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Zac opened his quest menu to begin with and tried to mentally command the trial to start. When that didn’t work he tried to physically press the quest, but in the end he only swiped his hands through the air.

From there he tried various things, from touching the Nexus Node to doing various things with his teleporter, but he had no luck. Finally, he remembered something that Abby said earlier. After he finished the quest his town became a World City.

One large difference between normal Cities and a World City was that the latter could provide off-world teleportations. And while his arrays were nowhere near strong enough for that at the moment, he did possess something that could do just that. The Nexus Hub.

However, that possibility gave Zac some pause. The Nexus Hub was meant for off-world transportation. If the Hub was truly the method to start the quest, it meant that he would be transported god-knows-where in the multiverse.

What would happen if he failed? Would he be stuck in some other corner of the multi-verse? He also didn't know how long these trials would take, as there was virtually no information on them. 

However, Zac soon reignited his resolve. He already had made up his mind about doing it, and honestly being teleported directly by the system or through the Hub didn’t matter much in the end. Besides, he had prepared a Coward’s Escape just in case, and those pills usually threw people right out of these kinds of trials.

But still, he chose to wait before he left, not wanting to go off-world before he’d talked with his sister. She knew about the quest, but not that he would be gone for an unknown amount of time. It was almost midnight when he heard her coming back toward his mansion, and Zac was still up meditating as he only slept a few hours a day. He quickly walked over to the courtyard Kenzie had chosen, and entered after knocking.

His sister looked a bit surprised to see him, but still welcomed him to sit down.

“What brings you here so late?” she asked with a smile.

“I’m going to do Trial quest now, and it might actually take me off-world,” Zac explained. “I just didn’t want you to worry while I’m gone.”

“Off-world?” Kenzie said, actually looking a bit excited. “That’s so cool. You might become the first human to step on an alien planet. Take pictures.”

“What about the tutorial?” Zac asked with a smile.

“I don’t think that counts, that was a temporary space and not a real planet,” Kenzie said with a shrug.

Zac only nodded in response, looking up at the stars.

“I heard a rumor you broke up with Hannah?” she hesitantly said after being silent for a bit.

Zac only nodded and briefly recounted what he’d done the past day.

“I know you weren’t a big fan of her, but please make sure that no one harasses her while I’m gone. I feel bad how it went down, and I don’t want others causing trouble for her,” Zac said.

“I didn’t think Alea would do something like that,” Kenzie muttered, looking a bit disappointed. “You need to talk to Hannah before you leave. Don’t be a jerk.”

“Fine,” Zac said with a sigh. “I’ll leave tomorrow morning instead, after I’ve talked with her.”

“Good,” Kenzie said with a smile. “You’ve always been a bit awkward, but you need to talk things out properly. And don’t worry, I’ll find a new girlfriend for you while you’re away. What do you think about Lyla? She’s nice, and she’s asked about you. As for her body, I can promise that-”

“Worry about yourself,” Zac interrupted while rolling his eyes, before taking out a box from his pouch. “I forgot to give you this the other day. It’s a [Fruit of Ascension]. It will not only improve your race to E-grade, but apparently it will even help when upgrading your class in the future.”

Kenzie’s eyes lit up as she looked at the box, but after a brief hesitation shook her head.

“I don’t need it. Jarvis helps me upgrade my Race, and says it will be done in two months. Besides, he’ll upgrade my class anyway, so the effect of this fruit is a bit wasted on me,” she said. “You should give it to someone else who has helped you a lot.”

Zac mutely stared at her for a bit, before he wryly smiled and took back the box. Some people just had it too good. The two kept talking a bit longer until Zac finally left after exhorting Kenzie to not overdo it with her training while he was gone. As for who he'd give fruit to, there was no hurry to decide.

Early the next day he got up and walked over to Hannah’s house once again. This time there were no guards outside, and Zac simply knocked on the door and waited. This time he heard sounds inside, but still no one opened the door.

“Hannah, it’s me. Please open up,” he said, imbuing his voice with some cosmic power to make sure she could hear it.

The sounds inside stopped, and finally the door opened as Hannah stood there with a frown, dressed in training gear.

“What do you want?” she tersely said as she looked at him.

“I… I just wanted to say I’m sorry for that display yesterday. I am not dating Alea, and we haven’t done anything. She acted like that to mess with you, and I told her off for it,” Zac explained.

“Ok, it’s none of my business anyway,” Hannah answered with a shrug.

“I just didn’t want you to get the wrong idea. All I said yesterday was true, and Alea had no impact on us,” Zac continued.

“I got it. You only broke up with me because you don’t like me. Thank you so much for clarifying it for me,” Hannah sarcastically retorted.

Zac could only sigh at the cold reception and hope that things would get better with time. He wished he knew what to say to set everything right, but perhaps it was impossible, at least this close to the break-up. At least he’d cleared the air from his side, and now it was up to Hannah to accept it or not.

“As I said earlier, if you need something, just ask me or Kenzie, and we’ll do our best to help you in the future,” Zac said and walked away.

He didn’t want to prolong the uncomfortable situation any further, and immediately head toward the teleportation area. If he had looked back he would have seen Hannah standing in the doorway looking at his departing figure, her eyes cold as ice.

Not wasting another moment, Zac teleported over to Azh’Rodum and quickly walked south. The huge crystal still stood on the field where the incursion once was. The small guardhouse next to the crystal was unmanned nowadays, as there was nothing anyone could do with the Hub at the moment.

The crystal still looked inert, but Zac went ahead and touched it just in case. A prompt immediately appeared, telling him that his suspicions were correct.

[Start Trial?]

Kenzie already knew what he was about to do, and as for the other people it was just as well that they didn’t know he was gone. Besides, for all he knew the trial wouldn’t take too long to complete. With determination he accepted the prompt.

The moment he accepted a blinding light flashed, forcing him to blink. When he opened them again the scenery had completely changed, and he found himself standing in a large field. When he used the teleportation arrays it usually took some time as he moved through darkness, but the Hub seemed to use some superior technique as it only took a blink.

Zac guessed it was lucky for him, as it might take years to travel to some random planet in the same way that the teleporters used. He quickly looked and he could immediately tell that he wasn’t on earth anymore. For one the sky was almost black, and another clear indicator was that the Cosmic Energy in the atmosphere was almost nonexistent, to the point that it almost felt like earth before the integration.

His knowledge was a bit limited on this front, but Zac guessed he was either on a declining E-Grade world or even an F-Graded planet. Even among the same grade there could be large differences, and the better F-Graded worlds might have enough energy for people to reach the top of the F-Grade within their lifetime.

However, evolving on such a planet was likely a pipe dream unless some very special circumstances took place, like someone finding a series of lucky encounters.

However, the sky or the sparse energy wasn’t the real reason he didn’t think himself still on earth anymore. There was a medieval army consisting of odd humanoids standing around him, thousands of faces looked at him with various expressions.

The humanoids were pretty short, barely reaching Zac’s chest, with thin frames. They had a large set of eyes that were pitch black, with white sallow skin. The top of their heads had white or grey hair that generally was long and tied in various braids and knots, with colorful bands woven into it. Their hands and feet looked oversized compared to their bodies, almost to comical proportions.

Zac guessed they couldn’t weigh much more than 30 to 40 kilos, but still they wore thick metal armor and carried large grisly weapons, which told of surprising strength in their small frames. He did sense that there was some power in many of the aliens, though no one had the aura of a powerhouse.

The sense of power was most obvious in the few aliens that stood in front of him, looking at him with expectation. Zac didn’t feel any sense of danger from his sixth sense, so he didn’t believe that these things were his enemy, at least not yet. This gave him some time to try to figure out what was going on. His quest only said to complete the trial, but never explained what the trail was.

As he looked around he saw that the crystal that had transported him here didn’t follow him, but he rather found himself standing on what almost looked like a very crude fractal. He almost felt like a demon lord for a second, having been summoned by some hapless acolytes.

“Lord General, what is that being?” one of the weird humanoids said as Zac looked around.

Its voice was slightly high pitched, but overall it sounded like a human’s.

“The tablet only said that a powerful champion would be summoned,” a well-equipped alien hesitantly said as he held a few ancient-looking scrolls in his hands.

[The first step of Hegemony. Step forward with purpose. Break the chains of fate, destroy all obstacles. Let nothing stand in your way.]

While it wasn’t exactly clear what the system wanted him to do, it appeared that the system had created a scenario for him to fulfill, almost like in a video game. What he didn’t understand was whether this was all a simulation, or whether he’d actually been thrown into a real conflict in some corner of the multi-verse.

It felt a bit coincidental that he accepted the quest the moment these things tried to summon some champion, lending some strength to the first theory. However, the multiverse was impossibly large, with a mind-boggling amount of populated worlds, where most of them were these low-tiered ones.

Perhaps there was always happening things that would suit the purposes of the system’s quests, and it simply dropped him here to let him figure things out himself. The aliens seemed content in trying to understand what they had summoned, so he took the time to check up on them as well. He turned to the two aliens who spoke earlier, and used his identification skill on them.

[Antaya – Solvim – Level 28– Dexterity]

[Dresdo – Solvim – Level 42 – Endurance]

It appeared their species was called Solvim, and neither of them was too strong. Still, Zac was surprised they could gain levels at all with such sparse energy in the surroundings. It must have taken years, perhaps decades, of effort to get to their current point. 

“Hello,” Zac said after a bit. “I think I’m supposed to help you out somehow. Are you looking for a hero-for-hire?”

Zac speaking words they understood seemed to startle the group who stood in front of him, but the man with the scrolls soon regained his bearings.

“Greetings Lord Champion, I am Dresdo, General of the East,” the stronger alien said. “We are on the edge of ruin, and in desperation tried the summoning the Ancients mentioned.”



Oooooh I like this quest line. Seems quite creative and interesting.

Justin van mele

All right now he gets to train some white goblins in the finer points of the axe so that the goblins can split there enemies. Love the start.


Nice! Much better then previous chapters where nothing much was happening. It seems like the start of a DnD adventure.

M van Dongen

LMAO Isekai in a System Apocalypse story....


Kenzie is throwing off serious protagonist vibes, but Zac gets super lucky with his encounters. They'll be a serious power-pair in the future, for sure. And now maybe he can give the fruit to the Abbot as he thought about previously. That should really set him up with a staunch ally, both against the Undead Empire and going forward too. He just has to not consider it repayment for the lotus seed, but an investment in humanity's future. Sowing karma of his own. The Abbot didn't seem to want his gift to become a loan or trade, after all. This trial seems like it's gunna be fun :D I would suggest you have Zac check on the full quest listing to remind readers of what it said exactly. It's been quite some time since we've seen it.


Not sure I like how the Kenzie and technolords parts are shaping up, making her OP so effortlessly cheapens all Zac's efforts to get where he is. I could be wrong but it feels like the MC is being split into two characters, male and female. The tone of recent interactions reminds me of Shuri or Captain Marvel in the movies, female characters that come out of nowhere and eclipse all other characters including Black Widow because Hollywood execs decided to force a feminist agenda down everyone's throat. Consider Zac's sister telling him how to manage his relationships basically because he's just a dumb boy.


I like it. It's clear that her character and circumstance are screaming protagonist, but she's not. Zac is, through sweat and blood and tears and a whole heap of luck. If I had to guess, the technocrat experiment would definitely expect her to eventually sit atop the throne of Earth, what with the advantages that Jarvis gives her, such as reactive forcefields and innate race and class evolution progression. But Zac is not just keeping up, but forging ahead with nothing but grit, determination and luck. It's gunna throw a wrench in their gears, I bet. Regarding the relationship thing? That's nothing like a power play on Kenzie's behalf. That's just the advice and teasing that occurs in many good relationships between friends and siblings. I think you're reading into that way too much.


He's been summoned to defeat the Demon King!

Juli Freixi

Ummm in the end the fruit of the ascension has not been for Kenzie ... On the other hand, I smell that in that world Zac can find the possible candidate to inherit the Crown of despair heritage... Thanks for the chapter!!


An army of thousands? Hmmm, I'm not sure if Zac is supposed to help them by being general of their army (which I am not sure he is smart enough or knowledgeable enough to do), or by just killing most of their enemies single-handedly. The fact that the quest is about hegemony suggests the former, but if so, I wonder how Zac will suddenly learn to be a good war leader in time to help them.


what are the limits on the Fruit? I tried finding them by couldn't see it. Could he use it to ascend to d-rank?


I wish the mc treated alea better, I mean even if he didn't like, he should at least award her something for the multiple times she had helped him at her own expenses.


Why in the world would he do that? Alea is an abusive psychopath who poisoned both Emma and Zac, possibly dosed Hannah, murdered her "sister" of 20-years at Ogras' order, played sick games with Zac to hurt Hannah and continues to deceive Zac as to her true appearance as a 3-meter tall vine-covered swamp-thing. What Zac needs to do is to make it crystal clear to Alea that he will never be in a relationship with her, as well as removing her from her position as Minister of Justice due to multiple felony assaults, and warn her if she ever poisons a citizen again that she will be imprisoned or exiled.


"poisoned", sure if you think she actually poisoned him to hurt him. Also we have no proof of any poisoning against Hannah. Yeah sure she grabbed Zac arm to make it appear to Hannah that there's something going on between them, but honestly if Zac made things clear with her that there's no interest, this wouldn't have happened. Honestly what she did was make her intention to Zac clear as daylight. her being unable to reveal her truth identity to Zac doesn't have anything to do with anything aside from her self-loath of her identity. We know that she prefers her current looks over her original look (self-image issues). Yeah she did murdered her "sister" for the benefit of not just ogras, but Zac.


What? You ignore everything else that I listed that Alea has done and fail to understand the word "possibly"? And you blame Zac for not telling Alea that she is not his girlfriend when Zac has never indicated interest in Alea...who...you know...fucking poisoned Zac??? And you are wrong that Alea killed Namys for Zac. She did it because Ogras ordered it. Period. Alea even told Namys that she was ordered to do it. Just as she would kill Zac if Ogras gave the order.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.

Hunter Vook

I was scared Zac would offer the fruit to Hannah after his sister declined it. I don't know why as that's out of character, but I just had this strong feeling of dread.


Thanks for the chapter. I really don't hope that Hannah is going to become some clichéd pivotal antagonist who manages to wound, or usurp Zac's position/power level, just because she got some fancy quest, and a system given knife (which we've seen nobody else get anything similar from a quest before). Because this really seems forced imo, and i'm honestly going to cringe if she has any big impact on the plot going forward. She hasn't been in the story since the first chapter, and then we just learned about her 180+ chapters later. If she somehow becomes a super important antagonist, it's going to feel like an a** pull.


The quest didn't provide the dagger. It was more of a "take out her weapon as she thought about what to do"-type situation.

Sebas Tian

I did really like the fact that he spoke to Hannah after the whole incident. It seems to often that the MC just leaves situations like that to grow and fester and only ever deal with them when they blow up, leaving me feeling very annoyed at the fact that the whole situation might have been solved if said MC just cleared the air. and while it still might not make everything between them hunky dory, Zac at least addressed it. thanks for the chapter!


Oh, Hanna. Dont go into the Psycho Ex Trope! There are so many more interesting cliches to live for! You can do it! Be more than a one-dimensional villain who defines her own worth around her ex boyfriend!