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The old man stopped a few meters away from Zac’s group, slowly looking over each and everyone with a frown. 

“Humanity is on the brink of extinction, and you’re consorting with the enemy?” he said with a terse voice.

“Allies are allies, enemies are enemies. Why bring race into it?” Sap Trang answered with a congenial smile. “We old folk need to learn to embrace change in this new world if we wish our children to flourish in the future.” 

The old man only snorted and left it at that, leaving with his two companions in tow. The girl took a last glance at the party before they passed the security check point and left the area.

Zac looked over at his company, but saw that none of them had taken offense at the words. Calrin didn’t care since there was no money involved, and Ibtep kept looking around the structure with fascination. As for Ogras, he seemed to consider the short exchange a form of entertainment. 

“Finally some interesting things are happening after all these dull months,” he said with a smile.

Zac only sighed in response, thankful he had Mr. Trang with him to take care of things. They didn’t have to wait for long until he saw Julia rush toward them.

“Mr. Monk, it is good to see you again. You never told us that Port Atwood was such a… Cultural melting pot,” she said with a forced smile.

“Well, as I said, we’re living in an isolated place, and we needed to cooperate to survive,” Zac answered with a shrug. “We just spoke with an interesting group led by an old man, who were they?”

“They, ah, are VIP guests,” she said and leaned over after glancing around and continued in a whisper. 

“They were the Marshall clan. As in Thea Marshal, the strongest woman in the world. That was her in the flesh,” she whispered, unable to hide her excitement.

“The strongest woman huh? Too bad she’s a bit plain,” Ogras said with a sigh.

“This is Ogras Azh’Rezak, the, uh, representative for the demons of Port Atwood,” Zac said with a sigh.

“I am pleased to make your acquaintance mr Azh’Rezak. Welcome to New Washington, the beacon of humanity,” Julia said with a smile, seemingly unpertubed to see a foreign species.

“The mapping of our new planet is a bit limited, and we have yet to encounter either you, or your other friend’s, kind before,” she asked, obviously hoping for some sort of explanation, but Ogras only smiled in response. 

“Calrin Thayer of Thayer consortia. From the moment I lay my eyes of you I felt you were a woman of principle and discerning taste. I am therefore extending a ten percent discount on your first purchase in one of our stores as a greeting gift,” the gnome said as he stood up and made a similie of an aristocrat’s bow.

“How generous, thank you. I hope to visit your store soon. I unfortunately have nothing to offer except this pamphlet about the rules and regulations of New Wash-“ Julia said while handing out a brochure, but stopped herself and looked over at the Ibtep who had stood up and moved toward her during the conversation.

“Hello female human. I am Ibtep, ambassador of the Annointed. At your convenience I’d like to discuss matters of grave importance. Also, please accept this snack as a greeting gift,” he solemly said, this time holding up a decently large caterpillar.

Julia couldn’t help but grimace when she saw the wiggling insect, almost going so far as taking a step away.

“I am afraid can’t accept this gift of yours. Unfortunately I am a bit sick and has trouble eating at the moment. However we are very much open for a dialogue. We have been hoping to establish diplomatic relations with the Zhix for some time.” 

“That leaves Mr. Trang. He represents the humans of Port Atwood,” Zac finished his introduction and Julia cordially greeted him as well before turning back to Zac.

“And what is your responsibility?” Julia asked with a questioning glance. 

“Uh… Spiritual guidance?” Zac answered as he scratched the back of his head.

His head wasn’t bald like a monk’s anymore, but it was still extremely short. Apparently hair grew slower and slower as Vitality increased, rather than the opposite. It had something to do with the fact that hair was made from dead cells, and cells died at a much slower rate for the evolved. 

It was possible to quickly grow it out again with the help of Cosmic Energy, but he felt it was more convenient to let it be, as it both saved time on maintenance and he wouldn’t get anything in his eyes during battle.

Julia clearly looked skeptical, but let it be. 

“With your identities being a bit unique we unfortunately can’t let your group venture out into the town until all details have been confirmed. However, I will personally take you to the venue for the auction,” she said.

“This way gentlemen, the auction is starting soon, and you are amongst the last to arrive,” Julia continued as she guided them out of the building.

“Oh? There are many parties that have arrived through the teleporter?” Sap Trang asked curious.

“There are a surprising amount of forces around the world that has a private teleporter. It is unfortunate, there is in a way a huge network of nodes over the world that could assist humanity’s war efforts, but it’s currently not useable,” Julia answered, skirting any actual numbers.

All of the people, even Mr. Trang, curiously glanced all around, as it was the first time they’d seen a proper human town. Sap Trang was interested as well, as he’d spent most of his life in his small fishing village, except for when he was in the army. 

“The Auction will take place at the National Opera, it is most convenient if we take a car there, please this way,” she said as she led them to a limousine that was waiting. 

“Your kind has made some interesting things,” Ogras said as he fiddled around with the mini-fridge inside as they drove through the town. “We should bring a few of these things back to Port Atwood.”

“I brought a few back last trip, they are more suited for our terrain than this one,” Zac only answered. 


“Your hives are quite spread out. It seems inconvenient to defend,” the Zhix commented as it looked out through a window.

“Our defensive systems has evolved over the years to not really depend on things such as walls anymore. However, with the change to our world building proper walls has once again become a priority,” Julia answered with a smile.

After driving for fifteen minutes they arrived at the venue. There clearly had been some beasts roming about once upon a time, as there was some damage that had been fixed up at various spots. However, the structure still looked quite grand. The ceilings were over ten meters high, and the whole area was covered in red carpet. 

“I will leave you here as there are quite a few matters I need to arrange. There are spots reserved for you, just show an attendant this ticket when the auction starts,” Julia said to Zac as she handed him a piece of paper. “Oh, and please remember to… follow the guidelines in the pamphlet. Your party will stand out, but please try to avoid causing conflict. We will speak again after the event.” 

With that she sped away, leaving the group to gawk at the gaudy display. However, there were quite a few hints that the event was not some posh gala. Zac spotted a few military vehicles parked outside, and the entrance was lined with a row of soldiers. There were also dozens of cultivators with various weapons who stood at the ready, decked in riot gear. 

The actual guests were actually fewer than the soldiers and the attendants, but Zac was still surprised by the numbers as they walked inside. The doors to the actual venue was still closed, so the guests were milling about in the huge lobby, making small talk and mingling. It was an extremely weird contrast, seeing people in armor and sword holding glasses of champagne or eating canapés. 

Zac noted with some surprise there were even some groups of Ishiate present, mostly standing by themselves. Zac even spotted a familiar face among their kind standing by the side of a few other ishiate who were similarly dressed in simple but sturdy gear. 

It was also the first time he saw the other type of Ishiate, who wore far more urban clothing. Their gear was almost modern, and they even carried rudimentary hot weapons like blunderbusses and muskets. It was clear that the two groups still were at odds, as they stood in two separate cliques. 

As Zac and his group made their entrance a lull in the conversation spread over the floor as most parties curiously looked at them. They likely struck quite the image with three types of aliens and the odd clothing of himself and Mr. Trang. Zac stood out even further as he walked around barefoot, as he refused to lose the ability to use [Loamwalker] with this many powerful people around.

“Wow you human’s auctions are a bit dull, I’m not seeing a single fight,” Ogras said as he looked around with some disappointment. “And I’m also starting to wonder if you are mentally sound. You humans can obviously build decent structures not just in the movies, but you chose to live in a tin can in the woods?”

“I told you I was out camping with friends when the integration happened,” Zac said with a sigh.

“I just don’t understand why you would like to live like a poor person surrounded by trees,” the demon retorted, but let the subject go.

“Okay, it’s some time before the auction starts. Please behave, and keep information about Port Atwood at the minimum. Mr. Trang, please stay with Ibtep,” Zac said, but immediately groaned when Ogras turned into shadows.

He appeared again next to a startled waiter, and snatched up two glasses of champagne and downed them in quick order before starting to walk around. The Sky Gnome didn’t linger either, and unhesitantly moved toward a party of humans, likely eager to make some business connections. 

He turned around and looked at a helpless Mr. Trang and was about to leave to speak with Selas who stood amongst the other beastkin, but stopped with a frown as he saw a party heading his way. It only took a second to realize that these people weren’t moving toward him to socialize, but to create trouble. It was also clear that he wasn’t the target, but it was rather the Zhix who still curiously looked around at the luxurious interiors.

Zac could only sigh as he knew that this would likely happen sooner or later when he brought Ibtep. The Zhix might not go out of their way to kill people, and mainly holed themselves in their hives, but that didn’t change the fact that quite a few humans had died by their hands since the integration started. It was inevitable that some would want some revenge, even if it was only at the species responsible for the atrocities. 

“You have a lot of balls bringing one of those things here,” one of the front men growled as he balefully glared at the Zhix.

“I don’t know your history with the Zhix, but we have brought Ibtep here in order to help facilitate peace between our species. Our main priority should be the incursions rather than fighting amongst natives,” Sap Trang said, trying to defuse the situation.

“Hello human, I am Ibtep,” the Zhix said, ignoring Zac’s attempts to signal it to let Sap Trang talk. “I am sorry there has been some confusion between our people, resulting in accidental deaths. On the bright side it is only weakness leaving your swarm, making it stronger.”

Zac could only shake his head as he heard the words. He knew that the Zhix truly thought the words were consoling. The Zhix were really pragmatic in that way, believing that if someone died like that they can’t have been too strong anywyay. It was pure Darwinism in a sense, though Zac didn’t feel that type of mindset really worked in this new world with Cosmic Energy.

“What the FUCK is this thing saying? YOU BASTARDS KILLED MY WHOLE HOMETOWN!” another of the threatening men roared, his eyes bulging in anger.

It seemed to have been some sort of a signal as the whole group drew their weapons, all of them radiated a strong killing intent.

Zac could only sigh and bring out his wooden club.



Remember to vote. Don't let the forces of evil (all competing authors) win!




Cant believe I paid $10 but its to good


Zac should show his aura. It is times like this when penis matching competitions are most useful

Juli Freixi

Hahahahaha ¡¡OH MY GOD!! So funny... thanks for this amazing chapter!

Sebas Tian

shouldn't Ogras be a bit more cautious and respectful of Zac due to the fact that he single handily stopped the entire demon incursion? also due to the fact that it is shown that Ogras is a very cautious, patient, and intelligent demon. he seems to be acting a little to flippant and stereotype of the "aggressive warlike" demon species.


I have a question. How did the Dominators hide within the hives of Zhix where every Zhix has a sonar organ to detect corruption or cosmic energy? Is the whole hive in on it?

Tommy Littlefield

More I think hives of them hid after their war and now they are re-emerging or something I don’t think it’s spies in normal hives

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


I have to admit I’m also curious, considering the class of the MC is hatchetman, if the author is a Juggalo. It won’t stop my reading if he is, but it would clear a few things up.


Thank you!


Hi everybody, I'm new to patreon, so I wanted to ask you if there are any POV that are not in RR, which I might not have read. I would be very grateful if you would help me, sorry English is not my mother tongue.

Nicolas Maganto

If you caught up to here with the missing chaps no you should have read everything up till now !


So I want to point something out. Earlier you said the strong could realize the strong so Thea Marshall should.have noticed him right away. His fake identity should not be working at all. This really really needs to be fleshed out since she should know exactly who he really is and there is 0 chance she would be flippant with someone like himself and his allies who are also strong.

C. Wilbs

I took that to mean that the strong could recognize that someone else was also strong... not necessarily recognize and identify one strong person from any other similarly strong person.


Thanks for the chap