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EDIT: Since there has been some confusion from the Status update:

Patron Tier prices will stay the same.

Patron Tiers will give more early chapters.


Another month has almost passed, and for the finale of September we will kick it up a notch with the third wave. I've been planning it for quite some time now, and I hope you'll like it.

There are some updates for October that I feel is best to communicate immediately, so I might as well post this right now.

Tier Rewards: As you've seen we've overshot the goal by quite a bit, and I'll just go ahead and increase the tiers for October. The tiers will now give 2/7/15/30 early chapters, and it will be from October 1st.

Priorities: As some of you know I've been studying at full speed in conjunction with writing DotF, which has resulted in me working between 12-16 hours a day between the two since mid August.

This is is not sustainable, so as of today I've changed my Uni schedule, so that from the middle of October I will change to 25-50% course load so that I can focus on my writing.

Quality: While I am generally happy with the overarching direction and content of the story I feel that at times the individual chapters haven't been up to my personal standards lately.

I believe this is mainly due to the time constraints which has caused me to not be able to properly plan everything out. I will not do any re-writes apart from general improvements for the RR releases though. I would rather focus on my future chapters and arcs being better instead.

It is my goal that I will be able to use my freed up time in the future to better plan out the story, so that the quality is higher, and the level of excitement is more consistent.

Employee 34: As a few have noticed there haven't been any new chapters of this since mid August or so. This is due to me having no time to write it. However, it is a pet project I am still excited about, and my hope is that I'll resume writing it when more time is freed up.

It's the same with bonus Side POV chapters I had wanted to write now that a larger cast has been introduced. Hopefully I'll be able to crank some out in October? :)

Break: As I mentioned I will be lowering my course load in October, but right before that i have midterms. I am therefore announcing that there will (likely) be no chapters on the 14th-17 October so that I can focus on my studies. If I have a decent stock at that point I might go ahead and use that, but the main scenario is no chappies.

That's it I think. Questions? Throw a comment!



Hmmm....not sure you understood what he was saying there. He's not increasing the amount you have to pay for each tier, he's increasing the number of chapters you get for what you are paying, so....pretty much the opposite lol

Juli Freixi

Perfect!! Cheers!!!


Love your work. Do what you need to not to burn yourself out. That kind of schedule is insane.


chapter today?

Justice of the Adams

you're a better man than me, I wouldn't be able to handle that kind of workload. I'm rooting for ya


Just wanted to say thanks. Also thought about how you may or may not have a more reliable source of income right now than quite a few authors who start off going to publishers, so nice job. 👍


You’re awesome. Keep up the great work!!

Corwin Amber

thank you for being dedicated to your writing :)