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**This is not a Chapter**

Recently we were aquainted by the fourth race on New Earth, the Ratmen (or perhaps more appropriately the Molemen.) What you don’t know though is that the fourth race was supposed to be introduced far earlier, and this is commentary is about the original idea I had for introducing them.

The idea was for the fourth race to be introduced already after the second Beast wave. It would start with Zac being in the mines to check in on his hidden room and the mining operations in general.

Suddenly he heard shouts in the distance, and ran over to discover the fleeing silhouette of a ratman. This would be the introduction to the fourth species, and the start of the ratmen arc.

Zac would catch the ratman, let’s call him Remy, and from there learn that he was actually a fourth race rather than an invader or a beast.

The ratmen had feared the surface for thousands of years, and actively avoided the tunnels that lead further up due to not wanting to be burned alive by their sun. This fear had stayed with them even after the integration, and no one wanted to look upward.

But their situation was desperate, and Remy knew of another world due to meeting the other species in the Tutorial (though his own burrow was only populated with ratmen even after the integration). 

Their town was getting overrun by rabid subterranean beasts, and they were on the brink of disaster. The vast tunnel systems that the ratmen had built during in their old world were ruined with the integration, making them unable to flee to a larger settlement. While the others tried to reopen the broken tunnels, Remy looked upwards for help. 

So he set out against the wishes of his family and traveled upwards until he ended up in Zac’s mining system. After hearing about the situation (and also the tunnels teeming with precious metals and crystals), Zac and Ogras decide to travel down to the underworld with Remy.

From there a short arc would take place where Zac saves the town, sets up an alliance, and from there gets his foot into the resource-rich underworld. After this Remy decides to move up to Port Atwood, and becomes a main explorer for Port Atwood since he got a taste of adventure, and he wanted to see the boundless above-world.

In the end I decided to scrap this arc altogether due to a few reasons, but I thought you might get a kick from reading about it now. 

So why was it bumped?

Essentially it was mainly a matter of pacing. Already at that point I had every arc (and a few upcoming ones) bulletpointed, and I felt that the sheer amount of arcs while Zac was still in F-Grade would make the pacing a bit too slow.

There was also the issue of what Remy would bring to the table. There was already Sap Trang who filled that minor role of exploring, robbing Remy of any unique aspect apart from his race. I also did not really have any plans for him for future arcs, meaing he wasn’t really integral, and would rather be a side-arc character.

There also wasn’t anything in the caverns that NEEDED to take place to set up the other arcs, making it essentially a filler arc. He would have gained additional wealth while down there, but it would not make a large distinction since Zac was already the richest person around.

So that’s the story of the rise and fall of Remy, the ratman that never came to be.

Please let me know if you find side-posts like this interesting, and I’ll see if I can write similar one’s in the future.



Honestly, theres still time to spin this, like turning those salamander he met in the mines into a per integration kinda pseudo race that evolved faster during the time zac had been dealing with everything else, and suddenly got discovered i mean exploring the multiverse is great but like the first book alluded earth itself isn’t that simple and really we are clear on everything thats there… and as a lord that should be a must know before he ventures out into the wider world…lol could be a some else perspective entirely whil you catch up on zac stuff in the background the mass release 😂😂😂 bit yeah filla/cannon arc before he leaves zecia… maybe Johanna and whats her face preview would be a great dynamic.

Scott Frederiksen

Love the behind the scenes thought process and peaks at characters and arcs that will never be, (or as originally planned at least.)


you mean"while zac was in F-grade"?


RIP Remy, let his sacrifice to good storytelling not be forgotten


So i guess the teleporter can reach underground then?


Great work, it's hard to cut some great material


I would just like to emphasize MOLEMEN!


The issue with the teleporters is something I decided on now at a later stage. I needed a reason as to why there were no contact after all this time with the underground. At that point only New Washington and The Cradle of God were public, so it wouldn't be too weird that simply no underworld teleporters were up yet. But by this point in the story there are enough teleportation arays erected on the new continent that there needed to be an explanation as to why none were seen from the underworld. That's where the interference by crystals came to be.


More is always better 😎. Definitely will be interesting if you can fit them into the overall story.

Juli Freixi

It is really very interesting!! And on the other hand, I am very happy that you didn't take that road... I prefer Sap Trang a thousand times than a RatMoleman... 😅😅😅


This is cool to know, thanks for sharing! I would love it if you shared interesting stuff like this in the future!


oh, that's nice. i think too that it would have hurt the pacing.


Just include them in the “wrapping up incursions” arc


May he not be forgotten and a discreet easter egg be found.

Hunter Vook

This is super interesting, but you are right it would have been filler. It would be better to give it its own mainline arc when the timeline presents an opportunity. Even if you never use it this was definitely interesting!


When the fourth race was introduced a few chapters ago I was really looking forward to Zac making contact with that settlement, All kinds of interesting things could happen, and who know's where in the world they will end up when they finally dig to the surface. For me, background information is almost always interesting as long as it doesn't take time away from you working on your weekly releases.


I love side posts like these showing the thought behind decisions and scrapped versions of events. It's fascinating really.

Garbled Sounds

This one is interesting for sure. I think scrapping that arc was the right decision in the end.


Does crystal interference only affect low tier portals? Makes sense that higher end portals would function through the interference


Thanks for the insight. Scrapping it seems like the appropriate & reasonable choice.


Please do mark these in someway (As alternative plot or something). Personally it takes me out of the story. I enjoy your book/novel quite a bit like it is right now. Keep up the good work!


it literally says both "author commentary" and "this is not a chapter" but go off king


This would be a nice side story for another character to fill in their part of the story. Maybe Zac’s sister and a few friends. Meet up with Remy and goes down to level with the rat/mole-men (and Women ).


omg i love things like this!