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Author note: As always, Thanks for re-upping ( and welcome new patrons :) )!


Zac glared in the direction of where he was thrown from, but there was nothing there apart from a rough rock wall. There wasn’t any sign of the portal or the elaborate chambers of Anzonil, and he might as well be in any random caverns of a mountain.

Zac sighed in disappointment as he got to his feet. There were a lot of topics that he wanted to broach with the old man, even if he decided to undergo the trial. But perhaps staying in corporeal form as an Array Spirit required a lot of energy or something, forcing the old man to send Zac away quickly.

He really wanted to know just what the darkness was, and if Anzonil knew of the method to kill the specters. After speaking with the old man he had a feeling that the darkness was directly linked with the demise of the Eastern Trigram Sect back in the day.

That the old man knew of the Draugr also piqued his interest, though that wasn’t as important at the moment. But it looked like he needed to know more about his undead race since having what was called a royal bloodline might both be a blessing and a curse.

In any case, there wasn’t much to do here. He was currently in a dead-end of a subterranean tunnel, and there was only one way to go. The instructions were pretty clear as well; reach the end of the road and you’ll get the treasure.

Zac kept the shield fastened to his left arm, hefting [Verun’s Bite] in the other as he started to walk down the winding path. There were no crystals giving off light in this place, but the tunnel was thankfully not completely shrouded in darkness.

There was quite a high density of Cosmic Energy in the tunnel, which sustained some of the glowing moss that also grew in his own mountain. It was amazing to Zac how plants learned to live only off of Cosmic Energy and could survive even in the most desolate places with only that as a source of sustenance. But in Zac’s undead form the high density of energy wasn’t a blessing, but rather a curse.

The more Cosmic Energy in the atmosphere the worse it felt, and here it was like the very air around him was trying to destroy him. Usually the ambient energy in the air wasn’t a problem for him, but he guessed that he was either inside a gathering array or close to a Nexus Vein.

It finally got to the point that he took out a couple of his Miasma Crystals and stuffed them inside his robe to feel the cold energies within against his skin. It helped a bit, and it was with relief he sensed that the density of energy around him was quickly decreasing as he walked further along the path.

However, it wasn’t all good news since he once again started to sense the insidious energy of the darkness, though it still was minute. But Zac still kept going forward. He wouldn’t give up his chance at supreme treasure just by a hint of the malicious energy, and he strode forward with purpose until he finally reached the end of the tunnel.

Zac soundlessly advanced the last 50 meters to the exit, and peeked out the tunnel. The first thing he noticed was that there was over a drop of over fifteen meters down to the floor form his egress. The second thing he saw was the sea of rats.

He immediately realized there must be some sort of array that hid his passage and blocked out any sound as he looked down. He gazed upon a chaotic swarm of rats that fought, mated, and scuttled about without him hearing a single sound.

Most of the rats he saw were the very same type that he had already killed throngs of on the surface, but he realized that he had likely only fought the weakest of the brood so far. There were far larger rats lumbering about as well, a few of which emanated enough power that they might be E-grade, though barely.

Zac’s eyes lit up at the veritable feast of prey, but he slowly observed everything for another full fifteen minutes before moving. He wanted to see if there was something like a rat king that could be a threat, but if there was it didn’t live in this large cavern.

He mouthed a silent prayer before jumping down, but he didn't try to conceal his presence. On the contrary, he entered the huge cavern with a roar, slamming down tens of meters away from the exit with a huge crash.

He had imbued himself with the Dao of Heaviness, and he was like a ten-ton hammer when he landed, killing every rat within over ten meters and creating a large crater. The moment he had exited the passage he had been inundated by a cacophony of screeches and hisses, and it got a lot worse after he made his entrance.

Zac didn’t even have time to get to his feet before he received a surge of energy into his forehead, and he immediately understood that he had accomplished his goal. The quest for his second skill, [Fields of Despair] was finished. It required him to draw the ire of over a thousand enemies simultaneously, and he had likely passed that goal ten times over with his flashy entrance. 

He didn’t really know whether to be happy or angry that there wasn’t an accompanying Dao Vision to go along with his newly acquired skill. He remembered very well the feeling when he killed the thousand barghest required to complete his quest for [Axe Mastery].

Completing the quest had formed the Axe fractal in his chest, but it was missing in his undead form just like the normal skills. When he had focused on it he had been brought to the desolate world with the enormous axe. Meanwhile, his new skill only added a pure skill-fractal on his forehead.

But it was a welcome boost to his very limited repertoire in his Draugr form, and he had just the perfect stage to test his new ability. But he was beset by frenzied rats before he even had time to even form a battle plan.

However, while most of the rats down in the cave were larger than their brethren on the surface they were of no threat to Zac. After a few quick swings with his axe thirty corpses lay strewn around him. But Zac frowned as he looked down at his axe, and after a brief pause decided to stash the axe into his Sack.

He didn’t want to rely on combat skills he gained with his other class too much since that might negatively impact the growth of his Undying Bulwark class. Instead, he decided to fight using the means his class provided for as long as possible, only relying on his axe and his Daos if needed.

The first thing he did was to unleash [Fields of Despair], and the space around him actually changed a bit. It was as though the world had gone monochrome within fifty meters from his position, and it reminded him of how it looked when he fought the Corpse Lord.

In fact, he noticed that the Cosmic Energy around him was actually turning into Miasma at a visible rate, and a mist of the deathly energy swirled around him. However, the production came at a cost of his own energy, so the skill wouldn’t be very useful for cultivation.

But that wasn’t the point of the skill, and Zac was elated after having figured out the workings of the skill. It was a debuffing skill with a large area, and its effect was pretty great.

It lowered the attributes of his enemies by a certain degree across the board. After turning it off and on again while fighting with the rats for a minute he estimated the number to be around 10%.

Taking away 10% of the fighting power of all close-by enemies wasn’t a huge amount, but it wasn't bad. Besides, the skill was only at early stage and it already had many uses.

For example, it could negate almost half of the effect of skills like his [Hatchetman’s Rage] without having any of the other skill’s disadvantages. It could also lower the power of an ultimate attack from his enemies by a decent degree, increasing his survivability.

But there was a pretty big drawback to this skill. [Fields of Despair] didn’t have a great synergy with his other skill, [Deathwish]. To kill his enemies he needed to get hit, and the harder he got hit the more damage he returned. If he restricted the power of his enemies he would also restrict his offensive power.

Then again, the two skills were used in different ways, and he wasn’t surprised that Undying Bulwark’s skills sacrificed offensive power in favor of more defense. It was a tank-class after all. But these many defensive measures weren’t needed against rats, even if there was a seemingly endless horde of them.

But before he deactivated [Fields of Despair] he noticed another huge advantage of the skill. As he had experimented for a bit with the skill there lay a new slew of rat carcasses around him, and those that died first were starting to emit a turquoise mist.

Zac immediately realized it was miasma, and he didn’t shy away when the mists were drawn toward him as though they were guided. The energy effortlessly merged with his existing stores of miasma, giving him back even more energy than he used when killing the rats.

This clearly differed from how it worked when he fought the beasts on Mystic Island. Back then it worked the same as in his human form. When he killed something he received a boost of energy that went toward improving his levels, but the effect on his expended storage of miasma was minuscule.

But this was different. The energy that streamed toward him from more and more corpses didn’t help him with his levels, but they restored the miasma he was continuously expending to power his two skills.

He finally understood the full effect of his new skill, and it truly was a field of despair for his enemies. Not only did it weaken those who came too close, it even restored his energies to allow him to keep fighting for an indefinite time.

He quickly changed his mind about turning the skill off, and instead he kept both his skills going. Both of them were continuously drawing from his miasma reserves, but with new rat corpses being added all the time he quickly restored the energy he expended.

In the end he lost slightly more energy than he gained from the corpses, but he would fall from lack of sleep before lack of miasma at this rate. Then again he was only fighting weak beasts at the moment, as the larger rats hadn’t entered the fray yet.  

Since he’d already gained one of the skills he decided to grind out his second one as well, but he soon found out it wasn’t as easy as he had hoped. Not all the rats were strong enough to attack him with enough force to progress his quest.

But he quickly found a solution as he took out his axe once again. There was a pretty clear correlation between the power and size of these rats, and he soon found that the rats needed to be at least three meters long to be able to bite or swipe with enough force to award a point of progress in his class.

Everything smaller than that approached him was quickly culled with a swipe of his axe, while he kept blocking the attacks of the larger ones with his shield. Some wounds were starting to accumulate on his body since he wasn’t able to block all the strikes, but he didn’t care since his high Endurance and Vitality had no problem in keeping him alive.

It didn’t take long for him to gain a level since the rats were almost as strong as the beasts on Mystic Island. But the beasts back there had been spread out, each occupying its own territory. Here they were everywhere, and no matter where Zac looked he saw a sea of experience points approaching him.

It was also clear that these beasts had no intention of backing down, even after hundreds of their kin lay lifeless on the floor. Zac soon realized that it might be because they were affected by the darkness.

He didn’t believe all these animals were possessed like what happened to some cultivators up on the surface. The energies of the darkness had rather slowly seeped into their minds while they lived underground, increasing their aggression.

But Zac didn’t mind, and he soon settled into a familiar routine ingrained into his bones from the beast waves. He was already quickly climbing on the Hunter ladder again, even though he mainly focused on progressing the quest for [Bulwark Mastery].

The moment he blocked the final attack with his shield he felt a huge surge of energy in his heart. It didn’t kick-start it to start beating even in his undead form, but it was rather that something occupied its empty chambers. Zac couldn’t stop a wide smile from spreading on his face when he realized what it was.

It was another Dao Fractal, just like the tree or the axe in his Hatchetman form. But he didn’t dare to check the form or nature of the fractal any closer since he was afraid he’d get sucked inside a vision while there was a sea of rats still rampaging around him.

But he got extremely impatient to end the fight so that he could gain his fourth Dao Seed, so he no longer held anything back or cared about fighting with his shield only. He became a whirlwind of carnage as he rampaged across the enormous den, and soon the elated growls from [Verun’s Bite] overpowered the screeches of the frenzied rats.


Author note: I realize the irony of mentioning an unbeating heart after his heartbeat having "sped up" twice in his Draugr form in recent chapters. I've fixed it my docs for the RR release but since editing stuff is a nightmare on patreon I've been remiss in updating it here. 

But to make it clear he has no heartbeat in his undead form, and his blood is replaced by black ichor (like the one that ran down his mouth when he got killed the first time). 

Beneath is also a current (as of 236) status screen.

Name Zachary Atwood

Level 33

Class [F-Epic] Undying Bulwark

Race [E] Draugr

Alignment [Earth] Port Atwood - Lord

Titles Born for Carnage, Ultimate Reaper, Luck of the Draw, Giantsbane, Disciple of David, Overpowered, Slayer of Leviathans, Adventurer, Demon Slayer I, Full of Class, Rarified Being, Trailblazer, Child of Dao, The Big 500, Planetary Aegis, One Against Many, Butcher, Progenitor Hegemon, Duplicity Core, Apex Hunter, Heaven's Chosen

Dao Seed of Heaviness - High, Seed of Trees - High, Seed of Sharpness - Middle

Core [F] Duplicity

Strength 420 [Base: 271. Increase: 55%. Boost: 16%]

Dexterity 221 [Base: 158. Increase: 40%. Boost: 16%]

Endurance 385 [Base: 232. Increase: 66%. Boost: 16%]

Vitality 242 [Base: 155. Increase: 56%. Boost: 16%]

Intelligence 90 [Base: 64. Increase: 40%. Boost: 16%]

Wisdom 85 [Base: 61. Increase: 40%. Boost: 16%]

Luck 93 [Base: 58. Increase: 60%. Boost: 16%]

Free Points 0

Nexus Coins [F] 42 841 943



Dao of Sharpness is at middle proficiency, not early. Zac used the Dao treasure from the Star Ox quest to advance it in chapter 212.


I thought the Seed of Sharpness was at Middle.


Oops, you're right. The attributes are added though. The dao list is one of the few things in the screen not linked, so I have to manually change it.


Hey TFD, have you considered hiring/partnering with an editor? I've been wondering this for a while. Your story is obviously quite popular and very enjoyable to read, however, oftentimes careless mistakes can be seen. The prose can also be tightened up quite a bit. You're making 10k/month just on patrons alone. I think it would make sense to hire someone to go over your chapters before release, checking for typos, tightening up your word choices and prose (especially since you're a nonnative speaker), checking for repetition, and fixing inconsistencies. What do you think?


I like the story, but you have been padding the chapters a lot more than you used to. You have also started telling us what he is doing instead of showing and that is making even the action a bit stale. That is just my opinion.


Is the title Heaven's chosen new?


For the updated status screen, base strength should be 268(it was 227 in chapter 310), so 8 free points from his second class, 3 points from leveling his first class once and 30 points from upgrading so 227+41=268. Second dao of sharpness should be middle not early. Third how does he still have the full boost from foresters constitution, he hasn't been in a forest in weeks, so it should be 5.5% not 11% for endurance and vitality.


Nevermind to the first 2, saw others addressed sharpness and the last 3 points for strength were the free points from his first class. So just forester's constitution needs to be addressed.


No, he has had it since he got an Epic class. It is similar to the 'Rarified Being' title he got for his Rare class, but better.


So many stats to keep track off! There's a couple of double words: over and even, are used twice in sentences.


It is good to see more information about how various energies affect Draugr Zac. But I would still like to see some more clarification. When Human Zac kills something, the System sends cosmic energy into his body. This was established early on. But from this chapter, it sounds like the System is feeding Draugr Zac some other kind of energy when he kills something. It is not cosmic energy (since Draugr Zac is pained by cosmic energy), and it is not miasma. I doubt it is life energy, so it sounds like there is a fourth type of energy that we know about now? What is it called? I assume the rats he is killing are not undead. It seems that his [Fields of Despair] skill is getting miasma energy out of the rats. Presumably the skill is converting life energy into miasma. I suppose that could explain why any Undead with a similar skill might go after living prey instead of undead prey. But that still leaves me wondering why zombies chase living prey. Do they also have a skill to convert life energy to miasma? It seems too high level a skill for mere zombies. Also, why do zombies not attack each other if they want miasma? What is it about living prey that attracts zombies?


I think Zac is overly pessimistic about using [Fields of Despair] together wtih [Deathwish]. He correctly notes that the strength of the attacks returned to his enemies will be weaker due to FoD, but he does not consider that his enemies will also have their endurance and vitality lowered by FoD, so while the returned attacks will be weaker, their internal defenses will also be weaker by the same amount. Overall, [FoD] should have no effect on how much damage his [DW] skill does to beasts. It should only be a problem for enemies who are using external defensive aids like shields or armor, since presumably [FoD] does not weaken external shields or armor. But I do not see that as an important downside because it seems that strong warriors rarely rely on external defenses, judging from the difficulty Zac had in buying a strong shield.

Juli Freixi

《You have also started telling us what he is doing instead of showing and that is making even the action a bit stale.》. . Yes, I have also noticed... but I have the feeling that it is because there are some (I will not say names) that in the comments just ask he to tell instead of showing...

Juli Freixi

Wow!! Wow!!! WOW!! AMAZING!! Great chapter!!! That's so exciting!! Really, thanks a lot The First Defier!!!


Here are Zac's actual attributes (tier-3) at their maximal values (*) END and VIT may be slightly lower depending on how much Forester's Constitution is boosting at the time: T3(lev33 str485 dex255 end445* vit279* int103 wis099 luc107 fre00) Strength is rapidly approaching 500. If Zac meets Billy (is he on the TH ladders at all?), he may almost be as strong as him. If he adds Hatchetman's Rage, maybe stronger. Although once strength gets past 510, Zac will have to start adding to dexterity again, so strength increases will slow.


It feels like the skills Zac is receiving for this second class are of a higher quality. For the starting three both classes came with a mastery skill, but other than that chop and forester's constitution seem a bit lacking compared to deathwish and fields of despair. I wonder if that difference will also reveal itself with the vision for bulwark mastery, maybe Zac gets a longer vision or gets access to a better dao compared to axe mastery. We also know nothing about the upgrade to e class, do his preexisting skills stay the same or do they evolve along with the class itself.


The most common error I see is a sentence being reworded and being left with portions of first and second editions.


Should the dao of sharpness be medium? I thought he comprehended swiftness and randomness from the rips in space.


I think you are underestimating [Chop]. At middle proficiency it allowed Zac the ranged attack of shooting a fractal blade. At late proficiency he could shoot 5 blades. Also, he can enlarge the blade to 5-meters or greater. I would rate [Chop] above [Deathwish] unless/until [Deathwish] advances to the point of sending back close to 100% of the power of the attack.


Maybe his heart isn't beating. Maybe it is unbeating.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.

Dmitriy Zaslavsky

Why he level up so slowly? back in the days it was a lot easier for him?

Zoltan Miskolci

The Strength boost is wrong. It's not 55%, but should be 60%. Check my comment at chapter 210 for more detailed explanation.