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Over a hundred attacks teeming with power soared toward him, and the whole sky was shrouded by the multifarious display. Zac's fractal leaves condensed to cover a smaller area to create more layers of defense, but the defenses were quickly ripped to shreds by the onslaught.

Zac was far stronger than anyone here, but the attackers weren’t weaklings by any means. This was a low-grade sector, but everyone present was still the strongest of a generation, all intent on taking him out. There was only so much [Nature's Barrier] could block before the leaves were exhausted, and he knew that he couldn't just sit around like a target dummy.

[Verun's Bite] keened with delight as Zac's arm was almost turning into a blur. One fractal blade after another radiating terrifying energy ripped into the storm of attacks, crushing most of them without even needing to clash. The extreme power that radiated out from the middle-stage Dao Fragment was enough to utterly dominate the weaker strikes, and they were ripped into swirls of Cosmic Energy.

However, if each of his fractal blades was like a powerful elephant, then the weaker attacks were like a sea of rabid hyenas that slowly managed to whittle them down. There were just too many attackers, and he felt his waves of fractal edges slowly getting pushed back as more and more cultivators joined the fight.

It was a bit disappointing to not being able to utterly crush his enemies with sheer might, but it was still a massive show of force that he could almost create a stalemate when exchanging blows with hundreds of the top geniuses of the sector. He also knew that it was a testament to just how powerful a Mid-Grade Dao Fragment was.

His weapon was just average if you discounted the uncommonly high spirituality of the Tool Spirit, and [Chop] was as basic a skill as they came. However, each blade still managed to crush a dozen beautiful and intricate skills that sailed toward him before they ran out of steam. Of course, if he didn't do something soon he might get himself or his two companions hurt.

However, Zac was prepared for exactly this kind of worst-case scenario, and Cosmic Energy streamed toward his neck. 

Mysterious fluctuations spread out from his position the next second as a massive eye emerged out of the void. It was one of the treasures he had taken from the mentalist's Spatial Ring, a necklace with an eye that actually seemed alive. The conjured eye didn't move, but it rather just stared at the sea of cultivators and the incoming attacks. A mystic ray of blue light spread out the next moment, and the attacks cracked in an instant, leaving not a single one intact.

Dozens of warriors fell back with blood pouring from their eyes, their souls definitely hurt by the clash. It caused a lull in the battle, and Zac figured this was his last chance to stop the madness before it got out of hand. 

"Stop now and I won't cause any trouble for you or your clans," Zac roared at the top of his lungs. "But I will kill everyone who stays behind, no matter heritage or affiliation! This is your only warning!"

His voice was filled with power, and the air shuddered around him as his blood-drenched aura was unleashed to its fullest. He hoped to wake these people up from their greed-fueled battle fervor. However, the effect of his words and his aura was far worse than he anticipated, and not a single one seemed willing to back down.

It was like they had eaten stimulants or some sort of berserking pill.

A few had been killed or incapacitated by the massive eye, but new warriors filled the ranks, and Zac could see that the streets were filling up with people who wanted to join the chaos. Just defending wouldn’t cut it, and he needed to go with Ogras’ idea. Kill a few chickens to scare the monkeys as the demon called it.

Another defensive treasure cracked on his hand, causing a shimmering fractal made from churning waters to appear in the air. Torrential typhoons shot toward the cultivators and swallowed up even more attacks, but a few still slipped through and slammed into his newly formed leaves. The storms weren’t as effective as the mysterious eye in pushing back the attackers, but it gave Zac enough time to charge up [Deforestation]

Zac was going all-out from the start. If the first swing wouldn't convince them to back off, then there was a tsunami of flames waiting. If people still hadn't managed to curb their greed he would release the [Axe of Desolation] and end the battle altogether. The massive woodcutter's axe materialized above him, and Zac immediately initiated the [Axe of Felling].

You could say that he had started this battle with this very attack just before he was forced to flee into the tower, and he would end it the same way. 

"Stop its activation!" a shout echoed out across the square, and Zac was suddenly covered in uncomfortable energy that made the Cosmic Energy in his body feel slow and listless.

He quickly activated the first defensive charge of [Hatchetman's Spirit], but his eyes widened when the attack passed right through the emerald shield and drilled into his chest.

"It's a curse, it's not a tangible attack!" Galau screamed from behind. "You can break it by force or treasures, look inward!"

Zac's eyes lit up and he looked inside, and he immediately spotted crude runes covering the Skill Fractal for [Deforestation]. He rotated a storm of Cosmic Energy to slam into it, and three forceful pushes cracked it wide open. It caused light internal bleeding as well, but it wasn't a big deal for someone like Zac.

However, that was just the first of dozens attempts to tie down the massive axe in the sky. It was covered in ten layers of restrictive arrays as well, and no matter how hard Zac struggled he wasn't able to move his arm forward. It was a type of counter to his attacks he had never seen before, and he couldn't figure out any quick fix to launch the skill.

His axe was already tied up in the swing, making it impossible to send out any fractal attacks to destroy the restrictions. [Nature's Punishment] was liable to destroy the axe as well, not that Zac was able to unleash both the attacks at the same time. Ogras seemed to have understood the issue as a beam of darkness slammed into the restrictions from behind, but only the outermost of the many layers of restrictions were broken.

"Don't worry," Zac said as he looked back. "I'll deal with this."

He felt thankful that the demon was willing to stick his neck out in a messy situation like this, but Ogras was honestly more of a liability than an asset at this moment unless he had completely transformed during the time since they parted ways in the tower. He could only activate yet another of the one-time treasures, and he felt a large chunk of Cosmic Energy leave his body as a thousand golden swords shot toward the restrictions around the [Axe of Felling].

The restrictions were ripped to pieces before the swords continued toward the mob and caused widespread carnage as the summoned weapons slipped straight past hastily erected shields and into their bodies. However, the [Axe of Felling] was already dissipating, and Zac had lost his connection to the fractal axe. Nothing happened as Zac swung [Verun's Bite] over and over until the massive woodcutter's axe dissipated.

Zac growled with annoyance and tried to resummon the axe, but he was shocked to find that the skill wouldn't activate. It seemed that [Deforestation] had been put on its cooldown since the first swing had technically been initiated. Zac didn't even know that an outcome like this was possible, and he scrambled for new ideas to deal with the mob and their next salvo of attacks. 

Zac activated another one of the treasures, an offensively geared ring that released an invisible force that made the whole square twist and bend. Dozens fell to their knees screaming, their eyes and ears bleeding as they clutched their heads. It looked like the mentalist had been in possession of multiple mental attack treasures in addition to her terrifying skills. 

The attack gave Zac a short breather and he turned toward his two companions who were still hiding in the back.

"How do I defend against more curses?" Zac asked. 

Galau only hesitated for a short moment before he took out a small doll and threw it over to Zac.

"Pour some energy into this. It will take your place. But curses are very hard to plant when the target is anticipating it," the merchant hurriedly said as his eyes darted back and in search of any lurking threat. "You can also guard your fractals with your Daos if they try it again."

Zac nodded in thanks before he turned back toward the enemies. Losing [Deforestation] to such a trick was a huge blow, but he wasn't out of options just yet. Cosmic Energy surged into his hand instead, and the sky above him cracked. 

He also activated [Hatchetman’s Rage] for good measure, as he was confident that the Splinter was in no condition to cause any trouble at the moment. The leaves surrounding him suddenly lost the beautiful fractals covering their surface as the wooden hand emerged from its separate dimension. Zac needed to make this one count, so he chose to infuse the attack with the Fragment of the Bodhi rather than his defensive canopy. 

However, the wooden hand barely had time to move more than ten meters before it was almost blasted to pieces by three beams of light that converged right at its position. Zac endured the pain in his own hand and looked around, realizing that three attackers were holding identical mirrors covered in fractals. It was no doubt an array, and if there was one there were bound to be more arrays waiting to be activated.

A shockwave spread out from his original position as he flashed forward, two massive avatars appearing in an instant as a bracer on each of his arms cracked. One formed a vast cloud of darkness that covered the sky. Everything that entered it disappeared, including the beams of light. The other was a kneeling warrior without features, and he enclosed Ogras and Galau in a protective embrace.

The second treasure was activated to prevent the attackers from taking his two companions hostage in case he needed to enter a melee with the mob, whereas the second one would let him complete his skill. The vast clouds allowed the hand to move forward shrouded in darkness, and it quickly managed to erect its emerald array above the chaotic army.

However, its activation was by no means uncontested as over twenty avatars and powerful attacks rose to meet it.

The combined power the dozen elite warriors was barely able to hold back the descent of the punishment, and Zac found it difficult to make any headway. Zac was considering whether he should try to cause some chaos by jumping into the fray or perhaps weaken their coordination with another treasure.

Finally, he also decided to make a move himself. It would put Ogras and Galau at some risk, but he felt he needed his hands to get a bit bloodied if he wanted to end this thing. Perhaps the mob thought he kept using treasures because he wasn't actually that strong, which emboldened them to keep going. It would put him in harm's way of his own punishment, but he was durable enough to withstand some friendly fire. 

He was just about to flash forward with [Loamwalker] when a group of cultivators suddenly appeared out of nowhere at the front of the army. Most of them radiated a powerful aura that could almost match the weaker warriors in the Battle of Fates, and Zac knew that the true elites of the sector had made their move. 

Zac wasn't worried in the slightest, rather the opposite. He believed if he managed to take out these people then any cohesion in the army would crumble, and he would only need to defend against some weaklings for another minute to make it out alive. Zac directly charged at the quintet, but he didn't have time to move before each of them produced a different treasure in their hands. 

"Four Gates!" one of the men shouted, and one massive doorway appeared in each direction around Zac.

The doors cracked open, and four densely inscribed hands emerged, each one forming a different seal. Zac noticed there was a group of warriors behind the man who had created a War Array to support the summoning, but he didn't have a chance to even attack before he was beset by a series of hallucinations.

Not only that, it felt like the world was twisted an inverted. He saw that his hand moved when he tried to walk, and the world was suddenly upside-down. It was like all his wires had been crossed, and just making the smallest movement needed great focus. Eating one of the mental pills and cracking another defensive treasure did alleviate the symptoms somewhat, but it was still a struggle to understand what was going on around him.

Zac knew he would have been able to improve the situation by infusing [Mental Fortress] with the Fragment of the Bohdi Rather than Fragment of the Coffin, but he knew that the still-struggling [Nature's Punishment] would be destroyed if it lost its Dao empowerment. He really needed to take out these five new arrivals, he arduously split his attention from the wooden hand to shoot out a series of fractal blades toward the group.

"Six Directions!" a second cultivator shouted immediately as Zac launched his attacks, and six elongated Fractals formed a circle in the sky.

Zac growled in annoyance when he saw that he had been trapped by a shield that blocked his strikes with only the smallest of cracks forming, and he realized that it might be even sturdier than the cage he created with [Profane Seal].

But these people would soon understand he wasn't someone they could trap so easily.   



Thanks for the chapter


It's really getting harder and harder to claim first spot when the arc is coming to a conclusion. Thanks for the chapter.


Dude you’re taking the piss with these super short chapters that have little to no progression. You waste time talking about irrelevant things like a student trying to add to the word count of an essay he doesn’t care about. It’s frustrating and annoying. Some of us are paying for this, it’s not even the end of the month and you drop unnecessary cliffs after cliffs, the fight just started. Some of us are paying for this you know. Stop being a d*ck

Garbled Sounds

That was pretty meh if I'm going to be honest.


The filler & cliffs was fun at first, then tolerable, then bareable, now it’s just annoying and frustrating. its been getting worse over time. Whole paragraphs where absolutely nothing happens at all. Don’t go the randidly ghost hound route where the author just talks a load of crap about nothing with no progression because I unsubbed from that in January. This is a good story, cliff hangers are good when used properly, like at the end of the month or at the peak of a story/theme. you can’t drop a cliff every damn day dude. That’s real d*ckish


Okay, not that I necessarily disagree that some of the recent chapters have been on the short side and/or mostly fluff, but this chapter doesn't fit either of those two categories. It was a battle chapter almost entirely filled with action. He was attacked last chapter and this was the subsequent reaction. Am I missing something here?


Yeah, if we don't get some real progress soon, I will be unsubbing.


lol i swear everytime zac gets confident he fails because someone knew something he didn't

Juli Freixi

AMAZING!! Thanks a lot for the chapter!!!


Thanks for the chapter


Am I the only one who feels like the curse/restriction mechanism came out of nowhere just to prevent this ending too soon? Was it foreshadowed somewhere else and I just forgot about it? In general this is a “it gets (even) worse” chapter which doesn’t really feel good after the escalation in last chapter (which was awesome). But let’s see how this turns out. I already knew Zac wouldn’t be able to just smash his way through this.


It seems like a bunch of overpowered gadgets were introduced out of nowhere specifically to counter Zac's most powerful skills. That does not make for a satisfying fight scene. If they had powerful shields and powerful attack launchers, that would be fine since that sort of thing has been shown before. But this time all sorts of gadgets are introduced out of the blue and worse they are exactly what is necessary to counter Zac's strongest skills. What makes a fight scene interesting to me is comparing the power and abilities of the combatants and thinking about their best tactics, but that is impossible if all sorts of new gadgets are introduced out of nowhere. It just becomes a battle of gadgets and who has the best gadgets. Boring. We have already seen Zac fight some of the best F-grade fighters in the multiverse. Those fights were interesting. This time it seems like TFD just threw in a bunch of contrived gadgets to counter Zac's powers since these F-grades are obviously weaker than the ones in the Tower. It would have been better to just have Zac defeat most of these guys easily, with maybe one or two powerhouses left for him to battle. There is no reason that every fight Zac gets into must be a close one. Zac needs more Indiana Jones moments where he just crushes the opposition. Why does the System even care about making powerful warriors? What it should actually be doing is creating huge manufacturing planets that churn out billions of the most powerful gadgets. Then all the fights will be decided by who has the biggest cosmos sack full of the most gadgets.


This seems like an adequate time to use the Rorschach quote he taught Billy: "None of you seem to understand. I'm not locked in here with you. You're locked in here with ME!"


The curse taking away deforestation is really bad info sharing on Ogras and Galaus part. They have to know that's possible and that in a worse case scenario someone would be using it. They had like a month and change to warn Zac about curses.


Didn’t seem bad to me just lacking without the rest of the battle. Really annoying end to the chapter too I guess. And too short of a chapter to get super into it. The actual battle content seems like a strong start/setup to me though.


Doesn't that make sense though? These are elites from established forces. We have very little knowledge of how larger forces fight and what different paths are available.


I think I just going to stop reading these on the daily and just read the weeks worth on Saturdays from now on. I have no complaint about the quality of the writing. And I like the detail and his thoughts as he fights. I do NOT LIKE GETTING JERKED AROUND EVERY FUCKING DAY. It honestly seems like he writes a section then goes - were are the absolutely worst places to stop and leave them hanging for 24 hours? Yeah - I put my daily stop there. It is very frustrating. I do not know if the chapters are getting shorter - I do not keep track of the word count. I think i would prefer it if he stopped daily posting and posted 2 times a week with a decent start and stop so I do not feel frustrated every day at lunch. All that rant aside. I do love the story and the writing itself keeps getting better. Just the butt whooping cliff hangers need to stop on my end. EDIT - I am still really looking forward to tomorrow :) Man - I think I need help.


Another PoV would have been better i think.

Brian Oles

my very thought.

Brian Oles

so why not just infuse the axe with some power from splinter of oblivion and just destroy the whole freeking town. the whole thing is getting out of hand here.


I agree. A PoV from one of the elite attackers would've been good in that it would provide more context to their offence (how they coordinated, what kind of counters they came up with) but also give us a better idea of how the existing forces view him and his fighting power.


I absolutely feel you and this is going to be 3-4 more chapters I'm just hoping we aren't sitting on a Saturday cliff.


Honestly, it's about time someone started using basic tactics against Zac. Stuff like interrupting/ disrupting powerful skills and caging mobile cultivators seem like obvious moves, especially when his enemies had an entire day to prepare for him and already saw several of his key skills when he escaped into the Tower.


He probably will have to deal with this against the undead incursion too. They've seen weak versions of Nature's Punishment and Deforestation as well. Have to have counters for that.


That is some impressive teamwork, considering that they are cultivators and only one will get the price


The last chapter seemed to imply that most of them were mercenaries working for the scions of powerful clans.


Question. Why aren't Ogras and Galau leaving yet?? They are a big liability. They are not part of the bounty and even if they were they'll only get like few seconds delay before being transported. Zac is covering them. Get the hell out. You are no help.

Kale Daley

I don't think the problem is filler, I think it's the overall pacing of the story recently. With the way things have constantly escalated there is never a good place to stop the chapter. His lack of knowledge won't be addressed any time soon because after this fight he still has to manage to leave under the eyes of all these clans, stop the invasion of his island, shut down the terraforming array and deal with whatever is happening in the spatial pocket. This is the minimum of things that need to be done before we get a chance to breathe. I'm all for keeping the plot moving but man I really feel like we need a break so Zac can consolidate all his skills and knowledge. I still love the story and I'll at least stick it out until he finishes up on Earth but if this turns into just another breakneck push for power xianxia/litrpg where all the friends and family he makes end up useless anchors for enemies to threaten I'll drop it like the other 99% I've tried in this genre


That implies they can. I assume they have their backs to the tower and are otherwise surrounded.

Tim Deral

Tbh just get him back to Earth! All These cultivators are reminding me of „HAVE YOU TRIED YOUTUBE PREMIUM“ No thank u, i have Places to be - fuck of „zac piker“


BTW next chapter is going to be great. Probably the start of Zac hulk smashing.


I got to say - I support 6 or so authors on Patron - and earlier in this thread I did my first Bitch post. However it is really great to see all these people commenting on Defilers work. I am not sure how he feels about it - and please don't take it wrong, if we did not love your work we would not be so engaged, but I do not see this level of supporter interaction on ANY of the other authors I support. So even though there is a lot of frustration shown here - Defiler don't take it wrong - if we did not love your story we would just stay silent and unsubscribe.


Well since he is fresh in a backwater sector it is not suprising that established forces with millenia of history know a bit more


This writing doesn’t seem like you. Did someone else write the chapter?


I’m happy it jumped straight to the action. I don’t care about earth until Zac steps foot back on the planet.


This battle is a slow burn I guess. It shouldn’t be an easy battle for Zac but I do expect him to start dominating a bit more. Im surprised Ogras isn’t covertly shadow stabbing more people 😂

Joshua Little

Going great. Thanks for the chapter.


So Zac is officially a Raid Boss now.

L Pedersen

Idk, Rheagar and Shirt tend to have pretty lively comment sections. It's just a matter of scale, TFD has around 2k patrons and at least 100 of us think we know better and can't help ourselves :P


ideally i would love to see a time skip, then have next chapter pick up with 5 minutes left, with a POV of some elite who’s being chased by Zac after zac killed everyone else


How long until Deforestation recharges? We need to see a POV if Zac wipes out a large portion of the town! Also, I wonder if he shows his Draugr form will the undead step in and defend him? They will have questions no doubt, but letting one of their own be attacked won’t be put up with.


WHat about the draugr miss ?


Ya I couldn't remember what the cool down is either, even looked on the wiki


TFD confirmed, zac had to survive for 60 seconds, so activating rage makes a lot more sense.


Confirmed is a strange way to put it. What actually happened is chapter 466 was changed after the fact. It now reads [01:00] for the quest time limit, which means 1 minute and 0 seconds.


60:00 is also a notion for 60 seconds and the 00 are for hundredths of a second. As tfd pointed out we already knew zac had to survive for 60 seconds. The token only has a 60 second delay before he returns to port atwood after it is activated. As stated by ogras and galeu. Their is no reason for the quest to last longer than 60 seconds if zac could just leave at anytime within an hour. He did not change the story. We simply forgot what was written before.


No, 60:00 never means seconds. If it were seconds, the separator would be a decimal point, not a colon. 60.00 The System can and does do whatever it wants. We do not know anything about what it is going to do unless it specifically indicates it, such as with a quest time limit message. TFD changed the story from 60 minutes to 1 minute. Changes are fine. I do not expect anyone to get everything right on the first draft with this kind of release rate. But to deny there was a change is bullshit.


"Zac was going all-out from the start." Apparently you don't know what all out means. He started with his weakest chop, then he went with the weakest deforestation, he then tried the second weakest, and planned to use the strongest last. he has NEVER once started with his strongest attack. NEVER. He should have plenty of time. Instead, like here he screws around and gets owned by weaklings and then barely eeks out a win. Every time this happens. This was the most disappointing chapter in several dozen chapters that I can recall.


Deforestation has a set pattern. He can't do them out of order.