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A/N: Reminder. Tomorrow and Friday are editing days, so next chapter on Monday. Honestly, the last week of chapters have taken longer to write than usual, so I might have to do a third editing day at the end of next week.


Zac's soul was back, bringing with it its priceless cargo. The [Chaos Cipher] was diverted into the subspace of [Purity of the Void] to protect it from the upcoming storm. Zac only had time to slightly refine the plan in his mind before time resumed. Heavens drummed in warning as motion and chaos replaced stillness.

The already pressured cage groaned from an outside strain as two towering presences descended at full force. The System had already honed in on the region when he'd taken out the remnants. It was now joined by the ancient Heavens that were out for blood. The immense bone cage had become a pebble seed in a storm without end. The overbearing scene left Zac wondering if Heaven's descent had spread across the whole deadzone.

The canopy of sealing bars snapped when golden and purple clouds pushed down with the weight of the cosmos. Space twisted and frayed, forming angry red scars dripping down like bloody rain. Even the Laws were coming undone as the arid spirituality of the frontier found itself pressured by forces beyond what they could sustain.

Zac stood in the middle of it all, his two bodies side by side. Layers of unprecedented power coursed through his pathways, where the ferocious might of an Earthly Dao was the least tyrannical source. The vast amounts of Creation and Oblivion overshadowed its glory. After all, it wasn't these Daos that had advanced to the next stage. It was his Branch of the War Axe that had crossed the threshold.

He'd already been pushing against the bottleneck since the [Eternal Crusade], and his recent experience let him overcome it early. Conflict held a central role in his Daos of Evolution and Inexorability, and having his mind connected with the Spark of Creation and the Heart of Oblivion greatly furthered his insights into the nature of their obsessive struggle. Later, confirming his understanding of Creation and Oblivion provided the final push he needed.

Zac's personal Dao of War had been born, a Dao of ceaseless, unrepentant struggle. Whether it was breaking free from the chains of fate or taking control over your destiny, you needed an indomitable will and the courage to face any threats or opposition. Even if that put you against the Heavens themselves. So he did nothing to hide his transformation, willingly accepting his role as a harbinger of Chaos and the eye of the storm.

Sendor's translucent avatar smiled and disappeared. He followed Zac's previous request by forming a protective barrier around the Yphelion, leaving Zac fully exposed to the four Autarchs. He was no larger than a speck of dust when facing four domains connected with the Heavens and even smaller when compared to the ever-expanding clouds filled with hunger and wrath. And yet, there was no fear in his heart.

He was no longer prey or prize to be fought over. He was the predator. Zac felt like a sun before flickering flames, holding the power to repaint reality in any shade he desired. His mind was still awash by the crystallization of his path, and the powers of Evolution and Inexorability harmonized with the streaks of perfected Oblivion and Creation.

The Heavens roared as Zac's Dao was put on full display. Arcs of sanguine lightning rained down to put his conviction to the test. The bone cage was in the way, becoming a lightning rod for the Heavenly Wrath. Everything happened too fast. The tribulation had already begun the moment time resumed, and the Reaver had inadvertently been dragged into Zac's tribulation.

Interfering with someone else's tribulation was to go against the Laws, a cardinal sin in the eyes of the Heavens. The power inside the clouds skyrocketed when the embodiment of heavenly punishment sensed a high-grade blockade hampered its mission, and the cage instantly crumbled. Red destruction spread like a wave, and the Heavenly Wrath only grew more intense when it encountered the Dharmic world that had formed a separate microcosm within its domain.

The four Autarchs had already paused their battle upon seeing Zac take out the remnants. Even then, they hadn't been prepared for the impossibly quick turn-around, where they were faced with a deadly punishment from above. It gave Zac the brief window he needed to take charge of the situation.

Five remnants floated in each body, having taken up key positions in his pathways. It was most likely the first step of their planned takeover. The calamitous items should have been bereft of any tainted will by now, but that wasn't the case for Zac. He could feel a frantic yet unyielding consciousness spread between the five.

It wasn't a mistake caused by an imperfect Atavism. Rather, it was the result of his counterattack at the end. He'd stolen a piece of the remnant's tapestries. It was unavoidable that it would come with some corruption attached. Luckily, these slivers of consciousness were different from the ones before. They were rootless after the connection between the remnants and the tapestry had been severed.

That didn't mean it was impossible to connect to their origin. They would never get the chance. The remnants that were supposed to be going haywire with their huge accumulation of energy were like weak kittens before a far superior source of their existence. It was the threads of spirituality imparted by Be'Zi and A'zu.

They didn't just rebuff the dangerous energies in the air; they also dealt the remnants a critical blow without trying. The remnant's last threads of will were like moths to the flame after being faced with such pure and powerful exhibits of their Dao. Malevolent desire was twisted and reborn, torn apart just like how the Spark had terrorized its surroundings for uncountable years. The will inside the splintery faded away, eroded by the powerful aura of Oblivion.

At that moment, two bolts of crackling lightning crashed into his head, and Zac was flooded by boundless destruction. Zac was simultaneously relieved and disappointed. The tribulation's power was enough to make most Hegemon's hair stand on end, but it was well within reason. There were no hints of Law in the crackling lightning coursing through his body, and its intensity was nowhere near the levels of the unhinged resistance he faced when forming his core.

Zac was still exploring the rules of his being targeted by the Four Desolates, and it appeared as though Earthly Daos were spared. Zac had somewhat expected as much, considering they had no relationship with the Void. It meant the danger he'd face was negligible, but it also meant he'd missed out on additional rounds of Law tempering.

The tribulation had grown stronger by half to punish Zac for outside interference—one of the reasons Tribulations were rarely used as a weapon against one's enemies. It didn't change much. Zac realized he'd developed a natural resistance to Heavenly Lightning after being repeatedly reforged and tempered by the Four Desolates. His body alone was enough to withstand the first bolt.

He only used his Void Energy to seal off the two streaks of B-grade force, as them coming in contact with the Heavenly Lightning risked attracting the terrifying punishment the Autarchs suffered. He did the same for the entrance to the Shrine in his heart, even if Esmeralda already had set up layers of defenses to tide the storm outside.

The mayhem surrounding the four Autarchs was blinding. His two measly bolts were nothing before the sea of lightning. They came from everywhere, pouring out by the thousands from the sanguine scars in reality. The annihilation within the bolts was far beyond anything he'd seen as well, to the point they reminded Zac of the desolate nothingness beyond the Void Mountain.

Zac wouldn't be surprised if the whole deadzone could sense the energy fluctuations now that the cage was broken. The Eidolon abandoned her crystalline form, once more fusing with the Reaver like when they emerged from the [Epiclesis Bell]. The combination of impervious skeletal armor and unbreakable spirit formed an impenetrable defense against the onslaught. Even then, Zac couldn't imagine they'd come out unscathed.

The monks managed to avoid being directly targeted. Furious lightning descended on the Heart World instead, and Zac was almost dragged into another hallucination to witness a civilization's end and their conclusion of Karma. The denizens of the simulated world would take on the punishment in the Arhats' stead, though doing so would have to cause some damage to their hearts.

The tribulation swept through Zac's bodies like a storm, and the remnants were not spared. The few remaining motes of stubborn obsession were purified by Heavenly Dao, nipping the latent threat in the bud. One thorny issue the moment time returned, and Zac refused to let new problems replace the old.

The monks had sacrificed their world, while the Undead emissaries had completely sealed their auras after discarding their protective measures. They might still be in the System's crosshairs, but they shouldn't be targeted by a second bolt. Before that, he needed to make his move.

The chaos had gone far beyond what he had originally planned with the unwelcome introduction of these infiltrators, but it didn't matter now that things had reached this point. Fate and Dao was aligning with his will. Who was qualified to control the chaos but him? Giving the Autarchs no time to adapt after being targeted by Heavenly Wrath, Zac unleased the full force of his borrowed power.

Zac had initially planned on using the energy with the special fractals on his back. However, he was still in a devilish state of enlightenment, and it was as though the imparted energy was sentient. It told him he could use it for something greater. Something spectacular.

[Verun's Bite] fell, and [Death's Duality] rose. His swings embodied the dualistic beauty of his Dao, where his axes moved in perfect harmony. Each side activated a skill fractal that complemented one another. Life and Conflict entered one, Death and Conflict the other. So did all three energies his Cosmic Core could produce.

Finally, the streaks of borrowed power were added, one in each fractal. They had the power to vastly overwhelm everything else, yet they were content in following Zac's lead. They even helped fill in the gaps in Dao and theory, bringing his skills to new heights. A [Rapturous Beginning] formed and was joined by a [Sonorous End].

Two primal forces augmented by A'Zu's authoritative conception were born in the wake of [Verun's Bite]. A mirrored version shaped by Be'Zi's tranquil desolation appeared by its side, and the two forces joined in unholy matrimony. A deafening crack shook the Cosmos, and Zac suddenly felt like his two bodies stood in different dimensions.

An unbridgeable gap had been carved in reality, stretching further than Zac could see. The meter-wide scar even stretched for dozens of miles behind him, and that was nothing compared to its reach in the intended direction. The attack was instant and unstoppable, severing lingering Dharmic Will and Deathly furor. Even the Heavens were torn apart, creating a gap in the roiling clouds.

Zac hadn't planned on using his most recent skill today, but he'd felt destiny urging him on. It would be a huge missed opportunity if he didn't test his new fusion skill in this state. The [Void Divide] before him may as well have been a blueprint for the future.

The divide was just the start. Each side of the boundary was reinforced by the energy of a Fourth-step Autarch. Wherever they touched, change followed. The Daos of A'Zu and Be'Zi supplanted Samsara, becoming the utmost expression of destruction and rebirth. The two Arhats were subsumed by a sea of Oblivion, like two wayward souls falling into the Styx River.

The Undead Autarchs fared no better. They'd been swallowed by a primordial soup of Creation, becoming the target of its boundless drive for reinvention. Zac's vision was split between these two opposing realities. In the middle was the utmost demarcation, the unpassable chasm of delineation. Even the Dao had been cut, leaving only the Void. Or rather, the Void and one more thing.

Space cracked, exposing a crumbling [Epiclesis Bell]. The Undead Autarchs had already shifted their focus to the Arhats before, lessening the pressure it faced. The moment the spectral cultivator retreated into the Reaver's body, the heretical bell had decisively torn through space to get away before it was discovered. How could Zac let it leave just like that?

[Void Divide] had cleanly cut off a section of the bell, severing the final formation while opening a large incision across its body. The fusion skill had severed its escape route and power, yet it felt more dangerous than ever. A boundlessly evil aura radiated from the shrouded interiors. The entity had been exposed, and the reaction was instantaneous.

A fury unlike anything Zac had ever felt before pushed down on the world. He'd thought he was enemy number one after cultivating the Void, but his previous breakthrough was nothing compared to the anger Zac could feel from the Heavens right now. The System was no better. The impartial, almost disinterested presence had gained a ruthless determination that could cut steel and sever bone.

No billowing surges of Kill Energy poured into Zac's body after unleashing [Void Divide]. Autarchs were ultimately almost impossible to kill. He might have succeeded if he targeted one of them, but what was the point? He wouldn't gain anything from it. The energy used in the skill came from an outside source, making it no different than using an Array or a Cosmic Vessel in the System's eyes.

Targeting the bell instead had accomplished his main goal, and the Autarchs were by no means out of the woods. Between the tribulation and being swallowed by the mirrored worlds of Oblivion and Creation, they would be on their last legs. Meanwhile, the heavenly clouds had turned pitch-black, exuding a tremendous desire for destruction.

It was like the entity's mere presence had tainted everything in its vicinity, and the Heavens were ready to burn down everything to ensure nothing remained. The Autarchs were already put under scrutiny by the System by sneaking into a sealed region. The Undead Autarchs had the worst of it. They'd actually snuck into the sector through the bell, and Zac saw how a shroud of utter darkness descended on them.

With the entity exposed, the System would likely hunt them down to the ends of the earth. Since they dared target the bell in the first place, they likely had some fallback. Whether it would work in the current chaotic circumstances depended on their luck. It didn't look good for them since they hadn't even managed to extricate themselves from the roiling sea of Creation yet.

Zac didn't have time to worry about his enemies' fate. He wasn't spared from the malignant attention from the sky, knowing neither he nor his companions were any safer. Even his tribulation had been hijacked by a greater wave of destruction as pitch-black lightning began raining down from the sky. It wasn't Tribulation Lightning. It was the Heavens going to war, unleashing pure extinction. He didn't have much time.

The last tendrils of B-grade power became accelerant for the tremendous amounts of energy still coursing through his body. The B-grade impartment was mostly expended, but Zac had intentionally avoided using any of the energy released by the remnants. With the addition of the Grand Dao he'd stolen, they held stronger and profounder energy than ever before.

The last streak of A'Zu's might pushed half the Creation into his Draugr body, using his Soul Aperture as passage. Meanwhile, half of the Oblivion was corralled to his human side through his Specialty Core. Each body finally held an even mix of each, and Zac rallied his exhausted mind to drag the rampaging energies into the fractals on his shoulders before they could clash.

With the lingering will of the remnants gone, there was no concerted resistance. And as soon as the process started, it looked no different than the previous times he formed a Glimpse of Chaos. Only this time, he was doing it in both bodies. The energy might have been insufficient if it had been his second or third attempt. With five remnants, a piece of Grand Dao, and the last scraps of B-grade power, the situation was the opposite.

An unprecedented Glimpse of Chaos was born, and a hint of extreme desire appeared in the darkness. Zac smiled, knowing he'd seized a path to Life in this sea of Death.


Jason Bradford

Awesome…and so much more to go……4 days 🥺

Jason Hatter

Wow. That's a hell of a good update. I think we can be satisfied till Monday.


Zac after grievously wounding four Autarchs, chopping the Epiclesis Bell open, and summoning the mother of all tribulations down on EVERYONE nearby: "AND NOW FOR MY SECOND TRICK!"


Sort of disappointed Zac apparently used both marks here


Imagine being an Autarch and deciding to step on an uppity Hegemon like a bug and instead a land mine explodes.


Awesome chapter

michael pigott

Tune in next week for Kator and his buddies to really enter the "find out" phase of f$$$ing around with the son of chaos.

Justin van mele

So will this still be hollow chaos or does zac have enough understanding and power to start to fill it up. Maybe one side will show chaos through life and creation and the other chaos though death and oblivion.

Russell Widger

But how spectacular was it though? I don't see how it could have been used better lol

Lex Luther S

Man, I pray kator survives, so this leaves a shadow in his dao heart for the rest of his life. And with TWO unprecedented glimpses of chaos to barging with, zac is set to make his escape and shatter that so-called wall of the Kan'tanu resolution chapter. One to bargin for his, vilari, and his followers' safety while the other sends some pain and punishment to that wall, if it's even intact lol. And man ohhh man his new skill to zac having such arrogant and bad ass lines as CONTROLLING Chaos. He has truly taken the next step in a way that's set him and his path up almost perfectly man. And damn I knew today's cliff was gonna hit hard but I didn't think it'd hit this hard; even truck-kun is laid out man

b bor


Adam Boshcoff

Can’t believe we have to wait until Monday to finish this! Ahhhhhhh!!! Also, can’t wait to get an Iz Tayn viewpoint of all the chaos Zac is causing 😁


tftc, everything I'd thought it would be and more. there has got to be some great system messages waiting and how many new titles??

James Faulkner

SO GOOD. Give me more goddamnit 🤤


How awesome is this!!!

Saijibott Saijibott

Don't do this bud. Don't give me such a dope chapter then ghost me. 🥲


I must say i follow this story since book three was out on Audible. And i loved it since. But the last couple of Chapters are just pure "Chaos"(and i mean that in a good way). Just F###ing awesome.

The lord of chaos

Does anyone know what editing day is? Is FD adjusting his future plans or he working on book 13?


I need the next chapter ty


Bro went super san


The professional cliffhanger creator is back!!! 😭 The chapter is too good to be cut off like this!!!

Timothy Dana

In this chapter we lean the grandest Dao of all is the Dao of Cliff

Shawn Treants

I love this story! Just keeps getting better!!


What a chapter. Truly Zac’s finest work yet. Love the symbolism. Feels like a major turning point in his path, who doesn’t love a good smiting and bribing. TFTC


Wonder how much of the chaos he will integrate this time, last time it was like 4 strands, right?

Michael Fannon

Man oh man, what a chapter! And if you need another day or 2 for editing, TFD, take them. This month's chapters have so far been close to the peak of the series, so please keep them coming.


I feel satiated 😌 perfect level of cliffhanger 👌

Michael Fannon

I NEED MORE!!! At least nevermore might finally end this week too, so at least I can look forward to that.

Michael Fannon

Not the first time an autarch or even a supremacy has had this experience with Zac. Pretty sure Zac is either going to become the number 1 target or the biggest "do not fuck with" for most factions after this mission.

Michael Fannon

I hope Kator survives. I really hope he does. I just want him to stare in utter shock and horror, just for Zac to shrug and say "I did say things might get a little chaotic." He can die later after Iz tests his fate.


Zac coming for Kator's booty after he deals with the big guys lol


Epic chapters this week. I totally get and support an extra editing day, getting this so right must be a challenge. Well done


Can twait for the stats somewhere next week

Michael Fannon

I think it is true chaos. Not hollow or even primordial chaos because Zac is the first person in this Era to unite pure creation and oblivion. I think he might get a title or 2 from this.

Ashar T


Michael Fannon

Hmm, one for forming earthly daos. One for being the first person to form true chaos in the era. One for making a supreme void skill. One for surviving atavism. One for making a new path (again). Maybe one for helping get rid of the invader hiding in the bell?


Why not just use one to delay until the glimpse

Alexander Hallonblad

This really lived up to expectations. I can see why these chapters took longer, but it was time very well spent! Have a good edit sesh!


Technically Zac still hasn’t even finished step one of his current plan. At this rate the citizens of Zurbor sector should be a little concerned.

Michael Esparza

Love this! Such fun development!


Hot diggity DAMN

Michael Fannon

Back at the end of PV, I was one of the people that complained about Zac having 2 bodies. Not because it felt like a cheap use of a very common trope, but because the entire series had been building up for Zac to stop hiding and show everyone exactly what he is. I fully admit I was wrong, the 2 body thing helped tremendously and Zac was out in the open, leading the entire sector and fighting on the front. But this chapter is everything I have wanted. Zac, fully unleashing chaos, proudly defiant of all powers in front of his way, and utterly dominating his adversaries no matter their faction or strength. All kneel before the Chaos Emperor, the rightful heir to the Void and Limitless Emperors. Love it.


I mean if you think about it, the Void upholds the Dao, and the representation of the Void is an incomprehensibly large mountain… From a certain perspective that’s just a big ol’ cliff. The answer was right in front of us all along.

Charles handgis

Absolutely epic chapter! Take all the editing time you need man.

Michael Fannon

As much as he wants. I think Zac will be able to generate chaos pretty much at will now.


She gave the mirror back so she will have to hear second hand 😂


Awesome chapter! A very interesting twist that he actually use the conflict between the two entities to make war his first heavenly dao. I were wondering about that earlier. Now we just need to trade the biggest glimpse of chaos this era have ever seen for safety for him and his crew. Im sure Vilari will be included in that as well. He must have gotten enough insight to raise his other two Daos up as well, maybe not now, but on the way into the Imperial graveyard. I actually dont even see him killing Kator now... Kator is supremely self-interested to the degree he is ready to sell out his whole faction to benefit himself. Im sure he comes away from this first row view of Zac going to town on 4 different Autarchs and a ancient artifact and concludes that no matter the reward for killing Zac, its simply not worth it to gamble it all on him being able to kill Zac. One thing is winning a fight, but with Zacs connection to chaos, his deep pockets and his connections.. Will Kator truly believe he can prevent Zac from escaping? And if he truly tries to kill Zac and fails, then he knows that his end will come for him very soon with the speed Zac improves. So Zac have not even entered the Imperial Graveyard to mess with the Kan´Tanu yet, and he have already (I think) pushed all 3 daos to Earthly daos, and gotten a number of other windfalls that even Iz might be jealous of.


This is the point where they go "Fellow Daoist! This was all a simple misunderstanding!"


So just imagine the anime character is floating in space, preparing to battle the last boss, he reaches his hand out and shouts "by the power of friendship!" Normally that's the part where his love interest would reach out and grab his open hand but maybe it's appropriate it's his other body that grabs his hand? 😆

Michael Fannon

With one of the peaks being realigned, the heavens and the system going to war, and utter chaos being unleashed across the sector, I think she will notice. I'm looking forward to her guardian's and Esmeralda's reactions more though.

frankie doerr

Look nothing bad to say about nevermore but to be honest I like the defier for the fight scenes and I like the character interaction for primal hunter

michael pigott

He's almost certainly dead as a result of this, even if Zac doesn't personally kill him He's completely screwed as a scapegoat for failing this entire situation THIS BAD. He's also completely failed at gathering any kind of Karmic connection with Arkaz.... it's impossible because of technocrat BS but nobody he answers to will know that. This entire power play is gonna be labeled "Kator doing something unwise" and swept under the rug with him. Or at at least an attempt will be made because the Abyssal lake is gonna get.... opinionated... about this, particularly if Zac starts closing doors because of betrayl.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.

Owen Kaz

I would truly like to see Kator backstep after this. Convince his "Backers" that it's the only path forward after what was pulled and even that is stretching it.


Wait, isn't his apprentice in the bell or was I drunk reading last month???

Palmer Evans

Damn kinda felt like Zac fully embracing his “Chosen One” role. He’ll take the power this fate offers while bending reality to HIS will and bet on himself coming on top even if it’s Laondio or the Heavens themselves opposing him

Luke Scheffe

Might be one for causing the deaths of the heart and spark. They aren’t dead yet, but it’s only a matter of time, from what Be’zi and A’zu said.


I was thinking that if any of the autarch have died, maybe one there

Luke Scheffe

I wonder if Zac can survive a single spark of the hatred lightning. Void heart would probably love it.


Epic week of chapters TFD, thankyou


He cut it open and cut the last protection the bell had. I don't think he damaged anything inside. Doubt he can save Vilari on his own, she will be targeted, but hello favors from the System.


Vilari is in there as far as I know. I’m sure she’ll come out like a peach though.


Excellent work

Jason Hardman

It's weird how Defiance, primal hunter, and HWFWM are all coming to climaxes at the same time.

David Giles

Zac used Naked Bribery. It was super effective.

Michael Fannon

Daughter more than apprentice. And hopefully she'll be more or less ok with system favors saving her. And with Zac as a father, you just know that she'll have an insane power up that will let her keep up with Zac.

Michael Fannon

Kator could survive and become a new Ogras. Realize it is far more profitable and fun to just grab Zac's coattails and hold on. Era defining treasures would simply rain on him then.


Thank you!

Bootsie Mcfootsie

Bone guy really thought he was the MC.

Michael Fannon

Taking a break to be able to craft more masterpiece chapters. Everyone need to rest occasionally. Also probably help with editing on book 13.

Lex Luther S

Impossible. As mentioned this is the heavens and even the system literally going to war and lightning on that level is likely what a supremacy or peak stage autarch would face.

Michael Fannon

And beware of chicken too. Not that I'm complaining, been loving it. Edit: can't believe I forgot DCC until the new chaptered dropped a bit ago. Book 7 so far is the best of the series by a wide margin. Everyone has been hitting great lately.

Lex Luther S

This is just a glimpse of the future. I excitedly await the day zac is an autarch because at that point, very few will be able to stand his equal unless they're a lot higher lvl than he. I'm willing to bet even as a first step autarch only 4th steps and above can face him without worry of failure to escape🤣


Remember earthly dogs aren’t supposed to have as high of a jump for stats as early stages daos do. It’s supposed to help “stabilize an inner world” so number will be good, but wonder if they will be lower than expected or if the emphasis will change with this level of dao

Mason W

A lot going on here. His Axe Dao evolved into Earthly Dao of War, but his other two evolved into Dao of Inexorability and Dao of Evolution?

Lex Luther S

Kator has already mentioned his dream is to become a grand Marshall of his phalanx so I doubt that'll happen unless seeing the sheer chaos and storm zac is spreading changes his kind.

Lex Luther S

It's why I feel the one destiny referred to in the seals and thrones line is about zac. Even that Monarch that's Iz dao guardian said zacs fate is like a black hole consuming all and if that's not "One destiny" material then nothing is lol

David Guevara

What a cliff man! I’m already itching for more!

Justin van mele

Imagine Zac's move right now being used in future system assisted Dao visions for new cultivators.

Lex Luther S

Well, given they called the bell early, they're already in like step 3 of their plan. Just not as close as wanted. Though with this much chaos going around I don't doubt for a second that the wall of resolution has been battered and beaten in ways it has never been before. And then there's the technocrats plan to call down the system onto that fortress of resolution and with it already mad from this entity, sensing the technocrats will charge it up to a degree that the wall is as good as dead. And in the background I can picture Iz eating some cosmic popcorn clapping her hands and laughing at the sheer chaos he's bringing.

Lex Luther S

It would be nice. Kator having to struggle for centuries to get his path and dao heart realigned while zac has long left him in the dust.

Michael Fannon

Just had a thought: has Zac ever thanked the system before? He has complained and got a personal response at the very beginning, so maybe a thank you might get another, and maybe, just maybe, something more. Like a "proud of you" message or something.


Kator must haver shat on his bones. The Guy just watched Zac blast four Autarchs; the Bell and the thing inside it all while creating a literal Sea of Tribulation Lightining and cleaving it in two.

Spagay Tittie

Might just be the best chapter yet. Thank you for bringing us this far.


I swear, if you don’t loot those autaurchs!! They’re already marinating in oblivion and creation! Fate wanted you to empty their pockets! Make sure Kator watches you while do it. No blink staredown the whole time! You know, the look you give the waiter you aren’t gonna tip them. 😡🫥. “This your uncle? Partly related? Grab whatever part is directly related to you, probably the spine that is now jello…”


These past few chapters have been amazing. The effort put into them is obvious and the produced product is stupendous. Awesome job TFD!


I can’t wait for Kator’s skull to roll. I really hate him.


Thanks all, Vilari is my favorite non 'main' character! Power up that girl

Michael Fannon

Didn't think of this. Hope Zac can loot goblin them before the system send them to safety.


“For our in flight meal, I’m gonna make my original recipe: Chaos stew. The first ingredient is a nice. Think. Bone broth..

Luke Scheffe

Consider: Zac could just give these glimpses to the system, trading for what he wants. But what if he, instead, uses these to force closed the gap made by the Void Divide, and bring the autarchs’ creation and oblivion together, forcing a much larger glimpse of chaos?

John Anastacio

I wonder how much of this will even be understood by people other than Zac. Everything happened very very fast, with massive amounts of power being thrown around by Zac and the System and the old Heavens. Enough to obscure and mystify what Zac did? Maybe. Mentioning this because mystery is scarier than knowledge and could help protect Zac from vengeance by the Sangha and the UE.


I so hope 1 died and he pushes straight to peak hegemon and has to consider internal worlds


Many of his strongest competitors were suspense by the Buddhists. So the second may not be as needed as before.


Image of Iz eating cosmic popcorn and laughing as Mr Bug is beautiful. Would love that.


Alive but heart demoned. Yea that's good if he isn't Ogras 2.0

Russell Widger

I mean, the timeliness for everyone else is: 1. Zac pulls put remnants 2. Tribulation starts 3. Zac and Arcaz attack with the strength of 2 autarchs 4. Zac forms Chaos If the past glimpses of chaos are taken into consideration, I'm not sure anyone looking will remember

Chase C

I'm not sure it's quite that strong considering it seemed like 2 first step Autarchs were enough to contain and destroy the bell on their own.


I agree Kator is a dipshit but he does play a small role in entertainment I bet it’s 50/50 he dies soon or at a climax later because he still feels necessary. However he is easily replaced with all the enemies Zac has. Hope he dies first next chap

Darnell Maxwell

🥲 It's so beautiful. I asked you to give Rapturous Divide the respect it deserved and not only did you do that but you went above and beyond to create a glimpse of utter beauty. It was even strong enough to cripple 4 autarchs and a b grade demon that shouldn't exist in this era. Thank you immensely for the chapter TFD.

Ben Heggem

i think with these people involved supremacies will glimpse at least something but like he said, the mystery of how he nearly killed 4 autarchs should protect him for awhile

Darnell Maxwell

They go back through the chapters released up to this point and preform any retcons, fix spelling mistakes, or clear things up before the chapters are put into the next book. They do stuff like changing the name of Zac's creation sphere to Origin Mark. Or change the cost of Mana to use the Steps Of Ascenion from 5,000 mana an hour to 500. Stuff like that.


Lmfao if you think this is the climax of this arc


8 so he can hit 200 and then use the earthly daos to push to mid late grade or use the lightning from this round to hit 200 if he can't grab 8. Although in theory he should be able to grab 16 since he has 2 bodies, so 8 from each.

Darnell Maxwell

He has. The issue is that it was quickly followed up by cursing the heavens after seeing the bill it left behind.


Ugh, you’re right. Definitely forgot about that caveat. Zac should be getting a sweet title with forming an Earthly Dao in D grade though, let alone with him not even reaching its peak yet. Maybe even a 2nd title with Rapturous Divides upgrade as well.

Michael Fannon

You know Zac is getting a few titles here. I kinda hope one of them is a limited title related to helping get rid of the evil thing inside the bell. And everyone on the ship (including Kator) gets it and it is a major one. Like 30 base luck and 30% effectiveness of luck. And I want Kator to get it because he needs to suffer the heart demons everyone else does around Zac.


How much does Sendor owe for getting to witness this shitshow?


Nah, in his pov he knows he's completely fucked

Darnell Maxwell

Also to people telling me that Rapturous Divide isn't Zac's best skill. Or wondering why I consider it his best skill. THIS! THIS IS WHY! No other skill Zac has gets this much utility or use every arc. Every single arc, Rapturous Divide not only gets used, it has a memorable impact on the arc as a whole. Whether it be one shotting a frigging beast king in the twilight forest, taking out hegemon's in the void star, or almost completely destroying a hegemon's ultimate skill in that big eal's stomach.


I’m flabbergasted…. I’ve never once considered Zac’s actions being possibly recorded for future Dao visions. I can’t believe I missed that. Kudos, cause that mental image is all that much more sexy.


*cut to random side characters watching* "What power!" "Impossible!" *Cut back to mc grunting* *Side character explains what happens* *More grunting* *Best friend/rivale looks smug and gives some comment about he always knew ...*

Jeff McCulley

I’m pretty sure he included spectating in his calculations. And he did tell Zac he’d pay for learning anything. Zac just has to go to the Perennial Vastness to collect. That might be a minute.


'The Defiant Asura'. And I wonder if there's a level beyond Eonic Seed

Jeff McCulley

What betrayal? Kator’s seniors set it up, not him. As he said, they only told him a few days previously. And when it came down to it, he actually helped Zac by whacking him with his time Dao. On purpose.

Jeff McCulley

Tommy, if you “hate” Kator, you might want to do a reread. Besides, absolutely the only place he’d be safe right now is if he high tailed it back to Zac’s cosmic vessel.


Wow! TFTC 😎

Jeff McCulley

The other two are still only Peak. He specifically says only the one is Earthly.

Mike Naka

Yeah TFD! PUH-LEASE don't burn out! Your story is getting better and better! Just like my all time favorite- The Dresden Files.

Jeff McCulley

Zac singing the Beatles’ “I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends”

Jeff McCulley

Umm…nope? Kator has been playing a role, he had no choice with the seniors showing up—and he actually helped Zac by whacking him. That’s when Zac realized it was all an act. Plus, the only way Kator is alive right now is if he high tailed it for Zac’s ship.


Also, literally getting to see the "Heavens going to war" has to do wonders advancing an early Earthly Dao of War


Nah, he tried to screw over Zac with the seals not being hidden

Jeff McCulley

Kator already “backstepped”. He helped Zac by hitting him with his time Dao. That’s why Zac was looking at him “thoughtfully”, because he’d figured out that Kator’s attitude was an act.

Jeff McCulley

They didn’t call the bell early. They stopped right where they wanted to when the Sangha showed up. They just had to rush outside to get it summoned. Ten minutes out, huh?" Kator said and took out a box. "Are you ready? Because there's no backing out afterward." "We're ready," Zac said. Ten minutes later…


Here kitty kitty kitty ahaha, the system is an addict. Great chapter.

Mike Naka

@TFD love to see a 1/2 POV chapter of the crew that starts with Oh Sh!t Oh Sh!t Oh Sh!t Autarchs and then Zac unleashing Rapturous Divide to their utter amazement as they witness it's overwhelming power. A quick scene of Iz's dao guardian with his jaw on the ground would be nice too! Heck, throw in the Sindris watchers. That'd be a heck of a fun chapter to read!

Jeff McCulley

Uh uh. Zac just made Kator really, really happy. A. His seniors messed with him by taking over his plan and showing up. B. They put the whole Ultom thing at risk—Zac is the only Flamebearer. C. When the chips were down. Kator whacked Zac with his time Dao to free him to act. D. That’s what Zac looked at him “thoughtfully”. Because he realized Kator’s attitude was just an act.

Jeff McCulley

lol. You folks really haven’t figured out Kator, have you? Well, Zac has—after Kator helped him with his time Dao. Zac looked at him “thoughtfully” because he realized it was an act. And the only way Kator is alive right now is if he’s sitting on Zac’s ship eating popcorn with everyone else.

Jeff McCulley

Wait—Sendor’s marks? No, one was the leftover he asked for when Sendor first showed up—“protect my vessel”. It was no time in between for Sendor, after all.


Been thinking, this has nothing to do to with the chapter just an interesting thought. Do we think TFD will have the chance to develop Zac as a family man? Tbh I don’t see it, his life is so off kilter it’s insane and it is looking like his enemies will keep pilling up. I do hope we get to see Zac with kids.

Luke Scheffe

Zac tried to bend him over the barrel to get the seals. That was just fair play.


Tbh I want to see the POV of the his people on the ship, this is the first time they are seeing what their Lord is truly capable off. Not just his subordinates Kruta and Cateya also.

Palmer Evans

I mean isn’t it obviously his best offensive ability?!?! Certainly it’s his most hype skill

Luke Scheffe

Given that he seemingly just turned against the rebellion in order to help Zac unseal himself, I say he’s a bro.

Jeff McCulley

Iz, at the edge of the next sector. Full bucket of popcorn, giggling madly. Recording it all for Grampa. Well, Thirdeye Guy is, who won’t forget. Meanwhile, Nutzu and Qu’Ullster, gaping at the display… Nutzu: “Are you sure you want to bring this monster back home to meet your mother?” “Never mind, he’ll get along fine with your lunatic uncle and auntie.” Qu’Ulster: “Takes after his Dad!”



Jeff McCulley

Sendor is standing there watching. Probably brought his own popcorn. (This is the whole reason he agreed to it, after all) And we all know that interesting little factoids often slip past Sendor’s lips. The Heartlands will know about it before Zecia gets a good account. Excuse me. Zacia.

Palmer Evans

Agreed - I think hating Kator doesn’t make too sense. He’s a great side villain for Zac and you could almost see them becoming comrades. But like I think Kator said or thought at one point, “there’s not enough room for two tigers” or something like that. So I think it might be the right long-term move for Zac to take him out because it’s seems that Kator will betray him at some point to try and usurp some of Zac’s fate. Basically, I like Kator as a character but it certainly seems like Zac is going to have to put him down somewhere down the line

Jeff McCulley

You mean, like when the Kan’Tanu Pope wanders over to see WTF is going on? :D

Jeff McCulley

Nah. In his POV he saved his a$$ by whacking Zac with Time Dao to free him. And Zac realized it, too. Knew it had all been an act. Sitting with the others on the ship right now, eating popcorn. Seriously. Helping Zac at a crucial moment was absolutely, positively the only way to form the karma Kator has been dreaming of (or at least gratitude), to get Zac to trust him. And he did it at the crucial moment. Without Kator, Zac is still sealed, can’t reach Sendor’s mark—and totally screwed when the Sangha duo beat the Undead pair.

Palmer Evans

The last closest stretch we had comparable to this was the Kator fight, but this is above it by miles imo. The impression this will make throughout the Mutliverse will be enormous. A frontier Hegemon with no backing crippled 4 Autarchs and significantly shifted a broken peak of the Heavens. He’s also likely about the win the war basically by himself by destroying an entire sector. I think the entire backdrop of the series has changed from this point onwards assuming the news of this gets to the factions in the Heartlands


No I hate him lol he literally just picked Zac up by his collar a couple chapters ago. Not to mention dosing catheya and everything else He needs to be humbled

Palmer Evans

I love you guys 😂😂 - I miss Cradle but DotF has filled the void in my cultivation-starved reader’s heart


I think Zac may have just become the first Chaos Apostle since the previous Era of Disorder. Or he's at least, getting damn close to becoming one. We're getting real close to Ultom now. It's also just about time for Alea to awaken as well. Zac's about to enter the Imperial Graveyard in the Eternal Storm to look for the crack in reality leading to the Lost Plane and then light up the [Centurion Beacon] to guide the Foreign Gods to come and.. serve as guardians? The tome on the [Foreign Gods] seemed to imply that the goal of the Centurion Project was basically to get them to serve as eternal guardians for the pillars (of the System?). Ventus should be showing up soon as well. Hell, Zac might even run into him in the Imperial Graveyard. They'll likely end up entering Ultom as soon as Zac lights the Centurion Beacon, completing [The Flame of Hope] quest and completing his Seal for the Inheritance. Also, in case anyone forgot (see ch. 1175), when they were at the Sixth Centurion Lighthouse, that massive scar was the result of one of the Blade Cardinals of the Limitless Empire (equivalent rank of an Autarch of today). They tried to smite one of the Elder Gods (presumably a higher ranked Foreign God?) resulting in that lingering scar of Killing Intent. Some of the energies of the Elder God and Killing Intent mixed together in some [Gravity Crystals] over the eons to form 'fake' [Fiend Crystals] that Zac absorbed. The Fiend Gods are apparently Corrupted versions of whatever 'vaunted existences' they were molded from. The Fallen Dao of the Lost Planet seems to be the cause of the Corruption. Well, Zac can definitely cleanse the Corruption, as we have seen, which should restore them to their true forms. Surely they'll be grateful and serve the Void Emperor for eternity, no? Now that I think about it, Zac's bloodline is still [Corrupted] as well.. hmm.. we've got some serious shit all coming together here! We should be done with the Ultom arc 'soon' and then we're off to the Sanctuary/Waking Nautilus arc! Side note, is anyone else picturing the Eidolon/Reaver fusion as a Susanoo from Naruto? Lol.

Laura Pilkington

Hegemon absolutely wrecking multiple Autarch’s shit? He better get a new nickname after this Is Kator even still alive?

Jeff McCulley

Currently on board the Yphelion. Ogras, munching on popcorn, turns to Kator—whose bony jaw just dropped: “See? Told ya so. Just wait until Act Two.” Carl rolls his eyes, picks up broom. Catheya: “What are you doing, Carl?” Carl, shrugging: “The Boss is about to leave an Autarch mess in Aisle Seven.”

Matthew Hay

I've always wanted TFD to include an epilogue at the end of the series with some newly integrated planet and some poor axe wielder gets drawn into a vision for his Axe Mastery skill and it's Zac in one of his most epic moments. I think it would be a good send-off.


Yep, sounds eerily similar to twilight harbor doesn’t it! That’s prime real estate!

Jeff McCulley

“Blade Cardinal”? The chapter said no such thing, not even remotely. A foreign god apparently showed up and abducted everyone (will Zac find them in stasis somewhere?) Then after the Limitless Empire fell and the System birthed, one of their former vassals whacked the place out of frustration. How you get that a Blade Cardinal would miss a foreign god so badly as to hit the fortress, I’m not sure.

Collin Sorrells

Kators POV before he's annihilated/wounded by just the ambient energy would be good 😊

Jeff McCulley

I’m sure there will be an arc where Zac will spend most of his time cultivating. And raising a family. Whether we’ll see much of it, I’m not sure.

Jeff McCulley

Just rereading Book 12. Did anyone else catch this? Zac’s assistant and guide is named Null. So effectively, the two are… …wait for it… Null and Void. Hey, TFD did it, not me! (Now I hope that when Zac goes back to the PV, he can talk Sendor into giving him Null for keeps)


I don’t the eidolon have remains lmaooo, one less Autarch for our janitor 😂

Collin Sorrells

Other than it being completely useless vs Iz Tayn and her family having authority over "certain" concepts it's based on 🤪. Nah rapturous divide is awesome! The only thing that's been used in the clutch to save his ass or finish someone comparably throughout the series is Arcadia's judgement. His undead skills are all cool. But they all work together more smoothly, are multiplicative to each other, and are more of a "sum of their parts being greater than the whole" kind of thing.


Yea with how a single D grade hard carried an entire sector they better change their names and start shaking hands and kissing babies, because the true Lord of Zecia or as we now refer to as ZACIA ha arrived

Collin Sorrells

This was perfect. He got maximum mileage out of the seal while also being involved in something that would impress sendor, while also not using it to cheese a fight with another junior cultivator around Zac's age, of which sendor was reluctant of doing.

Darnell Maxwell

1) The Tayn family has authority over Zac's defensive skill Empyrean Aegis. Not Rapturous Divide. 2) You used the quote backwards. It's "the whole being greater than the sum of It's parts." Which I agree does describe the skills in Arcaz's class.

Collin Sorrells

I liked the Kator POV where he despised how he was acting and would have preferred to form a relationship with Zac through comraderie, brotherhood, and battle but the elders said there was no time for it and wasn't their plans and that strategy would fail. And then he was bitching about and bemoaning his situation in general in a way reminiscent of Ogras 😭

Berry McCockiner

“and the Reaver had inadvertently been dragged into Zac's tribulation.” Was he talking about Kator here? I was thinking we got dragged into his tribulation

Jeff McCulley

Translating Kator 1. Kator is out for himself. 2. His goal is to gain power to one day head his faction. Even Ultom is simply a means to an end. Gaining power. 3. Hated having his seniors tell him what to do. Interfere with his plans. 4. He was antagonizing Zac simply because of orders. 5. Then he decided that a wary Zac would never trust him enough to let him in, so opposing him was the only way to seize fate. Gain providence. 6. Got put in charge of the mission. 7. Seniors screwed him over AGAIN by sending Autarchs to attack the Bell a stop early and catch a ride inside—only bothering to inform him just before they left. 8. Stood up to a Monarch by himself to give Zac time to summon the Bell. 9. When he sees that Zac is totally screwed, sealed with no way out, about to be snatched by the Sangha and mind wiped…. 10. FINALLY Kator sees his chance to help Zac unequivocally, earn his trust, and get a piece of Zac’s Fate Train… 11. At great personal risk (the monks might have objected) he whacks Zac when the Autarchs aren’t looking, infusing the hit with his temporal Dao in order to break the seal, so that Zac can do… 12. …well, whatever Zac does. Because Kator had been told by everyone from his uncle on down that Zac is chaos incarnate. 13. Immediately bailed and cleared the Zac zo—er, blast zone. Likely high tailed it for the Yphelion. 14. Zac watched him go “thoughtfully” realizing that Kator had just helped him greatly—and that Kator’s attitude had all been an act. 15. Rather than betraying Zac, Kator effectively betrayed what are about to essentially be two French-fried Autarchs. At least, that’s how his seniors will see it. 16. Joining the sweet, sweet Zac train. As a valuable ally, not as a groupie.

Jeff McCulley

No. The Reaver Autarch who made the bone cage. Since the System had to go through the Cage to give Zac (Zac was inside) his Tribulation, that counted as “interfering”. So he and the Eidolon were “inadvertently” drawn in, though they weren’t the System’s goal at that point.


I suspect the b grade is where Zach will finally fall short. He mentioned something about a method from a previous Era? Forming like 7 chains then breaking them. I kind of think that will happen.


Chapter 1175, from the tome of the [Foreign Gods]: "One of the Elder Gods even survived the strike of a Blade Cardinal passing through." Zac on the author of the tome: "He was far too powerful, quite possibly a genuine Supremacy under the Limitless Empire's Banner. How could the fortress have fallen so such a state if the author was there the day it was attacked?"


I hope Kator was just being an ass because of the commandments. He seems like he could be that really strong, boisterous character that takes a liking to the MC because he's also a muscle head so they end up getting along. Then he constantly tries to fight him for fun.


The annihilation within the bolts was far beyond anything he'd seen -> this is false. He saw his technocrat craddle get nuked by far worst.

Collin Sorrells

I think what your thinking of is what Jeeves showed to Kenzie. That was a Kenzie pov chapter.

Collin Sorrells

I got some strong Ogras vibes from him. Different personality but allot of similarities.

Collin Sorrells

Thanks, ya I said that backwards. I thought it was rapturous divide. That's what he went head to head with her with. The defensive skill seemed to work fine and even made her stumble and defended him for awhile.


Yee, I meant to write he had one earthly dao and the two others are probably not far behind. I did not put the same importance in that word "Thoughtfully" as you did, but you might be right. Its for sure gonna be interesting to see where it goes monday. With the amount of lightning that is gonna hit the area around the bell, and with the 2 undead autarchs more than busy enough saving their own ass, it is hard to imagine Kaldor surviving without Zacs help, and I doubt he will be snuffed out as a "ohh btw he died as collateral damage". If thats the case then I think its a good development. Zac need more equals on his own power lvl, or as equal as people can be to a talking, walking chaotic bomb of luck and greed. That is ofc only if Kaldor drops the arrogance act, or tune it down a few notches... Because if not he is way to annoying in my opinion :p

Darnell Maxwell

They keep a spatial crystal on them instead of spacial rings. Zac got one after that Eidolon he fought in the Twilight Forest died because they didn't want to give up the spark of oblivion.

Darnell Maxwell

We have seen him as a family man. The undead awakened by his essence are all his kids. Vilari even said all of the Einherjar see him as their father. Now if you mean will we see Zac changing diapers and stuff like that I highly doubt it.


I mean yeah the undead view him as their father but not on the level of intimacy between an actual parent and child . I want a situation where people are like shit that’s the first disciple of Zachary Atwood protecting his Scion and people loose their shit, the same way they act when they see IZ.


More like iz breaking the TV as interferences once again blocked everything. 😭


I’m imagining Zac and arcaz holding those glimpses of chaos like two gojos about to fire off hollow purple




it would be nice to get a POV from inside the bell leading up from when it was summoned to come her until now. Like to see what Vilari has been up to and her take on all this. Also hoping Kator gets a close up view of that glimpse of chaos as a thank you.

Russell Widger

You should go back and read that bit, Zac asked her how she broke through his defensive skill so easily, it's because the empyrean flame has authority over aspects of emphrean aegis. The Tayn family has no authority over rapturous divide

Mason W

Meh. I hope we don’t go down some Kator redemption arc. Fact is that he was purposely an ass to sow Karma, so let him reap what he sowed.

Andrew P

When he was training inside the whale he was jokingly called something along the lines of soul killer... isn't that now going to be a focus of his Dao? Not merely killing his enemies but destroying them utterly... because mere death isn't good enough.

MacMahon Wenzl

More or less. The stuff in the last chapter about his Dao impartments makes it seem that way, you know the whole "death is meaningless without true oblivion"

Luke Scheffe

They normally face entire oceans. I’m just asking for a single tiny spark, carefully shepherded over by the system.


This might be my favorite chapter so far. Will we get to see some reactions? 'The deviant azura met 4 autarchs and emerged stronger than ever, while they left crippled'. So good! Cant wait for monday


Or Vilari will just tell us her experiences


His Dao of Inexorability and Dao of Evolution are still aspirational at this point

Jeff McCulley

Thought about this. The Glimpses are formed within Zac’s own body. I suspect that if he used Creation and Oblivion that stretched “miles behind him”—and far more than that ahead—that it would be….BAD for the entire region of space.

Jeff McCulley

Yep, Collin. I suspect that aspect slipped past some people. Now, assuming I read it right, he seized that chance.

Jeff McCulley

“Screw over”? Nah, that’s just careful bargaining. Which Zac admitted he needed to get better at.

Jason Bradford

Kator is only 80 - you have to be under 100 to compete for Ultom, right? Or am I misremembering?

Jeff McCulley

Kator is probably sitting in the Yphelion eating popcorn with everyone else. It’s obvious what Zac owes Tavza, but he now owes Kator just about as much.

Jeff McCulley

Iz: “Uncle, can we get closer so we can see better?” Uncle: “No.” Iz: “Please? Pretty please? I NEED to see what’s going on!” Uncle: “No just no, but HELL no! Do you know what your grandpa would do to me?!!”

Jeff McCulley

Yes. The book on the Foreign Gods. That was written BEFORE the Fortress was either abandoned or destroyed. That scene is from when they were first capturing the Foreign Gods to experiment on them.

Jeff McCulley

Similar arc, too. In different sides. Suddenly helped Zac completely out of the blue, when he desperately needed it.

Jeff McCulley

Not sure why you think he needs a “redemption arc”, when all he was doing was being obnoxious. Fact is, right this moment Zac owes Kator pretty much exactly the same as what he owes Tavza.

Jeff McCulley

I’m actuallly curious as to whether she struck a deal where she has to protect the entity through this s***. I’m assuming the deal was only for Ultom, but who knows?

Lex Luther S

He was called "little lord" by some hegemons that had found him funny when he said he had mixed feelings of "destroying souls" for the quest to get desperations end only to find out that even autarchs can barely destroy a soul in the truest sense. But pertaining to the question of truly destroying his enemies souls, it's not possible for zacs current lvl of power. If even autarchs can barely destroy a soul then there's no way a hegemon can unless they've some busted bloodline like the primordial, literally being able to erase someone very existence. And I doubt the splinters or shards will change much given they are at best Peak D grade items after their atavism. Not only that but there's gotta be some very big repercussions for repeatedly permanently destroying souls given how balance is a major issue all cultivators face. Hell, ones right to samsara and reincarnation is so powerful that the eveningtide asura severing his right to reincarnate washed away all his sins and fell karma as once he dies, so to does his true soul.

Lex Luther S

Fucking facts. Given how TFD writes it really feels set up for a POV change. I really wanna see the technocrats reaction. Dudes gonna look at his sister(?)/cousin(?) And say "see!! I told you it would only backfire forcing fate with him and look, 4 autarchs are crippled and running away with their tails between their legs" while Iz and her subordinates are all looking at the big screen watching the Chaos happen with some cosmic popcorn and galactic soda.

Lex Luther S

I think a big issue is how many will bitch at such an arc. So many whinged and whinned during the fortress arc despite it being a solid arc with over arching consequences and a major power up. I personally want that to happen. As rava has mentioned, zac has gonna 300% since the integration and hasn't had the chance to experience cultivation at times of peace. At times where fate and time constraints aren't forcing him into one desperate battle after another; even rava says zac is too impatient, given he's an evolved lord at only 60 of age but she also sees that he's the center of a fates storm and fate will not wait for him to be ready until it's tide has receded. So my hope is after ultom, he, his subordinates and even a fire bug can all relax and cultivate in peace for at least a little while. The mission from his mother? The consequences of ultom? The repercussions of giving the primo the item he so desperately wants from the hollowed court? Throw all that into the back and let our man just have some peace and relative quiet. At least until the assimilation of earth.


Never really cared about those who bitched about the story, what people got to understand a story cannot always be exciting all the way through, it has to have slow moments so the story can progressOne piece is a great example of how certain weeks the chapter could be a drag and other times it’s straight fire. Tbh I agree Zac has been given 300% since the integration and the only real break he had was the three year time skip after the integration. Also if Zac somehow gets Ultom I don’t see rest coming his way at all, because now Supremacies will be gunning after him.

Lex Luther S

I'm rather certain rapturous divides upgrade is Raptorous beginnings while sonorous end is the undead sides version of that skill and might even require both bodies to bring out their true strengths. What we saw is the future he will embody. Life, death, and war dragged into one to create the divide of the void, a power and path so busted even the heavens were not but helpless before it. He certainly had to use the borrowed power of 2 4th step autarchs, but even borrowed, he still made it his own in a work of art that would surprise even supremacies. He truly will become a supremacy that can contend with even thrones in the future as none will stop the lord of chaos and it's rebirth.

Lex Luther S

Well, I see it as zac getting another lesson in life. Always hide you're trump cards and seals so they aren't restricted lol.


Cosmic popcorn that could probably buy Zac’s empire 😭😭😂😂

Lex Luther S

So far, his dao of life and death were only late stage while his branch of the war axe had reached peak mastery when earth was upgraded. Now, after his current experience it's safe to assume his branch of life and death reached the peak as zac basically made his 2 earthly daos for life and death in A'Zu and Be'Zis dao impairments. Though I imagine he's holding the breakthrough back to ensure he's finalized everything as it's only mentioning his dao of war evolving.

Lex Luther S

I'm almost positive it's that strong. The system seemed bored even though it was mad 4 autarchs had breached a sealed sector but the second that entity was exposed, the system and even the old heavens both felt endless wrath and were determined to destroy it and you don't bring some low grade lightning an autarch would face for that. Besides, while the bell was only strong enough to contend with 2 autarchs at the first step, the entity inside is a different story as that thing even infected a peak treasure likely almost at the grade that transcends A grade given it could call out to the beyond the terminus.

Lex Luther S

Ohhh you know factions are gonna be looking for Zac left right and center. A hegemon caused this much chaos? Fucking hell what will he do as a monarch? Dare we say autarch?


It seems like [Void Divide] is the true skill, and [Rapturous Beginning] and [Sonorous End] are the skill fractal split between his bodies for now. I can see him starting on this path to begin testing ways to fuse his bodies back together. Now I'm imagining him trying to fit his other skill fractals together like that.

Lex Luther S

Earthly immortal, a supremacy will hold back the heavens while said cultivator will tether themselves to the earth with 7 chains, the first chain is as hard to break as reforming a defective core and gets progressively harder while barely increasing ones strength. Hmmmm you could be right in this is how zac reaches autarchy though given he basically made his own way for hegemony, he'll most likely have to do so for monarchy and autarchy, though if he goes the earthly immortal route, that begs the question who he'll get to hold the heavens at bay.

Lex Luther S

Yeah I actually do like kator but it still doesn't change the fact he's ultimately a reaver and the bounty on zacs head is only gonna get bigger from here. Until zac holds the strength to contend punch for punch with kator, I'll keep the mindset he should be watched thoroughly and befriended with caution.

Lex Luther S

Yeah it said he was in his 80s, don't think we got a specific age but I could have just forgotten. And yes, only those aged 100 or lower can compete in these ultom trials.

Ashar T

Doesn't work that way. The energy is external so he won't get any kill energy.


So what will happen when Zac fuses his bodies back together? Will he be like before with life and death sides or become a single chaos attuned being? If TFD has him do a quirky fusion ritual DBZ style I will die laughing.


Thats an interesting point since she did agree to help inside the trial. With how many people he has to do stuff for in this trail it would be best to at least eliminate her now and prevent a bigger headache later.

Michael Fannon

Section right after that when Kator hit Zac with a bone mace and flooded him with Earth Dao to lessen the seal the Monks had. He then wisely noped the fuck out to get clear of the blast zone. Though I don't think he realized how big of a blast was coming.

Theta Time

That’s why I want Kator to join the Zac Train - him and Ogras are perfect foils for each other - comedy gold

Theta Time

And Iz and her guardian will have witnessed Zac weakening the authority of two primordials - hopefully confirming what Iz thought Zac was capable of - weakening the hold on the Empyrean thrones authority so Iz’s grandma can come back and, hopefully, personally thank Zac.. with $$$ and treasures

Theta Time

I think Zac will get Ultom, in the process free Iz’s faction of the systems pursuit by weakening Laondio’s authority over it - that will be a bigger deal to them than Ultom, because they will ally with Zac - he gets Ultom, they get full authority of the Empyrean Throne and the Atwood - Tayn era of domination begins. Plus they are both factions that like to rumble and break shit - the Multiverse better make way. Also, seems that Karz would or something IS the System, so he may have that as a full on ally..


Didn’t an Iz pov a few chapters ago say that she gave the mirror back and doesn’t use it anymore


No the entity inside. Why would anyone eliminate an ally with that kind of soul ability.

Spaghetti And Meatballs

I wonder how Abby is doing right now.... it's been awhile since we saw the little eyeball secretary. Did she end up leaving and I forgot?


I thought Mozius was protecting his wife’s throne? Just wondering how old the Tayns are as a faction maybe as old as the 7 heavens.

Jeff McCulley

Yes. However, if the Sindris have sensors that work from relatively modest distances away (compared to the mirror), I think it’s a good bet that the Tayn family has sensors on their vessels at least as good. Probably better.


I hate this. I hate this I hate this I hate this. GIMME MOAR CHAPTER!!!

Jeff McCulley

Doesn’t matter if a mark or seal is hidden or not. The bigger factions automatically seal everything, assuming that their opponents have one. That’s all Yselio did. It’s just a standard precaution.


Also btw, thank you TFD. Thank you for making me enjoy this story once again. I was so unbelievably sad when it got tedious (the Orom arc) but I have now remembered exactly why I loved this story in the first place.

Jeff McCulley

I feel a need to point out, the Autarchs have to actually die first. That’s hardly a guarantee. And before running willy nilly halfway across the Sector trying to get away.


Zac the tribulation junkie. Already developing marked tolerance if not outright dependency

Jeff McCulley

To become the Grand Marshall of his phalanx… You mean, pretty much the same way Ogras went home, kicked a$$ and erased names? Because he’s effectively the head of his whole clan right now, regardless of whether he claims it or not. Kator rides Zac’s coattails to power for a few hundred years, he’s got the gig…if he still wants it.

Jeff McCulley

Just a reminder. Hundred years for Earth is up, Zac has a new master coming by to say hello. I don’t think monarchy (probably before the hundred) or Autarchy are going to be a problem.

Jeff McCulley

The big jump is the energy tiers of Hegemony. And he’s not that far from 200.

Jeff McCulley

Hope you’re at least close to right. I feel like he should get 200 out of this, one way or another.

Jeff McCulley

Abby was literally the first character to see Zac for who he could be, and hitch her fate (and career) to his star. Aside from whether you count the System or not, I mean. I’m sure she’s still gleefully sitting there on Earth, managing Zac’s affairs and leveling wildly. And eagerly anticipating the next Empire expansions and upgrades. Hmm. I wonder what skills a Hegemon admin has?

Darnell Maxwell

The name changes when the arc ends and I have my explanation on how he leveled the skill. I still see people refer to upgraded pathbound skills for that very reason. I need time to remember the new name. Besides, the names aren't canon until the book comes out. To this day I swear Desperation's End was originally named Desolation's End.

Jeff McCulley

Nutzu and Qul’Uster aren’t related. She very clearly refers to his relatives (including Zac), not hers.

Jeff McCulley

The storm that attacked the Kayer-Elu had to do with the System being pissed off about things happening native to this reality. In this case, the system and the heavens are mad about a being from OUTSIDE this reality Both are currently WAY beyond merely “pissed”.

Collin Sorrells

The deviant Bro Squad 😭. In tandem, they would be perfect bodyguards. Lightning and Thunder.


He got a brief glimpse of it from the dimensional seed during the mystic realm arc


Ogras, sidling up next to Kator as they watch. "You think your are a Heaven's chosen. You think you want to BE a Heavean's chosen. Think carefully. THAT is what it means to be a true heavens chosen: 4 autarchs and the system all paying attention and acting in your life." Ogras wanders off.

Palmer Evans

“The Heavens roared as Zac’s Dao was put on full display” - This line goes hard. TFD knows how to write these hype scenes so well 😮‍💨

The Lost Pages

Really hope we get a sindiris interlude to see their reaction to the sheer Chaos Zac created.


Imagen Carl watched from a window and a tear run down his face and a smal wimper escaped him :D


My theory is that he's going to be very similar to before, but able to access aspects of all skills in either form, and eventually be able to change forms rapidly and as many times as he wishes.

Michael Fannon

Think it will be more of Kator stammering after watching this with Carl asking "first time?"


Kator is such a good character. Friend or foe, I hope he lives.

Michael Fannon

It's the sector of space filled with Zac's enemies who are also unorthodox. Might as well blow the whole sector.

Lex Luther S

Man I can't wait to see where all this chaos goes in todays ch. Especially the different POVs to his followers first look at him conjuring chaos. And vilari Especially; he told her when that cursed bell first arrived that he'd blow it up to protect her and she went into it's cursed embrace to protect zac and her family yet here zac is bargaining with the system to not only give them safe passage in this ocean of death but also protect vilari. She truly won't be able to ever doubt when the deviant asura says he'll destroy something.


Just rejoined after a break. Can anyone remind me what time posts usually up


Usually 2 and half to 4 hours from now. Around 2:30 PM to 4:00 PM central US time.


They have been later, I wouldn't start checking before 3et, maybe 4.

Lex Luther S

Really varies at the moment. Sometimes a ch will drop close to 2-3pm or at times drop at 4-5pm

Mike Naka

Dayum! Can't remember the last time a chapter garnered this many comments! Kudos all! Really enjoyed reading everybody's thoughts!

Jeff McCulley

I wonder if he’ll be combined into Chais—yet still able to split due to his Kayer-Elu core.

Jeff McCulley

I find myself amused by multiple references to US Central time. Y’know, since I’m sitting squarely in the middle of it myself. It would be hilarious if several of us were posting while sitting just a few miles from one another. :D

Roland Thomas Junior

Tick Tok Zac is Caz Iz Arcaz Palindrome Malindrome I'm just waiting forever and ever

Aaron Pennington

I can't wait until Zac saves Great Beauty Yrial from whatever Mystic Realm he was trapped in and he sees that Zac chose Fire and Ice for Dao companions


Yea this was nuts