heart of the Dead Zone and taking out the leaders? Impossible. At least for us…” Gregor said pointedly.

“That’s why I’m here,” Zac said. “If the array in the sky activates, then I have failed. At that point, you might as well leave for the Ark World if you can. Humans won’t survive long on a death-attuned planet.”

“Is there anything we can do to help?” Romal, the official speaker of the council, said.“I would be honored to join you in battle. I would rather fight for our shared planet than hiding in some cramped Mystic Realm. Our people have already done that once, and I know what future such a decision will lead to."

"And it’s not like the unliving are stupid," another councilor added. "They will find us sooner or later hiding in that hidden realm. I bet they have ten ways of forcing a passage open for every way we have to keep it closed.”

“I will just take a very small group that will help with the arrays. I will deal with the Lich King myself. But you can still help me in other ways. Do you know if any of the Undead Generals are out on the battlefield?” Zac asked.

“We believe one still resides within the closest horde,” Gregor nodded. "It has stayed extremely cohesive compared to the other two hordes."

“Can you make sure the horde and their army are occupied for the next two days?” Zac asked. “Things will go smoother if the Lich King isn’t aided by any generals or his hordes.”

“We’ll do what we can,” Romal promised. “When are you setting out?”

“Immediately after we’re done here. The sooner the array in the sky is turned off the better,” Zac said. “By the way, have you guys received a quest to stop the Undead Incursion as well?”

“We received it yesterday,” Gregor nodded. “Everyone who is above level 30 and beneath this cursed sky has it. I guess the rest are considered irrelevant in this fight.”



Thanks for the chapter

Denis Schreiner

The quest says Upgrade, but does that mean a rise in Ranks or does Zac get to choose the specifics? Not sure why, but the thought of an Earth half attuned to Death seems weirdly appealing to me at this point.


World Core Upgrade -> Earth is upgraded to C Grade -> More natural treasures -> Zac gets stronger and does not have to leave earth so early. -> Also the planets mass could be upgraded -> new race appears on earth -> another story arc => RESULT: Zac has to deal with even more.


Thanks for the chapter

Zoltan Miskolci

Free Points 90 <= ?????????????????? During F Class he got the +2 that he started initially for both class, it was like a racial bonus, why does it stopped in E grade class? Makes no sense! If it's because of the class, he should not even get it during F grade... Also the tables are not matching, you included the spent free point in the blue one that he will do later in the chap.


I'm a fan of half miasma half cosmic energy earth though that's really only useful to Zac

L Pedersen

It was covered in chapter 485 before the class options were showed. In the E-grade, he'll get 10 free stats for each level, as well as the stats from his classes. For opening nodes he'll get +7 to all stats except for luck.

Adrian Gorgey

A couple of thoughts occured to me. 1. The World Core Upgrade. I hope that instead of a straightforward upgrade to C-Rank, it becomes the start of a new questline wherein, basically, a few D-rank worlds are smashed together (similarly to when Earth was upgraded to D-rank). Then Zack has to contend with the inhabitants of these other worlds, as well as other Progenitors who share his advantages, maybe even worlds that were conquered by exterior forces during integration. I think the plot could then have a nice balance between things happening on New New Earth, and things happening outside in the Multiverse. I think without some new developments on Earth, there'd be little point for him to stay there and the kingdom-building aspect of TFD would lose relevance fast. 2. Looking forward to Zack having to deal with some of the politics that comes with building up a new world. Most likely, he'll need an absurd amount of money to upgrade all that infrastructure. That means he'll have to negotiate trade deals with outside Multiversal forces, and maybe even bring in money by creating a Mercenary Company. Forming a Mercenary Company would accomplish a lot of Zack's goals. He'd be able to search out strong new opponents that way, and create a new company of Elites (including many demons and the Valkyries) that will be able to protect earth once the grace period is over. Not to mention he could make a lot of money and alliances that way. Also I just love the idea of the Atwood Valkyries becoming a powerful mercenary company in the Multiverse, payed to conquer Mystic Realms or fight in wars, or against powerful monsters. 3. Zack's Title? Once he becomes Hegemon of Earth, he'll have to actually put some thought into the government he wants to establish and the world he wants to build. Will he be a King? An Emperor? Just a Lord? A Title I've been mulling over is this: Lord Protector. I like it because I think it really emphasizes Zack's ruling style, such as it is. He's not involved in the day-to-day stuff, however, he is Sovereign by virtue of his strength, and his ability to protect earth. Thus, Lord Protector. Also, I'm interested to see, once everyone can actually breathe a bit, how modern earth culture will blend with the Multiverse at large. Will they put the internet back up? New versions of Youtube and Wikipedia? Google? Will their be Zack memes? Ogras memes? Cultivation self-help gurus? Become LEVEL 30 in 30 days or MONEY BACK GUARANTEED. Alchemists HATE this ONE trick for race evolution. Upgrade your class rarity in THREE EASY STEPS. Within this new world, how big will Port Atwood get? I can only imagine tens of millions will flood in.


Thanks! I think this is a perfect chance to show people's reaction to Zac's level 80 in the ladder! It would be great if the undead's spy don't realize or report it, but I guess that would be too much to ask for. It should still be interesting to see what they think about it though.


Yes, i too think it would be strange if earth would give up their technology. It would be nice if they could create a blend where they woudnt appear as some kind of technocrat offshot, but still keep what made up our current civilisation (ogras was pretty impressed by our entertainment technology (tv ^^) - sounds like a great export article for our world). Having earth merge with a nother world, maybe the one he meet during the hunt would create some interesting plot points, especially if he can get the hidden realm seed from the mystic realm. Maybe work with the marshall clan to create a goverment? Could give a good reason to create a team with teah and the thought about a mercenary company would fitt in quite well. Earth protected, rank c, strong team that dosnt have to fear for their home. Stuff like that. For zac memes... well i think they will just re-use chuck norris jokes. x))

Dave Richards

I wonder if they get that quest once they think about giving up and abandoning Earth? As soon as Zac thought that it might be better to flee and that Earth may not be worth saving because of how much energy was drained, he got this quest. The other group was considering fleeing to the "ark world". That world core upgrade should not only reverse the damage by the undead, but maybe even improve the grade of their world. Nice! Speaking of the "ark world", hasn't anyone guessed this is a trap? The NWG is likely working with the enemy and most that go with them will likely be captured or killed. Pretty sure I remember they made a deal with the enemy Zhix faction or something a whiile ago.


I do not think most of them have enough information to suspect it is a trap. But Zac does. He was informed that NWG was likely working with the Dominators and the Great Redeemer. He is incredibly foolish not to consider that it may be a trap and therefore warn these people about it.

Juli Freixi

Thanks a lot for this great chapter!! Hope to see some Kingdom Building once we're done with the undead ...


I'm convinced that the system only rewards titles and quests instead of giving them because of karma.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.

L Pedersen

I wonder if there is an upgrade for the Omnidextrous title in the E-grade. Reach 1000 in all stats while in the E-grade maybe? :P


It’d be pretty easy to get with +5-7 base stat points per level plus dao, class points and free points. I’d think not but we’ll see

Critical Hit

Yeah, definitely too easy if you don't include luck, if you do though? That'd be something rather impressive indeed.

Gabriel F

Was mentioned that at hundreds a luck encounter may happen. Zac had: At 40 the "danger ( spider) sense" At 100 maybe the system attention with quests upgrades At 300 a reality domain avoids random danger and random karma. What 1000 luck would do?


Thanks for the chapter