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First I want to thank you all for supporting DotF. I have a few small updates for Dec that I thought I'd share.

1. Going full time.

As many of you know, I am a university student. I mentioned in my last update that I'm reducing my time to 50% to focus more on DotF. Actually, due to my not really looking up the schedule properly I ended up studying full time in November as well. But that's beside the point.

As of December 6th I will be a full-time author, solely focusing on DotF. I'm still enrolled (gotta get those student discounts) but I've removed all courses for the coming 5 months in order to be able to give it my all with my story. After that, I'll reevaluate what to do going forward.

This won't change the release schedule, at least not in the short run. A problem I've felt the past months is that I lack the time (or energy after a long day) to properly edit my chapters, and make sure they're all up to standard.

I need to build up a proper (20ch+) private stock, which will be my goal for Dec and Jan. That's to both allow me to change things around without it impacting Patreon readers, and to allow me to give myself vacation days since I've been writing the story 7 days a week since May.

2. Holiday Schedule.

Since I'm going full time there will be no break in releases for the holidays, and everything will follow the schedule. But since I will be away I'll likely release some chapters ahead of schedule/at irregular times.


tl;dr: I'm going full time. Full chapter count for December.


M van Dongen

A fall back path would be smart....


That's why I'm still enrolled :) I would have to study another semester if I decide to get back to it, but that's not a problem.

Hunter Vook

I'd strongly recommend finishing college before doing this, that way you can immidiately get a good job if you need to. That said if this is what you want to do, don't let something petty like caution prevent you from following your dreams. That's what Dreams are for and I'm happy for you. Maybe save up money that would be required to complete your degree if finances permit?


I think this is a great move. You can chug along with college part time for the next few years till you finish, 1-2 courses per semester, but focus on your writing with which you've clearly hit a vein. 10k a month is nothing shabby for a student 😉

Nicolas Maganto

Keep a safe route possible but don't be afraid to chase your dreams! I would also caution you against staying all day long at your place writing ! You absolutely need to get regular fresh air and to meddle with life to keep your spirit up and your mojo up !


I heard that America universities are hard and expensive. So wail there is still hype for your story and you have decent numbers of readers and getting experience should write your story

Juli Freixi

Great!! And really thanks a lot!


On one hand, Awsome more Defier! On the other, just be cateful and make sure tou graduate. Take it from a guy who took WAY too long to get his degree, it stunts you a bit but having that diploma is such a huge boon out in the working world.

Thaabit Rivertree

My advice: make money while there's money to be made but secure the means to go back and finish in case the writing thing falls through (i.e. save enough money to go back and finish). If you like it and it's worth it to you then seize the opportunity. But don't lock yourself into this one path (financially). Keep your options open. Maybe you'll get sick of being a writer after a few years and need something else to pursue.


This story will get even better!? Sweet. Hope you get more patreon subs Defier :)


This is excellent to hear.

Bobby B.

Your offering appeases me. Continue.


Bad Idea. Finish your last semester. Your writing is very good and you have some success. But this is to finicky of a revenue model and not nearly enough money to not finish college ASAP. Assume all your Patrons are highest tier. ~1k * $10 is ~10k a month. That puts you in 28% tax bracket. Meaning ~120k yearly salary is $86,000. For most advanced degrees that is a low/average starting salary. Much better idea to get degree and keep doing this. Why would delaying going full-time for a semester be a big deal? Are you just feeling done with school?


Travis: $120K is definitely NOT a low or average starting salary for most degrees in the US. It is around the top 2 or 3% of salaries. I don't know how it is in Sweden, but I assume the author does and has chosen accordingly.

Tao Wong

Firstly, congrats on the success of the story. Secondly, if you feel going full-time is the way to go, good on you. However, do start planning for the long-term. You're doing great right now, and this might continue for a while - but realise that writing is a fickle business. Thirdly, as you're earning money and it's your own IP, realise that this is a business. Make sure you've got an accountant to help with your taxes / bookkeeping / etc. Make sure you learn and read about copyrights. Understand them. Start thinking about longevity, other forms of making money from the series, etc. If you want to chat about the business side, have questions, etc. - feel free to reach out. While I've only done this for a few years as an author, I've also spent quite a few years running my own business.