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As Ogras was gone Zac turned his attention to the Nexus Node. It was time to do what he initially had returned to the camp for. He had some rewards to cash in on.

Off With Their Heads (Unique): Kill the four heralds and the general of an incursion within 3 months. Reward: 10 E-Grade Nexus Crystals, E-Grade equipment, unique building depending on performance. (5/5) [COMPLETE]

Not wanting to wait any longer he walked over to the crystal. Ogras might actually be spying on him from the shadows, but Zac didn’t have any means to locate him at the moment and could only let him be.

As he placed his hand on the crystal it started pulsating for a few seconds until the familiar voice of the System appeared

[Incursion subjugation complete. Calculating personal contribution. Contribution 88%. Time taken: 47 days. Support: 1. Completion Grade: A. Distributing rewards.]

Two boxes appeared on the ground and Zac and he picked up the smallest one first. Zac still felt it was unsettling that the System could just make things appear out of nowhere. There was no sound, no ripples of power, nothing. One second nothing was there, the next it was.

As he opened the lid of the smaller box a blinding light radiated out from its contents. They were the E-Grade Nexus Crystals from the reward. Zac could easily discern that anything he had seen so far had been F-Graded at best, as these crystals was on a completely other level.

Each crystal contained a terrifying amount of energy inside, perhaps as much as a thousand crystals. But it was condensed into the small space of his hand. Zac felt that one single crystal might hold enough power for him to gain a level, and if these crystals could be absorbed as quickly as an F-Graded one he would instantly skyrocket in power.

But unfortunately he didn’t dare use them at the moment, not while his predicament with his energy poisoning still remained. He could only reluctantly close the lid of the box and place it into his pouch with a sigh. Next he picked up the larger box, which should contain a set of equipment from the reward.

But before he had time to check it out a large rumbling interrupted him. The ground was ominously shaking and a deafening noise could be heard from somewhere close by. Zac instantly got a bad feeling from the sound. Had Ogras lied, and the demon horde was already upon him? He quickly threw the box into his pouch and summoned his axe instead.

He quickly looked around but saw no change. The noise clearly came from the south so he ran there after a brief hesitation. The only thing to the south was the ocean, and Zac was afraid the beast horde had started with some aquatic leviathans slamming against the shore.

He soon arrived at the edge of the island, and immediately spotted a familiar figure. Ogras was staring out over the cliff with his mouth ajar.

“What did you do?” Zac angrily huffed at the demon as he ran up to him.

“What did I do? Nothing. I heard the noise and thought you had done something crazy. And it seems that I was right.” Ogras snappishly retorted and gestured at the odd scene in front of them.

The cliffs were magically rearranging themselves in a baffling manner. It was as though an earth mage untold times more powerful demons were reconstructing the whole shoreline to his liking. The previously natural cliffs flattened out into orderly land.

Huge rectangular break waters grew out from land and created a sheltered basin hundreds of meters across and two piers emerged out of the sea, displacing all water into mighty waves. Furthermore, as all the various changes took place, fractals appeared on the emerging rock-formations. They expansively covered the whole shore-line, the piers, and the break waters. The script itself differed from both the system’s fractals and the simpler demonic inscriptions, and it actually reminded Zac of the squarish text in very old computer environments.

The changes didn’t only happen on land though, and the duo was forced to scramble to safety as the ground gave out and created a wet dock where they stood. Next, various buildings flashed into existence. The largest was an enormous warehouse-looking building that was at least 500 meters long and 100 meters wide, where one of the short sides ended close to the sea-line. It was probably the largest building Zac had ever seen, and he thought very few structures on earth would be able to match it.

Soon the rumbling subsided, and Zac looked out over the majestic harbor that had cropped up in just seconds. The design was cubic and looked extremely robust, and Zac felt that not even the worst storm would be able to do any damage to the structures. The cubic fractals covered all the structures as well, and Zac started to believe that they were some sort of protective inscription.

[E-Grade Medium Scale Iliex Shipyard Awarded]

The System blared in his ears, but Zac had no time to react before he was interrupted.

“What the FUCK!” Ogras screamed and agitatedly grabbed onto Zac’s arm. “Is it upgradeable, IS IT UPGRADEABLE?” Gone was the wise-ass know-it-all, replaced with a spluttering madman who seemed to have fires in his eyes as he glared at Zac.

“God damn, calm down.” Zac said and freed his arm from the crazed demon. “What are you talking about?”

“Inspect the building from your town menu and share the information” Ogras hastily said, almost dancing on the spot in excitement.

Zac didn’t know what Ogras talked about, but from his face it looked like he would explode from impatience at any moment so he tried various mental commands instead of asking anymore. As he used the command “Town” a new menu opened up. He knew he had tried that a long time ago with no result, and guessed it was activated when he completed the incursion quest. His camp should still be classified as an outpost though, as it was only promoted to city upon completing the next quest.

The new menu was a list of all the structures he had bought or gotten from the system. Everything between the water gathering-array to this huge construction in front of him was there. However, his camper or the car was not listed, so only System-structures were included it seemed. He focused on the shipyard and shared the information.

[E-Grade Medium Scale Iliex Shipyard. Upgradeable.]

“Just how high is your luck human? A Creator’s Shipyard that’s even upgradeable. This changes everything.”

“It says it’s an Iliex shipyard though? And why are you getting so excited?” Zac couldn’t understand his reaction. It was a nice-looking shipyard, but that’s it. He was likely going to build or buy one like this sooner or later since he was on an island so it was nice being able to save in on that expenditure. But he’d much rather have a town protection array or some turrets as reward since there were monster hordes incoming.

“Truly pearls before swine. The Iliex are a race of living golems who are among the greatest builders in the multi-verse. Most just call them Creators, since that’s pretty much all they do. A shipyard that’s manned by the Creators will create faster, stronger and more durable ships compared to normal ones. But more importantly, the shipyard is upgradeable.”

Zac was starting to get excited as well, since it seemed the System had actually given him something pretty good. But still, Ogras’ reaction seemed exaggerated if that was it.

“So, what else?” he asked the excited demon.

“Well… Creators can also make some of the most sought after cosmic ships and sky fortresses. Owning a shipyard means you can sell those in the future. It can net the Lord hundreds of times more income compared to the crystal mines in the mountains.” He explained after a brief hesitation.

“Cosmic ships? Like spaceships?” Zac asked, now starting to get excited as well.

“Something like that. Ships that can traverse the endless distances of the multi-verse. They can travel to any points on a planet in seconds as well, very convenient.”

Now Zac was on board the hype train as well. Travel anywhere on the planet in seconds? This was exactly what he needed in order to search for his friends and family.

“How much do you think it costs to buy one of those cosmic ships?” Zac asked eagerly.

“Slow down, an E-grade shipyard can’t create things like that. I think it must be D-grade, maybe even C-grade before you can create those kinds of things.” Ogras immediately doused the burning desire Zac was building up. “We need to upgrade the shipyard first before we can start reaping the benefits. And before that we need to keep it safe and hidden.”

“Hidden?” Zac asked confused.

“Yes, hidden. This shipyard is a treasure, and any force would drool after it. If the word spreads that you control a Creator Shipyard you will have endless troubles coming your way.”

“I mean I get that this is a good thing, but why would even you foreign forces go crazy for it? Can’t you just buy your own?” Zac asked, starting to feel he was sitting on a hot potato.

“You can’t just buy a shipyard from the Creators when you wish. There are so many requirements that have to be met. They are extremely picky who they work with and where they work. You’d never be able to build such a thing on this planet if it wasn’t a reward from the System. This applies for most of the good things, just check your Town Shop.“ Ogras impatiently explained.

Zac opened up the town shop and the screen opened up to the various shops. He had looked it over briefly as he had trekked back toward his camp, as he needed to buy a shop to sell his crystals. But now the screen had changed. The shops were now actually purchasable, but almost all of them shone with a red light in the screen. Confused, Zac focused on one of the red ones called [Parlaz Consortium - General Store].

A new window with deeper information about the shop opened, something he hadn’t been able to do before. A list of what type of services it provided was listed on one side, and it truly seemed comprehensive. It sold everything from seeds for farming to construction materials to weapons and armor. It also dealt in basic information, having stocks of crystals explaining most things, from plants to blacksmithing to even town-building.

On another row a list of requirements were listed. Zac’s outpost didn’t actually fulfill a single one, except having enough space. There were requirements for minimum town size, population, town daily turnover, and security. Since Zac’s town was just an outpost and a shipyard with no inhabitants it wasn’t possible to fulfill those demands.

As he flipped through various buildings he saw that most of them had varying severity of requirements. Some even demanded a town population of a hundred million, or that it was the planet capital. There were myriad choices, but the ones he could actually choose were scant few. It seemed that the merchant conglomerates of the multi-verse were quite picky.


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