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Zac could only gape, and he mutely nodded his head in agreement. He hadn’t expected the ghost to speak with him, but it was a far preferable alternative to battle.

“Go…” ghost responded before it turned away from Zac and disappeared.

Zac thanked his lucky stars that the ghost seemed to have regained his sanity, if only temporarily, and he started to run toward the tunnel. A jumbled chorus of screeches behind him forced some extra strength in his legs as he leaped the last few meters.

He sensed a decrease of Darkness in the atmosphere, proving that he once again had passed an array protecting the mouth of a tunnel. He quickly turned around to survey the cavern, and he exhaled in relief when he saw that the ghosts whirled around in confusion. They clearly couldn’t see where Zac had gone and frantically whirled around in the cave in search of their target.

However, the larger ones seemed slightly more intelligent as they rammed their bodies at the cave opening, making Zac take a few steps back. But the ghosts simply bounced off the unseen shield and roared in rage when they couldn’t get through it.

A few of them even tried to rip the air to shreds, and even though Zac was extremely tired and wounded he felt he couldn’t stay here. He wasn’t sure if they were just unwilling to give up or whether they could sense the splinter lodged in his mind, but creating some distance from this place was probably for the best. He had no idea just how strong those arrays at the opening were, and it was a bad idea to risk it. 

He kept walking for a few minutes, and as the rush from the battle waned it was replaced with extreme tiredness. His mind felt like it would explode at any moment. Between those tendrils breaking his mental defenses and the extreme consumption of mental energy his mind was exhausted to the point that his soul might be wounded.

His body wasn’t in much better shape, and he was completely covered in wounds all over. It was a good reminder that he still wasn’t invulnerable just from his high attributes. A sturdy frame wasn’t enough to completely block out the damage from the stronger ghosts who were approaching the E-Grade in power.

Suddenly the dark caves gave way to light, and Zac stumbled out of the tunnels with some effort. He had walked the last bit on pure will power, but now it was as though the air went out of him. His overtaxed mind barely registered the change in the surroundings as his was vision started closing in on him.

There was only a smidgeon of miasma left in his body to barely keep it running, but Zac simply sat down with a grunt and closed his eyes without taking out a Miasma Crystal.

It was only hours later that he opened his eyes again and finally took a proper look around at his surroundings. It was a hallway that looked very much the same as the one he had arrived at from the ravine earlier. The walls were cut with the same precision, and the hallway was illuminated with the familiar crystals.

It gave such a sense of déjà vu that Zac had to open up his status screen to make sure that he hadn’t been stuck in an illusion the past days.

Name Zachary Atwood

Level 62

Class [F-Rare] Hatchetman

Race [E] Human

Alignment [Earth] Port Atwood - Lord


Titles Born for Carnage, Ultimate Reaper, Luck of the Draw, Giantsbane, Disciple of David, Overpowered, Slayer of Leviathans, Adventurer, Demon Slayer I, Full of Class, Rarified Being, Trailblazer, Child of Dao, The Big 500, Planetary Aegis, One Against Many, Butcher, Progenitor Hegemon, Duplicity Core, Apex Hunter, Heaven's Chosen, Scion of Dao

Dao Seed of Heaviness - High, Seed of Trees - High, Seed of Sharpness - Middle, Seed of Hardness - Middle, Seed of Sanctuary - Early

Core [F] Duplicity


Strength 451 [Increase: 55%. Efficiency: 116%]

Dexterity 232 [Increase: 40%. Efficiency: 116%]

Endurance 621 [Increase: 60,5%. Efficiency: 116%]

Vitality 301 [Increase: 50,5%. Efficiency: 116%]

Intelligence 97 [Increase: 40%. Efficiency: 116%]

Wisdom 113 [Increase: 40%. Efficiency: 116%]

Luck 101 [Increase: 60%. Efficiency: 116%]


Free Points 3

Nexus Coins [F] 96 525 943

But the attributes and Dao Seeds remained, proving he wasn’t caught in some array. It had even increased since he now once again benefitted from the boost from [Forester’s Constitution] once again. He wasn’t surprised to be back in his human form since he actively chose not to restore any miasma right when he was running out.

Even before he entered the last cavern he had a free point to allocate, but now there were three. That meant that the insane onslaught of the specters at least had provided him with two levels, making his grind end at level 53 this time around. His endurance was starting to look completely monstrous, though he knew that the increase wouldn’t be as drastic going forward.

The final 22 levels of the class wouldn’t be so easy since he knew just how many kills were behind the 9 levels to 62. And the 13 levels after that would only be worse. Zac hesitated for a bit, but he finally bit the bullet and put two points into Intelligence. Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough for the system to round up to 100, so he put the third and last point inside as well, bringing the total to 101.

There was a direct effect from the addition, and he sensed his power was increased throughout his body, even though his attributes remained the same. He quickly looked at the title screen to see that there was a new addition in the mix.

[Omnidextrous: Attain over a hundred points in all attributes during F-Grade Reward: Effect of Attributes +5%]

It pushed his Efficiency up to 121%, and Zac felt the high tiered titles were really starting to provide a huge hidden bonus. It provided around 120 points worth of extra Endurance, and almost 100 points more in Strength, which could likely take anyone by surprise at this stage. That many points were more than many had in total, and he had that just as a hidden bonus.

He was a bit annoyed at himself for holding off on putting the points up there, but he didn’t require the extra attributes down in the caverns. The title also wasn’t listed in his little booklet of titles, but he realized that might be because extremely few should be able to bring their Luck all the way to 100, at least this early in cultivation. 

Zac also realized just how lucrative his week down in the caverns had been when he noticed he had gained roughly 50 million Nexus Coins. It might not have been as high gain per hour as the best stretches in his Hatchetman class, but he had also spent most of the time walking the endless tunnels rather than fighting.

Finally, he was done with everything here apart from picking up the treasure. After that, he would hopefully be able to join the final few days of the hunt, and he couldn’t imagine the situation up there to be anything but desperate. The new Daos and attributes would likely come in handy. 

Five E-Grade powerhouses were running around up on the surface, two from his and three from the other world. There were the two Dominators, the Medhin emperor, the Medhin Crown Prince, and finally the champion of Berum, Beruv Ylvas.

One of the three Medhin Royals in the E-Grade had disappeared from the ladders three days ago, but Zac had no way to know whether he was killed or simply returned to manage the Medhin Empire. But Zac assumed he was killed since the royal was in the top ten of both ladders. Leaving just a few days before he would get both levels and a title would be crazy. 

Zac was still leery about meeting any one of the remaining powerhouses after his battle with inevitability. His progress down here had given him a huge boost in survivability, but unfortunately it didn’t provide the same boost in attacking power. But that was a later problem and for now he needed to deal with his banged-up body.

Even though Zac had changed form his wounds were still there, and Zac quickly swallowed a healing pill to speed up the recovery before he took out some of the high-grade meat he had brought. He ripped into it like a starving ghost, and he hadn’t realized just how much he had missed the taste of food during the past days.

As he ate he turned his sight inward, and his eyes were immediately drawn to the mysterious black crystal still hovering silently inside his mind. Surrounding it was a string of fractals wrought from miasma, and Zac couldn’t help but feel a twang of panic upon seeing them.

He hadn’t thought about what would happen if he turned back to human, and had instinctually assumed the crystal would stay locked down behind the fractals. But those were made from miasma, and there was no guarantee they would stay in his human form. He had come very close to letting loose those dreadful tendrils by his carelessness.

But luckily no such thing happened. The miasmic fractals had turned the area with the crystal into a separate space, and it had no bearing on him as far as he could tell. Still, it felt like having a ticking time bomb inside his mind, and as he sat in the corridor he felt some regret over his actions.

Both the ghost and the powerful Draugr woman had seemed to think that he had done something spectacularly stupid by taking this sinister thing. And Zac was inclined to agree after being shown all those visions of other beings that had fused with a splinter. There were no happy endings in those visions.

He had been too impulsive, and his greed had made him get stuck with something that might turn out to be far more troubling than the miasmic wound that plagued him until his core was formed. He needed to quickly find a way to get rid of this thing since he had no idea how long those defensive runes would last.

But there was one good thing that had come from this ordeal. He was suddenly in the first position of the Gatherer Ladder, having passed even the Medhin Emperor. Since he hadn’t found anything else of value the past days it could only mean that the parasitic crystal was counted by the System, and it was regarded as extremely valuable.

A thought struck Zac and he got up to his feet with a grunt. Suddenly the whole hallway was filled with mounds of treasures. Zac had poured out everything that seemed to be of high value in his sack but still kept his first position. He had a feeling that even if he lost his whole pouch he would still keep his position.

The East Trigram Sect contained lots of great treasures for newly integrated worlds, but Zac estimated that it was a strong E-Grade Sect, or a weak D-Grade Sect at the best. Anzonil and perhaps a few others were the only D-Grade powerhouses.

Meanwhile, the crystal that had lodged itself in his brain seemed to be a supreme, albeit cursed, treasure that would be considered valuable even on higher-graded worlds. He became extra thankful that he possessed the bangle from Greatest. Otherwise, he might find himself in even bigger trouble from the crystal than from his Specialty Core.

Zac was still far from healed, but he didn’t want to wait any longer so he quickly retrieved all the treasure he had thrown out. He looked like he had been dipped in ink from all the ichor, but at least the golden robes were slowly healing themselves.

Zac started to walk down the hallway, and it was with some relief he saw another gate not far off that looked very similar to the last one. This time he didn’t equip his shield, but simply pushed open the doors with a grunt.

“Welcome young… uh, human? Were you not a Draugr?” the familiar voice echoed through the majestic chambers.

“I'm leaving for the surface soon, looking like a human is more convenient,” Zac said with a shrug as he walked inside the room, not wanting to get into specifics.

Its architecture was similar to the last one, with the pillars and beautiful sculptures, but it was far smaller than the last one. The Array Spirit had already materialized in the other end of the room, roughly twenty meters away.

“How curious. If I wasn’t a ghost I’d try to get to the bottom of such a mystery,” the old man said as he stroked his long beard.

“Anyway, I am here,” Zac said.

“It is good to see that you passed my final trial. To see such an enticing treasure but have both the intelligence to spot the dangers and the mental fortitudes to walk away,” the old man said with an approving nod. “If we only made the same choices back in the day, so much would be different.”

Zac blankly looked at the old man for a second before he understood what was going on. The array spirit had purposefully led him to that cavern with the intent to test his character. If he was smart enough he’d leave that cursed thing alone and walk straight through the cavern to get here.

“Well yes, it felt like something cursed, I am not strong enough to tangle with such a thing,” Zac said with a straight face, but he could feel his ears heating up from embarrassment.

“If I may ask, those ghosts… Are they your former sect members?” Zac probed, eager to change the subject.

The old man sighed and looked at the exit with deep helplessness and sadness in his eyes.

“Yes, it is true. Will you listen to this old man’s tale?” the Array Spirit said.

Zac was more interested in the treasures, but he also needed to know more about that crystal.

“Please, go ahead,” Zac said.

“The East Trigram Sect was a small sect that could barely be considered a D-Grade force on a low-tier D-Grade world. We had only had half-step D-Grade cultivators, but somewhat made up for our lack of power with our insight into arrays,” the old man began.

“I am sorry, half-step?” Zac asked confused.



L_? L_? L_? L_? L_? L_? L_? L_?


Good stuff

Bobby B.

Heh, ya, cursed treasure indeed


Thanks for the chapter Will Zac meet the Champion of Berum, who will mistake Zac for a Medhvin Royal due to Zac's "borrowed" clothes, attack him, cue epic fight, Zac realizes Berum's identity and why he's attacking, talks with him, they become friends and hug it out, promising to meet up at some point? In regards to the Crystal: Zac really did seem sort of possessed, and the powerful woman mentioned Zac wasn't the first Draugr who has fallen to the crystal, so perhaps Draugrs as a race are particularly drawn to the Crystal, or they simply have some sort of fate towards it and are a race that "often" encounters a Crystal. But yes, Ticking time bombs are annoying, and I hope it won't be something that will take 100+ chapters to solve Zac will likely loan Thea some of his treasures if they meet up before the Hunt ends so that she can grab the nr. 2 position

Juli Freixi

《Ticking time bombs are annoying, and I hope it won't be something that will take 100+ chapters to solve》 x2 I'm completely agree!! And, I hope so, too... But, regarding the Crystal, could it be that the first Draug was born due to the crystal and managed to control her fragment? Hence, the Draug have black eyes of "pure darkness" (which has been insisted a lot on that image) and so they are a race that are attracted to the fragments / crystals... Besides, that would fit in with the words she said: 《“Child of Draug, you have stepped on the path of Oblivion?” she sighed as she looked down at her hands. “Is it fate?”》 Especially the “Is it fate?”...

Juli Freixi

That Crystal bothers me... it bothers me a lot!! Aaaarrgggg Well, thanks a lot for the chapter!!

Garbled Sounds

Ugh. Half step... there are more than enough steps did we really need that half step nonsense?


I keep thinking that when The Great Redeemer comes and: - "by now they could consider themselves lucky if their souls weren't ripped out from their bodies when he arrived" - "They were just fated to become fuel anyway," That someone will get a oblivion crystal surprise if they try to rip the "Soul" out of Zac's body.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


I love how the guy just says that he is so glad that Zac wasn’t dumb enough to touch the cursed crystal of calamity right after he touches it.


Overall, I enjoy this story. There have been a few scenes recently that the writing has been more emotionally evocative than it used to be. And that's nifty. But.. There's been a few problems as well. This series of events with the core has been poorly handled. Even adding in it was a test doesn't help the draugr uber plot armor problem, the lack of foreshadowing it would happen, and Zac having done nothing to earn it or save himself. Protagonist passenger syndrome sucks. Especially in a xianxia story where besides Zac's first lucky roll, he's had to work to earn his power and earn surviving insane events. Now not only do we have a deus ex machina vision happening to save him because of his race, but it happens with no warning whatsoever. And I guess Ogras is keeping >400 dex? This is a litrpg story. One of the main appeals is that the numbers make sense and work. If other stuff isn't edited in to chapter 66.5 so that more is being limited, this doesn't work. Even assuming the two unknown titles give 15% each, which is more than any other mid tier title, Ogras can't have 400 dex. Even if he got another couple mid tiers, he wouldn't have 400 dex. And he'd have to use literally every single point to get close, even his Dao seed, and ignore every other stat. If he somehow had a few hundred extra Stat points being limited, it needs to be shown on his screen somehow. Random numbers popping up in a litrpg with no explanation and making no sense is the opposite of enjoyable. That aside, another foreshadowing problem is with Ogras breaking his limiter. We're told of it in chapter 170. And Ogras' viewpoint makes it seem like the rat incursion will not help him complete the quest. But apparently it did, and there was not a single hint, detail, or foreshadowing written into the story for the readers for 80 chapters. It doesn't seem intentional at all, seems like you just forgot to write any details in. That plus Ogras' own viewpoint making it seem like he can't? Extremely confusing to read the opposite so much later, and an unsatisfying reveal. All of the above can be fixed with some editing. But It doesn't seem like that's on the agenda. Story seems very rushed, not totally thought out, and not polished recently. I think this'll be my last month for this patreon. Hope you keep the story going and it works out and get an editor or something.


Wait, but hasn't he been training his stats the old fashion way his whole life? I thought you could raise stats that way, just that it is super slow


Not sure why ppl have such a hard time believing 400 points is possible. Ogras has a rare class like Zac, so let's go by same distribution; 3/1/1. That's 150 Dex from levels. Late Dao Seed, let's say 45 dex (and 15 into other attributes). He has 200 free points (150 + 50), since he doesn't have Zac's luxury of gaining a bunch of strength from all sorts of titles, so he needs to put half of those toward improving his combat power, and other half between mix of complementary stat (Str) and survivability. 295 Dex now. Base Dex 15 = 310. He is a scion of a large clan, and last living relative of one of its most powerful and wealthy people. Lets say he has been given enough treasures to boost his dex 10 points (low estimate). 320. Class gives +10 and 10% = 33 points. Now we're at 363 points. That's excluding ALL TITLES, class skill boosts like Forester's Constitution, other Daos we haven't been told of etc. Barely breaking 400 should rather be considered a conservative estimate than "impossible".


He has (notably with the gravity array), but he hasn't gained any attributes that way since the start. The efficiency dropped down to the point that Zac felt it was more efficient to do other things instead.

Critical Hit

Is there a character sheet anywhere that has all his titles/skills/daos listed? Like, with descriptions of what effect they have.


https://defiance-of-the-fall.fandom.com/wiki/Zac%27s_Titles Last time I looked one or two were mismatched but it's generally right.


It seems a bit weird to me is that the Foresters Consitution works. It should only work if he has been in the woods within the last 24 hours, and he hasn't. I mean, a possible explanation could be that the skill only counts his time as a human and I think he moved through woods prior to meeting Inevitable, but I'd kind of expect Zac to stumble over this.

Patrick Ralston

Foresters constitution gives a 5.5% bonus to vitality and endurance which doubles if he’s been in a forest in the last 24 hours


I love this story! I hope you keep writing it! Don't listen to those naysayers, always naysaying. People like that have no idea how difficult and time consuming it is to write so many chapters every week. They don't understand that if you want to keep the pace going you simply don't have time to go over the whole story with a fine tooth comb. That's something for later when the story is done and if you decide to turn it into a book series.


Never said it wasn't hard and specifically encouraged continuing to write. They do pump out a LOT of chapters. But high quantity doesn't trump quality. They might want to slow down a tiny bit to double check details or hire an editor. Some mistakes are fine but there's a lot of stuff recently that just isn't working or make sense. Hopefully they find a good balance.


He took out a miasma crystal then changed back to human? Then it mentions he didnt try to gain any miasma so he wasnt suprised to turn back?


Yeah it's a little confusing. I think when I read it, it said he took out a crystal and didn't use it but it's less confusing now. Or I just misread it the first time. He runs out of miasma because of his intense battle and just doesn't bother replenishing, automatically turning him back into human.


Hey, just a small thing, but the abrupt change back to human feels very strange compared to the earlier emphasis around it being basically dying. This could be on purpose, like maybe he's adjusting to his new situation, but maybe consider putting in just a single sentence describing him changing back? It breaks the flow a bit to put physical changes in the past, like 'oh btw you should have been picturing a human.'


Btw I just want to make sure you know: this is the only story I support on Patreon, and that is for a reason. This story is something I look forward to every week and I'll keep supporting it every month I can. If I give any criticism, it is only me pointing out my specific reading experience, not me presuming to know your story better than you.


Thx for feedback. You're not the only one to comment on this so I'll likely do a small edit to make it more clear for the RR release.


I think your numbers for Zac's strength and dexterity are slightly off. If all the free points since entering the trial were put in strength(besides these last three) strength should be 454, not 451. Dexterity unless I missed it somewhere has had no free points added to it for awhile and only gained 5 points from the scion of dao title since your last status(chapter238) so it should be 228 not 232. Feel free to correct me if I am being stupid and missing something obvious.


nice title bonus

Zoltan Miskolci

Stregnth is off by 1, it should be only 450 (449,5 rounded), base is 290 with the 64 added free point to it. Other class is lvl 53 for calculation