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The more he thought about it the likelier it almost felt to Zac. He might not have an AI that guided him in his cultivation, but there had been several instances where he was fine when he should have died.

The most notable instances were the time he jumped into the pond of cosmic water and came out unscathed with an improved race afterward. Next, there was the incident where he killed almost a hundred thousand zombies and absorbed a huge amount of miasma.

That incident should have killed him by all accounts, but instead, he emerged with the duplicity core. There were also various times that almost anyone would have fallen due to excessive wounds, but he just passed out and woke up a bit later in decent condition. He was like an unkillable tank, even though it was only just recently his Endurance started to become monstrous.

Had his mother somehow fiddled with his constitution to make his body able to endure when it would normally fail?

Zac quickly shook his head and closed the journal. There was no way for him to find out unless he met his mother again. But at least he knew the root of his undead race, and it seemed he was mostly in the clear. There was some elder brother to Mahl who also knew of the Draugr-issue, but there shouldn’t be much he could do.

If he was the patriarch of his clan he should be far stronger compared to the Corpse Lord he fought, which meant he was unable to come here in person. Perhaps he would order some people to find him since Zac killed his brother, but he shouldn’t know anything about him becoming a Draugr.

Mahl himself had thought Zac dead until the moment they ran into each other, and just a minute later he was dead. There shouldn’t be any loose ends, and if he ever ran into Draugr in the future he could just feign ignorance and say he grew up on an unintegrated world or something.

There was the issue of the missing samples though. According to the notes, there should be hundreds of samples remaining, but he couldn’t find anything of the sort in the Corpse Lord’s cosmos sack. Perhaps he had kept it hidden at a separate spot, which might spell problems down the line. When he assaulted the Undead Incursion he would have to look for them so that there were no clues to his condition remaining.

The note left from the big brother also made a poignant point about karmic threads. It truly seemed that one needed to be careful when traversing the multi-verse. One couldn’t take for granted their actions would go unpunished when doing misdeeds.

“Gemidir,” Zac suddenly said as he looked up, drawing the attention of the old Sky Gnome.

“Yes?” he asked when he walked over.

“When you stole things in your youth, weren’t you worried about getting tracked down by karmic threads?” Zac asked.

“Stole? This old man remembers no such things,” Gemidir started, but changed his tune when Zac’s eyes thinned. “Taking treasure I as much knowing which target to hit as taking the right valuables. Find someone who won’t be able to find you. Or just steal things that aren’t valuable enough for them to expend enough resources to track you down.”

“But karma is truly a bane for most thieves, which why the higher-tiered ones all try to find ways to obscure the heavens and hide from the karmic eyes,” Gemidier added. "The easiest way is to become stronger. The stronger you are the harder it is to divine your whereabouts."

Zac’s eyes lit up since it felt like he had found another direction that was worth following up on. If they could somehow block the Karmic Link between the Dominators and The Great Redeemer they might even be able to protect their planet even without fighting those monsters.

And a quick discussion with the Sky Gnomes proved that it was actually possible. However, he was dismayed to find that arrays that could block out karmic links were prohibitively expensive, and D-Graded arrays at the lowest.

Zac could neither afford them or even set them up even if he had the money. An adept array master, preferably one with insights into Karma, would be needed to make the array work. That was why Calrin didn’t even mention the possibility during the meeting.

Some treasures had similar effects, though they only worked on individuals, and not a whole planet like they needed. So it seemed to Zac that he would have to stick with the current plan, at least for the moment.

Thirty minutes later he was done looking through the Corpse Lord’s belongings, so he returned to Kenzie’s side to find the Sky Gnomes all work with sullen expressions.

“What’s going on?” Zac asked with confusion.

“Your little sister must have been an Imperial Adjudicator in a past life,” the old sky gnome said with a hurt look at Kenzie, who only sweetly smiled back at him. “She has eyes in the back of her head.”

“Turns out I’m pretty good at figuring out when they try to sneak some valuables for themselves,” Kenzie explained with a smile.

Zac was confused for a second before he realized that her AI might be able to help her out in more ways than one.

“Please help out with the rest as well,” Zac said with a smile.

“Fine, but I’m missing a lot of cultivation time. So I’ll take a few goodies for myself,” Kenzie said.

“No problem. Better yet, I’ll show you something good after we’re done,” Zac agreed.

It was time to take her to his cultivation cave since he needed to check up on his seed. The seed should either have germinated and stabilized by now, or it would have been absorbed by the pond. In either case, it shouldn’t hurt to allow Kenzie to cultivate there. With the help of her AI butler she might be able to advance with terrifying speed in such an energy-rich area.

The organization of items took most of the day, and the final tally was shocking to Zac, even though he had been the one to gather everything. Of course, while the wealth that he had accumulated was vast, it was nothing compared to what a D-Grade Sect should possess.

The simple explanation was that the System had adjusted the treasures just like it likely had adjusted the danger. For example, a peak E-Grade Elder should have thousands of high-grade crystals, but he only got his hands on two D-Grade crystals.

And while Ogras never had provided a complete explanation about his Grandfather’s wealth, he knew it was far beyond what he gathered the past month. And that was even when he was considered extremely poor for a D-Grade powerhouse. But Zac knew he couldn’t get greedy, and he had received far more than he had expected.

The pile that Zac would keep for himself was the smallest, but it was also the most valuable. It’s value easily surpassed billions of Nexus Coins, and that was even when there were multiple treasures that even the four sky gnomes were unable to figure out the function of.

Zac already knew about some of the treasures since he picked them up himself during the first two weeks, but there were a lot of happy surprises as well. Most of them seemed to come from Nenothep’s pouch, but gems were also extracted from the chaotic mess that Zac snatched from Salvation. But he was completely clueless as to where he picked up some of the greatest treasures. 

His eyes turned to a neatly stacked pile of jade boxes. Inside them were over a hundred Attribute Fruits. Each of them was only of use at F-Grade and worse quality compared to the ones he bought in the Contribution Store, but it was a huge gain for Zac who had only gotten his hands on two of them so far.

The problem with the fruits wasn’t their price, but their scarcity. He had a standing order for them at Calrin’s store since the start, but the Sky Gnome was completely unable to procure them before the larger Consortias swept the market clean. So it was truly a mountain of treasure that had fallen into his lap.

The huge pile was also proof that the System adjusted the rewards in the hunt. If he got this many there should have been at least a thousand Attribute Fruits spread throughout the hunt. It was far more than what a D-Grade sect should have lying around. Not that they couldn’t afford it, but they would use them on their disciples rather have them lying around.

But what was most curious was that he couldn’t even remember picking up these boxes. If he knew he had attribute fruits in his possession he would have immediately eaten them rather than left them in his bag.

The only explanation that he could come up with was that the System either added them at the end or made people pick them up but ignore them afterward. Perhaps the System didn’t want people who were doomed to die to waste the attribute fruits, so it only made them available after the hunt was over. 

“A lot of them, but the real prize are these four,” Calrin said and pointed at a few more intricate boxes on the side. “Two Luck and two all-attribute fruits, one of each mid-grade. Unsurprisingly, the last four are worth as much as the rest combined. If you gobble them all up yourself you should reach your limit, though you would a lot of efficiency that way.”

Zac nodded, unable to hide his excitement. The limit the Sky Gnome referred to was the limit of how many attributes this type of treasures could provide. There was no strict limit that the system imposed, but the limit was generally 15 to 25 in every attribute for the F-Grade.

Some of the differences were based on race, where some races could accommodate more bonus points. Humans were completely unremarkable in that regard, so they were on the lower end of the spectrum. But there was also a pretty large component that simply was having good genes.

Being a mortal and not someone possessing special constitutions or bloodlines, Zac suspected that he might be on the lower end of the scale. Unless his unusual sturdiness also translated into having a higher ceiling for bonus attributes as well.

Unfortunately, it wasn't possible to eat the same fruit over and over. You usually only ate one of each type since the following ones had reduced effect until they completely lost their efficacy. Eating the same Attribute Fruit multiple times was extremely extravagant, and something only disgustingly wealthy scions could afford.

Quite a few of the fruits in the collection were duplicates, so Zac would likely give them to others instead of hoarding them all. He even briefly considered giving all of them to others, apart from the four special fruits. A few bonus attributes might do a lot more good for others than himself.

But in the end, he chose to be a bit greedy. A few points in each attribute might not be a huge boost, but every little bit counted when he was risking his life almost every day. It might allow him to pass the inheritance, or reach a higher floor in the Tower of Eternity.

“How do you suggest I should allocate these?” Zac asked of Calrin.

“Take what you need, and then take a decent amount for your elite. But you should leave some for the Merit Exchange or the store. People understand that some of them go to the elites, but you need to show that hard work is also rewarded,” the Sky Gnome said.

“How do you mean?” Zac asked. “I expect the treasures here will not be leaked to the public.”

“We’ll keep our word, but no secret stays that way forever, especially if you start handing out treasures to all the elites in Port Atwood. So you need to find a balance. Show the population that hard work will be rewarded and that everyone can become a powerhouse with our help if they struggle enough,” Calrin explained.

Zac slowly nodded as it made some sense. Perhaps it would be optimal to give out all the fruits to the people in his inner circle, but it might sow discontent amongst the army or his craftsmen. It might create the image that working hard was meaningless since the leadership would keep everything good to themselves.

Zac wanted a culture where people worked hard to improve themselves, and if putting a few attribute fruits in the Merit Store helped make that happen, it was worth it. These fruits only gave 1-2 attributes each and spread out over 10 elites it wouldn’t make all the difference.

Soon they had split up the attribute fruits so that Zac would gain roughly 10 points in each attribute, then an even 50-50 split amongst the remainders. Zac gave half to Kenzie who would distribute them amongst the warriors.

Kenzie had spent all her time in the Academy lately, so she had a lot better understanding of who was worth nurturing and who wasn’t. Zac himself had been too busy with so many things that he almost only interacted with a small group at the top.

A decent amount of them was also earmarked for Emily, who he still hadn’t seen since he got back. He had already invested a Fruit of Ascension to nurture a powerhouse from the ground up, so adding a couple of attribute fruits was nothing odd. Zac had asked Kenzie about Emily’s situation but she only told him she was fine.

He was curious about her progress during the past month. Her 16th birthday should have taken place roughly two weeks ago, and he wondered if she had gotten her class yet. But when Zac asked his sister about it she only smiled and said that Emily wanted to tell him about it herself.



What kind of merchants repeatedly try to steal when the Lord is right next to them? How can Zac trust these guys after this. A proper merchant earns their keep based on their knowledge and service, and should obviously receive a fair cut based on that; but these guys have been chased off several planets by their Competitor, have finally found a good place, but are now being greedy instead of ensuring a good relationship so that Zac won't chase them off and accept their competitor instead...


Glad you've put a reasonable limit to the stats one can gain from Stat Fruits. The Fruits might have been a reward based on the value of the things they collected; I'm hoping Zac won't be a doormat though and allow Thea to keep all of the Stat fruits despite most of them actually coming from Zac's own treasures unless Thea literally forces Zac to take them


He totally needs to plant some of the seeds from the fruits, with farming arrays, etc... It should be a nice side income and could make a good potential target for enemies down the line.


Karma seems pretty awful. Would Karma destroy a thief trying to steal, or just tell them where he is at? Is it possible to be a lower grade villian if Karma will smash you. Can you only have bad Karma if you are strong enough to hide from Karma? Its a lot of possibilities and loose rules that could muddy the waters. Thanks for the chapters.


somehow I doubt growing attribute fruits is as simple as collecting the seeds from those you've eaten. Wouldn't surprise me if not of them were seed bearing fruit

Robert Nolan

And why are people who earn a multi million dollar salary more likely to commit embezzlement?


To answer a few of your question, Karma will not destroy a thief trying to steal as it is not truly a "force". To put it simply, Karma is like thread being created from interaction between people. For exemple, if someone was to steel something from someone else, a thread would be created between the two of them as stealing count as an interaction. After that thread get created, it would be possible, given they are powerful enough, for any of the party to track were the thread is going and thus find someone you interacted in the past. It is important to note that each of these thread have different strength and thus may be easier to track then other. Also, it is possible to intentionally create powerful karmic link with the use of debt, for exemple, the great redeemer created multiple link by giving power and cultivation technique to a variety of people. It was also used on Zac himself by the undead to track the [heart of oblivion] shard. Each of those connection and interaction will end up creating some kind of karmic web pulling and pushing on each link after each interaction. The monk Zac interacted with is one of the few people who is able to "read" this web and thus have insight on past and future interaction.


Did he consider taking 2 sets of fruits for both of his forms? Draugr should have a higher efficacy and limit of fruit consumption, and 2 sets will bring his Int and Wis up sizably, and give a nice bonus to his secondary and primary stats.

Juli Freixi

《And a quick discussion with the Sky Gnomes proved that it was actually possible. However, he was dismayed to find that arrays that could block out karmic links were prohibitively expensive, and D-Graded arrays at the lowest. Zac could neither afford them or even set them up even if he had the money. An adept array master, preferably one with insights into Karma, would be needed to make the array work. That was why Calrin didn’t even mention the possibility during the meeting.》 Cof, cof... the arrays heritage and the Abbot Everlasting Peace... cof, cof Well, thanks a lot for this amazing and great chapter!!

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.