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Zac sighed in relief when he saw that Billy was out of harm’s way. Billy’s attack was extremely impressive for coming from someone in the F-Grade, but there were also clear drawbacks to it. He was mostly defenseless as he ran toward the shield, and if Zac hadn’t protected him with all his might the giant would have died before even getting his attack off. It also seemed to consume all of Billy's energy since he was completely spent after just one swing.

And while the attack was extremely strong it wasn’t very quick. Both Zac and Ogras would have no problem to avoid it with their movement skills. But it was a perfect attack to destroy an immobile object, and Zac couldn’t imagine the power Billy would be able to exhibit when he reached E-Grade. He only needed a good team that would be able to help him bring his monstrous strength to bear.

There was also the issue of his transformation and golden blood. Did Billy possess a bloodline, or had he attained a special constitution somehow? He had never heard of a skill changing the color of one’s blood, and the change in Billy’s appearance along with that immense aura it seemed to be something greater than a skill.

But now was not the time to go over such things.

Waves of power radiated from Zac as he completely unleashed his aura. The five enormous fractal edges gained a silver sheen, indicating that he had infused them with the Dao of Sharpness. But before he unleashed his carnage Zac threw a gaze at Nenothep, just in case he was preparing another of those monstrous long-ranged attacks.

The emperor looked completely enraged from the turns in the battle, and he was relentlessly attacking the Berum trio. He almost looked like a god of war from the huge aura he emitted, and a large fractal shone in the air behind him. It seemed to be one of his skills rather than an effect of the War Arrays, and it provided the emperor with an odd but deadly effect.

Right when Zac glanced over the emperor stabbed at Ylvas, but the fractal behind him flared and it suddenly was as though two realities were superimposed. Somehow the emperor was also attacking the large woman at the same time, with the same weapon, breaking the laws of physics.

And it was obviously not an even fight, just like Ylvas had feared. Nenothep was perhaps even more powerful than they had anticipated. In the short moment that Zac had used to get inside the shield the large woman had lost her left arm, and the mage was on his knees with blood freely flowing from his side. 

Even Ylvas was barely holding on, and wounds kept appearing on him as he desperately tried to maintain the status quo until Zac could kill those who empowered Nenothep. Zac knew that time was running out, and that they might not even last 15 more seconds. The next moment the ground beneath Zac exploded as he disappeared.

Zac instantly moved to the thick of it with [Loamwalker], knowing he had to cause as much damage as possible before Nenothep could intervene. He also didn’t want to stay in one spot, in case Nenothep chose to discard the lives of his soldiers to attack him while he was inside the mob.

Zac’s arm was a blur as he the fractal edges shot in five directions. Four of them were completely unimpeded, causing widespread death in the blink of an eye. Blood formed huge pools as bisected corpses fell by the wayside, but Zac knew he had barely made a dent in the Emperor’s combat power.

The soldiers that had died were not part of the personal guard, but rather random elite soldiers who helped bolster the shields and the war array. The fifth attack had been launched toward the two generals that stood behind Nenothep, but before it could reach them and the personal guard another shield sprung up, covering them inside.

Zac frowned as he rushed toward them, shooting off two more edges at it as he ran. The soldiers inside the second shield were clearly the personal guard, and the targets he had to eliminate. The protection wobbled and flickered from the two massive attacks, but it held true. But Zac noted that the soldiers maintaining the shield had paled, and a few were even bleeding from their eyes and ears.

Zac chose the simplest means to try to break it, and he slammed into it with the force of a speeding train, his body imbued with the Dao of Heaviness. Multiple cracks appeared on it, and Zac didn’t relent as he swung at the cracks with brutal fervor, each strike containing enough power to kill an E-Grade beast.

It took two seconds of frenzied attacks, but he broke through and squeezed himself inside like a fox in the henhouse. A few of the surviving elite soldiers had tried to impede his progress, but Zac's attacks had made the outer shield completely break. The melee fighters from the resistance had joined the battle by now, desperately fighting the remaining soldiers to stop them from adding their powers to new shields or the War Array. 

Fear and hatred shone in the soldiers' eyes, as Zac got inside the inner shield, standing just ten meters away from the personal guard. His aura was completely unleashed, and it actually managed to somewhat destabilize the War array that was still maintained. No one wanted to be the first to attack him since they had all seen what he had done with over a hundred soldiers outside the inner shield.

But the status quo only lasted for a second before Zac rushed forward, his axe already growing another fractal edge. The personal guards did everything in their power to keep him away, shooting a wide array of attacks right at him.  The salvo consisted mainly of magical attacks, and over ten fireballs slammed right into his body. But Zac only growled and ignored the pain, confident that his enormous Endurance would pull him through.

But the next moment he sensed some danger, and he unhesitantly swung out his axe toward the left instead of at the soldiers. A glowing gauntlet appeared almost as though out of nowhere, and the two collided with enough force that the closest soldiers were thrown away. Some even sporting wounds from the shockwave as they quickly got back on their feet.

The next moment a piercing pain erupted in Zac's side as a dagger was firmly lodged inside and it felt like the wound was both frozen and burned at the same time. It was the two generals who had personally moved to stop him, and both were close to the E-Grade bottleneck judging by their power.

Zac looked at the soldiers who kept imbuing the emperor with power while keeping an eye on him, and he growled in frustration as he turned his attention to the two generals. He tried to grab the dagger-wielding one, but he slunk out of his grasp like an eel, quickly moving out of reach.

The other one quickly distanced himself as well, but that was also their problem. They knew they couldn’t compete head-on with him, but if they moved away they also exposed their subordinates.

A fractal edge almost instantly grew to over fifteen meters and it skewered almost as many soldiers without Zac even moving the axe. There were less than a hundred members of the personal guard, so a good chunk of them instantly died from that sneak attack.

Zac had no way to maintain a fractal edge that long, and it disintegrated after he managed to kill just a few more of them. But it did cause some chaos in the ranks, making the soldiers unsure whether they should empower their emperor or defend themselves.

Zac wouldn’t relent as he pushed forward, but an enormous fist appeared above him, slamming straight down. Not only that, but it also formed an invisible restriction on him in an effort to stop his movement. The fist contained some sort of Restrictive Dao, making the attack resemble [Nature’s Punishment] a bit.

Zac roared as he swung his axe up to intercept the incoming strike, but as he did he felt another of the stinging wounds erupt in his upper back. If he didn’t have his high luck to warn him his heart would have been pierced, but he managed to tilt mid-swing enough so that the wound was mostly superficial.

Zac suddenly had an idea and stopped his swing mid-motion. Next, he instantly released his Dao Field of Heaviness, making the assassin slightly stumble when he tried to move away. Zac took advantage of that brief window and grabbed him, instantly sealing his fate.

A crunching sound echoed out, and the next moment the enormous fist slammed into Zac, causing the whole mountain to shake. A second later the fist disintegrated, showing a large crater five meters deep. At the bottom was a mangled piece of flesh, crushed beyond recognition.

Next to it was Zac's bloody form, though in far better shape. Zac got up to his feet with a groan and used [Loamwalker] to push out of the pit. He had bet he would be able to endure the attack with his defensive layers, and he had been correct. The next moment the was once again amongst soldiers and the carnage resumed.

The general who was still alive desperately tried to impede him, but he had just spent a huge amount of energy on his final strike, and he no longer had his teammate to share the burden. Zac was like an enraged boar as he wildly swung, and the general only barely survived due to a dozen of the personal guards switching their attention to protect their leader instead of the emperor who was clearly in control of his battle.

But even with the help of the personal guard the general only managed to delay Zac in his goal to kill those who empowered Nenothep. But Zac knew that delay might be the difference between winning and losing the war. Over ten seconds had already passed since he entered the shield, and Zac knew that he was almost out of time.

Energies blazed around him as Zac completely ignored his energy expenditure, aiming to completely and utterly destroy the remaining general. His large gauntlets were already bloody scrap metal from Zac's assault, and he was barely staying on his feet as it was. But his eyes burned with conviction as he glared at Zac.

"Empyrean Sacrifice!" he roared with a hoarse voice, and Zac's senses almost immediately sensed danger.

He unhesitantly tried to move backward, but it suddenly was as though he was stuck inside tar. The remaining 60 soldiers in the personal guard still in fighting condition suddenly all had their focus on Zac, and they all seemed to be cooperating on some array somber expressions.

An enormous ball of chaotic energies was quickly growing right between himself and the soldiers, and Zac knew he had to get away. Zac's danger-sense only got more and more urgent, and Zac desperately fought to move through the restriction that had been placed on him. His muscles strained as he finally managed to force himself free from the suppression.

But before he had a chance to activate [Loamwalker] the huge ball of energy exploded, turning the whole world white.

Zac barely had time to activate [Nature's Barrier] imbued with the Dao of Trees, followed up by imbuing himself with the Dao of Hardness. He even activated a defensive option of his golden robe to cover him. But even with all that, it felt like he was blasted into pieces when the explosion hit him, and he was thrown away like a ragdoll.

His mind was drifting away as he flew, but Zac barely managed to refocus his mind. As soon as he landed he immediately got himself ready to once again assault the soldiers, ignoring the pathetic state of his body. But the moment he saw the personal guard he knew there would be no need for that.

Almost nothing remained of the whole area where the personal guard once stood, apart from a crater and a few burned remains of bodyparts. One of the few corpses that wasn't completely obliterated sported two mangled gauntlets, indicating that not even the last general had survived the final blast.

Empyrean Sacrifice seemed to have been the final attack of the personal guard, sacrificing their lives to take Nenothep's enemies with them to the grave. And as he looked down at this burned body covered in wounds he knew that perhaps only himself and the two Dominators would be able to survive a blast of that magnitude. He wasn't even sure he would have survived unless he had just gained a huge amount of Endurance down in the caverns.

But his first task was done, and the whole personal guard was eradicated. Zac victoriously looked over at the main battle, but his brows rose in alarm when he saw the scene. The situation was even worse than he'd feared. The large woman was lying dead on the ground, and the mage was barely alive from the look of him.

Even Ylvas was in dire straits, drenched in blood and missing a leg. He somehow stood upright with the help of the Cosmic Energy, but his aura was chaotic. The fight was about to be wrapped up, and Zac didn’t dare to hesitate. Torrential amounts of energy gathered in his forearm while he launched a fractal edge at the emperor to buy some time.

It was as though Nenothep had eyes in his back, and he immediately swung his spear in a wide arc, immediately disintegrating the fractal edge even though it was imbued with the Dao of Sharpness.

“You actually survived the Empyrean Sacrifice. You truly are a human cockroach. But I do not need a War Array to handle the two of you,” Nenothep sneered at the approaching Zac.

Zac didn't answer, but the space above him suddenly cracked, and a huge wooden hand emerged.



No, mister Nenothep does not need a war array to deal with our Zac, he needs multiple 😎

Hunter Vook

You gonna eat those words, emppy


thank you for the chapter, btw can you add a link to rate your novel on topnovelsomething every tow three chapters, just paste it at the end.

Adrian Gorgey

This will be a fun romp of blood and death

Juli Freixi

A cliff... in the middle of the fight... that's too cruel!!! Well, thank you very much for the chapter!!


Crush Crumble Chomp, one of my favorite old games happening again on page

Garbled Sounds

Should've probably held on to that ultimate attack Zac.


10 sec passed ? that seems like a dbz episode :p


Zac's heart almost getting skewered by someone who's not even E-grade after he gained so much endurance?


The only issue I have in this chapter is that "Empyrean" means "relating to heaven or the sky" and "An enormous ball of chaotic energies was quickly growing right between himself and the soldiers"


I thought his new robes only had a cleaning feature


I think it's a reference to the guards military position instead of a literal ability type.


I really like your story. I think it is currently my favorite lit rpg...I just have one question...Maybe I missed an explain here or there...I dont know if this was ever addressed in a comment or a status update, but after removing all his titles, and the varying stat point increases between his unique classes... Holding all things equal...Zac basically has twice the number of stat points of anyone that is the same level as his Draug form...because he reached the level of his Draug form twice (once as a human and once as a draug). One thing that I found lacking was the lack of acknowledgement that being able to level two different forms basically doubles the amount of stats he has for each level that both forms have reached. He reached close to level 50 2x... that means he should have around double the stats of anyone who is level 50 exluding the titles.... I know that between 75 and 150 the amount of stats points increases per level but I've never seen Zac acknowledge the fact that he is able to basically "double" level if you will. He never acknowledges it besides just commenting about the fact that he can or needs to level his Draug form...I also haven't seen a lot of proof in the stat sheets that this is happening....Which I found really odd. He should be almost twice as powerful as Thea holding everything else equal besides stats from leveling up... And this does not seem to be the case...


Bad example seeing as Thea is a prisonner and he is not.


Thanks for spending some time to answer my questions... just a few comments. I think Omiso made some great points but may have misunderstood some of my comment. To clarify... 1) I am not ignoring specialization in stats, class, items and equipment, cultivation etc.....I Am trying to control for them...I specifically said holding "all things equal". I said this before I went into my analysis...It may have not came accross properly... bc my tendency to write run on sentences... but I said that to control for everything besides level....discounting the varying increases between classes and titles, cultivation equipment...etc......Im trying to control for every disparity... There still should be a difference... which I think Omiso definitely properly addressed in his comment... If classes and titles and everything else were removed and every character had a uniform increase in stats... counting nothing else but basic leveling... he would be 2x the power of anyone on the level of his draug form. (This is obviously not the case there is a difference in in stats between each class and cultivation and title increases etc..)... which Omiso explains perfectly..but I was trying to control for that... Sorry if it was not clear...My only issue was that I never really saw him acknowledge this advantage.. bc it is a huge advantage.. besides the just being able to have dual forms and two different types of a abilities. Otherwise I think your comment was a great refresher of each of his classes specialization.. and addressed the question well...I just wanted to see some acknowledgement of him him being able to basically double level. 2) Thea isnt a bad example. I specifically said up to his Draug form. Thea is still on the level ladder above 50. His draug form is above 50...and close to Thea...Thea was a perfect compare because People understand her power right now...She is fresh in everyone's minds... yea she was captured... but the way she is written is not half the power of Zac.... there is a substantial difference but not 2x when his draug form is close to her level.... I think Omiso's comment is a great explain as to why it is not 2x....but you get my idea I was trying to control for everything besides level. 3) I think Omiso made good points about the disparity in classes equipment and cultivation, but my comment already tried to control for that. Overall I think the comment helped me better understand Where Zacs power comes from - so thanks and I appreciate the response.


I have to agree. It is odd that his stats appear this lackluster. He should have a lot of "free" stats from the draugh class that did not go into endurance. Did he put those in strwngh or endurance as well?


Can we get a consistent chapter posting time?


He only gets 1 free stat per level as his draugr class takes one away to put into the two main stats of the class, endurance and vitality. However, his stats are indeed bananas for his level because of all his titles and having two classes. Even with E grade giving 10x the stats, Zac's current stats are equal to someone without titles being level 90ish, depending on several factors. And those 15 E grade levels are worth a lot of stats. Obviously someone like the emperor has access to consumable items, equipment, titles, etc that puts his weight class above the average and above Zac. But a normal, F grade schmo is pretty boned. Even a beefed up F grade class doesn't have much of a chance.

Tommy Littlefield

Nah they had all the same effects (maybe even a little stronger) they are just super gaudy

Tommy Littlefield

Nah it was somewhat shown that zac is significantly stronger then her cause the first array at the alchemy house zac could make it through with himself and even rescue her that shows quite a big power deferential between the two

Tommy Littlefield

I mean that would be nice but our awesome Author is already giving us 6 a week which is better then a lot of author authors out there I won’t complain as long as he keeps that up 🤷🏻‍♂️

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


I cant tell if my comments are coming through on my mobile device, but anyway. I never said they do not acknowledge the benefits of leveling his 2nd class as a draug and how the increased endurance and other stats benefits him... I am specifically talking about the idea of being able to "double" level. There was a lot of indirect acknowledgement of the benefits of double leveling, I never said there was not and I can see how my comment may have implied that I thought there was no indirect comments around it. However there was never direct acknowledgement of the direct benefit of double leveling besides in the beginning when he was able to gain a new title when his draug class was level 1...That was his first and one of his only real thoughts about restarting at level 1 with a new class with all his stats from his old.... "Let's gain a new title which is good". He should have thought that.... but His second nor third thought wasn't... nor any thought after wasn't...I already have the stats of a level 50 person, I can grind to level 50 again and gain double the benefits(even if the benefits are different per class). This was never specifically described as a moment in Zacs POV...Maybe I missed a comment or two when this first occurred in my haste for the next chapter...but that remains to be seen. None of the blurbs shown as an example I think are direct thoughts by zac about double leveling... they are about indirectly related Maybe those thoughts are implied or unsaid, I beleive it is implied, but if we we reading from zacs POV I would assume more of a direct mention to the benefit...they are indirectly said in the ways you mention, but was never direct. it was let's get a new title, let's get a new class, let's level the draug form for new abilities and increased endurance... there was no direct acknowledgement of saying... hey I am getting the stats benefits of leveling to level 50 twice...bc getting to level 50 twice is a lot easier then getting to level 100... It was always indirectly linked to the theme of double leveling, but it was always separated from that notion in my opinion or was left unsaid. which is my only issue. Re Thea. in the context of my comment her build does not matter. In the context of the story it matters a lot. My comment was meant to control for everything. In science you have control variables and dynamic variables. Everything was whittled down to the lowest common denominator which was level. And that was my only point I was trying to make. So Theas build was controlled for already... the only dynamic variable was level. I never said his explains dont make sense. I said the stat points didnt seem completely reflective of the double leveling and there was no acknowledgement of double leveling...despite a lot of indirect comments about it. I will concede the point about the stat sheet not being completely reflective. I just felt something was missing. Likely wrong in that regard. However I wont concede the point of the direct mentions of double leveling.