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The octagon's aura of stars and enduring faith was poison to the corruption. Dense plumes of Dead Dao were pulled out of their bodies to be incinerated as they entered. Streaks were even dragged out of Zac's pores, much to his surprise. He thought he'd absorbed everything into [Purity of the Void], but some had clearly managed to embed itself without his notice. It was nothing compared to the large amounts of purple mist pouring out of the still-unconscious trio wrapped in his chains.

The intense pull of fate from the sun called on Zac's attention, and a voice of caution in the back of Zac's mind stopped him from rushing headlong toward it. Trying to take the Flamebearer seal now would be no different than a moth flying into the fire, literally. The sun perfectly positioned inside the octagon's center was the real deal, even if it only spanned ten meters across.

Zac was almost certain it was a linked copy of the sun powering the Centurion base. The energies it contained were blinding, far eclipsing the suns New Earth orbited. Entering would instantly turn him to ash. Furthermore, hundreds of solar flares covered almost the whole chamber. Tough, oddly enough, they sprung from arrays on the ground and entered the sun rather than the other way around. It made time appear to be moving in reverse, except there were no hints of Temporal Energy.

Their group would have been dead already if not for the installed arrays. The octagon was transforming the flares, removing the scorching heat they ought to have radiated. Faith transformed them, enlisting their intense power for its own purpose. However, approaching the spire could potentially trigger hidden defenses, turning the benign streaks into fingers of death.

The seal being out of reach didn't bother Zac. It'd be his after finishing the Flamebearer quest that tasked him with lighting the Centurion Beacon, which had to be done anyhow. He took in the chamber in search of clues. There was no big red button to light the beacon nor any consoles inside the large array.

"It's a copy of the base," Zac muttered.

The spire was a miniature version of the central tower they presumably stood inside. A magic circle far beyond Zac's comprehension was engraved on the ground around it, vaguely resembling the outer band. Seven subsidiary arrays were placed on the band at equidistant locations, finishing the replica by representing the outer towers. The base was a grand array powering or controlled by this small chamber.

Even the solar flares being born every second weren't random, except for a few that were malfunctioning. Their shape and direction held truths just outside Zac's reach, adding a third dimension to the array. Most flares sprung from the spire, forming an almost permanent shell that empowered it with intense faith.

Most of the remaining arcs originated from the seven subsidiary arrays, which briefly lit up wherever the sunlight emerged. Only a few stemmed from the outer band. Zac suspected the array was the main interface connecting the Centurion Base with the sun. Why that was necessary for the beacon remained a mystery, though.

A tremor from outside confirmed the Foreign Gods hadn't given up, though entering the octagon had reduced the scream of danger in Zac's mind by a noticeable degree. Nevertheless, it was only a matter of time before the walking horror broke through. The base was unable to mount a proper defense if it had to send its Cosmic Vessels on suicide attacks to halt the God's advance.

"We don't have all day, Draugr," Kator said with a subdued voice, glancing in the direction of the bridge.

"I'm aware," Zac said, flashing away.

The array was far beyond his understanding, beyond the boundaries of any Hegemon. Even Galau would be limited to educated guesses if he woke up. The only lead was seven small chambers aligned with the outer towers, resembling the guard station inside the Polaris Vault. Zac moved like the wind, dodging the few errant flares that reached beyond the magic circle.

Zac only took in the consoles and screens for a moment before moving on to the next one. It wasn't that he could discern the room's purpose with a glance. Rather, the slumbering key, which had remained quiet since it led them through the storm, had woken up. It wasn't pointing anywhere specific, but there was an unmistakable difference between the subsidiary circle and the tracker's energy signature.

A simple scan confirmed where he needed to go; the control room two spots over in Kator's direction. Zac still took the long way around, briefly stopping in each chamber before reaching the right one. He waved at Kator, who'd kept watch on the situation outside from the exit. Or, more likely, stayed close to the only escape route in case something went wrong.

"Over here."

Kator flew over, scoffing at how Alea's chains had retracted into his back brace, with no sign of the others anywhere. Zac had left one of his followers in each control room with a hastily inscribed information crystal, spreading the risk in case something happened and he couldn't react in time.

"How do you know this is the one?" Kator asked suspiciously.

"It belongs to the base I got the key from," Zac explained as he walked inside.

A huge eruption shook the outside, and the array lost its grip on a dozen solar flares. There was no time to play it safe, or there'd be nothing left to control. Zac infused his will on the button-less console, immediately feeling a powerful pull that gobbled up the imprinted energy. Sensing it wasn't enough, Zac quickly placed the [Court Cycle Token] against the surface.

It only took a second for the token to be almost entirely drained. Only slivers were left when a deep hum spread through the chamber, and the solar flares briefly froze. Zac blankly stared at the scene for a moment before woodenly walking out of the room.

"Is it done?" Kator said, glancing toward the sun.

"Not yet," Zac said, barely hearing the reaver over the roar of information flooding him.

The arrangement no longer seemed complicated or abstract. To Zac's eye, the patterns looked no different than the base during their approach, if a bit hollow. The scale made Zac feel like he was one of the Foreign Gods as he approached the spire. Even then, Zac was extremely nervous as the flares drew closer.

The burst of information was very clear. During normal circumstances, it took vice commanders or higher from all seven of the Centurion Project's divisions to light the beacon. There was, however, an exception. A single commander could activate the experimental puppets in times of crisis, provided he was sanctioned by the Imperial Faith.

The combination of the key he discovered in the Lighthouse and the [Court Cycle Token] allowed Zac to pass the first criteria. The second was a much bigger problem. It wasn't that long ago he'd faced a similar roadblock in the Pilgrimage of Faith. That time, he'd faced a vehement, prejudiced rejection, and Zac wasn't so sure if the Void could save him in this situation. For one, shattering the spire would ruin his mission. Secondly, his D-line bloodline was no match to the intense energies locked within the miniature sun.

The only reason he dared approach was that he didn't sense any hostility from the streaks of light all around him. They were reacting to his presence, though, by inching toward him. It would be impossible to reach the spire and activate it without coming in contact with at least a few few, so Zac steeled himself and tentatively reached out with his hand holding the token.

The streak came alive, moving with the speed of light. It evaded the token to head straight for Zac's forehead. Zac didn't even get the chance to be caught off guard before a tsunami of information drowned him. Zac felt his mind balloon to encompass tens of thousands of rooms, corridors, and arrays, all of them with massive amounts of diagnostic data. There was nothing of note except for two small breaches leaking corruption, and a stockpile that retained some raw materials in decent shape.

Another streak unloaded its freight before Zac could digest the first, and an abandoned stretch of the outer band was added to his mental map. More and more were added by the moment. Each flare held the data necessary to fill in the blanks of the base, but Zac was fearful rather than expectant at having the base's secrets at his fingertips. Just a dozen small sections made him feel like he'd been cramming for an exam for hours. Stuffing the whole base into his brain was far beyond his capacity.

That didn't mean he could stop. Each streak held a sliver of faith, and a ball of Imperial authority was growing in his chest. He could intuit he'd need much more if he wanted to light the beacon. It didn't take long for the amount of information pouring into Zac's mind to reach overwhelming levels. Thankfully, the information wasn't insistent on staying, allowing Zac to discard most of the data while keeping the faith.

The more he accumulated, the more intimate his connection with the sunlight became. Soon enough, Zac sensed something familiar from a nearby streak. He reached out his hand, and it readily diverted to him. Zac suddenly saw the burning jungle from the visions in the Lost Plane. This time, the scene was accompanied by context. The flare came from the outer ring where one of the base's four Stellar Generators was placed.

The hollow ring was supposed to be empty because of the intense radiation emitted when siphoning power from a star's core, except for some plants bred to absorb any corruption before it could reach the formation. Without anyone to cull and maintain the protective barrier, it had grown and mutated into something completely foreign.

Zac didn't care so much about the great transformation as the scene taking place in the center. It was like he could see Catheya and Kruta with his own eyes. They looked ragged and exhausted, but their eyes shone with determination as they doggedly defended a crack in the plant's foundation. The attacker was the jungle itself, with throngs of roots desperately trying to reach the tremendous energies being generated before it was sent into the base.

There was no way for him to help. His connection gave him very little authority to enact changes on the base. There was nothing he could activate or change, anyhow. The arrays meant to deal with the corrupted plant life were long gone, along with most other systems. He could only extend his mind, trying to convey a short message—endure just a little bit longer.

Zac's mind was already reeling from seeing Catheya fighting for her life. Or rather, fighting to give him an opportunity. Without that plant generating energy, the base would lose a quarter of its power, and it was running low as is. It left Zac humbled they'd fight so hard based on blind faith he'd hold up his end.

The waves in Zac's heart only grew stronger when he discovered a second group of crewmembers. To think it was Carl who'd sent the Cosmic Vessels to their rescue, having somehow commandeered a whole fleet. The archer was wracking his brains trying to awaken a vessel marked as the Pernumia Ino since it was the only thing that had a chance of leaving any lasting damage on the Foreign Gods.

Then, there was Joanna, Ra'Klid, and Janos. They'd passed the gates they'd been running towards before. Now, Joanna stood atop a pedestal, holding an ancient sword, her aura of Faith Energy and Killing intent on full display. Janos was by her side, trying to use his illusions to overcome the mismatch between Joanna's Faith and the base.

All the while, Ra'Klid was covered in blood, holding off a swarm of puppets. He was trying to buy the time necessary to activate the sword. Like the others, they weren't fighting for treasures. The sword was the Array Heart of an incredibly powerful weapon. Joanna was trying to fight back against the attackers, and Zac could even sense streaks of Lifeforce leaking from her murderous aura.

Seeing the others going above and beyond washed away the pain and exhaustion. Zac moved like a wrecking ball through the web of flares until he reached the innermost layer of light, the data transmitted from the central tower. Suddenly, he saw their attackers as clearly as if they were climbing the spire right before him.

One was roughly at the middle point, resisting waves of Faith and Stellar Wrath to reach Zac's location. The other was much further down, digging into another section. It was from that region Zac felt another familiar thread, and Zac's teeth itched from fury and alarm upon realizing the second Foreign God was making its way toward Vilari.

The Mentalist was locked in an invisible struggle against something sinister brewing inside a puppet. Zac couldn't even take in the form of the refined God, so anxious from Vilari's unstable aura. She was reaching her limits, and the shockwaves from the Foreign God digging through the tower walls separating them were like hammers to her soul.

The only thing on Zac's mind was to activate the beacon and awaken enough puppets to annihilate the miscreations that were threatening the lives of his people. His fury was overwhelming, transforming the accumulated faith and giving it a vengeful purpose. Zac placed his hand on the spire, imbuing it with his intent and authority.

A powerful presence descended on him. Zac didn't shy away, instead glaring up at the blinding sun. "The enemy has returned. Awaken!"

There was only a brief hesitation before the first of the outer circles lit up, the one representing 'his' Lighthouse. The streaks of sunlight had been replaced by a roaring bonfire reaching dozens of meters in the air. Zac grunted as he turned to the next array. Activating the outer tower felt like cutting off a part of his soul. He pressed on, bringing a second, third, and fourth online with sheer determination.

However, an unexpected situation made him stop in his tracks.

Their group wasn't the only ones in the base. A cultist so powerful he twisted the solar flare's information stream was standing inside the fifth outer tower. He was in the middle of breaking through a reinforced barrier, not bothering with subterfuge in the least. Fleshy tendrils spread for miles and miles into the surrounding corridors, completely overwhelming the Qriz'Ul and base defenses.

The cultist was in a different section than the torch, but he was wreaking havoc to the point it was destabilizing the whole tower. Yet the barrier was holding on, and Zac soon realized why. The halls inside were the Centurion Base's Ascension Chamber, the location where the project's leaders tackled their bottlenecks. As such, its resilience was far beyond the rest of the base, perhaps even eclipsing the octagon's.

The cultist was clearly aware of what was inside. His aura was continuously rising, meaning he'd started the process of upgrading his Inner World. Worse, Zac actually recognized the cultist from one of the top-secret recordings he'd received from the Everfast Monarch. The intruder was none other than the Kan'Tanu Pope.

Zac had suspected he might be lurking in the area after seeing the unusual amount of activity in the Imperial Graveyard's depths. He'd never trusted the Alliance's assurances that he'd been wounded enough to force him into seclusion. As expected, the pope was alive and well, and he was about to ruin their plan.

The Kan'Tanu leader's aura was so overbearing that Zac couldn't tell whether he was a Peak or Divine Monarch. It didn't much matter. Either was so far beyond their level there was no fighting back. More importantly, the ascension of a cultivator with such monstrously fell Karma was bound to trigger a calamitous tribulation.

The Centurion Base was struggling to come online, and the Foreign Gods were adding insult to injury. The grand formation had a good chance of collapsing entirely if it also had to assist in a Heretical Cultivator's Dao Defense. That might even be his plan, killing two birds with one stone. He'd sacrifice the base to overcome an impossible tribulation, ruining Zac's plan along the way.

Zac wouldn't allow that to happen. Not when the lives of his people were at stake. Seeing the pope who'd caused so much suffering to his people and Zecia only exacerbated Zac's anger. The seal floating above his head was only a distant thought at this point.

Foreign Gods, popes, and everyone else who came between him and completing the mission—the Centurion Base would become their tomb.


Bryce H.



Zac gonna murk the pope


Gonna give Carl the keys to the ship, so he can go pew pew the Pope?

Ethan Norton

Damn mad Zac is fun


Boom time!

Lex Luther S

Fucking perfection bro. Carl is the FUCKING G.O.A.T. and he'll get them that nice C grade ship for the budding Atwood empires armada. Perfect. Catheya and Kruta holding back the very earth all in the faith they have in him. Perfect. Joanna and janos looking to activate a killing array that'll stop even the kan'tanu pope in his tracks while Ra'klid holds the line. Perfect. And vilari doing her damndest to prevent the foreign god puppets birth. Perfect. And in the center of it all, the man responsible for the sheer faith his followers have in him is looking to ensure not even a being on the level of the kan'tanu pope can foil his plan. The man who has created miracle after miracle for himself, his followers and his empire in pursuit of peace. Zachary Atwood is the next Limitless Emperor in the making and HE. SHALL. NOT. BE. DENIED.

Jeff McCulley

Another KICK A$$ chapter! “Foreign Gods, popes, and everyone else who came between him and completing the mission—the Centurion Base would become their tomb.” That’s our Zac!!! Only…now that you know where everything is, don’t blow it up, please?

Tyler S.

Just the Cliff i was hoping for, this view is fantastic. Cant wait to fall or rise further monday, thanks TFD


About time he starts blowing up some stuff.

Tyler S.

Teleport it all to Ensolus except for the pope and awakened gods and impress Rava with his scavenging abilities


Is there a place to report pirated chapters?


As a great man once said. "Wipe them out. All of them."


You spelled bomb wrong

Jeff McCulley

Only tiny little problem is…if the Pope is here now, Yselio is lurking around somewhere, too. And **** that “heart in his throat” about that “Catheya is helping out” stuff. She’s not doing anything that everyone else isn’t—and less than some! This reaction is disproportionate. She’s drugged him or something.


What do you mean don't blow it up. He probably gonna have another huge insight for the Void and creates another set of eating half a base and blowing up the other one for good measure.

Jeff McCulley

The other question being what Kator is up to…and the answer to that may just be “holding off Yselio”. And Iz arriving in 3…2…1…

Jeff McCulley

I mean, don’t blow it up. He’s nowhere near another bloodline evolution. He just got the keys to the whole place.

Lex Luther S

Yselio is an obstacle after everything else. Their rematch has to happen after all. And what? Catheya and kruta are holding off those plants to supply the base with energy. Without it, there's likely no way the puppets would awaken in time, so they actually have the most important goal out of them all. Maybe trumped by Carl's as he's the reason those foreign gods were held back with that fleet. And she's drugged him?? Bro, she's his dao partner. The drug is love yaaa git. Since when did you develop such a hate boner for Catheya, huh? She's shown nothing but love and support for Zac. She may not be as waifu and the best girl as Iz has that spot, but she's more than a match for Zac.


Zac's about to manipulate all the other flamebearers into doing what he wants with control of the base


Last statement kind of gives me chills. Hate to be Zac’s enemies locked in the Centurion Bade with him. What a cliffhanger! Next week’s chapters should be really good!

Tyler S.

And a big ass Centurion base with some minor damage and a section or two missing would be a good start lol


@Jeff McCulley what’s your beef with Cateya. A genuine question tbh. @Lex Luther I still think Cateya is the best girl but we can agree to disagree


Zac's going to leave Emily and Galau behind in the control room to control the fortress

Themo Grulld

did not want to heart because at this moment there are 69 nice. thx4 chappy

Krispy sock

Kinda hoping Kator is paying attention to what a loyal and kick ass group Zac has. I think if things end up well he can be apart of it, he has to see that the sacrifices have payed off 10x for his crew, and this is just be beginning of Zacia.


Oh the cliffs we can hang from. Goodness. Here is hoping there's a chapter Monday. Tyftc. Happy Memorial Day weekend.


Can't wait to see what Zac uses all this insight for. Between the last piece of the seal and all the dead dao he's accumulated it's going to be massive. I assume he'll complete the Thousand Axe Avatar and the next blueprint for his Core upgrade first. Hopefully he'll have enough left over for his soul and body manual too


5 bucks saying he doesn't give a flying F about rava or anything else, he gonna plunder, eat and destroy it.

Lex Luther S

Why wouldn't there be one Monday? TFD is Swedish and lives in Sweden if I'm not mistaken so most of our holidays don't line up with his.

Lex Luther S

It's been stated that the last seal gives them a much longer bout of insight. Some like 3 times longer than the seal bearers first 2 seals. So my guess is given that zac has needed to collect 4 seals. His will be 4 times as long, meaning completing all of that and then some is guaranteed. Core, thousand axe avatar, the next few lvls to his body tempering and reworking his 5th layer to his soul tempering if he needs to. Hell he may even be able to develop full late stage blue prints for his hardest to upgrade skills as well as his finishers and 1 more skill on each class before running out. Or, an even bigger boon is figuring out how to bring balance into his path as Rava has shown that zacs path lacks the act of balance and returning something to the cosmos.


Maybe he will turn Stellar Dominion into Void Dominion as a way to mimic the ability to Cultivate.


@M Catheya is not bad at all but tbh, I always say she's not the best girl because she doesn't move the story forward at all... She's basically a background character for the most part and her being on the same level as Zac feels unearned. Like - there is never a point when Zac is in a ridiculously dangerous situation that is resolved because Catheya shows up. She could live 10,000 years and would personally have no effect on the Cosmic Destiny. If she reaches Supremacy, it will likely be through heavy assistance from Zac or basically mooching off his luck/fate/destiny. Imagine Zac, decades from now, as a Supremacy fighting something at the level of the Terminus council or fighting to overturn the Cosmic Destiny - who is on his team... Catheya would be in the background as a supporter while Iz could actually be fighting at his side - just as powerful/destined as our MC Zac. Nothing wrong with supporting characters - Ogras and Carl are some of the best characters in the story; but it's pretty clear that only one girl out of the group actually has the ability to walk with Zac to the Terminus and beyond. At this point, it's almost too late for catheya to even catch up without some deus ex machina.

Lex Luther S

Catheya is one of zacs top fighters, only eclipsed by Joanna and ogras at the top. And so what? Do you not remember ogras has done the same thing? Even Iz said ogras is one of those that's had his fate sweeped up in zacs and she even originally saw ogras as someone that was mooching off zacs fate before she and ogras had that talk in the void star and she genuinely took a look at him, seeing more than an aberration. Ogras has taken every opportunity for power, and the chances to remold his fate and catheya has done the same. She stepped up infront of a 5th step autarch all for fear of being left behind by zac, thereby remolding her fate. She stepped up in that frozen plane, taking every chance to move forward. Catheya isn't an Eonic seed. Obviously, she's not a monster on that level. But she's more than strong enough to be by zacs side. And does she need to? Cathyea doesn't need to affect the story or the cosmic destiny to be with zac. She doesn't need to save the day as that's zacs job. Hers is making sure as many obstacles as possible are swept out of zacs way to save the day. Zac bears the greatest weight, but the more followers he has, the more that burden will be shared, even if it's a fraction of what he bears. Having an effect on the cosmic destiny is a job for those rare few like Zac and Iz. And what you're saying basically means there's no need for ANY other character but zac and Iz as those effecting cosmic destiny are exceedingly rare. It's an asinine way of looking at characters just because they won't have some greater impact on the cosmic destiny. Does carl have a greater impact? Vilari? Ogras? No? Then let's just kill them all off as they're useless according to that logic. Zac has stated it before and even Eoz looked at it this way in that the karmic threads and bonds you make along the way to the top is what gives one their purpose, their drive. Zac isn't doing this whole suicide mission for his last seals but to give zecia a final opportunity to survive and not have trillions suffer. Is zac required too? No!! As kruta said, his masters ship could easily fit his two planets in there so there's no reason. Yet he's still wearing himself ragged for that chance to save everyone. Zac is building his empires future and foundations with this mission and his followers will be the pillars while he's away. They'll be right by his side ensuring he can focus on the biggest threat or issue while they deal with everything else. Sweeping aside all the other enemies and threats as he deals with the bigges issue. With a very great example this chapter even. Catheya and kruta holding the line to give the base power. Joanna, janos and Ra'klid looking to activate a killing array that can stall all the enemies. Vilari pushing herself to the brink of joyous ruin to prevent a corrupted gods awakening. Carl, bubbar and rhuger activating a fleet of ships that LITERALLY saved zacs ass. None of then have an effect on the cosmic destiny yet this mission would have been IMPOSSIBLE to complete without them.


Rava also mentioned ancient cultivators used a single method for heart, soul, and body etc. I think anyway. Would be sweet to see Zac consolidate his path. @Hartmanm I think Zac has said before that he can't do that because there is not a substantial enough a source of void, and even if there was that it wouldn't be compatible with the current era. Though I wish he could find a way around that.


@Lex I don’t think you could have said it any better , even in book 12 Zac had already mentioned that it was ok for Cateya to munch off him; it’s not like he his particularly talented but his constitution is monstrous. I also don’t see IZ fighting side by side with Zac when he reaches the peak, Zac is on the path to surpass everyone in the multiverse as the supreme being at least that how I see the story going and that’s not to say Iz would not be strong enough but there would be levels…….. Also, not all the characters have to be extremely strong to make an impact in the story, just looking at Catheya and saying she just munches of Zac is a little shallow to look at her “no disrespect” but she clearly carried her weight when the opportunity came to change her faith. And character don’t have to be super strong to be on screen look at Carl for example he is an elite level character but most enjoy his screen time in general.

austin kutz

Is anyone really pirating the patreon release chapters? If not, I'm not sure why anyone would care


This story is way more popular than your average OF creator, and their content leaks support all kinds of pages with scam ad revenue. Same sort of ads I saw on the page I found.

Bryce H.

Y'all seem to be forgetting one very important fact: Iz herself said that she's not sure if Catheya is fated, proving once and for all that even while she embodies the flame, she can be even COLDER than Catheya. Poor girl had to have gotten frostburn from that one.. Iz for Best Girl - 2024

Lex Luther S

I didn't forget, it just doesn't hold much relavence. Iz is just stating what she sees. Zac is a literal black hole of providence. Incomparable even to the likes of Iz, so of course, she'd make that comment. And catheya accepts that danger. The danger that the tide of fate zac brings with every step on his path may one day drag her under. The same as ogras. The same as every one of his followers in accepting their roles. The whole reason carl became a janitor is because he saw that someone needed to be with the common soldiers, protecting them from the monstrous fate of their emperor. I don't understand why you seem to dislike Catheya. She's been nothing but supportive of zac, emotionally and physically and we've seen the love she holds for him from her few POVs. Now, Iz is the 2nd place top tier waifu for Zac but until her and zac become lovers and have a true opening up, beyond what even catheya has with zac, thanks to the commandments. Then she'll truly take her rightful place as the top waifu. And I mean true opening up. Iz spilling everything about the mirror, how she saw his misadventures and trials as entertainment to her growing and feeling nothing but guilt over how she'd once viewed him.

austin kutz

It's popular, sure, but let's be honest: the people pirating early release chapters aren't going to pay if they can't read ahead, they'll just not read ahead

Jeff McCulley

That’s an awful lot of rambling on about unrelated matters to totally miss, and even avoid the point. Congrats, Lex.

Jeff McCulley

M, when you just finish disrespecting someone, putting “no disrespect” in quotes immediately thereafter isn’t a Get Out Of Jail Free card. Just a friendly observation.

jobe matula

man I can't wait for the next chapter let's gooo

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


I meant no disrespect and I honestly apologize if I came off as disrespectful Jeff

Palmer Evans

Haha the Iz vs Catheya convo can get heated it appears. Shouldn’t be any other way for fire vs ice

Tyler S.

Lets go Hana and Thea cant wait for their reunions hahaha

Douglas Davis

Okay I'm confused. At exactly which point did we go from "awakening" the Foreign Gods and using them against the Kan'Tanu... To trying to destroy them?