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"The Pryer?" Zac said, remembering the four Buddhist Silzurians accompanying the C-grade Golem. They were indeed a subordinate race to the Centigrade Pryer. "It seems awfully convenient to blame some dead elementals. How can I be sure one of your spies didn't install this thing? I have been forced to use the Yphelion a few times since the war started, and you seem to have both the means and knowledge."

"Explain it to him," Kator said with a lazy wave, prompting Zac to turn to Galau.

"See how seamlessly it's connected in the original blueprint, to the point it's impossible to see anything wrong? That's because there isn't. This tracker is an actual part of the Main Array, fulfilling the function it's supposed to. Removing it will cause a malfunction.

"This array is not something you can just add on. The untransformed module here could be considered a control unit of sorts. Apart from this section, you'd have to make thousands of precise alterations to the engine and surrounding pathways to generate the actual signal. It would have to be done during construction or a complete engine overhaul."

"The Yphelion has never needed that kind of service," Zac said, the veins on his forehead throbbing.

It was impossible to miss the implication. Anger and betrayal surged in Zac's chest as Karunthel and Rahm flashed before his eyes. They'd actually dared install a hidden tracker on his personal vessel as part of their modifications. Was that why his upgrade quest was so easy? Maybe it wasn't about the war; it was about protecting their investment.

"It gets worse," Galau sighed. "I checked the original schematics for the Middle D-grade version… It seems the tracker was there since the start."

Zac was even more enraged upon hearing that. He couldn't believe he had been walking around with a tracker since returning from the Void Star. No wonder they were so willing to work with him on a custom model, pushing the reward beyond what his quests were meant to give. So much for making an investment on account of his potential.

With anger came the cold realization of how close to ruin he'd come. His original plan was to take the Yphelion into the Million Gates Territory and search for seals. Staying on earth to focus on his blueprint might be the only reason he was alive. He was also lucky he'd only used the Yphelion for short stretches during the war, and never close to populated areas.

"It doesn't make sense," Zac muttered, looking at Kator with suspicion. "Only the Undead Empire and possibly the Starbeast Alliance should have known about me when I got this ship."

"Well, whoever installed this thing might not have targeted you directly," Jaol said, shieing away when Kator looked at him with interest. "We call it a tracker, but it's more complicated than that."

"It's looking for seals, isn't it?" Kator said, sounding profoundly pleased with himself.

Zac nodded at Jaol to answer. "Short version? Yes."

"And the long version?"

"We haven't figured out all the details yet, but we have a pretty good idea what's going on," Galau said. This installation uses extremely exquisite techniques to form a conditional array of a type I've never even heard of. There are no nodes, flags, or physical pathing. It's just profound understanding of energy flow, where thousands of seemingly random variables combine into something intangible and invisible."

"And almost impossible to discover," Zac surmised.

"Exactly. This particular array needs two conditions to activate. One is for the ship to be running. The other is for the Yphelion's scanners to pick up one of several specific signals. When that happens, this module will intercept the information before it reaches the navigation systems. This is where we're not certain, but we think the array actually turns the whole subspace engine into a beacon."

"And the signals it's looking for are the seals," Zac grimaced. "I was already a sealbearer before I got it."

It was very difficult to uncover whether someone was a sealbearer. For instance, Zac still couldn't find any clues of where his seal was hidden, and he'd never sensed anything from his subordinates. The only exception was Yselio and Iz, where he sensed a vague pull of fate.

Difficult didn't mean impossible, as Valsa had proven. However, the scanners he'd seized from her subordinates reached no more than a hundred meters and only gave a general direction. He doubted even the best scanners could spot sealbearers at great distances. Covering the Yphelion wasn't very difficult, though.

"That's why it functionally became a tracker," Jaol nodded. "If the ship were piloted by someone without a seal, the Yphelion would only release subspace signals when discovering the fluctuations of an unclaimed seal in the area. I'm not sure how far those signals could reach, but it's technically possible to cover a whole sector with a network of receivers.

"From there, you can build a system to triangulate all signals. With enough scanners and receivers, you would be able to tell where every single seal was located."

"You're thinking there are trackers out there?"

"If I were me, I'd cover the whole frontier and the neighboring sections of the Eternal Storm. The more data points, the better."

"Damn, we'll have to check our whole armada," Emily grimaced.

Zac also grimaced, though for another reason. He glanced down at the prayer beads around his neck. Only a third of the original beads remained. The rest had become fuel for the Beseechment Array. It was a necessary sacrifice, but he'd crushed more than he needed because he believed it was the reason the Arhats discovered him.

Even if [Lucky Beads] still worked because he'd saved the main bead, it wouldn't be nearly as effective. Furthermore, who could possibly repair it except the Sangha? It was annoying, but not all items could survive until the end. He'd traded his [Cat's Eye Agate] for the beads and the bead for the upgraded vessel. He still came out ahead.

"If you weren't a specific target before, you're definitely one now," Ogras said, dragging Zac out of his misery. "With so many sealbearers onboard, this ship must have been lit up like one of your Christmas trees."

"Could there be more trackers installed?" Zac asked with a dark expression.

"This particular design would only work next to this engine. The Yphelion's scanning arrays are nearby, so this engine is equipped with additional isolation to prevent any signal interference. The hidden module is part of that system," Jaol explained. "Of course, someone this clever should have other methods to blend arrays into a Cosmic Vessel."

"Perform full sweep," Zac said. "We can't count on the ship upgrade to have disabled any potential fallback systems. After you're done, plot a new course just in case."

"I have a few ideas on how to track these things down," Galau nodded. "It'll take an hour or two to perform a full sweep. Do you need us here?"

"Go ahead, we're fine here."

'Wait,' Zac sent a mental communication to Jaol after he'd moved out of sight. 'Investigate the scanner that picked up the sealbearer signals and see if it can be repurposed. It's probably much better than anything we have. Confirming we're safe takes priority, though.'

'Got it, boss.'

"Not bad, huh?" Kator said. "Would have been even better if it still worked, though."

"Thank you…" Zac said after taking a calming breath. "But why are you convinced it's the Pryer that put the Creators up to this? Any of the Sealbearer factions could be responsible."

"For example, the Undead Empire," Emily piped in.

"I can't prove anything. But it makes, doesn't it? The Iliex are a bunch of craftsmen. Their ships are famous, and they are no good at fighting. They're rich, skilled, and weak—perfect prey. Even their 'Allfather' confirmed his path through craftsmanship and can be considered a hybrid cultivator at best. They would have been enslaved long ago without the protection of someone," Kator said. "Who better than the Centigrade Pryer?"

"They're aligned with the System, but I see your point," Zac said.

He didn't need to look further than Calrin and the Thayer Consortia to see how much the System's protection was worth when faced with a determined foe. Selling themselves to the System isn't enough to gain protection for their homeland. And while he hadn't heard of the connection before, it certainly made sense. The Centigrade Pryer was the natural choice of a golemoid faction like the Iliex.

"There's more. What do you know about that old monster?"

"Almost nothing," Zac freely admitted.

"Well, he's one of the Multiverse's greatest Formation Masters. And Alchemists, for that matter," Kator said.

"Dual paths?" Zac asked with surprise.

"No, he's got a hundred of them," Kator laughed. "According to rumors, his talents aren't very good. However, he's relentlessly diligent and effectively immortal. His path to the peak is mastering one thing after another. Formations are his main subject, though, and the Array Alchemy he's invented is a subset of that. So he's got the connections and skills to modify the proprietary blueprints of the Iliex."

"If he's so amazing, how did you discover the beacon? And why didn't you say something? You clearly knew about the beacon before we were intercepted."

"I followed a hunch, and it wasn't impossible to find when you knew what to look for. As for why I didn't say, why should I? We both brought reinforcements without telling each other, didn't we? I wasn't sure whether this beacon was part of your schemes. It was only after seeing the possessed elementals I realized what was going on."

"Pretty gutsy to face them alone if you thought it might be a trap," Ogras commented. "If Zac planned on crossing you, he could simply have skipped or delayed summoning the bell."

"Do you think I'd gamble my life on this troublemaker?" Kator guffawed. "Why do you think I brought two subordinates? There's more than one way to summon an ancestor. By the way, what happened to them?"

"They're dead," Zac said. "The Yphelion wasn't designed to withstand the kind of battle we just saw. There are casualties on both sides."

It wasn't a lie. Ogras had finished off the still-living captive before Kator had finished his sentence. The Reaver's core, soul, and pathways were already shattered, and K'Rav had erected a sealing formation with the help of a few spectral servants that slithered through the shadows.

It was exactly in line with Zac's initial reaction, but he hadn't given the order. He couldn't because of the agreement. Ogras wasn't under any restrictions, though, so he'd taken matters into his own hands. And Kator wouldn't care about details.

"Dead, huh? I'll miss those two," Kator said with an exaggerated sigh."You best destroy the bodies. There might be lingering threats after succumbing to a high-grade Buddhist technique. We can't have more Arhats popping out in our midst."

"We'll let the Heavens cleanse their bodies," Zac said.

"How does the Sangha figure into this mess?" Kruta interjected. "If what you say is true, we should have been blocked by the Centigrade's descendant and his elite subordinates. Not a Dharmic Golem and foot soldiers from a subordinate race."

"Shouldn't you ask your boss that?" Kator said. "They were clearly there for him, and I don't think they lied about this not being related to the pillar. I guess they want your disgusting providence for themselves."

"I have no idea," Zac said. "Is the Sangha connected to the Pryer?"

"They're not," Kator said. "The Pryer should be targeting the unclaimed Seal that belongs to the Peak of the Grand Tapestry. The Sangha already has a Seal for the Peak of Karma. I hear they're after a Throne next, likely the one belonging to the almost-mended Heavenly Peak. Those Arhats must have peered into the river of fate and realized the Silzurians had a way to find you."

"That's probably why they stopped us at such a bad time," Ogras grunted. "Between the Chaos, the Heavenly Intervention, and interference of the Imperial Graveyard, we've become incredibly hard to pin down. They couldn't wait any longer."

Ogras indicated he mostly believed Kator's explanation, and Zac felt the same way. It wasn't Kator who had installed the tracker, and the Pryer was the most likely culprit. It wasn't a good feeling to be on the radar of yet another ancient faction, but it didn't change his plans.

His Flamebearer seal was already enough reason to be targeted by the Pryer's descendant, and the scanner had been dealt with before Zac even knew it existed. There was a chance the Pryer's minions were lurking in the graveyard. Still, Zac was more worried about the variable standing before him.

"I've received your gift. Now what? Why did you go this far?"

Kator didn't immediately answer, instead turning his gaze to the others in the room. Zac gave it some thought before shrugging.

"There's no need to stay in this cramped room. There's a lounge nearby; we can have a one-on-one there."

"Lead the way, captain," Kator said with an exaggerated wave.

'You sure?' Ogras asked.

'Yes, but stay ready. Can you deal with the Revenants and make a pass through every room Kator visited?'

'He doesn't strike me as someone without an exit plan or fallback,' Ogras agreed. 'I'll bring the goblin this time.'

Zac led Kator to the unused lounge, leaving Kruta and Emily outside. He sealed the door and took out one of his Isolation Arrays.

"We're alone. What couldn't you say in front of others?"

"Nothing particular, but the Orc was right. One has to be careful when the stakes are this high," Kator said as he slumped down on a too-small sofa. "You asked me why I went this far? Simple. I want to pursue my Dao. I want to live, and I'm willing to do anything to find a road that won't end with me dead or discarded."

Zac sighed. "I guessed as much. Is the bounty you mentioned real?"

"Sure," Kator said. "It's a big one, too. Of course, I should mention that it's not the route the White Sky Phalanx landed on. They fear killing you would drive the Abyssal Shores right into the Primo's arms. It'd be a real headache if Aewo An'Azol went mad. General Nesko was tasked with bringing you back to the phalanx if you survived the pillar's ascent."

"As a political prisoner?"

"Let's go with guest," Kator said. "Honestly, I think you would have liked it there more than the stuffy necropolis of your kind. You might be Draugr, but you have the temperament of a Reaver."

"Not much chance of visiting now after you goaded me into taking out two of your Autarchs," Zac snorted.

"They're alive. Don't ask me how because I have no idea. I think they might have used some desperate method to escape into the Lower Planes. The Dao is incomplete there, so it's easier to hide from the Heavens," Kator said. "I doubt either of us will have to worry about those two again. I wouldn't be surprised if they have to seclude themselves for eons. Even then, their ladders might have cracked or collapsed."

"You sound pretty cavalier. Even the White Sky Phalanx should feel some pain from having two Autarchs taken out of commission."

"Ah well," Kator shrugged. "Like Toss said to me, any great cause needs heroes and martyrs. I guess they're the latter."

"So I'd stay with you people, and that was supposed to make the Abyssal Shores join your rebellion?" Zac said. "You overestimate my importance."

"Our strategists are rarely wrong."

"And yet you worked against their wishes."

"Everything is a mess when you're involved," Kator sighed. "One day, I'm ordered to create negative Karma. The next, to find a way of killing you. Now, I'm supposed to lead you through the trial again, and then bring you back to the Heartlands. Who knows what the future holds? I'd be in deep trouble if the winds changed while you were under house arrest."


"Can you imagine the backlash of breaking the Primo's writ and facing the backlash of fate simultaneously? And I can't even benefit by claiming your seal. What good is a crippled, Heaven-forsaken soldier to the elders? Someone would appear to replace me, reaping all the benefits without suffering the backlash. I'm sure one of my rivals was hiding inside General Nesko's world, just in case."

"Sounds like you'll be killed either way when you get back."

"Why?" Kator laughed. "I've fulfilled my duty. You might even say I went above and beyond by facing the Sangha to ensure the bell's descent. It's not my fault the monks came and messed everything up. And aren't I here now, fulfilling my part of the agreements?"

"History is written by the victors, huh?"

"Exactly. I don't care about the situation back home. It's just a fight over benefits like everything else. No matter the outcome, the situation won't change much for the grunts. I'm only interested in surviving and using this opportunity to grow stronger. That's the only thing I can control. The more strength I wield, the better my position will be, no matter who ends up claiming the crown."

"It sounds like you want to stay with us in the graveyard and for the mission?" Zac said, his eyes cold. "You've explained the troubles you face, but I haven't heard anything that makes me want to take you along. If anything, you've only proven you're unreliable."

"I thought you might say that," Kator said, his aura growing darker. "You've been given the carrot. Now, here's the stick."









This guy is just lame, like kator just feels boring as a character. Just there as extra tension and the whole "mysterious" act is annoying, we get that enough now this dude is doing it too


I bet Zac’s “stick” is pretty big, ya know, with all that creation energy he can use at will

Mike Patterson

Need. To. See. The. New. Stats.

Darnell Maxwell

Did TFD misspell Mind's Eye Agate or did I skip a chapter where Zac found out its actually called a Cat's Eye Agate?


every time i start liking kator, he shows me why i don't


Thank you!

Lucas Gulick

Ah that's right, Kator is the mission leader. I bet we got some nasty orders coming


Rest in Peace Lucky Beads you were wrongfully implicated by the Sangha in a ploy to abduct Zac but it was a tracker of the Pryer they were following, still your sacrifice allowed Zac to lure the Eclipses Bell faster and spare him from losing his hair becoming a monk, for that and the many services you gave him you will be remembered (o.o)7




first to say TFTC

Darnell Maxwell

Everytime I think Kator is smart he does some dumb shit like this. You just saw this man cripple 4 autarchs while in D Grade. What makes you think you can threaten him and come out the other side better.


Zac’s main personal vulnerability at this moment might be his time stream, it was mentioned recently, and Kator seems to have some expertise in that area.


Idc what people may think I love Kator. He gives me undead Ogras vibes.

Themo Grulld

Kator is maybe pretty bad ,but reliable bad .So a lesser concern?

MacMahon Wenzl

Will Zac ever get a Regalia? I'm pretty sure he doesn't have one. So why doesn't he have something of the sort?

Darnell Maxwell

I love how Kator thinks telling Zac about a broken tracker after it was used to ambush him, his half assed theories of who wants to kill Zac and telling Zac about his orders to kidnap Zac post Ultom counts as a carrot. What the fuck do you consider a stick? Also shit like this is why I call the Undead Empire stupid. At this point multiple Autarchs have tried to capture Zac. He escaped from the Ourom, Iz Tayn's uncle, the time draugr lady by accident, and just escaped 4 more from the Sangha plus the Undead Empire. If none of them managed to do it. And the ones that came the closest always seem to walk away crippled. Why the fuck do you think Kator and his dao guardian will be able to succeed? How arrogant do you have to be to go through all of this and think sending weaker soldiers will somehow get the job done? STOP TRYING TO KIDNAP ZAC! IT DOESN'T WORK!

Spaghetti And Meatballs

I want to see Zac use creation or oblivion enrrgy to change/destroy a couple of those Miracle bones Kator is so reliant on


Throughout the story I always got agitated when people tried to order Zac around or stick him in a certain position as Kator is about to do I suppose. I know he is not inherently evil, he even did Zac a solid here, but I actually hope he fucks up somewhere down the line and receives some payback for all his arrogant and obnoxious behaviour, which doesn't fit a grunt soldier he claims to be at all.

Darnell Maxwell

Regalia is rare in the frontier and because of the war he hasn't been able to leave and go buy one. Defense is also his second highest stat. So finding one that will actually do anything for him is gonna be a major pain. He's always had this issue, everytime he finds a piece of defensive gear, he outlevels the damn thing by the time the arc ends.


time for iz to come and deep fry this little piss of shit

Matthew Hay

I think the theory is he will craft his own w/ his Void Smithing skill once it improves another tier or so. Anything he can craft himself would be superior to something he can find, but he still needs some improvement. For his Undead side, Alea seems to think she'll be strong enough to be a weapon, armament, and regalia.


Love's Bond is his Death attuned Regalia. It's just incomplete until peak D and we rarely hear the armor part called out.

Jeff McCulley

You haven’t seen what he’s calling a “stick” yet. Might be good not to jump to conclusions. TFD tends to like misdirection.

Will Mill


Jeff McCulley

Jake now has a reason to accept that invitation and go visit the Fourth Mountain. Just a matter of trust…which will likely be determined when he runs into the next batch of Sangha wandering his way.

Jeff McCulley

I dunno about “nasty”. All he really has to do is order Zac to take him along. That whole scene at the end reads “TFD misdirection” to me. Thank goodness he’s not using Friday for editing, right? Amiright?!!


The stick is Kator spies that landed on earth. First was the undead weapon inspectors, knowledge of a sensor on the ship means he’s familiar with this subtle design. Now the Kator physically landed on earth he probably activated something.


So Zac can screw with the Creators by saying Iz was onboard to extort them?


Probably something this arc from the Limitless Empire or Templar


if you're talking about the 'chronal sequelae' or wtvr from using so many time chambers before breaking through to Hegemony, then it shouldn't be a problem anymore. All that was washed away when he fought the laws during his breakthrough into middle Hegemony.

Erik Halberg

Hot take: I'm kinda coming around on the idea of General Kator of the Atwood Empire


He thinks *that* was a carrot?


Who doesn’t like waiting for a big stick over the weekend.


Didn’t he ask about it when he was summoned to meet A’Zu and Be’Zi just a couple chapters ago? They told him it was a special time inlet. But otherwise it’s a problem for him.


Bone broth seems to think himself the hero AFTER his faction hitched a ride on Zac’s bell. This was his first glimpse of the ship. They had maybe 2 hours for the ship to unfold and power up. Sorry, into the soup you go. A real ally would destroy their cultivation to be a Dao guard.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.

Minh Nguyen

Is there a chapter tomorrow or is it an editing day?

Eternal Scholar

Same here, if power is the only thing he needs, he is better putting his eggs on zac’s basket.

Addison Grimes

Still hating Kator… even if he seems to have turned over a new leaf

Jeff McCulley

I’m not sure that’s what he’s “about to do”. TFD love his misdirection. Especially with Kator.

Jeff McCulley

I assume chapter, since he didn’t confirm the “maybe” editing day today.

Jeff McCulley

Seriously? What does “two hours to glimpse the ship” have to do with anything?

Darnell Maxwell

The plan is to kidnap Zac post Ultom. Kator's guardian will be there when the Ultom trial ends to pick him up and take him home.


This whole narrative on ‘Kator is an ally’ requires knowledge of the spy sensor. Kator has never been on or seen the yephelion interior til today. The plan to lure the bell was a mutual plan laid out over a year. So the white sky phalanx autarchs decided to be here long before knowledge of the sensor. The chain of events was to ride the bell in and harvest Zac’s cycle. Kator was a facade of an alliance. Chicken bone broth noped out of helping after the bell got here. He only Infiltrated and Cloaked inside the ship. Then Zac broke his team free. He’s reaching for ANY good p.r. “Oh, Zac you’re alive?!? Umm, is this black mold in your janitor closet? See I saved your whole team didn’t I.”


Lesgo! I did say from the beginning that I kinda like the idea of Kator as an ally.

Jonas Lemke

The writing for Kator is extremely well done IMO. He is both irritating and unpredictable. He is also very capable and dangerous. We know his motivation is self serving but not what shape it will take. Much like Joffrey in GoT, he's written to be disliked and he fills that role very well. He can either be a valuable ally, or a dangerous enemy and he walks the edge of being both at the same time.


I don’t get why everyone is treating Kator like he’s been a villain. He hasn’t really done anything to Zac. The only reason he was a jerk was because he was literally ordered by B/A grades to sow fell karma. He’s clearly going to be interested in joining the empire.


Welcome to Straw Hat group Kator lol. We need Ogras #2

Douglas Davis

Huh? Ogras has never been a bully and asshole to Zac. And Ogras is funny, Kator is just mean.


I personally don’t think Kator is a villain or an ally he is too wishy washy to be either. In the end that will make him a dispensable character to kill off.


Ah man what is kator talking about now what carrot he just explain his situation and thats the carrot dam he needs the Stick hard and fast...


The end points insinuates that Kator will attack Zac in some way, but I simply dont believe he will do that. First of all, Kator is written to be supremely self-interested and smart with alot of insight. A person like that should know that trying to or even succeeding in beating up Zac will have the opposite effect of improving his chances of joining up. Beside that, there is the Primos writ we have multiple times been told are still in effect, so even if Kator did attack Zac, he would face the backlash from the deal while being on an enemy ship, full of powerful enemies, and Zacs other half. I think that Kator is simply showing Zac how strong he is, and how much of a difference he can therefore do for Zac in the upcoming fights. But we will see in 16 hours or so ;)


Oh I don't know maybe because every chance he's gotten, he's been antagonistic? Him being forced to do so is understandable not acceptable.

John Smith

This chapter almost feels like a reaction to the confusion many had to the last one. It's a little disappointing so many words were used to spell out the obvious


new theory : Kator is a tsundere


TBH I like it. He's got that early Ogras frenemy vibe going that Zac has to team up with but always needs to be on guard for the possibiltiy of backstabbing.

Scott Mingo

He's an opportunist. Whatever helps him the most, whether it's assisting Zac or backstabbing him, that's what he'll do.

Zachary Blevins

Yeah, the beginning of an overly convoluted plot line They take away from the story for me not add to it

Zachary Blevins

Here we go, get another convoluted plot, point to keep this character who’s clearly a treacherous, backstabbing snake along with them the style of riding exist only to create needless drama. This was an action adventure in the first few books it turns into more more of a soap opera I’m gonna give up on it.

Jeff McCulley

Hilarious that you think he’s a “treacherous snake”. Complex, yes, but that’s how he’s intentionally written. As Ogras was at the start, motivated solely by self interest. Still, I’m not complaining when someone who thinks they know better than the author leaves. Just like Zogarth just gave a lesson in etiquette. Don’t let the door hit your butt on the way out.

Jeff McCulley

Actually, I find it excellent writing, in that what you geniuses think is “obvious” isn’t what it actually is. Especially when TFD keeps doing it right there in front of your face, and you all are completely oblivious. But go ahead. Take off. I’m done trying to explain to the complainers what’s really going on. Lemmings over the cliff. Some of you need a Zogarth lesson.

Zachary Blevins

I’ve dropped book series that I was 10 or 12 or 15 books in before I like action and adventure Not needless, drama or false suspense or overly convoluted plot points I’ve walked away from book series before, and I’ll do it again Jim Butcher Dresden files After like book 13 John Ringo one of his book series after book 5 or six Starship mage series after the author, switched main characters or started to David Webber on her Harrington series after book 12 even the safehold books after book 6 I think I’ll still say their great authors really enjoyed some of their books. I have still even recommended people to read those books series after I walked away from them.

Zachary Blevins

Zogarth What’s going on in the primal hunter series? Haven’t done anything since like chapter 809 been waiting for my son to catch up I think he’s still down in the 600s or so he gets annoyed when I get too far ahead of him and one of our mutual book series

Lex Luther S

Well, obviously, there's gonna be intrigue and politics. These are ancient billion years old factions, so of course there will be struggle and divides only to see new alliances etc etc. Besides, kator has laid all but 1 to 2 cards on the table and those last 2 cards are likely aces to survive and as stated, zac can not do anything given the primos write has not been broken. Besides, he's not in the best shape to fight the skeletal lawyer anyway and it's important to note that kator is bound by the write too. He can't do anything that would jeopardize the mission least the heavens turn on him leaving him a fish on the chopping block. So while he's greedy, shifty and shaddy as hell, he can't attack zac with the objective to kill or cripple him or endanger the mission.


I got kicked after saying more or less the same thing - just a cliff hanger with the final Novermore scores that got dragged for like multiple chapters. Adding information that was unnecessary, uncalled for, irrelevant and a waste of paying subscribers time. I reckon a cliffhanger is good, at the right time. But I don't want to be sitting on the edge of a cliff for a week without it being a good cause - I.e. wrapping up loose ends before the main plot point resolves. Like this referencing the scanner that was mentioned back in the day with the Iliex. Pretty happy to be here though, Kator is an interesting character.


To each their own I guess. I think it would be a boring story if there weren’t side plots and information dump chapters. If you just want something that has no depth and is just 100% action then maybe this isn’t the series for you.

Zachary Blevins

There are plenty of books that have political intrigue in them This particular book series has a backstory that goes back millions of years i’ve only ever read a few book series that bothers to go back that far But the last 400 chapters of this book series or so has More drama and needless suspense then the first 700 tap or so stories change as they go I think I enjoyed the story arcs before the perennial vastness, not so much after it and another hundred 150 chapters might pass, and I might start enjoying the story some again. Or maybe I’ll take a break for six months and come back


If that’s how you feel… leave? Literally no one is trying to stop you. There’s constructive criticism and there’s just being an ass. Also, your gripes sound like you just don’t like character/story development that’s not focused on murder hobo tendencies 😂

Zachary Blevins

The twilight story ark I really liked I like the million gates story ark, especially the end of it when iz showed up The last story ark that took place in the ancient fortress, and you had technocrats maneuvering his army to show up at a different place than it was supposed to and three or four different people showing up from nowhere. Yeah, it got overly convoluted. I really enjoy the undead empire until like the last 150 chapters You cannot like a story ark that last 200 chapters in what will probably be a three or 4000 chapter series But I’ve learnt my lesson in the future I’ll try not to criticize anything about a book series without y’all breaking your hearts ❤️ From now on yes, your blue eyes are pretty yes, that outfit makes you look good no, it doesn’t make you look fat at all I promise to never again say anything negative about any of the chapters, regardless of how convoluted or stupid they get I promise


So is the chapter going to be on the early side today?


Wahhhhh!! Listen to me, I’m complaaaaaiiiiinnnning!!


Book 10 chapter 21 the shipyard guys talking about installing it. Damn just heard while listening to audio book again.