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A/N: A small shoutout for my buddy Actus, one of the most prolific authors in the genre. Book one of biggest series, Return of the Runebound Professor, was released last week, and the audio dropped today!

After standing around in the afterlife for thousands of years, Noah is all out of patience. When the opportunity to steal a second chance at living arises, he doesn’t hesitate.

Reincarnated into the body of a dying magic school professor, Noah finds that he took more than just a second chance. He got infinite. Every time he dies, his body reforms.

Lives are a currency, and Noah Vines is rich.

Check it out if you're in looking for something to read over Easter!


A burnt chip of a shattered bone floated through the vastness of space. It was so innocuous that even the lingering streaks of annihilation ignored its voyage as it sailed further and further from the epicenter. Suddenly, it slowed down, as though trapped by a sinkhole. Space rippled and was gone.

The shard continued through a slipstream between the folds of reality, using the broken, forgotten roads of a bygone age. Soon, it emerged in a different corner of space. Aquamarine halos of utmost power emerged from its depths one after another. Each was a seal undone, and together, they formed an intricate maze maze that obscured the chip from Heaven's scrutiny.

The broken bone grew beneath the protective canopy. What was lacking was made whole, and a figure with barely constrained power soon stood in the labyrinth's heart. Tendrils of evil danced across plates of unyielding bone, making the Dao shiver with discontent. Waves of Mental Energy emerged, dragging the wayward streaks back into the shell.

It wasn't enough. The Heavens had picked up the scent, and it was narrowing down on his position.

"Interesting, interesting."

He glanced in the direction of the abandoned sector, peering through the veil. Such an unusual convergence of fate. It was the greatest of sorrows that he'd only get to witness the opening act. The rumbles grew more urgent, and the hulking skeleton began twitching.

"That's enough of you."

Radiant lights of Dharmic will joined the Miasmic Array Structure. It severed the last tethers connecting him to the Heavens, and four inner worlds darkened. Two of them even began fading. Stopping a Heart's death was outside his ability. He muttered an ancient chant, and six hundred spikes attached the crumbling worlds to the others.

"So you were just Heart Puppets all along. I should have figured. Your kin is more slippery than anyone," he muttered with annoyance, tapping the runes engraved on his chest. "Well, real or not, you'll have to do."

The three pillars were sealed, and any hint of his existence was erased. A furious clap of thunder shook the sky, but there was no follow-up.

"Empowered by laws and trapped by convention," he laughed. Or at least he tried.

"This won't do," he hummed, and a pitch-black nail grew from his finger.

A sharp grind pierced through the area as a mouth was carved on the vessel's face. He could feel the pained screams from its original owner, and the newly formed mouth curved upward, causing splintering cracks. Within, there was only darkness.

"That's better."

The smile widened as he finished the rest of the engravings across his body, until the modified [Epiclesis Seal] was finished. The three pillars were twisted into a knot of mutual suppression. He would only be able to use a few percent of the originals, but that was more than enough. It was only a temporary vessel, one that wouldn't last more than a few years.

A carefree laugh reverberated through the region as he disappeared into the air, following a random thread of fate. So what if he'd boarded a sinking ship? There was no point worrying about the future when one could enjoy the present. His little disciple had successfully escaped the mayhem, and she'd understand what needed to be done.

All things considered, it was hard to be disappointed. He glanced at the stream of fate. It was so thick it resembled a river, winding toward the region he'd just escaped. Little Vi would have to struggle with all her might not to be carried toward her fate when in the presence of such a fine specimen.

"So I'm called Nesko? That's perfect. I seem to have forgotten my name," Nesko said as he traversed the stars. "Izh'Rak Reavers. What an interesting species. And that Abyssal-eyed lad. I thought those dour things fell during the previous Era. Was accepting death your method of passage? If so, what's the point?"

"We'll meet again," he cackled. I can't wait to see what happens when the Terminus Council makes its move. The final round is about to begin."


Sothorom's veins bulged as he looked at the scene conveyed through the array. If not for the coordinate array and a few clues floating about, he'd have thought the probe had made a wrong turn somewhere. But no. The occasional piece of rubble was all that remained of the once-indomitable fort that had suppressed even the greedy hearts of the scheming outsiders.

Eons of effort and investments reduced to nothingness. The lower-tier workers could be replaced, and he had enough C-grade subordinates to fill the gaps. More importantly, he'd already disconnected the chapter from the network after hearing the whispers from the spies. The destruction was far worse than the previous setback, yet he barely suffered a backlash.

It didn't do much to assuage his fury. The Chapter of Carnal Resolution was just a tool, like the other branches of the Kan'Tanu. But it was his tool. Destroying it was no different than slapping him across the face. It was even that same bastard who stood at the center of it all—the child who'd thrown his carefully arranged plans overboard.

Sorothom had been so close to finally suppressing his insatiable passenger, only to have his work undone and his foundations damaged. Sortohom bitterly regretted not pushing himself a bit harder, using more Zecian blood to mollify his alter-ego. The outsiders wouldn't have been able to stop him, and their so-called righteousness had proven far more flexible than he'd anticipated. Reaping a few more Monarchs would have let him stay long enough to hunt down that bastard before sealing himself again.

The whispers for vengeance were almost overwhelming. Sorothom's vision turned jagged, and the walls twisted. The laughing faces of his senior brothers were back, laughing at his struggles over something as simple as Confirming his Dao. Saying he was no different than the walking dead who'd escaped all those years ago.

His thoughts grew erratic, and Sorothom felt himself losing the thread. Another face grew from his arm, looking at him with a hungry gaze. This one was not a hallucination.

"Is this your grand plan?" it snickered. "What you suppressed me for?"

"It doesn't change the big picture," Sorothom spat.

"Little flames of fate, flying into the pyre. Blind to what's to come," Moro grinned as fleshy tendrils poured out of his eyes. "But are you any better, grasping at straws after your Grand Array was destroyed? You've been looking for so long, and you're no closer than when you first started. Instead of blind faith, just accept my offer. Your chances of success are far greater, even if we use the incomplete version of [Fall of the Black Heart]. It's the orthodox path, far better than chasing shadows."

"Enough," Sorothom growled, his skin wriggling from his resistance.

His Inner World shook. Moro was trying to use his anger as a bridge to his consciousness. Sorothom had played this game many times before. The parasite may already have surpassed his strength, but it was ultimately held back by its dependent nature. Sorothom may be fighting a losing battle, but he had a bit more fight left in him.

An acid rain showered Moro's gargantuan body with poisons and curses whose value could bankrupt a kingdom. Together, they formed an intricate array that dug at the Heart Curse's consciousness. If Moro continued his attempt to become the main consciousness, it risked becoming a discarnate soul. The avatar snorted and began rotting away.

"It's just a matter of time. Think it over. My terms will not be as generous if I have to forcibly claim what's mine."

Sorothom was left panting in his hidden chamber. The walls had calmed down, and the monstrous resentment spread through the depths of the Imperial Graveyard hadn't noticed the clash. He was safe, and fate's tide was approaching.

"You might have managed to evolve into an incomplete Royal Heart, but don't delude yourself. You're nothing like the Flesh Elders of the sect," Sorothom muttered. "Just you wait."


"Extraordinary," Salou said as the connection fizzled out, unable to bear Heaven's wrath any longer.

"How is he?" Iz asked.

"The connection with you remains strong," Salou said, his eyes glimmering with forbidden power.

Iz nodded in thanks, unable to fully let go of the complex feelings in her heart. He'd been joking around when they last met, but Iz was all too aware of the dangers Zac had to face to generate a storm of such proportions. The Grand Dao was astir, and the Heavens had exposed an infiltrator. It was one of the few things that would trigger such a powerful response, and it wasn't difficult putting two and two together after seeing the [Epiclesis Bell] disappear before her eyes.

The connection remained strong. It meant he was alive. But what price had he been forced to pay? Iz's thoughts returned to that day years ago. When he stood broken and victorious in a crumbling world, radiating Chaos and desolation.

She sighed in regret. Once again, she'd failed to put her thumb on the scale in her friend's favor. Hesitation had gnawed at her, and she'd observed too long. If she'd just attacked from the beginning, she could have attached a mote of Empyrean Flames to the bell before it shifted again. It should have been able to purify some of the danger Zac must have faced.

"Hm?" Salou said, dragging Iz out of her musings.

"What is it?"

"We have picked up a pulse in the folds between realities. It seems to belong to the Lu Family."

"That exhausting lunatic? What is he doing?"

"It appears he searched for something in the targeted region."

"Oh? Where was Zac was?" Iz said, her mouth curving into a smile. Did we catch the thread of fate?"

"We did," Souza nodded, calmly looking down at her.

"It appears fate has given us the answer."

"The young Pryer is not an easy opponent."

"I'm aware. Is that not the point? Fate that cannot withstand the test of time and the tribulations of life is not worth holding onto."

"Are you doing this for him or yourself?" Salou asked. "Your friend encountering the young Sage will end in tragedy."

"I'm just following my heart like Grandpa urged me to," Iz said. "Honestly, I'm not too worried about him. He's resilient like a cockroach, and his Luck is extraordinary. Grabbing onto him in this chaotic environment is easier said than done."

"We'll path a route."

"No. Activate the [Empyrean Wing]," Iz said as three sets of wings grew on her back. "We're testing fate right now."


"Young Master, not good!" Lompo said, his storm body darkening with worry. "Our arrays have picked up—"

"You found them, Lompo?" Kaltosa Lu exclaimed with glee, his six hands never stopping as he worked on the four-dimensional array. "I knew you were good. You're promoted to Sixth-grade Castellan."

'I was twelfth-grade before, but whatever. It's not like it means anything,' Lompo inwardly complained. 'At least he remembers my name by now, though I don't know if that's a good thing.'

"Thank you, Young Master. Unfortunately, it's not the lost beacon," Lompo said. "The Tayn Family discovered our actions."

"She has finally accepted my sincerity!" Kaltosa Lu exclaimed, his primal runes radiating joy and hope for the future. He even looked up from his experiment, a rare sight. "My twentieth—

"Two hundred and second."

"My two hundred and second wife has been chosen," Kaltosa Lu said, looking at the array of monitors on the other side of the workshop. "Why did we have to find each other in such a wretched place? We have to terraform one of these subspaces."

"Young master, hold that thought. I'm afraid she's not here for matters of matrimony. Our measurements indicate she's attacking. I fear she's targeting you for your Flamebearer seal."

"Impossible. Why would she target me?" Kaltosa Lu rejected. "I'm the most handsome of all the sealbearers."

"The standards of fleshy beings differ from ours," Lompo said. "Lord, may I suggest you activate the foundries?"

"You really think she's after me?" Kaltosa muttered as he began pacing back and forth with a downcast expression. "How could she do this to me? After I sent her an [Evanescence Orb]. I had to give up on two of my planets to awaken those things."

"Young master, Lady Tayn was not on your bequeathment list at the time."

"How is that possible?" Kaltosa Lu glared. "She's my 8th candidate, and I crafted twenty-seven orbs."

"Lady Par'asta voiced her displeasure during the Endon Raul Banquet, calling the Young Master frivolous," Lompo gently reminded. "As such, Young Master temporarily shortened the Dao Companion Candidate list to 17 names."

"Ah, right, one for every peak," Kaltosa Lu said, looking down in thought. "Could it be Miss Tayn is jealous? I'm certain I sent a congratulatory letter when I added her back to the list."

"The heart is mysterious," Lompo sagely said.

'Some trinkets are fine, even if Lord Pryer has complained about the overhead. But if we sent out those insane letters of yours, we'll face attacks from all eight directions.'

"Never mind then. Secretary of Love Lompo, hear my decree," Kaltosa Lu intoned, his aura full of majesty.

"I hear and obey."

"Remove Miss Tayn—ah, no—move Miss Tayn to the 24th position."

"It will be done."

"I'll have to draft another letter explaining myself," Kaltosa Lu said, his eyes lighting up with excitement. Let's follow another signal. I need to get myself in the right state of mind. Pick the Planeswalker. I think it will help me attain the breadth of mind I need."

"We will arrange a course," Lompo said. "In the meantime, the foundries?"

"Ah, yes," Kaltosa Lu hummed as hundreds of arrays formed around him.

Lompo sighed with awe, forgetting his complaints as an uncountable number of interlocked machines and arrays joined in perfect harmony. It didn't matter if the Young Master forgot his name or rank so long as Lompo could stay by his side. Where else could he witness the majesty and mystery of the [Grand Centigrade Foundries]?

The Dao hadn't been solved just yet, but the foundries could already produce almost anything between the Heavens and Earth. It was a Cosmic instrument of untold potential, and Kaltosa Lu was the greatest conductor born from Lord Pryer's line in countless generations. There was nowhere else he would rather be, though Lompo wished he could join the researchers instead of maintaining lists and sourcing gifts.

"Some cryo-poison for the firebug seems proper," Kaltosa Lu said. "I did recently find an interesting iteration in the layers of possibility. I think it will cool Miss Tayn's flames of avarice and ignite the flames of passion instead."





Thanks for chappy!

Addison Grimes

Yippee… logged on to have chappy drop within a min

Ben Sagbo

I just got that book that ks for putting me on


Sometimes the chapters move the story forward... Other times they set us up for the future... This time im sure they do the last... But man they do it in a "What... The... Fuck??" Kind of way :p

Jason Bates

Missing quotation marks in front of following passages: I can't wait to see what happens when the Terminus Council makes its move. The final round is about to begin." Let's follow another signal. I need to get myself in the right state of mind. Pick the Planeswalker. I think it will help me attain the breadth of mind I need."


Some interesting new characters introduced this chapter. We might get to see Iz go all out.

Chase C

I'll wait for someone else to decipher what's going on in the first couple sections, but I already love Kaltosa - he's not at all what I was expecting. Can't wait to see how his Dao Companion list evolves! Hopefully Iz isn't too jealous.

Tim Johnson

so big bad elder god still lives, Vilari may be compromised, Mister Bug is at the center of Iz's heart, and Lu is so conceited and self-obsessed that he can't imagine a woman not wanting him. This should make for a fun graveyard visit, especially with a B grade member/leader of the Kan Tanu hiding in the depths of the graveyard.... Edit: also the Grand Centigrade Foundries seems like a perfect prize for Zac when he ends up killing Lu in the graveyard. A Cosmic instrument for his Cosmic forging am i right?

Chase C

Sothorom seems to be the Kantanu Pope - so he's only late C grade. It states in the section with him that he hadn't confirmed his Dao yet.

Palmer Evans

Zac is personally ending that Elder God since it does seem like he must’ve fully twisted Vilari’s will


“Complicated feelings” in Iz’s heart?! LETS GOOOOOOOO

Sprightly Ebbie

Most confusing chapter yet. All these perspective shifting is hurting my head. What's funny is that the Audiobooks definitely help paint a better picture in my minds eye when these type of chapters are narrated.

Lex Luther S

Ahhhhh, how sublime. This confirms that the 4 autarchs have fallen into that being of evils' hands and also the thought about the draugrs. It seems zac was spot on with them being from the primordial era, and ohhh boy this brings up so many interesting questions especially given it's remark of choosing death to ride the tide. And then there's the worry of vilari still following what that bastard wants of her own free will😕 to the terminus council and what their goal is. And we've also learned the name of the pope now, and seems he's right Ole made at zac ohhh boy🤣🤣 Then there's Iz, literally enjoying the show of absolute chaos man🤣🤣 to her out right going after that Lu fucker. And Kaltosa Lu is quite the audacious fucker. To think he thinks the Tyans would accept marrying their princess off to some fuckwit with some 200 wives? The audacity in this one is palpable. And then he thinks sending some cryo-poison will do the trick? I understand why he's so arrogant given his talent, path and lineage, but "pride before the fall" is a phrase with meaning for a reason. I'm willing to bet he'll somehow escape with his life barely intact only to see Iz smile and chat with Zac in the Ultom trials and be enraged at how she's talking with someone so ugly only to be humbled by zac in the end.


This pryer chap ain't too bad

Tim Johnson

ah true, the way he just flippantly refered to them as c-grade subordinates just threw me off, made me think he was higher up.

GMO pineapple

Can’t wait to see what the author is cooking in the next few months


I was hoping for a new stats report, but this was an awesome in between too.


Damn, that's ominous for Vilari. I wonder if Iz gets captured. So did Iz use most of the Dvavork merit to transport over Salou?


A month or two at most tbh, unless we get 20 chapters of Zac and the gang exploring random Mystic Realms which I would not be opposed to.

martin smith

"Space rippled and was gone." Maybe and it was gone? Repeat of maze on next paragraph "A sharp grind pierced" maybe grinding? "We'll path a route", maybe pave instead Thanks for another great chapter today.


To think that Uzu said that this trash was on the same level as Eveningtide.

Michael Fannon

Did we just comfirmation that the Draugr are from the chaos Era? I called it! Lots of good lore here. Also, the Lu guy is a robot like golem that seems obsessed with wives. He is a literal love machine. On that note, when the time comes to record for the audiobooks, please, pretty please, give him a Russian accent.

Themo Grulld

"What an interesting species. And that Abyssal-eyed lad. I thought those dour things fell during the previous Era."the dour lacks its gar.... as a tipp

Sprightly Ebbie

Too many new characters to keep track off. I've read some of the comments so I know the first perspective was the entity within the bell. And then there's the Kantanu leader. Not quite sure who the last perspective shift is


We never got an accounting of Iz and Catheya's time together given they spent longer together than Iz and Zac have. I wonder how she feels now that she'll have to get in line behind Tavza and Iz and doesn't even know about Alea and Thea. Wonder if Vilari is going to pull one over on Nesko.


It was an odd choice for Zac to not ask Be'Zi and A'Zu about it when he was explaining cataclysmic heritages. Also Kator has said it was a primordial gateway and he seems to be pretty well informed.

Mason W

Wait, is Iz best girl now and not Catheya? Iz following her heart ❤️

solodagod 23

Oh no you didn’t leave me feening for ZACS GAINSSSS AGAINNNNNN lol love the chapter still tho 🫡 but I NEEDDDDDD TO KNOWWWW 🤣😤

Lex Luther S

It's likely they went by a different name before creating the abyssal lake and turning toward death thereby becoming a whole new race altogether.

Lex Luther S

Catheya is still the best girl but Iz is a close second in her own little ways. And when I see bastards like this Kaltosa Lu, thinking they're worthy of her, it makes me laugh that they don't know the true scope of the heavens and how the son of chaos affects it.

Lex Luther S

OK so. The first perspective is the entity and what's left of the 4 autarchs. The 2nd POV is the pope of the kan'tanu seeing the fallout of the calamity that walks like a man, zac. The 3rd POV is of Iz and her Dao guardian. The 4th POV is of Kaltosa Lu, better known as the descendent of the Centigrade Pryer; an immortal elemental of steep power and foundations and, according to Kator, one of the multiverses best alchemists.

Sprightly Ebbie

Thanks lex. I'll do a re-read with these in mind to better enjoy Today's chapter 👍🏿

Chase C

Can you be peak C grade without being a Divine Monarch?

Lex Luther S

Thea has no place beside zac anymore. Her fate is far to paltry to withstand what zacs throwing out if even Catheya isn't fated in Iz eyes. And should we include Tavza? She's gone above and beyond for what she did for him in the tapestries of oblivion and creation but it was ultimately to protect the abyssal shores and their investment. Though maybe she's changed to liking zac after witnessing the Chaos he brings first hand. As for alea, she has already sworn to be his weapon till death do them part so I imagine they'll learn of her and her importance to zac eventually. And to say Catheya would have to get in line doesn't seem to gell with how zac would want thinks between his dao partners. Seems like he'd prefer them by his side as equals in their love for one another and the pursuit of the dao.

austin kutz

This guy is totally going to dose Iz with aphrodisiacs and she's totally going to nail Zac to the ground with her hips

Scott Mingo

Spelled Sorothom's name three different ways in a couple of paragraphs. 😛

John Anastacio

I thought there were only 6 directions, not 8. At least Indra Eyler seemed to think so.


Ah, I see, Catheya for the Draugr body, Iz for the human body. Sneaky, sneaky.

Luke Scheffe

I’m pretty sure that it’s just meant to be dour, as a descriptor. Nothing more.


Iz had always been best girl. Catheya is second best, but 10 of her couldn't match flambearers like Zac/Iz. This new golem seems ridiculously overpowered as well! Looking forward to seeing Iz in action against him. And kinda touching that she always has so much faith in Zac being able to get through any situation.


Salou watched Zac take down 4x Autarchs and, literally one minute later, says Zac would probably lose to the golem flambearer?! Is he ignoring what he just saw? Or is every flameberer able to accomplish roughly the same level of feats/mayhem as Zac?


Poor Iz already has to deal with getting knocked down a place on Zacs Dao companion list by the dashing Kator.


Or is the golem so powerful that he's the antagonist for Iz and it wouldn't even be relevant to compare them to Zac at this point in the story (I.e., Zac won't be Iz/golem-level until after he's a monarch or something).

Laura Pilkington

I don’t think I’ve ever seen you drop a rec in Patreon, so - done! 😅


It comes down to resources and Thea has barely gotten any. Tavza's more interesting because she's going to ask for her bloodline to be purified which means having to use the Kayar-Elu facilities.

Alexandre Bergeron

Pretty sure that god is Sandor-level of power or even stronger. He was speaking of the terminus council on a familiar basis and we can assume that that council is made up of some of the most poweful beings that exists. So yeah, I doubt that Zac can touch this guy.

Jeff McCulley

In the previous era they had dour personalities—before riding from the depths in this era as Draugr, “Sons of Draug”. In other words, they used to be a living race that was gloomy, stern, or just plain boring.

Jeff McCulley

Liz gets captured so that Zac gets to go to her assistance—and wind up with another way, way cool toy he can’t quite use yet.

Alexandre Bergeron

Hmmm, I think that by the time Zac is peak D grade and confirms his dao, he'll be the strongest D grade in the multiverse or equal to them. Once he fuses back into 1 body for sure he'll be the strongest of his grade IMO

gray matter

While Luke Scheffe is right, that’s an interesting two other interpretations of reading that. Dour isn’t a commonly used word these days and is close to Draugr.

Jeff McCulley

Catheya has been running on borrowed fate for a very long time. Zac needs a Dao partner who can be an equal partner in that department.


More think that they reactivate the tracker as a trap. But who besides Kenzie could do that and use Foundry to its full potential?


Can someone explain the first part, I feel like I’m in a fever dream reading that lol

gray matter

Yes I believe divine Monarch is the end of Peak Monarch where you’re just waiting for the opportunity to confirm your dao. I’m not sure if it’s an actual step or just the completion of your inner world

Mason W

Old thing hiding in the bell from the heavens still alive.

Jeff McCulley

This story is going to last far, far longer than a month or two. A decade or two?

Jeff McCulley

I’m not sure Iz and Catheya spent much if any time “together”. More like “Catheya was at Iz’s place”.

Lex Luther S

The evil entity that used the bell as a refuse from the heavens took over the 4 autarchs and engraved some seal upon the reavers body to seal its foreign aura and nature while basically sewing 3 of their inner worlds into some twisted pillar.


Only if he used Ultom but he wouldn't and it's not from the Limitless Empire

Jeff McCulley

Dude made [Evanescence Orbs] for his wannabe gals? So…orbs that play Bring Me To LIfe, and a bunch of other songs like that? Man, he knows that music is the way to a woman’s heart! 😉

Lex Luther S

Basically confirmed it though the beings this evil entity is familiar with likely differ from current day draugr after spending so many eons in the abyssal lake. Yeah Kaltosa Lu is quite the arrogant fellow thinking he can take the Princess of the Tyans as his 200 something wife. He better hope he doesn't get to close to the sun least he burns up. Afterall, as mentioned by his attendant, if his benign insane letters were actually sent out, then the tyans would have long come knocking🤣🤣

Lex Luther S

Could be that's just the directions of their enemies. The tyans would likely add 3 directions alone.

Lex Luther S

One confirms their dao at the peak of monarchy; going from a regular peak monarch to a heavenly monarch. But yes, once zac completes ravas' training over the next century and shores up his foundations, at Peak D grade with all gains possible explored, he'll be only matched by those like Iz or this Kaltosa Lu fellow

Lex Luther S

It's important to note zac was only able to do that thanks to the impairment of power from 2 4th step autarchs. Besides, if zac could get such boons then there's no way these fellows don't have such fallbacks either. As for losing, it's only obvious given zacs current capabilities; Kaltosa Lu has FOUR daos and each one is an Earthly dao not to mention likely has a sleuth of weapons and treasures that augment his abilities in obscene ways. Zac will likely surpass or at the least match him in strength and capabilities one day, but that's a long winding road for the Son of Chaos

Lex Luther S

One can reach peak monarchy but a heavenly monarch is one that's confirmed their dao and just looking for the opportunity that can call the heavens down to forge their latter to heaven.

Lex Luther S

The resentment mentioned here is likely from all the fallen Monarchs and autarchs from that war that created the imperial graveyard.

Lex Luther S

Iz said she felt Catheyas unique way of Using Ice could be beneficial to helping her with somethings so I imagine they had regular contact and likely a sparring match or two. As for calling it borrowed, that's not entirely right as she took those chances with her own hands despite the risks. From going to the abyssal shores to deciding to practice that method that could have left her crippled. Besides, as zac said, he doesn't believe fate can't be changed, though obviously that only applies to those with the strength to even survive zacs intervention when fates involved.

Palmer Evans

Yeah I’m imagining this happening like a 1000 chapters from now. Zac in D grade took out Autarchs with buffs so he could do the same in late C grade or early B grade to the Elder God. I think this villain will stick around for a while

Christian Brock

Dour has been used multiple times by the author to describe the living who have Death aligned Daos. For example the human who brought the message from Tavza to Zac when he was in Perennial Vastness.


I wonder if the [Grand Centigrade Foundries] is another one of the 229 inheritances of the First People, like Zac's [Cosmic Forge]?


So the Draugr were not undead in the previous era? Or at least that’s what it seems like. Very interesting considering the Draugr were stagnating and looking for purpose. Maybe the treasure at the bottom of the abyssal lake is related to Life? Didn’t the primo say something about seizing “life from death” recently?

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.

Austin Barton

I think it’s probably pretty common knowledge in the draugr world that they are from a previous era because they know they come from an eternal heritage. So she probably thinks he’ll find out eventually.

Austin Barton

I think you are underestimating the trials Thea has been through and I’m pretty sure she’s a hegemon right now and she was doing her dao intent which is like Zac’s stances. Plus she has enough fate with Zac she can guide the monks to him or seals in which she gets some or meets with him while in the graveyard.

Michael Fannon

Probably wielders of death considering it was the age of chaos, and probably used the void to invert it to undeath to survive the Terminus.


You don't think Iz and Catheya have a side deal like Iz and Ogras do?

Michael Fannon

Am I correct in thinking that the entity is similar to Esmerelda in that it is likely a former Supremacy? And one that was at the peak if it was involved with the Terminus Council too. So is it from the previous era since it knows about the Draugr or is it from beyond the Terminus?

Michael Fannon

Thing in the bell is still alive. Inhabited the Reaver B-grade's body, and used the inner worlds of the rest to shield it from the heavens. Vi is the things disciple, and it appears to be formerly at a level of a peak supremacy since it was involved with the Terminus Council. Currently heading far from the frontier, likely into the eternal storm away from the system. Also had dealings with both Buddhists and Draugr in the previous era, so now it is a question if the thing is from the chaos era or from beyond the Terminus like it was previously thought.

Ashar T

Pls don't name Zac's future avatar of war thousand axes avatar.


Zac the fate pyer


Sweet Iz you are the one!


Seems like iz really don’t like this guy


Salou: I don't know what your bf did, but it was amazing Also Salou: He's going to get got by music boy


Iz, Kaltosa Lu, and the Monk are not at the peak, as Zac is progressing, they will be too. I'm not even sure Iz is even peak-D-grade right now - her and Zac have basically matched cultivation levels the entire book so she's probably barely into Late D grade (but with 3x Earthly daos and Throne-family bonuses)... When Zac finally reaches the peak of late D-grade, he will just be catching up to where the current Flambearers are right now.

Gervel Giva

Can someone remind me what scene was this? What was the event during this time? "Iz's thoughts returned to that day years ago. When he stood broken and victorious in a crumbling world, radiating Chaos and desolation."


Zac combined the power of the Remnants into a blast of hollow Chaos when dealing with the energy golem in the Ra'Lashar capital.


It was never blatantly, the guy is just a cultivation freak and never has time for a girl, especially weaker ones, as well as earth culture playing a part. We know nothing about his two bodies merging, it has to happen at some point, but we have no clue when. He is ways off getting into monarchy, which would be the most obvious point to try a merging.

Anomander Rake

So the entity in the Epiclesis Bell possessed the reaver monarch??


I kinda feel like she didn't need an excuse.


yeah I dont think that he can get a buff bog enough to crippel an A grade just be cause who could even grand a buff like that I imagin it would have to come from an S grade beeing if that grade even exist


I think he is one of the few who challenged terminus or become the seal in the previous era, on the same level of LE but as the current heaven will not allow being of the different era to take control of it so he might be at peak just a tad weaker than LE and Void emperor


Come to think of it, Undeath seems kinda related to the Void of Death. Death but not Death at the same time.

Lex Luther S

Doubtful. The Grand Centigrade foundress is most certainly something created by the Centigrade Pryer. If the beings effectively immortal and an expert alchemist and array master, then creating something so busted as that doesn't seem beyond it.


Also that she definately needs to be #1 even if he'll never get her.


It was never started that the Pryer created it. In fact, he could have named himself after the inheritance for all we know. Who's to say he didn't gain his fame and supremacy as an artisan because of the inheritance?


Zac to save the princess

Darnell Maxwell

... Two hundred and... Look I'm in full support of harems in litrpgs. But over two hundred wives?!?! Why? At that point your just burning dao treasures while getting little to nothing in return. I don't even know if the orgies would be worth it at that point.

Lex Luther S

Yeah, this just shows us how Kaltosa Lu operates. Arrogant to the highest degree and it seems he's not even taking the competition seriously given he thinks a little cryo poisons gonna do anything to Iz. And apparently he's.... handsome?? I guess if we include his insane affinities given his lineage, he'd have that dao touched look that boosts ones looks but to say it? With no shame? And then he has the audacity to say Iz tyan, princess of the tyans, will become his 202nd wife? With poor Lompo here confirming his insane letters weren't sent out, least the tyans test some fate. Little does the fool know Iz heart is slowly being captured by another man with a status far removed from his.




Friday is the next scheduled break day, so there should be one any minute and another tomorrow.


Well there is like a 5h Window which is usual. We are at 4:08 of that 5h Windows rn 😂

GMO pineapple

I meant the graveyard but honestly the next few years I honestly can’t wait for Zac to enter c grade

Luke Scheffe

Most likely, most of the first people's inheritances are not crafting related.

Jeff McCulley

I feel a need to point out. No one said that all of them were still alive, did they? This guy is just that creepy.

Jeff McCulley

Heh. It’s ALWAYS been blatantly. Dude latches onto the first woman to pay attention to her, totally ignores her, and is absolutely into her and her alone until everything goes to hell in a handbasket. Has never paid an iota of attention to any other woman when involved with one. Even felt guilty about one he’d only been going out with for a few weeks. Blatantly.
