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The simple taunts wouldn't normally have fazed Zac in the slightest, even with the great pressure he was under. However, the entity's words were laced with hidden barbs of malevolence. The completely foreign magic tried to form seeds of artificial Heart Demons while fomenting a schism in his mind. Each attack held the potential for corruption and possession.

The subtle attack would have posed a real threat if the circumstances were different. The entity was nowhere near as carefree as it wanted to appear. It had fused with the [Epiclesis Bell]to survive under a hostile sky, and damaging the bell meant damaging the creature. With the heretical bell almost completely gone, the entity was already on its last legs. The Heavens were adding insult to injury, erasing its existence layer by layer.

The bell's isolating properties were almost gone, too weak to even sever the link with Zac's other half. Sensing his location and the differences in time flow indicated he'd been dragged into an illusion rather than subspace. The System's protection remained around his real body, and only a fraction of the evil energies managed to pass through the lightning cage.

A wave of nothingness spread through the darkness, causing the evil domain to turn sluggish. Zac's answer to the entity was a call to war, which began by activating [Void Zone]. The bloodline talent was immediately followed by launching a third of his skills using [Force of the Void]. He was holding nothing back, using his Void Emperor bloodline to its fullest.

A miasmic shroud reeking of antiquity poured into the bell, and the darkness of the Abyss fought for supremacy through [Deathmark]. The two domains reached beyond his nullification sphere, while [Indomitable]and [Profane Exponents] erected new layers of defenses within. Zac also activated three rings on his fingers, causing a significant chunk of his core's Miasma to be drained.

Finally, Zac threw out a pitch-back crystal, which shattered and unleashed a sea of Miasma and Death-attuned Mental Energy. Zac was throwing everything at the oppressive darkness, and it was nowhere near enough to put him on even ground with the heretical creature. The entity's imminent demise didn't change the fact it was an existence as old as the System. Zac's actions were only enough to briefly contest its domain.

Soul Sense and scouting rings pierced the curtain, scanning every corner of the crumbling bell. Zac almost cried with relief upon sensing the familiar spiritual fluctuations. He disappeared in a puff of Abyssal haze, using [Abyssal Drive] to follow the signal to Vilari's location. She didn't react to his sudden appearance.

Vilari was caught in a trance-like state, her soul almost fully drained to combat an onslaught of darkness. Scanning her insides made Zac reel. Everything, from her organs to her pathways, was covered in a murky patina of evil. Her situation was awfully similar to Zac's after being dragged to the tapestries of Oblivion and Creation. She had been forced to retreat over and over and was left defending the final bastion of her being with the last of her strength.

"You came," Vilari smiled, her eyes briefly opening.

"Of course. Always," Zac said, knowing she'd already fallen unconscious again.

Zac forcibly calmed down, recapturing the turbulent ball of Chaos in his chest that had momentarily slipped out of his grasp upon seeing Vilari's plight. Calming down also let him grasp the situation more clearly. The entity's influence was still limited to a surface infiltration. The patina hadn't seeped into the depths of Vilari's cells, soul, or Cosmic Core. The attack must have started recently, considering how quickly Vilari was losing ground.

The situation was bad but not irredeemable, though the System didn't share his outlook. The lightning cage buckled when he drew closer, intent to strike down Vilari like she was part of the invasion of foreign Dao. Zac was infuriated and immediately absorbed a number of Chaos Motes to mark his conviction, almost buckling under the pain it caused.

"If you kill her, I won't just keep the Chaos for myself," Zac growled. "I'll tear down the Peak of Chaos with my own two hands."

'How fierce,' the entity laughed. 'I pray you won't come to regret your choice.'

Zac kept ignoring the voice, afraid that entertaining its antics was part of its unfamiliar skill. He reached forward, gingerly grasping Vilari's hand when the lightning cage parted. Zac quickly dragged her to his side, his mind screaming of immediate danger.

A final, cackling laugh shook Zac to his very core, just before the darkness shattered in an explosion that ruptured Zac's eardrums. The entity had chosen to detonate itself and the bell in a final act of joyful sacrifice. Zac desperately held on, shielding Vilari's unmoving body in a tight embrace. The protective band of lightning crumbled, and the Void couldn't withstand the incoming onslaught.

Just as they were about to be swallowed, a steely sun bloomed with Zac and Vilari in the middle. A million eyes opened and closed across its surface, their chaotic stares eroding the wave of madness before they could reach. Zac only managed to see the twisted beauty and mad grandeur of his chaos-infused [Eye of Desolation] for a brief moment before the cage shattered. Thankfully, that brief resistance was enough for another cage of golden lightning to appear.

It wasn't just the entity that had shattered the protective bands and destabilized Zac's skill. It was helped by a streak of dark red, taking up the vanguard of an army of angry black lightning bolts filled with erasure. The Tribulation Lightning targeting his Draugr body had finally caught up when his human side had almost finished dealing with his half.

There was no time to weigh the risks. Zac only saw the solution he sought hidden within the tribulation bearing down on him. Zac lifted the Mentalist at the last moment, seemingly using her as a shield while flooding her with Void and Chaos. A furious clap of thunder answered, and the lightning grew in intensity by half. Vilari had been deemed interfering with the tribulation, increasing the punishment for them both.

Zac's heart hammered with worry, but it was the best solution he could think of. He'd planned on the System cleansing her as part of their trade, but its limit was letting her live while she remained steeped in sin. Sendor's warning had come back to haunt him, and it was up to him to find a solution.

It wasn't a problem his bloodline could solve.[Void Zone] and [Void Mountain] couldn't discern friend from foe, and Vilari would die from having her Daos suppressed long before Zac could strangle the stubborn energy.

The Chaos Energy was a possible fallback, but it was a last-ditch solution if all else failed. He could barely control it within his body. If he infused Vilari, there was no way to tell what would happen. The most suitable candidate was the black lightning, which was exceptionally efficient at rooting out the entity's aura. However, it was too overbearing, to the point it erased pieces of his body after lightly grazing him.

But what if it were diluted by tribulation lightning? It was still pushing the boundaries of what Vilari could be expected to endure, but it gave her a shot at survival. Any wounds or missing limbs could be fixed later with some of his leftover Creation Energy.

Barriers infused with Zac's upgraded Daos and a sliver of Chaos safeguarded Vilari's Core as the crackling lightning tore through every inch of her body. Zac faced an even greater punishment, though it still wasn't enough to push him over the edge. He let it rampage through his body, focusing on Vilari instead.

Zac tried to direct the tribulation to target the web of corruption, but it buckled at his interference. Manipulating his Mental Energy and Dao inside Vilari's body without harming her was incredibly difficult in her fragile state, and Tribulation Lightning was already something that approached being uncontrollable.

Luckily, the black streaks of annihilation remembered their prime purpose. They took charge of the red tribulation, targeting the entity's mark on Vilari's soul and pathways. Zac furiously flooded her with soothing energy from his Branch of the Pale Seal while using slivers of Creation to mend whatever was broken.

The lightning was soon exhausted before finishing the job. There was simply too much buildup for one round of diluted lightning to cleanse it all.

"Please, help her!" Zac shouted.

His words fell on deaf ears, though Zac could tell the System's hostility had noticeably been reduced by removing more than half of the sinister patina. Zac wildly looked up, hoping to see a third bolt to provide another round of cleansing. Even if a little remained at that point, it should be enough to overcome the immediate threat.

Instead of a final arc of dark-red judgment, Zac was greeted by a full dimensional collapse. The region had already been teetering at the brink of collapse after enduring a series of clashes beyond its limit. Entity's death was the straw that broke the camel's back.

A tsunami of evil tore apart the fabric of reality, swallowing the remains of the oceans created by Zac's fusion skills. The entity knew it couldn't win against the Heavens and that Zac was under the System's protection, so it had chosen to at least bring down the others who had participated in its demise.

The Autarchs were still struggling in the heart of the domains of Creation and Oblivion. Their grand auras were already unstable after being forced to resist the deadly combination of an attack powered by Middle B-grade energy and Heavenly Judgment. They had been forced to rely on their Inner Worlds to survive, which was a dangerous gambit on the frontier.

Zac didn't understand the exact mechanics, but there were reasons beyond lacking resources that B-grade cultivators and above avoided the regions as much as possible. The might of their Inner Worlds had kept them alive until now, but it now worked against them. Their resistance had turned them into dimensional faultlines, and the entity pushed them off the cliff.

The chaotic mix of powers was pulled into two blindingly powerful singularities. Zac couldn't imagine anything surviving that madness, but the Autarchs weren't ready to go down without a fight. A six-armed Buddha, even larger than the previous one, appeared in the heart of the storm, holding back against collapse. The giant grasped the singularity between his hands, and Zac briefly felt it looked like a seed of rebirth.

Cracks immediately appeared on its hands, and golden flesh grew pustules. Even the benevolent gaze gained a malevolent sheen as the entity's corrosion spread through the construct. The undead infiltrators fared no better. A mind-bending maze made from thousands of complex arrays crumbled, and the four ivory sentinels the Reaver conjured weren't able to uphold the dimensional integrity.

'Blessings,' the monk from before sighed, his voice reaching the depths of Zac's heart. 'Balance is upheld. Benefactor, remember our discussion. The Sangha's doors are always open for those willing to listen.'

A blinding flash of light overwhelmed all senses except for the sixth sense of his Luck. A scream of danger let Zac ready himself for the final tribulation bolt that struck him at the most inopportune time. Zac held on, relying on the experience from the previous bolt to cleanse Vilari anew.

The final bolt was far more powerful, and it held even more streaks of annihilation. Zac did what he could, but his control was limited. It was at that time that Vilari's soul erupted with a tremendous wave of desolate will. It flooded her body, shaking loose the taint and throwing it into the crackling pyre. Zac switched from leading to following, supporting her actions as best as he could.

The mayhem within gradually calmed, as did the chaos around them. Zac blinked a few times and looked around, even if it was superfluous. He could feel the familiar environment of the Void of Space, hiding beneath the raging waves of the energies that had fallen through the cracks with him. Zac shook his head and turned to Vilari.

After the final round of purification, there was no corruption left. It wasn't just Zac's diagnosis. The golden lightning that had kept them alive through the collapse had gone from overt hostility to the System's default mode of indifference. The worst had passed, though Vilari had clearly overdrafted her already exhausted soul to finish the job.

The Yphelion was kept safe through the upheavals, though it had been dragged into the Void with everything else in the area. The Cosmic Vessel wasn't designed to travel the Void of Space, but it wouldn't have to if everything worked out.

An impatient clap of thunder showed how the System was running out of patience. The pitch-black heavenly clouds had followed them into the Void, and millions of black arcs of annihilation were still swimming about like vengeful snakes in search of prey. All energy that had been deposited in the region was targeted, and it didn't look like the judgment would end before every speck was dealt with.

Heaven's attention on Zac had drastically lessened after the tribulation was over and Vilari was cleansed. It didn't mean he was spared, but he was only a D-grade cultivator in a sea of higher-grade energy. He was a low-priority target, and Zac used that to his advantage. He turned into a streak of Abyssal Darkness, carrying Vilari through a labyrinth of safe pockets.

The confusing nature of the Void of Space couldn't stump Zac any longer. It may as well have been his backyard, a testament to his efforts since he was deposited in the Void during the Eventide Asura's ascent. It took no time to navigate back to the Cosmic Vessel, where his other half was already waiting with a box in each hand.

One held a small vial of purple liquid that made Zac's Soul Cores shudder with hunger. The other was a pill covered in dense engravings. Zac placed the pill in Vilari's mouth and gently guided its medicinal energies to the most damaged sections of her body. Meanwhile, his human side opened her eyes, dripped two drops of the purple liquid into each eye, and used the Branch of Pale Seal to guide it into her Soul Aperture.

The treasures were the top-tier elixirs he'd prepared for Vilari. It was almost a given she'd be in a bad state after a year of captivity, and a plethora of treasures and arrays had already been prepared. Zac looked for a spark of consciousness in her eyes but soon shook his head in defeat. A proper reunion would have to wait.

"Please help her," Zac said, this time not talking to the System.

He activated the Yphelion's Teleportation Array to place her in the medical ward.

"I'll do what I can," Catheya assured from the other side as she hurried to Vilari's side.

Catheya didn't have much knowledge of medicine, but the doctors were all unconscious or dead. Catheya could also seal Vilari in ice in case she noticed something was wrong. At least it wouldn't be a repeat of Alea's situation. Vilari's soul was only damaged and overtaxed, but it had shown no hint of collapse. Zac's real worry was whether the experience had damaged her in a less visible way.

A stabbing pain brought Zac back to the present. The tribulation had come and gone without causing any real problems. The issue was the Glimpses of Chaos. He'd held onto them far longer than ever before, even using skills with them as fuel. Enduring the streaks of annihilation damaged his pathways, and his soul was approaching dangerous levels after forcibly containing the glimpses for so long.

It was time to let go. The jungle around the Yphelion collapsed as Zac finally lost control over the skill. The System didn't make a move.

"Get us out of here, and we're even," Zac said with a hoarse voice.

The answer came in the form of a lighting pillar hundreds of meters wide, large enough to consume him and the Yphelion whole. Zac's eyes were wide with alarm, his heart suddenly full of horror and doubt. The System couldn't be done with him after he'd released the Flawed Authority, right? What about its schemes for his bloodline to mature?


Zac's furious roar was cut short when he realized the System hadn't actually decided to smite him. The pillar of lightning was painful, but not like the black eradication. The Heavenly lightning almost felt gentle as it swept through his body, seemingly performing a final check. The same thing was happening to his crew and even the Yphelion.

The next moment, they were back in the deadzone, only an hour's distance from their original position, judging by the immense cloud of darkness. There was still black lightning all around, but it seemed to avoid the Yphelion after it had been annealed by the System. It didn't appear to be a temporary protection, either.

Zac looked down at his vessel, barely recognizing it. It had received a complete overhaul by the pillar of lightning. The basic features were still there, though elevated, following concepts far beyond Zac's comprehension. It couldn't even be considered a Creator Vessel any longer. It felt more like a Natural Treasure born from the cosmos.

Uncovering its transformation would have to wait. Zac teleported into an empty corridor and instructed the Yphelion to set off, using every method in its arsenal to increase its speed. The black lightning had become a protective cover, and they needed to use it to cover as much ground as possible before any outside parties caught up.

Zac's human form disappeared in a puff of spatial energy, having returned to the Shrine of Kanba.

'You lunatic!' a deflated Esmeralda signed inside.

The toad was so exhausted that she had turned grey, and the vats on her back were completely empty. Protecting the shrine had taken its toll, even with Zac doing his best to shield it.

"I'm sorry," Zac sighed. "You saw how it was outside. Things far exceeded my expectations."

'Isn't that always the case with you?' Esmeralda said with a wronged expression.

"Well," Zac coughed. "At least it's over now."

'Not quite,' Esmeralda said, her eyes serious. 'I can't help you.'

"Don't worry; I can handle it," Zac said with a determined expression. "It's time Kator and I had a heart-to-heart."





Second! Hey, that f5 finally worked out for me

Ryan Pepp





Happy 2’s Day! TYFTC!!

Saijibott Saijibott

Vilari is steadily raising up the best girl ladder.


Has he released the moat of chaos? why is he so lax?


I mean, Vilari is his daughter. She absolutely is the best girl to Zac


I was hoping Zac would get the final 3 levels of the Nine Reincarnation Manual, even if he has diverge from the original it would be a good reference for his modifications, still considering all the mess this is the best he can get. Hopefully the Heaven will use him for something else. On a side note will he get credit for wiping 4 Autarch's and an Outer heavenly creature?

martin smith

"Finally, Zac threw out a pitch-back crystal, which shattered and unleashed a sea of Miasma" pitch-black?

martin smith

Thanks for the chapter things are really heating up huh? X

Jeff McCulley

“Credit”? You mean war merit? We don’t know that the Autarchs are dead. Neither they nor the entity should could for merit The merit would be all the other sh*t that’s been happening, starting with whether the fortress was destroyed or only damaged. If you mean kill energy…not counting on that, either.

Palmer Evans

Are Zac and Kator about to open the door towards become genuine comrades?

Jeff McCulley

That’s what I came here to ask. “Released his skills” is not “releasing the Glimpse”.


So good. Catching up has been such an enjoyable experience. It must have been absolute torture for you guys whom were waiting for all these chapters to drop. Especially ogras returning home and cleaning house. This ark has been fantastic. I can’t wait for what comes next. I will miss being able to binge chapter after chapter though lol.


I hope he releases it right in someone's face.


Or else Zach releases the glimpse of chaos right in Kator's face.


I’m assuming that when Zac released his skill he also released the glimpse of Chaos? The system seemed a bit…calm especially with the transport and apparent upgrade to his ship


Thank you!


It was external use from the Oblivion and creation cultivator in apartments

Jeff McCulley

Chaos to the face? There’s about a zero chance of that happening. Maybe even into negative numbers. Zac finally figured out Kator’s BS.


Iirc kill energy usually isn't given if tools outside the System are used (Ishate bombs etc.). I don't think war merit will be given either, as the four Autarch's weren't supposed to be there. As for the bell entity, maybe that's why the System is being extra helpful.


I don't think so, with Kator scheming with the undead Autarch's. I imagine he'll chaos Kator.

Random Information

It's amusing that today's Royal Road chapter has the explanation of the Epiclesis Bell.

Michael Fannon

Esmeralda watched Zac for years. She should know this is normal by now.

Jeff McCulley

“A million eyes opened and closed across its surface, their chaotic stares eroding the wave of madness before they could reach. Zac only managed to see the twisted beauty and mad grandeur of his chaos-infused [Eye of Desolation] for a brief moment before the cage shattered.” Heh. Zac doesn’t realize it, but he just impersonated the Primo—or one of his aspects.


Either in his back lol or they’ll become friends reflecting the same kind of relationship he has with Ogras. Having another ally whom can also share knowledge about the undead empire is invaluable. I can see Zac picking up a collection of promising undead youngsters and bringing them into the Atwood Empire.


"Don't talk to me or my daughter ever again."


Considering he got his ship upgraded again, that's probably an even better deal.

Philly Cheese

Kator probably didn't expect his B grade Trump card to be put to task by Arcaz. He might be a little more amenable to "The Talk".


Kators backup is dead and the bell has been destroyed. Don't think he needs to keep him around any longer lol


“Since when have dragur feared a bag of bones”(glimpse of chaos to the face)

Mateo Lopez

I hope Zac manhandles Kator for a bit. I don’t want him dead. I just wanna hear him rattle like a wooden doll.


Zac is over here arranging things to take out autarchs as a hegemon. Let's goooooo

Jeff McCulley

Kator wasn’t scheming with the undead Autarchs, He was ordered around by them. Which he hates. Then he helped Zac when Zac desperately needed it. Zac owes Kator almost as much as he does Tavza,

Jeff McCulley

Yep, I’m pretty sure that the ship upgrade is worth more than the Manual—which he can just finish from any plain ol’ Ultom inspiration, right? ;)

hercule pyro

I like how this is just breaking into the zone. He hasn't even got to the stage of releasing ancient godweapons and all hell has already broken loose.

Jeff McCulley

He’s inside his vessel, with his human body in the Temple inside that body.

Chase C

Kator was a pawn in those Autarchs' plans, not the other way around. He's almost certainly happy they're gone.


I don’t know. I don’t think things are as straight forward as it seems. Plus his grandfather would have told him what Zac was capable of. His actions directly lead to Zac being able to take out the shards. He must have known what might come next. The death of everyone that’s not on Zac’s side.


I wait for a lull and drop reading daily for a while and save up about 20-30 chapters. I caught up on this one. Ugh. Back to the f5 brigade. It’s honest work.


Didn’t he literally help Zac at the critical moment allowing him to take out the remnants. He must have known what would come next. The death of all four Autarchs.


I think this its just the start of all the craziness. He still has to deal with the invading enemy. I defo think they’ll be deleted from existence before the trial, for the pilar starts.


I do the same, but the story has gotten far too good for me to stop reading as soon as the new chapters drop.


So Kator is presumably the anomaly on the ship. Sounds like surviving the trip back fucked him up a bit. Couldn’t have happened to a better guy. Hopefully he’ll actually be straight with Zac for once and work with him, but I’m not holding my breath. Yphelion upgrade! Can’t wait to see what it can do. Can the Creators even do anything with it now? Watch them laugh at the idea and break out a whole new upgrade path just for situations like this. Sangha are chumps. Fucked around and found out for once and still can't admit it. Really glad Valari made it out. Hopefully it’s the same as the other people who get caught up in Zac’s fate: maybe they have to go through ordeals because of their association with him but they come out the other side stronger than ever.

The Lost Pages

That was epic and satisfying. Love how it played out. And getting an upgraded cosmic vessel was far more than I expected out of the system.

Michael Fannon

This is just the opening warm up. Zac's finally going to destroy a whole sector.


His human body left the temple when they pulled out the last remnants before everything went Chaotic. How did you imagine his Draugr half giving her a pill and his Human half giving her eye drops in this chapter?


I hope the creator trackers that was put in the ship got fucked that is all!

Jeffrey Worrall

I'm not sure, on one hand the remnants had to be brought out to attract the system and break the wall on the other with 2 Autarchs the wall might not have even been that big of an issue but if that is the case then why did they attack the Bell to begin with. If the Autarchs didn't need/want the system to bring down the wall then they should have let the bell leave, they would have been better prepared when the Monk Autarchs showed up. So if they needed the System to kill the Creature in the Bell and bring down the wall then Zac using the remnants was still part of their plan and Katar did not betray the Autarchs.

Tyler S.

Nic nac paddy wack give this Zac a bone that poor skull went rolling home

Chris Fey

Hmm, does this count enough to get a title upgrade for Apex Hunter?


My guy is holding that glimpse hostage. Don't bite the hand that feeds, big dog.

Aaron Pennington

Damn the System is thirsty as hell

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.

Chase C

As far as I can tell, they wanted to coerce or subjugate Zac somehow and hid inside of the bell in order to sneak into the sector to reach him. Once they were there, they had to contain/destroy the bell so it didn't interfere further with their plans. If they still wanted Zac and Kator to go inside the Graveyard after that, they probably would have broken down the wall or something themselves. They didn't expect the Sangha Autarchs to show up.

Chase C

Sounds like a somewhat large portion of Zubor is already pretty messed up after all that annihilation lightning.

Jay Fowler

Where is lex? I need my synopsis

Tyler S.

What the autarchs are experiencing is the impartment energy he didnt want in his devide skill then when he said in releasing his skills is chaos infecting them. He still controls the glimpse and i expect he is trying to get closer to inside the graveyard before releasing it like the original plan... Or to deal with something else unexpected

Bob Fight

Facts he is to useful to die but he needs the snot kicked out of him a couple times


Apex hunter is the highest level as far as I know. Plus he didn't kill them directly, just arranged matters that made the autarchs vulnerable.

David Giles

Zac is very protective of his kid.


Yep and his Uncle trained Zac and legitimately was friendly with him. Kators uncle legit told him. Don't fuck around with Zac or you will find out.

Bob Fight

Probably cause of the removal or weakening of the false authority and the glimpse of chaos probably why it decided to upgraded the ship just safe passage from the area wasn’t equal


Vilari is his daughter. He destroyed 4 autarchs, broke an ancient divine monarch-level artifact, killed a primordial being from a different era, and deleted a whole region of space just to get her back. Other than using a bit of Chaos during the rescue attempt, he basically used his tribulation and all the energy donated by two middle B-grades just to save her.


In his head? Nah, he'll just throw him and the other guy off the ship


I like how the UE and Reavers never asked what the beacon was for. Now the gate is going to be a complete clusterfuck with how many groups are going to crash it.


Nah, they're going to be the plot device that lets him hold onto the pillar.


So alternate POVs tomorrow or Thursday? I wonder if everyone else got an upgrade like the ship similar to the laws.

Darnell Maxwell

1) Kator survived that!? 2) I'm gonna miss these chaos infused boosts.


Awesome that Zac got a surprise upgrade on the Yphelion... I wonder if the intervention of the system destroyed the tracking that the creators installed in the ship...

John Anastacio

Very heartwarming that Zac went to such lengths to save his daughter. Only minus was him also subjecting her to Tribulation to cleanse her of the evil, but that was unavoidable and good for her. A little like rescuing her but then also giving her a medical shot with a giant needle. I guess Zac is still holding onto Glimpses of Chaos? Planning to unleash them in front of Kator if Zac doesn't like Kator's answers?

Jacob Conway

So much to unpack, excited to see these threads get weaved into the Dao Tapestry of Defiance! Excited to see how Vilari and Catheya interact. I feel like if Catheya loved Zac’s other undead ‘children’, she’s really going to dote on Vilari. I wonder if the upgrades to the Yphelion will be something that boosts the creators’ progression on earth. Would be interesting to see some of them evolve from working on the reforged ship. I know they put their trackers in, but I feel like they have otherwise been pretty benevolent with Zac. I hope they benefit and continue to deepen their bond with Zac. Everybody wins if they make better ships for our disciple of chaos! I’m so ready to see what’s going to happen with Kator. I feel like there’s a lot of possibility with the relationship. It could be enemies, begrudging allies, or even friends. However it goes there will certainly be some interesting twists. Thanks for another great chapter TFD!


So we saw in the PV that Zac is weaker when his two bodies are close together, I wonder how much weaker he is when his human side is inside his draugr side like this.

Berry McCockiner

So say Kator was a nice pawn in those Autarchs plans, to not fully know much about Zac other than from his uncles interactions with him and the general understanding of him. He was taking one hell of a risk trusting in the Zac, especially knowing what was going to happen at the minimum.

Michael Fannon

Kator ran back to the ship after helping Zac before all the chaos was unleashed. Kinda surprised he made it back in time though.

Thomas Laptain

I don't think it was weaker strength wise, he just struggled to deal with the two different courses of sensory information and coordinating the two bodies when in close proximity. Having had time to work on that and get used to it, as well as that he's not exactly in the same place when inside himself, I think he should be able to get on fine.


Famili back togetter nice one Man im hyped to read how kator get his hands claped 😁


Poor sangha got all the hate while they saved zac ass from being delivered to the kantaru by the reavers


Finally he's gonna get Kator to go supernova. At least that's what I'm hoping.


Aren't those trackers the needed ones from the shipyard do he can find his ship if necessary? I'm confused xD


Can someone explain the Sangha's actions and words. 'Blessings,' the monk from before sighed, his voice reaching the depths of Zac's heart. 'Balance is upheld. Benefactor, remember our discussion. The Sangha's doors are always open for those willing to listen.'. What balance was upheld? Did they give the extra bit of tribulation to save and heal vilari? Did they come to fight the other autarchs and drag Zac to them or just for his benefit? I'm confused on what their intentions and sense of balance is, thought they were the hit squad meant to kill him.

Gervel Giva

My interpretation for it is that they were punished (via the oblivion and the tribulation) for trying to intervine with lower grade beings (in this case, Zac) so balance was restored


Na karruntel was able to give him a better ship but the illiec put a tracker that he doesnt know about in his ship!

Jack Dawson

It's also possible they're just trying to manufacture karma, like that monk who stole from people and called them 'donations'

Jeff McCulley

The whole thing since Blessed Fate has been a total mystery to me. I can’t do any better with this cryptic statement. It would be nice if some character actually translated it—all the way back to Fate—to into something we can actually follow. What the heck was he so worried about? What did the Asshats “take in stride”? And I say that after googling all of the unfamiliar terms. Didn’t help whatsoever.

John Anastacio

Agree with Jeff. Too much of Buddhist cultivator talk is mumbo jumbo, obfuscating speech, saying nothing.

Jeff McCulley

Umm…no? You might want to go back and do a reread. I feel like you’ve missed some things.

John Anastacio

You think he does? Interesting. Looking forward to it either way. I admit Zac is better at intrigue and skulduggery than he used to be. Plus he might have workshopped with Ogras a model of Kator's motives and actions.

Jeff McCulley

How can you not see it? It’s obvious. If Kator hadn’t whacked him with his time Dao to free him, Zac would be a Sangha snack right now. Without that, he wasn’t going anywhere. The monks would have beaten the undead and just made off with a frozen Z. Zacsickle.

Jeff McCulley

It was an addition to the scanner, not a tracker. Probably scans for something they’re looking for, and they download the results when the ship is back on Earth, getting worked on.

Jeff McCulley

Umm…that’s not what the Reavers were going to do. Not even remotely. I’m willing to entertain the thought that the Sangha’s intentions were misunderstood, but that’s the result of a muddy arc from Blessed Fate onward.

Jeff McCulley

Pretty sure that you guys have a bit of disappointment coming. Of course, I’ve been wrong before.

Darnell Maxwell

But that's the thiing I don't understand. Everyone keeps saying Kator freed Zac when he didn't. He displaced Zac with his dao of time. Then Zac summoned enough energy to call Sendor. And then the chapter says Sendor broke the brand and freed him from Kator's time attack. Why do all of you think Kator helped to free Zac? It's just as likely he wanted to mark Zac to get a portion of the kill energy when he dies or to find him when the aitarchs are done to steal his seal.


Na ik Kator helped him here, I still don't like him and his schemes. While he is useful, I'd rather see him thinly and evenly spread like stardust


You seem pretty condescending when someone is clearly just trying to enjoy a chapter that they may have misinterpreted that’s why i said chill and that comeback you deleted was pretty weak

Jeff McCulley

Because it literally says that Human Zac is talking to Esmerelda in the Temple? He went back inside to maintain cover before he talks to Kator.


It was a security check, Esmeralda's issue was she didn't get the expended energy back, we don't know about getting healed or not.


It's because it's weird that Kator would just randomly hit Zac then run away because if he wanted to hurt or knock him out, he would have kept going. the other weird thing is that after the hit Zac says this. "Zac thoughtfully looked at the Reaver as he disappeared in a flash but quickly discarded any errant thoughts." It sounds like Kator did something to help him not to hurt him and then quickly retreated. I do agree it could have been away to mark him too, but it's just the wording of what Zac said that makes me think Kator did more than mark him because that would have been obvious to Zac since he does not trust him.


F5 indeed.. Im loving the story, but as I have understood it, he have not delivered the Chaos spark to the system yet? The system is not usually as patient as waiting until talks about personal motivations are out of the way.


Probably when the system did its security check with lightning


So they found the Illiex array. That'll suck for them when Zac gets back. Doubt he will give up the shipyard. But I wonder what the reparations will be.