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Finally succeeding in upgrading [Profane Seal] during his climb was one of Zac's greatest gains while climbing the 7th floor. The upgrade added five more chains that extended from the top of five massive tombstones that had been added to the cage, and they would be sorely needed to catch the slippery assassin. 

The additional chains wasn't the only benefit from the skill evolving. Dense scripts lit up with azure luster on top of the huge tombstones, and they formed a large fractal in the air that covered the entirety of the cage. It was a restrictive array, somewhat akin to the gravity array of the Zethaya Pill House.

It was another layer of restrictions that hindered anyone who had been caught in Zac's cage. Along with [Fields of Despair], the spectral chains, [Winds of Decay], and the taunting effect of [Vanguard of Undeath] the area within [Profane Seal] had become a real hellscape for the living.

But the man caught in Zac's trap was no normal man, and he barely seemed troubled at all by the situation.

Another warning of danger exploded in Zac's mind, this one even more urgent than before. He desperately moved [Undying Bulwark] to block his torso while infusing it with the Fragment of the Coffin. A sharp snap could be heard as the bulwark was pierced straight through as the pitch-black spike continued toward Zac's body.

Almost all of the strike's momentum had been absorbed by the defensive skill though, and the spike didn't even manage to piece the next level of defense, the thick miasmic armor that covered Zac's whole body.   

Zac was ready to retaliate with his axe, but his brows rose in surprise when a spectral projection suddenly appeared on the other side of the cage. He pushed the confusion aside and infused the ghost with the Fragment of the Coffin just as it stabbed the man, creating another shallow wound that immediately started to fester.

It was shocking how far the man had instantly moved after stabbing him, but the fifteen chains of [Profane Seal] immediately set out to trap the assassin while Zac started to release torrential amounts of corrosive mists into the cage. He had failed in taking the man down with one strike, but Zac was still confident in whittling him down using his standard approach. 

The assassin tried striking Zac's vitals a few more times, but between [Immutable Bulwark] and his shield he was able to escape unscathed, while adding more and more wounds with the help of [Deathwish]. Faceless #9 was probably the fastest enemy he had ever fought, but his defense wasn't too impressive.

Besides, the spectral projections were immutable. The masked warrior had unleashed flurries of stabs at them the moment they appeared, but the stabs went straight through their incorporeal bodies. They could only be blocked, which made them the perfect counter for people who relied on not getting hit.

The assassin suddenly appeared far in the distance, and Zac frowned as he realized the assassin was up to something. Bleeding abscesses could be seen at various parts of his arms, whereas the wounds on his body were continuously leaking pus. A smaller spike suddenly appeared in his hand, but rather than attacking Zac he stabbed himself in his heart.

Zac's eyes widened in shock witnessing what looked like a suicide, but he quickly realized that things were about to get rough. The man's muscles suddenly started to writhe and wriggle as black liquid reminiscent of his ichor poured out of his wounds before they coagulated, forming thick scabs around his wounds.

The nine closest chains were suddenly thrown away with enough force to cause cracks all along the links as the man stabbed forward with enough speed to become a blur, which gave the man another short breather. Impenetrable darkness spread through the cage the next moment as the assassin unleashed some sort of domain, and any clue of the man's whereabouts was gone. The man's attuned energies had completely blended in with the surroundings, rendering [Cosmic Gaze] useless.

Even his life-force was hidden by the dome of darkness, rendering the unique vision brought by his Draugr race impotent. Just as Zac tried to figure out his next step a sharp pain erupted in his left leg, and he realized a hole as wide as a quarter having appeared seemingly out of nowhere.

The hole went straight through not only his armor but his whole leg, and he felt his black ichor pouring out of the wound. He sensed that another spectral ghost had automatically appeared some distance away, but Zac didn't have time to imbue it before it had struck the assassin. What had just happened?

Another wound suddenly opened up, this time on his right arm. Zac frowned at the fact that he couldn't sense a thing before being struck, not a single warning from his Danger Sense that he was about to get attacked. This time he managed to imbue the projection from [Deathwish], but Zac couldn't help but worry. 

Zac had already heard that there were methods to circumvent the special senses from Luck, but this was the first time he had seen it to such a degree. Was this the hallmark of a top-tier assassin? 

This was a fighting-style that was completely different compared to anything else Zac had witnessed during the Battle Royale. The man had no big avatars and there were no flashy skills that emitted massive outbursts of energy. However, that didn't mean the man was weak, and it wasn't without reason that none of the spectators had dared to target him.

Zac was sitting at over 300 effective luck, but he couldn't even begin to sense when the attacks were coming. Not only that, but his Endurance and multiple layers of defense barely impeded the man as two gristly wounds had appeared on his body without him impeding the strikes in the slightest.

There was an extreme penetrative force between his jabs, and just one or two attacks might be enough to kill most people. The man had no doubt been able to effortlessly assassinate one guardian after another during his climb using this method, barely sustaining any wounds. 

However, a muted pang of danger suddenly erupted, and Zac hurriedly protected his head with his shield, safely looking another strike aimed at his head. Zac nodded in understanding as he realized that his Danger Sense at least could sense lethal strikes. It meant that the darkness hadn't changed much.

So Zac simply ordered the chains to flail about at random as he stood rooted in place, only focusing on staying alive and infusing the [Deathwish] with the Fragment of the Coffin. 


Finally, there was a break from the monotony.

Iz Tayn curiously looked at the weird cage formed from death-attuned energies, and the two fighters who were grinding each other down within. Luckily she had been gifted the skill [Sungod's Eyes] by her uncle before entering the tower. Otherwise, she would have missed out on the melee due to the [Red Hand Shroud].

Not that the fight was anything impressive. The assassin from the Red Hand Society had actually been forced to infuse himself with their disgusting compound to keep fighting, whereas the odd one was just unusually competent at taking a beating. He would no doubt be able to make a decent living as a sparring partner at one of her family's Trial Planets.

She had been deeply disappointed that there wasn’t anyone interesting in the arena after something interesting finally happened in this dull Tower climb. The two siblings from the Primeval Lake were pretty strong, but they were still not strong enough to force her hand even if they joined forces. It was a shame that there was no one like their grand-uncle in their current generation. Then it would have truly been a clash of fates.

She felt a bit bad about scorching a few unlucky people out of frustration, but then again it could be seen as them lacking in fate by being spawned so close to her. After that she let the others escape in time, apart from the despicable fellows who didn't respect the proper rules of conduct. Such people could burn for all she cared.   

But something interesting finally had happened. He seemed to think that no one had noticed his transformation, but everything that her sun illuminated was within her domain. How could she not see what happened? What kind of encounter would allow one to change between a Human and a Draugr?

More importantly, was he really human? It was extremely minute, but there was something odd hidden within that she had never encountered before. Something primordial.

Mixing an ordinary Human bloodline with the blood of higher beings was nothing unusual, as humans in general were extraordinarily average. Her own family was a prime example of that practice. But the odd thing was that her own bloodline felt some pressure from that man, which she had never encountered before. At least not against someone in her own grade who hadn't undergone their bloodline evolutions yet.  

That wasn’t the only odd thing, and she couldn’t help herself from being engrossed as she replayed the events in her mind. It didn’t make sense. She saw him almost dying from his soul shattering, then somehow being saved by an errant arrow that forced the Red Hand-Assassin to move away.

He then to eat a natural treasure that somehow changed its provenance mid-consumption, and finally recovering over two minutes. All without being targeted or hit at all as battles raged all around him. It was as though his surroundings had been shifted to a separate dimension. Was it dumb luck? Or accumulated Luck?

She didn't think that even she would be that lucky if put in such a situation, and she had almost 200 Luck along with her Fate-augmenting treasures. 

So Iz felt like a child who had found an odd colorful bug in their family's garden, and her eyes followed the bulky man as he tried to take down a much more skilled opponent by sheer stubbornness.

The man from the Red Hand Society was clearly one of their stronger cadets, likely someone who had survived the hellish training on one of their induction planets. Anyone who survived long enough to enter the Society from one of those hellholes was an emotionless murderer who had solidified their path with a million corpses. 

He kept opening up one wound after another on the Draugr, who was leaking like a sieve by this point. He was using some nurturing Dao Fragment from the looks of it, but his control of the Fragment was atrocious. Why didn't he form proper Dao Arrays on the wounds? 

The humanoid cockroach tried, again and again, to catch his opponent with his axe and the fifteen chains that flailed about in the cage, but he didn't seem to possess any means to pierce through the darkness of the shroud. The assassin effortlessly moved back and forth between the attacks, bursting forward with one stab after another.

Of course, the assassin was facing his own troubles as well. He was starting to look disfigured from the wounds of the retaliatory strikes. Absolute strikes were the worst to people like him. If it was her she could have simply formed a shield of flames to block out any such attempts, but the assassin seemed to follow a much more extreme path lacking such tools.

He had quickly expended the few defensive treasures in his arsenal, and since talismans and arrays didn't work here he had to endure a thousand little pin-pricks infused with a corrosive Dao Fragment. However, the fragments the Draugr used, were just Early Stage, a far cry from her three Middle Fragments that empowered each other. Even worse, he seemed unable to properly coordinate them into something more potent. 

Should she kill the assassin to make sure that the colorful bug didn't die? She had already moved a flame tendril to stand ready beneath the miasmic cage. A quick poke and the struggle would be over.

But that would be a bit rude, not to mention somewhat embarrassing to butt in on a fight after having killed a few people for that kind of transgressions. She guessed she would have to leave it up to fate.

Finally it seemed like the assassin had enough, and he launched a rapid succession of furious stabs as he moved quickly enough to make it hard even for Iz to follow. But the armored warrior was like an impenetrable fortress, enduring the strikes he could endure and blocking those he could not. 

The failed assault was followed by an attempt at escape, and the assassin first tried to teleport out of the miasmic cage. But he was completely unable to leave, and another special warrior attacked him the moment he tried to slip through the cracks. A furious assault on one of the towers was only met with a storm of ghosts as well it seemed.

The moment the assassin realized that both killing the man and escaping was impossible he immediately reached down and crushed the token on his belt. Ever the pragmatists, the assassins.

The Red Hand Assassin disappeared in a flash, taking the domain with him. The Draugr stumbled around for a few seconds, seemingly unaware that he had actually won. The fifteen spectral chains kept flailing back and forth inside the cage as he stood hunched over, ready to eat another stab.

Only after twenty seconds passed did the man have enough presence of mind to look up at the sky. He had appeared on the 6th spot, meaning that the battle was won. Only then did he slowly start to move toward the Cosmos Sack, leaving a trail of black goop in his wake.

Iz was unsure what to do. The man was very interesting, but he was some random person from another part of the universe. Was there any point in trying to look into his secrets? There were a lot of oddities on his body, but who didn't have a secret or two? But it was interesting.

Of course, there was one easy way to test if they had some connection of fate. Iz instructed Uyirrik to get to work, and her bloodline familiar formed another seal as she channeled a piece of her [World’s End] into the array.

Someone who was dead obviously couldn't carry any fate or secrets worth fretting over.



Let's go!



Matt R.



Thanks for the chapter


Thanks for the chapter

Ethan Norton

Name drop, drop top, this bitch is about to be put in a hot box.


She seriously has three! middle fragments! And it clearly shows that Zac has no idea how to use the fragments because i think she mentions dao arrays?!!! First thing after rescuing his world should be going to a dao master from a more advanced world.


I really hope there will be a time where Zac will be more than a brute that solve everything with brute force, i don't think he can go really far this way

Henry Wartemberg

I think a Dao master may die of shame when they witness him stabbing him self to get anything done lol. Let’s assume he will stumble on something unique walking his talentless path. I doubt he would ever have the control to weave Dao mental energy into arrays.


another special warrior attacked >> do you mean spectral?

Henry Wartemberg

Well thats a particularly dangerous way to test his significance. Also... 200 Luck. That lady a beast! I hope we get to find out what Grade her clan is in.

Garbled Sounds

Is she going to protect him? He's too damn lucky, like I know that's the point of the stat but seriously...


I hope so too. Alone the phrase of the sun girl: “just seemed very good at taking a beating“ is very shameful.

Henry Wartemberg

Does anyone remember what proficiency Profane Seal is at now? Im assuming Late. I recall one upgrade adding the gates and this would be the second right?


It seems like zac desperately needs to get some instruction from proper powers and no longer be ignorant in the uses of his gifts even if he lacks talent in finesse


It seemed to me like she will subject Zac to a strong attack - if he dies, he didn't have a strong fate worth being interested in/worrying over, but if he miraculously survives, she will become even more interested.


I was also wondering about some words the girl uses... A bloodline seems to have a great significancy as her family has mixed her race with another one and she also has a bloodline familiar. Also the word fate comes up. She seems to have used fate treasures. I wonder if that are very rare treasures or just treasures which just raise luck.

Garbled Sounds

Meh. I like that he stumbles his way through it and makes his own way through whatever means he can. I'm not a fan of the idea of him going into training under some higher power. I'd much rather he keep getting little pieces as he has been so far.

Henry Wartemberg

The way I interpreted that was treasures that boost the effectiveness of luck. Similar to titles. I got the feeling she meant physical things though like jewellery. Could be wrong tho 🤷🏿‍♂️


It was only Middle. At least that we were told in chapter 365. No mention of advancing it since then. I guess this chapter was a vague mention that it advanced to Late during a Tower timeskip? The latest mention I can find of the number of chains being less than 15 is chapter 435, where it was only 10 chains. So I guess it must have advanced from Middle to Late sometime between chapter 435 and 437.

Henry Wartemberg

Interesting to see the other paths to ridiculous power of the high Grade areas. Focus on bloodline is apparently a serious power up. Seems like it was definitely a good thing he got that mushroom

Nick Nicholson

So the lady has almost 200 luck, how much does Zac have?


Zac's about to get a crash course on what 3 dao mid fragments working together can do, lets hope he can survive the lesson.


She has almost 200 with a treasure, Zac's is almost 300 with titles alone


I’m really curious what situation she was put in to have such a high luck. She’s not a progenitor so all the first time titles didn’t boost it like with Zac. She must’ve been put through some kind of trial that is nearly impossible to survive like Zac did with that roll in the very beginning.


She might also have a spycore of her own, one she actually knows how actively to use instead of Zac's passive approach.


I'm really afraid that the Splinter-yandere can kill that awesome girl for the attempt to test Zac's fates...


Zac mentioned two or three chapter before that he could survive a few strikes from her so i am convinced that he will survive one strike from her. I do not see a great problem there.


I think this is the most interesting chapter in the tower arc. Also very nice change in the pov.


It seems Zac is inferior to her in every way but one. She has three Fragments but they are all at Middle to his Early. She has a perception skill that can see far better than his [Cosmic Gaze]. She has a defense that can block even Zac's [Deathwish] return strike. And her attacks are obviously much stronger. But she only has 200 Luck, whereas Zac is up to about 319 effective Luck now. It seems Zac really should have gotten [Promising Specialist] for Luck rather than Endurance, even if numerically Endurance is higher, since Luck is the most special of his attributes.


Lol I hope they have a conversation and Zac is like “Yeah, I’ve only been doing this for about a year. Oh and I’m a mortal.”


He is just too lucky


There's another supreme innard as well -- I'm not sure, is the following about the Splinter of Oblivion or the Technocrat bloodline. =========================================== It was extremely minute, but there was something odd hidden within that she had never encountered before. Something primordial [...] the odd thing was that her own bloodline felt some pressure from that man, which she had never encountered before. At least not against someone in her own grade who hadn't undergone their bloodline evolutions yet.


She could still have quite a few "all attribute" Titles. Just because she is not a Progenitor does not mean she is short of Titles. And her Dao Fragments must give her at least 20 Luck each, and it could be more if she has any that specialize in Luck. But at a minimum, we know she should have 10 from the 3rd floor Title, and 10% from the 6th Floor Title. She probably got the highest grade possible of Luck attribute fruits, so that should be 25 there. With her bloodline, she must have started with at least 10. And at least 60 from her Fragments. That comes to 105 (10+25+10+60) before any Title bonuses, and 116 with the all +10% Title. She should also have a Title like Ogras' Astral Pond, so figure another +10 there. And you have to figure she probably got Slayer of Leviathans, so another 11 points and 10%. She likely has some of the same efficiency Titles Zac has such as Apex Hunter, Omnidextrous, and Heaven's Chosen


How awesome it would be when Zac whould get a bloodline familiar like a skeleton dog😂. Or something different... But also a little bit out of character as Zac lets even his own city be managed by others how could he care for a familiar. Ok, that is veeeery exaggerated as Zac tries to care for a whole planet AND his family.😅


Gotta love Zac facetanking an assassin build. How much you wana bet that dude is gonna get in a lot of shit for losing and have an axe to grind with Zac (pun intended) in the future


Between Rasuliel's spatial ring, mind mage girl's spatial ring, and Faceless #9's Cosmos Sack, Zac's Tower loot is probably now exceeding his Treasure Hunt loot in value, if not in quantity.

Nick Bond

I don't understand how Zac acts so dumb, and basically relies on everyone around him to think for him, when his intelligence is twice Ogras' and would be almost Ogras' 2nd highest stat.


I'm not sure that Intelligence actually makes you smarter. Zac was even more stupid than usual this chapter: "Zac was ready to retaliate with his axe, but his brows rose in surprise when a spectral projection suddenly appeared..." "The hole went straight through not only his armor but his whole leg, and he felt his black ichor pouring out of the wound. He sensed that another spectral ghost had automatically appeared some distance away, but Zac didn't have time to imbue it before it had struck the assassin. What had just happened?" So Zac's [Deathwish] skill acts as it always does, and Zac is surprised??? And when the Assassin suddenly disappears and then a wound appears on Zac's leg, he cannot figure out what happened? How could Zac become even dumber than he already was?


On the bright side, if Zac survives this Battle Royale, the people waiting for him back in Base Town are going to seem like weaklings when Zac fights them. Do you have super-assassin powers? How about unstoppable mind magic? Can you make a star appear and attack me? No? You are not my opponents.

L Pedersen

I really hate characters like her. Or that is to say, reading a story from their pov is not my cup of tea, if Greatest had a pov then it would probably be very similar but we've only interacted with him through Zac so it has been an issue.


Why does he need a bloodline familiar when he has Ogras?


Me too. I'm actually rooting for the Splinter of Oblivion to obliterate her.


Not even a year if were really considering the tower 1 day, it’s been 9 months


Thank you!


Loved the pov change !

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


A. She is from one of the top 3 forces if not the strongest from her sector and maybe even more sectors. Complains about no true genius being in her generation unlike her ancestor. And the people in her sector seem pretty op. There are Towerbreakers and that assasin that was equal to Zac was just a trained commoner. If the Albright is c then she should be a

Joe ?

Is she seriously going to strike out at someone that she has seen reality bend to save? WHat kind of idiot would do something like that? She's asking for a piano to suddenly spawn in the air over her head.

Juli Freixi

Thanks a lot for the chapter!!!

Henry Wartemberg

I get the feeling there will be some kind of restriction on the cosmic bag drops from this floor. Similar to the treasure hunt where not everything from the sect was there. I can imagine the bags having like 50% of the stuff auto falling out as these things. Otherwise I imagine there would be a huge windfall as a scions cosmic treasures from high grade sectors. The rings would be different as they weren’t auto drops. Speculation though


??? its 300 luck. Very very rare but not unheard of. She could literally delete him from existence as it is.. Calm down lmao. he's not OP enough to be able to fight off a bloodline enhanced , same level, 3 MIDDLE fragments that all enhance each other, when he has 33% more luck than her (or so). He literally couldn't see, or sense the assassin in any way at all, besides from luck faintly warning him about fatal attacks (doesn't mean he'll always be quick or strong enough to defend from them) and she was watching it like a cute little show.


It is interesting that Tayn noted that Zac was using a nurturing Dao Fragment. Assuming that is Bodhi, that means he can use a life-attuned Dao Fragment on himself when he is Draugr. And he can use Coffin when he is Human. I wonder if [Desolation] would be more powerful when infused with Axe or Coffin. I guess Axe would do more instant damage, but Coffin would inflict festering wounds that take longer to kill but might be better at penetrating defenses than Axe.


Thanks for chapter. Now eating my nails and waiting for tomorrow's chapter.


I thought I had waited long enough to get thru this arc :(

Tim Deral

I do wonder about one thing, if her luck is so high, was her encounter With zac luck as well ? We shall see


Yes, Zac used Coffin for strengthening his Human body and with a great success. Have you really forgotten? Examples: Another snap from behind allowed him to be enclosed in nature's embrace once more, and after a brief hesitation he also imbued his body with the Fragment of the Coffin to make sure he avoided his wound opening up again. https://www.patreon.com/posts/chapter-405-39180063 Zac’s brows rose in shock and he hastily infused his body with the Dao of the Coffin as he held his breath. The mist was clearly poisonous, and Zac frowned in consternation when he realized the mist burrowed itself into his pores even after having activated his defensive Dao. He was just about to switch to the Seed of Trees to start purifying the invading poison, but he noticed a startling change that made him stop. The Dao of the Coffin might have failed in keeping the poison out of his body, but that apparently didn’t mean it was helpless against it. It was actually refining it instead. The mental energy that was spread throughout Zac’s body was attacking the poison like white blood cells, and turning it into normal Cosmic Energy that seeped into his body. In other words, the Snake’s attack was restoring Zac’s energy rather than harming him. https://www.patreon.com/posts/chapter-406-39212420


I thought I had waited long enough to get thru this book! /s


Zac frequently has "lucky/unlucky" encounters where if you tilt your head and squint, then it was a good thing. So for her coming across someone with higher luck, it could be mutually beneficial, or she might have an "unlucky/lucky" encounter where a happy accident quickly turns into a trainwreck.


Problem is she is too arrogant. I mean from the looks of it she has the right to be but at the same time doesn't control it and in a situation like this where variables could appear she still acts in malice even tho just being nice has proved to create positive karma


Maybe I'm the only one. Maybe I'm crazy, but I'm losing interest in this story, the more deus ex machinas are used, like last chapter, the more talentless, mindless, inevitable, brutish wins that a retard could manage. I don't have much sympathy for lucky, brutish, retards is the problem. This story is in a nose dive that I'm not sure it can pull out of. I'm near the point where I don't care if he lives or dies. I don't hate him. He's not a bad person, but at this point what's to like about the idiot?


We get it, he's a brute... be nice to see some more growth after all he's done and the intelligence he's gained.